FFXIV 3.3 Astrologian (AST) Best in Slot (BiS) Gear

3.3 UPDATED! AST Best in slot guide! “Always play the hand ‘yer DEALT!”. AST Lore buy order, Melding, Pages & Normals, more!

So the cosmos have guided you home – back home to the grind for gear! If you’re looking AST BiS for 3.3 you’ve found well! Here, you can find three options for the AST BiS…

Note: It goes without saying that -Diurnal will be almost identical to WHM BiS, Nocturnal will be almost identical to SCH BiS. So if you follow that “Classic mindset” you can check those out. However, in this page I will be talking about the DET focused set.

3.3 Notes: Aside from filler gear, the only thing that affects BiS is Relic – Sphere of the Last Heir. While melding may depend on your main stance, PIE is always a good idea, followed by DET if you adhere to this pages’ ideology.

Navigation: Astrologian BiS
AST BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order (&Pages)  | Crafted TBA

3.3 Astrologian Best-in-Slot

ASTItemMeld 1Meld 2PieDetCritSSN
WeaponPrototype Midal Metal AstrometerPIE VPIE V112118
HelmMidan Horn of HealingPIE VPIE V7266-
BodyAugmented Hailstorm Coat of HealingDET VDET V11799--
HandAugmented Hailstorm Gloves of HealingDET VDET V512469-ANY
BeltMidan Belt of HealingDET V-5446--
LegsMidan Trousers of HealingPIE VPIE V104-112-
BootsMidan Boots of HealingDET VCRIT V725812-
NeckAugmented Primal Choker of HealingPIE V-4949--
EarringAugmented Primal Earrings of HealingDET V-5446--
WristAugmented Primal Bracelet of HealingDET V-5412-36ANY
RingMidan Ring of HealingDET V-5446--
RingAugmented Primal Ring of HealingDET V--123651
FoodFrozen Spirits--2611--
StatsTotals from items ->81958722987
Totals w base, melds, gear ->1080805583441

AST BiS Discussion

Again if you follow the classic Diurnal=WHM Nocturnal=SCH you can check their respective BiS pages with the only chain being the weapon.

  • Diurnal: Augmented Hailstorm Astrometer
  • Nocturnal: Prototype Midan Metal Astrometer

Click on the tabs below – “Determination?” and “Gear Discussion”

Why DeterminationGear Options & Discussion

This page isn’t just about being cute and different. The set offers power and consistency beyond the usual AST setups.

I don’t like crit stacked Nocturnal AST. Let’s get that out of the way. Hoping for a crit shield is never ever a habit you should form, or better yet, never a situation you find yourself in often (It’s likely a tank or healer error if that’s the case). I’m not too sold on SS stacked Diurnal, either. The base stance bonus is much larger than you’d think.

Piety is still the most important stat for either sect, though, and this set reflects that. Without Assize or Energy Drain, AST’s only have ONE MAIN REPLENISHER OF MANA – Lumineferous Aether (+Celestial Opposition Extension, which should always be used). More Piety means less reliance on Ewer, and in effect more cards meant for raid efficiency – given how Royal Road on Ewer is the amazing AoE effect.

Why Determination? DET DIRECTLY COUNTERS AST’s downside which is “slightly weaker heals”. Yes, I understand crit does this too – but not as consistently as DET does. The problem with AST is the RNG reliant gameplay, and I DO NOT want to compound that with crit! So this set takes care of both the “weak” and “random” weakpoints of AST.

But still, after all that following either WHM BiS or SCH BiS is A-OK and I’m sure its A8S clearable. The power level of both setups definitely have their ups and downs.

There’s some discussion here, but the core remains… after all, the set is full of linear power – boasting 800+ DET and 1000+ Piety. Damn.

Melding Strategy can be changed if you’re the “DPS-er” in your healing duo. A lot of healers may tell you that CRIT is the most important stat for DPSing – this is false. Accuracy and Piety are the most stable DPS stats Since our set is packed in Piety – you can Meld accuracy to your hearts content!

Flex slots? There’s only a small bit of wiggle room in gear choices:

Augmented Hailstorm Bottoms of Healing: Is a legit swap for more DET, but sadly comes with SS which has indeterminate usefulness… depends on which stance you main and your co-healer class/dynamic. You do lose a hefty chunk of Piety, though.

Bracelet -another mindless swap. SS or Crit. Retains Piety. No loss in DET.
Gloves – Same story, the list above use one of each variant.


AST Lore Tomestone Buy Order

The tome spending strat below is to obtain BiS fastest:

  • Weapon: good “filler” until you down A8S. Meld PIE I guess.
    • Be mindful you need to time it with Hypercharged Tomestone
  • Body: Obvious second buy as any comparable Ilvl is from A8S
  • Hand: is “Equal to Midan”, but I guess just pick this up to save pages.
  • Ring > Earrings > Neck > Bracelet (is Equal to Midan)

ANYTHING ELSE IS OPTIONAL: Legs > Helm > Boots completing left (if you’re investing in fillers, left comes first).


Click on the expandables below to see how you should spend pages, and which Midas Normal parts to get first –

Midan Savage Pages


The below spending strategy is purely to obtain BiS fastest:

A5S: Ring > Bracelet (equal to BiS) > Any
A6S: Belt > Boots > Helm > Illuminati Dark Gobcoat x 4 > Any
A7S: Pants > Illuminati Taut Gobtwine x 2 > Any
A8S: Weapon > Any (Gobdip is okay and just wait for Weapon drop)

Midan Normal Parts


“what should AST’s pick up in Midas normal”! Is something I get asked often so here it is. This is a general thing, and people might have varying levels of gear or goals but as a catch-all good enough recommendation:

Week 1chainlensspringspring
Week 2boltlensspringspring
Week 3pedalpedalcrankcrank
Week 4boltboltanyany (shaft)

Why avoid chest? Yes it has massive DET, but alas, this early on in the tier (and it’s gonna be replaced by Lore Chest very very quickly) PIE would be the smarter choice. Bolts -> Midan Ring > Midan Bracelet > Any

W5 and up – ANY.

Click the above!!!

AST Crafted Gear Viability

So we can quickly update all BiS pages, I wont discuss every detail just yet. But of course, the above will fulfill 90% of your needs. I usually update this later on…

Navigation: Astrologian BiS
AST BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order (&Pages)  | Crafted TBA

Let the stars guide your looting and robot dismantling – and GL gearing up your AST for BiS in 3.3!

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FFXIV 3.3 White Mage (WHM) Best in Slot (BiS) Gear

3.3 UPDATED! WHM Best in slot guide! “Screw Ballad”. WHM Lore buy order, Melding, Pages & Normals, more!

So you haven’t been disheartened by Manipulator & Co! You’re back for more Robots in 3.3! If you’re trying to find the WHM BiS for 3.3 you’ve come to the right place! (Or a valid data point at the very least!)

3.3 Notes: The only relevant changes to BiS are the possibility to use the relic – Cane of the White Tsar. Stats? Well, you can’t go wrong with PIE. SS and ACC are also good, too.

Navigation: White Mage BiS
WHM BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order (&Pages)  | Crafted TBA

3.3 White Mage Best-in-Slot

WHMItemMeld 1Meld 2PieSSDetCrit
WeaponPrototype Midan Metal CanePIE VPIE V11200123
HelmMidan Horn of HealingPIE VPIE V720660
BodyAugmented Hailstorm Coat of HealingSS VSS V11724750
HandMidan Gloves of HealingSS VDET V7260120
BeltMidan Belt of HealingSS V-5412340
LegsMidan Trousers of HealingPIE VPIE V10400112
BootsAugmented Hailstorm Boots of HealingPIE VPIE V726900
NeckMidan Neckband of HealingSS V-544800
EarringAugmented Primal Earrings of HealingSS V-5412340
WristAugmented Primal Bracelet of HealingSS V-544800
RingMidan Ring of HealingSS V-5412340
RingAugmented Primal Ring of HealingPIE V-1151036
FoodHot Chocolate--301600
StatsTotals from items ->--860352255271
Totals with base ->--1121706473625

WHM BiS Discussion

Weapon? Honestly I don’t know if the 5 ilvls of Midan beats out Augmented or Relic. Personally, I’d be more than happy with the latter. I really don’t like crit, as you may know.

Why so much Piety? Piety is the most STABLE WHM STAT. Legit, it is the ONLY STAT that directly helps you in progression. Again, as most healers already know if you’re maxed out on iLvl, secondary stats don’t really matter. However, for pure power and the steps of reaching this point – Piety is the sole stat that will universally help you to reach “godhood”. The only reason you’d drop PIE is for niche reasons like absolute speed-running.

But I wanna deeps! Of all the healers, WHM has the poorest DPS efficiency with stifling mana costs and no sure-hit skills. As such PIE is still needed to an extent. What’s the best DPS stat? Crit fanboys will tell you crit, but that’s untrue. It’s ACCURACY! 

There’s not much to discuss about this tiers WHM BiS. All slots have Piety except the ring, and there’s no suitable substitute.

Boots? Don’t really matter. You can use either boots and still be happy. It’s a direct tradeoff of SS or DET.

Lessen Piety? The easiest substitutes would be switching the pants and chest (Using: Midan Chest of Healing and Augmented Hailstorm Legs). You can also replace any and all PIE melds to SS, DET or ACC. It’s better to have too much mana and adjust your build, rather than too little and regret.

To anyone that doubts PIE, I cleared A4S with zero ballad using sac strat far below ilvl 210. That includes many solo-healing phases.

If you’re a fan of Crit, or put massive importance to any other substat than PIE (SS and DET are good for me, but it’s a far second from Piety) then this isn’t the BiS list for you.


WHM Lore Tomestone Buy Order

The below spending strategy is purely to obtain BiS fastest:

  • Weapon: is a legit “filler” until you down A8S. The stats are great!
  • Chest: Bought first since midan is A8S.
  • Boots: And this is next since A6S is midan.
  • Ring > Wrist > Earring (Ordering a bit irrelevant, but Ring first is value)

ANYTHING ELSE IS OPTIONAL: Legs, Helm, Gloves, Belt purely for the stats, then the “other accessories” NeckRing (Unupgraded).

Using up Pages and Midas Normal Parts

Click on the expandables below to see how you should spend pages, and which Midas Normal parts to get first –

Midan Savage Pages

Midan Savage Pages

The below spending strategy is purely to obtain BiS fastest:

A5S: Ring > Neck > Any
A6S: Helm > Hand > Belt > Illuminati Dark Gobcoat x 3 > Any
A7S: Pants > Illuminati Taut Gobtwine x 2 > Any
A8S: Weapon > Any (Gobdip could be a good choice and wait for the cane)

Midan Normal Parts


“what should WHM’s pick up in Midas normal”! Is something I get asked often so here it is

This is a general thing, and people might have varying levels of gear or goals but as a catch-all good enough recommendation:


W5 and up – ANY.

This avoids the chest (sucky stats), and rushes the legs (great stats). allowing you to get the Weapon > Chest from Lore at week 5 – covering all major body pieces. It also fills most body pieces by week 3.

Click the above!!!

WHM Crafted Gear Viability

In order to facilitate the speedy update of all BiS pages, I will not discuss every detail just yet. But of course, the info here will encompass 90% of your needs. I usually update this later on…

Navigation: White Mage BiS
WHM BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order | Crafted TBA

Well, good luck on gearing your White Mage for 3.3, and I hope the robots drop the loot you need!

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FFXIV 3.2 Scholar (SCH) Best in Slot (BiS) Gear

3.2 UPDATED! SCH Best in slot guide! “Sorry I was Cleric”. SCH Lore buy order, Melding, Pages & Normals, more!

So you’re back with Eos and Selene for Transformers II?! I suppose you’re here for the SCH BiS for 3.2 – if so you’ve found something useful! Shoutout of thanks to my co-healer: Giggly Giggles!

Quicknotes: Healers don’t care about ACC cap, so I’ll be writing the BiS for those first. I will try to put up a preliminary BiS for all other classes.

Navigation: Scholar BiS
SCH BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order (&Pages)  | Crafted TBA

3.2 Scholar Best-in-Slot

SCHItemMeld 1Meld 2CritPieDetSSNotes
WeaponPrototype Midan Metal CodexPIE VPIE V12311200
HelmAugmented Hailstorm Crown of HealingCRIT VCRIT IV697200
BodyMidan Coat of Healing (ANY)CRIT VCRIT V10200112ANY
HandAugmented Hailstorm Gloves of HealingPIE VPIE V697200
BeltAugmented Hailstorm Belt of HealingPIE V-514900
LegsMidan Trousers of HealingPIE VPIE V11210400
BootsMidan Boots of HealingCRIT VCRIT V2472460
NeckAugmented Primal Choker of HealingCRIT V-1238490
EarringMidan Earrings of Healing (ANY)CRIT V-480051ANY
WristMidan Bracelet of HealingPIE V-514900
RingMidan Ring of HealingCRIT V-1254340
RingAugmented Primal Ring of HealingCRIT V-480051
FoodBakes Pipira Pira--37000
StatsTotals from items ->758622129214
Totals w base, melds, gear ->1112883347568


SCH BiS Discussion

Crit > Pie > Det > SS is pretty clear cut for most Scholars out there. Sadly, the gear we’re given in this patch forces quite a bit of SS on us.

A more stable evolution and one I prefer more (as noted in the table above) is to change up the Body and Earring to –

  • Augmented Hailstorm Coat of Healing
  • Augmented Primal Earrings of Healing
  • Lose Crit (BAD), Lose SS (GOOD)
  • Gain DET (GOOD), Gain Piety (GOOD)

So as we see from the above, the swaps result in 2 GOODS vs 1 BAD 1 GOOD, which is a gain IF YOU DON’T WANNA STACK CRIT LIKE A MADMAN. (In this case the tradeoff is justifiable, man!)

Accuracy Melds? Are totally legit. It’s the premiere DPS stat for healers (Piety probably second…), then of course CRIT for SCH. Given this factoid Melding Accuracy in all gear is OK, and probably gonna be a popular choice.

I know it’s massively unpopular – but I myself highly value DET on SCH. If this belief is more widespread than I think, please comment so I can add a tab for that.


SCH Lore Tomestone Buy Order

  • Weapon: Is a decent “filler”, and gives the most bang for buck…
    • But you have to time it with the Hypercharged Tomestone, so you’ll likely go further down the list before actually buying weapon.
  • Helm: Getting leftside first, with the hardest to obtain being top priority.
  • Hand: –
  • Belt: This marks the end of left-side.
  • Ring: Since we’re likely stuck with a 210~
  • Neck: Marks the end of all Lore buyable BiS.

Everything ELSE IS OPTIONAL! The next best things are Body, Earring for the swap mentioned above. After than Complete Leftside > Rightside.


The boxes below are expandable on click!!!

Midan Savage Pages


This strategy purely outlines the “speediest BiS” getting:

A5S: Ring > Bracelet > Earring
A6S: Boots > Illuminati Dark Gobcoat x 3 > Any
A7S: Legs > Illuminati Taut Gobtwine x 3 > Any
A8S: Weapon > Body > Any (Gobdip is OK and just wait for the Codex)

Midan Normal Parts


“what should SCH’s pick up in Midas normal”! Is something I get asked often so here it is…

This is a general thing, and people might have varying levels of gear or goals but as a catch-all good enough recommendation:

Week 1pedalpedalspringspring
Week 2chainboltspringspring
Week 3boltlenslensshaft
Week 4boltboltcrankshaft

W2 is the end of “value”, W5 and up – ANY. This method obtains all the Crit gear. For BOLTS -> Neckband first. Not much else to say here.

Click the boxes above to expand!!

SCH  Crafted Gear Viability

So I can quickly work on all BiS pages, I’ll come back to discuss every detail on the second pass. But of course, 90% of your informational needs are here already.

Navigation: Scholar BiS
SCH BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order (&Pages)  | Crafted TBA

GL decking our your Scholar for BiS! I hope deez gob bots drop the loot you need!

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FFXIV 3.2 Black Mage (BLM) Best in Slot (BiS) Gear

3.2 UPDATED! BLM Best in slot guide! “Lose Eno delete acct”. BLM Lore buy order, Melding, Pages & Normals, more!

Come back to prove that magic beats machinery in 3.2? Thanks for checking out out 3.2 BLM BiS! If it was a little unclear to anyone last time – it’s damn certain NOW: Spell Speed is king. Shoutout to our BLM Bazu Zhilei.

Quicknotes: SS is the undoubted emperor of stats for Black Mages – if you disagree, this is not the BiS for you.

Navigation: Black Mage BiS
BLM BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order | Crafted TBA

3.2 Black Mage Best-in-Slot

BLMBLM BiSMeld 1Meld 2AccSSCritDet
WeaponMidan Metal RodCRIT VCRIT V-1232483
HelmMidan Horn of CastingACC VACC V246948-
BodyMidan Coat of CastingSS VSS V-102112-
HandAugmented Hailstorm Gloves of CastingSS VSS V692448-
BeltMidan Belt of CastingSS V--48-49
LegsAugmented Hailstorm Bottoms of CastingACC VACC V24112-75
BootsAugmented Hailstorm Boots of CastingSS VSS IV-6969-
NeckAugmented Primal Choker of CastingSS V-5112-34
EarringAugmented Primal Earrings of CastingSS V--48-49
WristMidan Bracelets of CastingACC V-1251-34
RingMidan Ring of CastingSS V-5112-34
RingAugmented Primal Ring of CastingACC V-125136-
FoodMarron Glace--1137--
StatsTotals from gear254758337358
Grand total6081112691576


BLM BiS Discussion

1100+ Spell Speed – I can end the discussion with that.

So why not crit? So here’s how it works SS works better the more of it you have – hands down. In an extreme example, you only need a few points of SS to decrease cast time from 0.2 to 0.1 – that’s a 100% DPS increase (in this unrealistic but easy to understand scenario).

But crit works better when stacked, too? Yes it does, but not as good as SS with for BLM – since they have an infinite resource it’s all about getting as many fire cycles as you can in a fight or phase, NOT about getting the most damage per skill you do.

SS also increases your safety by a large margin – a stat that CRIT simply cannot emulate in any way shape or form. KEEPING your ENO, squeezing MORE from LEYLINES, moving out of danger AoE faster – there’s countless immeasurable bonuses SS grants to any BLM.

As for the gear there’s very little to discuss in this patch. Does it have SS? Wear it. None? Accuracy. It was a brainless process to reach this point.

Accuracy Cap? You need 6x ACC V’s to cap – 7 without food.

Creme Brulee vs Marron Glace? Is honestly a non-issue. You have to meld an extra ACCV to cover for the loss of Marron Glace. It’s maybe… MAYBE better by around 0.0004%. maybe. But the cost? Secretly, many of us care about how expensive Creme Brulee can be :)

At this point I’m just reaching into the void for more discussion points. Unupgraded Ring, while tempting – is likely a DPS loss. but again, if you’re an SS freak go for it… it’s another “Decimal” change, man.

BLM Lore Tomestone Buy Order

The lore tomestone spending order is to get BiS fastest:

  • Weapon: is priority but you may not have the hypercharged tome. Just go down the list for a bit while you wait.
  • Legs: By order of Midan depth
  • Gloves (Need accuracy?) Boots (Has better DPS).
  • Ring > Choker (Accuracy) > Earring (DPS).

ANYTHING ELSE IS OPTIONAL: left-side fillers should be prioritized (Chest, Head, Belt) then Bracelet, Ring (230).


Click on the expandables below to see how you should spend pages, and which Midas Normal parts to get first –

Midan Savage Pages


The goal with this listed strat is to gain BiS fastest

A5S: Belt > Ring > Bracelet > Any
A6S: Head > Illuminati Dark Gobcoat  x 3 > Any
A7S: Illuminati Taut Gobtwine x 3 > Any
A8S: Weapon > Body > Any (Gobdip and wait for Staff is OK)

Midan Normal Parts


“what should BLM’s pick up in Midas normal”! Is a common question, so here it is! This is a general thing, and people might have varying levels of gear or goals but as a catch-all good enough recommendation:

Week 1chainlenslensshaft
Week 2boltpedalcrankshaft
Week 3boltpedalcrankshaft
Week 4boltboltANYshaft

Getting pants is our priority with lore so we avoid it here. Shaft, while stats aren’t bad – it’s more of a concession to Midan Chest BiS and us having to use a filler for quite some time. This takes care of most left-side pieces to assist in survivability. Bolts? Ring > Earring > Any. Week5+ ANY.

Click the above!!!

BLM Crafted Gear Viability

To be updated later on to make all other BiS pages. 90% of info you’re here for is here already anyways.

Navigation: Black Mage BiS
BLM BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order | Crafted TBA

With 1000+ SS I hope it also increases the speed in which you acquire your Black Mage BiS in 3.2! GL with it!

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FFXIV 3.2 Warrior (WAR) Best in Slot (BiS) Gear

3.2 UPDATED! WAR Best in slot guide! “Ax is Hax”. WAR Lore buy order, Melding, Pages & Normals, more!

Back again to deliver the pain to deez goblins again I see? Welcome to the 3.2 WAR BiS! If for some reason you were hiding under a rock… – as of 3.2 tanks stack VITALITY! Thanks to Claes Henrietta for the help!

Quicknotes: Warrior BiS is an iteration of the PLD “Basic tank” set – the WAR BiS will account for the minimum 590 Skill Speed!

Navigation: Warrior BiS
WAR BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order | Crafted TBA

3.2 Warrior Best-in-Slot

WAR BiSItemMeld 1Meld 2AccCritDetSS
WeaponPrototype Midan Metal AxeSS VSS V-1238324
HelmAugmented Hellfire Mask of FendingSS VSS V-694624
BodyMidan Coat of FendingCRIT VCRIT V112102--
HandMidan Gauntlets of FendingCRIT VCRIT V4824-69
BeltAugmented Hellfire Belt of FendingSS V--51-12
LegsMidan Breeches of FendingSS VSS V-1127524
BootsAugmented Hellfire Sabatons of FendingCRIT VCRIT IV6969--
NeckAugmented Primal Choker of FendingSTR V--36--
EarringAugmented Primal Earrings of FendingSTR V-51--36
WristAugmented Primal Bracelet of FendingSTR V-51-34-
RingAugmented Primal Ring of FendingSTR V-36--51
RingMidan Ring of FendingSTR V-51-34-
FoodSteamed Staff---40-16
StatsTotal stats from gear--418626272256
End value--772980490610

WAR BiS Discussion

590 Skillspeed: Is the minimum needed SS for optimal rotation, (616+ to be safe). Which this set applies. The PLD BiS is the baseline for any tank set, and this set if merely modification of it, only changes being:

  • Earrings, to get some more SS (and puts us above ACC CAP)
  • Melding, wherein many DET melds become SS.

Thankfully, we don’t lose ANY crit at all to accomodate SS (But loses some DET and Parry, which is a pretty value change).

For those not yet A8S cleared – the 590 SS is almost inevitable as both the lore weapon  and coat have SS.
(Augmened Hellfire Battleaxe, Augmented Hellfire Armor of Fending)

Don’t care about 590 SS? Check out the PLD BiS.

Why STRENGTH melded in accessories? Yes, 3.2 is all about VIT on tanks – BUT that doesn’t mean STR is WORTHLESS. In fact, it still EASILY beats any secondary stat in terms of DPS (Crit, DET, SS). So we maximize this by melded STR when we can – in this case, only Accessories.

Accuracy isn’t a problem in this set, unlike the PLD set which requires a minor tweak depending on preference.

Ultimately the Warrior BiS is pretty amazing, with only a tiny percentage of “wasted” stats (A tiny bit of parry and accuracy). Thankfully, with the exception of melds – the difference is just ONE item (and weapon).

WAR Lore Tomestone Buy Order

The below spending strategy is purely to obtain BiS fastest:

  • Boots: Acc Crit – a stable first buy.
  • Mask: Since it drops later on…
  • Belt: Since it drops later on…
  • (Preference) Any other left-side filler (Chest>Legs>Gloves)
  • Weapon: Waiting until left is “complete” isn’t bad for tanks.
  • Ring > Wrist > Earring > Neck (Accuracy first!)

ANYTHING ELSE IS OPTIONAL: left-side fillers should be prioritized (Chest, Legs, Gloves) then Ring (Unupgraded).


Click on the expandables below to see how you should spend pages, and which Midas Normal parts to get first –

Midan Savage Pages


The page spending method below is purely for fastest BiS:

A5S: Belt > Ring > Any
A6S: Hands > Illuminati Dark Gobcoat  x 5  > Any
A7S: LEGS > Illuminati Taut Gobtwine x 2 > Any
A8S: Body > Weapon > Any (Gobdip then wait for Sword is OK)

Midan Normal Parts


“what should WAR’s pick up in Midas normal”! Is a common question, so here it is! This is a general thing, and people might have varying levels of gear or goals but as a catch-all good enough recommendation:

Week 1chainlensspringshaft
Week 2boltlensspringshaft
Week 3boltboltspringshaft
Week 4boltanyspringshaft

We avoid pedals (for BOOTS) since we pick that up with Lore ASAP. We also cannot get hands in a timely manner since we’re going for both legs and chest – so you can get gloves in Week 5. Otherwise, this method get ALL major body pieces quite fast.

Click the above!!!

WAR Crafted Gear Viability

As I said up top, going for quicker notes so I can update all BiS pages, will be going back for this on the second pass.

Navigation: Warrior BiS
WAR BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order | Crafted TBA

I hope you Fell Cleave your way to loot, progress and broken robots once again! GL gearing up your Warrior for BiS in 3.2!

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FFXIV 3.2 Summoner (SMN) Best in Slot (BiS) Gear

3.2 UPDATED! SMN Best in slot guide! “Pet battle isn’t new content”. SMN Lore buy order, Melding, Pages & Normals, more!

Taking “pet battles” to the next level again with SMN in 3.2? Well if you’re looking for Summoner BiS you’ve found it! Welcome to our 3.2 SMN BiS Guide!

Quicknotes: I’m a believer of CRIT > SS >= DET. Read notes.

Navigation: Summoner BiS
SMN BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order | Crafted TBA

3.2 Summoner Best-in-Slot

SMNBiSMeld 1Meld 2AccCritSSDet
WeaponMidan Metal GrimoireCRIT VCRIT V-110-118
HelmMidan Horn of CastingCRIT VCRIT IV-6969-
BodyMidan Coat of CastingSS VSS V-112102-
HandAugmented Hailstorm Gloves of CastingCRIT VCRIT IV6969--
BeltAugmented Hailstorm Belt of CastingSS V-365112-
LegsAugmented Hailstorm Bottoms of CastingCRIT VCRIT IV-2411275
BootsAugmented Hailstorm Boots of CastingSS VSS IV-6969-
NeckMidan Neckband of CastingSS V-355112-
EarringAugmented Primal Earrings of CastingCRIT V-123649
WristAugmented Primal Bracelet of CastingCRIT V-5148--
RingAugmented Primal Ring of CastingCRIT V--4851-
RingMidan Ring of CastingCRIT V-5112-34
FoodBaked Pipira Pira--1837--
StatsTotals from gear260712463276
Grand total6141066817494

SMN BiS Discussion

Spell Speed vs. DET with summoner in 3.+

Ok there’s a few reasons why there’s a lot more Spell Speed than Determination in the list above.

Reason 1) Gear restriction: The spread of stats forces us to take quite a bit of spell speed by default. Of course, CRIT is still king.

Reason 2) SS softcap: “new summoner” has a supposed SS requirement of 750(+). Please remember that SS now affects DoT’s…

Reason 3) Scaling: Now that you have an SS req, and you’re forced to get quite a bit of it via gear… why not go all in? DET doesn’t scale at all, and SS gets better the more of it you have- so why not? Then “On-crit SS+” is massive… so this is another scaling property of SS on summoner.

B-b-b-ut STAT WEIGHTS?! I honestly feel DET is overrated and SS underrated with SMN. I don’t 100% buy into numerical stat weights when it comes to classes with speed-stat requirements. SS it at the very least EQUAL to DET –  And even this guy seems to think so.

So if SS is “equal” to det or close to it… why not go for the SCALING stat? It’s pure madness to pile on det when you have a choice to pile on SS.

And as always SS have the upper hand in terms of being the only stat that allows you to fight raid mechanics and latency easier, and helps out with movement and botched rotations – DET cannot do this.

Want to reach Acc cap without food? Just simply put 1 Accuracy V in your melds.

SMN Lore Tomestone Buy Order

This lore spending strat is to get BiS fastest:

  • Weapon: technically “filler” but c’mon man. Any serious SMN will pick this up.
  • Legs: By order of Midan appearance.
  • Hands: Since it has ACC.
  • Boots: has pure DPS stats…
  • Belt: This ends left-side Lore.
  • Ring > Wrist > Earring by order of value.

ANYTHING ELSE IS OPTIONAL: left-side fillers first Body > Helm, then accessories Neck > Unupgraded Ring.


Click on the expandables below to see how you should spend pages, and which Midas Normal parts to get first –

Midan Savage Pages


Page spending strat below is for quick BiS:

A5S: Belt > Ring > Neck > Any
A6S: Helm > Illuminati Dark Gobcoat x 3 > Any
A7S: Gobdip > Illuminati Taut Gobtwine x3 > Any
A8S: Weapon > Body > Any (Gobdip then waiting for Book is OK)

Midan Normal Parts


“what should SMN’s pick up in Midas normal”! Is a common question, so here it is! This is a general thing, and people might have varying levels of gear or goals but as a catch-all good enough recommendation:

Week 1ChainpedalLensShaft
Week 2BoltpedalLensShaft
Week 3BoltboltCrankShaft
Week 4BoltanyCrankShaft

This setup is pretty simple. It prioritizes pieces you won’t be getting with lore (Body, Head) then picks up fillers by reversing the lore order. Week 5+? Any.

Bolts? Ring > Neck > Earring > Any

Click the above!!!

SMN Crafted Gear Viability

Is this even needed with all the free gear? 90% of info you need regarding BiS is listed above – I’ll update all the crafteds when I can…

Navigation: Summoner BiS
SMN BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order | Crafted TBA

Be good to your egi’s and the loot will come! GL getting your Summoner 3.2 BiS! Thanks for checking out our guide!

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FFXIV 3.2 Ninja (NIN) Best in Slot (BiS) Gear

HEAVENSWARD FINALIZED! NIN Best in slot guide! “We’re FOTM! Huton 4days!!”, NIN Esoterics buy order, melding and more!

So you’re back with daggers to dismantle robots 3.2?! Don’t be Suiton about your BiS since you’ve found the right place – Welcome to our 3.2 NIN BiS Guide! Shoutout to Raika Tsugum for helping me out!

Quicknotes: Eh, not much to say here. If you have an alt BRD or MCH, since they all share the same accessories pretty much.

Navigation: Ninja BiS
NIN BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order | Crafted TBA

3.2 Ninja Best-in-Slot

WeaponMidan Metal DaggersCRIT VCRIT IV-110-123
HelmAugmented Torrent Halfmask of ScoutingCRIT VCRIT V6969-
BodyAugmented Torrent Tabard of ScoutingCRIT VCRIT V7824107-
HandMidan Gloves of ScoutingCRIT VCRIT IV-6966-
BeltMidan Belt of ScoutingDET V-5146-
LegsAugmented Torrent Tights of ScoutingDET VDET V-1122478
BootsMidan Boots of ScoutingCRIT VCRIT IV6969--
NeckMidan Neckband of AimingDET V-365112-
EarringAugmented Primal Earrings of AimingACC V-125134
WristAugmented Primal Bracelet of AimingCRIT V-5148--
RingAugmented Primal Ring of AimingCRIT V--4849-
RingMidan Ring of AimingCRIT V-361251
FoodBaked Pipira Pira--1837--
StatsTotal stats from gear369751338252
End value7231127579606

NIN BiS Discussion

The BiS is quite intuitive this time around and it basically builds itself. Nearly every piece with crit is used with the exception of Midan Body.

Midan Body isn’t too big of a loss since we actually need the accuracy from its counterpart. Midan Body also has SS so the 88 Crit (while sorely missed) is something we just cannot afford to dip our greedy hands into.

Even with the Mudra Changes, SS is still pretty bad. It’s main function is a garbage stat that you’re forced upon cause you have no choice in gear selection.

The Augmented Torrent Kris is an amazing “filler”. Not all classes can say their lore weapon stands up as a near equal to the Midan Counterpart but Ninjas have that luxury. Besides, not everyone will be able to clear A8S asap.

There’s not much else to say here. Un-upgraded Ring may provide less than 0.3% DPS increase but is overall a bit of a hassle, and has problems scaling into greater content (so adjusting your gear to this may not be the best idea IE more ACC Melds)

NIN Lore Tomestone Buy Order

The below spending strategy is purely to obtain BiS fastest:

  • Weapon: Amazing stats, worth every tome as a “filler”.
  • Body: Since Midan is A8
  • Legs: Since Midan is A7
  • Helm: Rounds out left-side BiS
  • Wrist > Ring > Earring by order of value stats.

ANYTHING ELSE IS OPTIONAL: left-side fillers first Gloves > Boots, then accessories Neck > Ring(Unupgraded).


Click on the expandables below to see how you should spend pages, and which Midas Normal parts to get first –

Midan Savage Pages


Page spending detailed below is to get BiS fastest:

A5S: Belt > Neck > Ring > Any
A6S: Boots > Hands > Illuminati Dark Gobcoat x 3 > Any
A7S: Illuminati Taut Gobtwine x3 > Any
A8S: Weapon > Any (Gobdip while waiting for Dagger is OK)

Midan Normal Parts


“what should NIN’s pick up in Midas normal”! Is a common question, so here it is! This is a general thing, and people might have varying levels of gear or goals but as a catch-all good enough recommendation:

Week 1chainpedalSpringSpring
Week 2boltpedalSpringSpring
Week 3boltlenslenscrank
Week 4boltboltANYcrank

This setup is perfect! We avoid body for 2 reasons, the stats are nightmarishly bad, and we’re picking up lore body ASAP anyway. I don’t know what else to say except that you get all important gear pieces in 4 weeks. Head and Belt are extraordinarily good fillers.

BOLTS = Ring > Neck > Any. Week 5+ ANY.

Click the above!!!

NIN Crafted Gear Viability

I’ll update this later on so I can finish all the other BiS lists. Pretty much 90% of what ‘yer lookin’ for is here already anyways.

Navigation: NIN BiS
NIN BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order | Crafted TBA

Doton’t let RNG and Robots put you down! You’ll get your Ninja 3.2 BiS soon! Good luck with it, and thanks for checking out our NIN BiS Guide!

Follow us on Facebook for more FFXIV updates!

FFXIV 3.2 Monk (MNK) Best in Slot (BiS) Gear

3.2 UPDATED! MNK Best in slot guide! “GL3 is down but TK is up -_-“. MNK Lore buy order, Melding, Pages & Normals, more!

The best mechanics get their hands dirty y’know? If you’re back as Monk to take robots apart in 3.2, you’ve found the right place for 3.2 MNK BiS!

Quicknotes: There’s a bunch of sets that can come up with very similar stats (900~ CRIT, 500~ DET 600~ SS).

Navigation: Monk BiS
MNK BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order (&Pages)  | Crafted TBA

3.2 Monk Best-in-Slot

WeaponMidan Metal KnucklesCRIT VCRIT V-2412383
HelmAugmented Hellfire Mask of StrikingACC VDET V6069-12
BodyMidan Jacket of StrikingCRIT VCRIT V7824-107
HandMidan Gloves of StrikingCRIT VCRIT IV6969--
BeltMidan Belt of StrikingCRIT V--4851-
LegsMidan Breeches of StrikingDET VDET V-1127824
BootsAugmented Hellfire Sabatons of StrikingDET VDET V-694824
NeckMidan Neckband of SlayingDET V-3651-12
EarringAugmented Primal Earrings of SlayingDET V-3651-12
WristAugmented Primal Bracelet of SlayingCRIT V--4851-
RingAugmented Primal Ring of SlayingCRIT V--123649
RingMidan Ring of SlayingCRIT V-5148--
FoodBaked Pipira Pira--1837--
StatsTotals from Gear348662387323
Grand Totals7021016741541

MNK BiS Discussion

Like many of the 3.2 sets, the advent of melding has made it possible that a bunch of setups can reach very similar stats. But first of all – let’s talk about Skill Speed.

Skill Speed or DET? Okay so we all know Crit is best for us, and as such the set has over 1000 of it. So where do we want our stats into next?

I don’t believe the hard and fast numbers of stat weights. The popular belief is that DET beats SS. This however does not take SCALING into account. But does it even matter? When we are almost FORCED to have 600++ SS to get anywhere NEAR BiS stats!

So as a concession to many many configurations and discussions with others, I have arrived at the set above to be a “balanced” set regardless of your thoughts. It has a really high Crit rating and SS rating which BOTH SCALE well, and still has a little det since we can’t go TOO crazy with SS. Why?

I could have melded more SS in place of DET melds (something you can do if you like) but TP will start to become a real issue at those levels of SS. Unless you have a NIN or your comp uses Paeon – do it at your own risk.

I have made multiple sets wherein I get a higher DET rating and lower SS rating, but I truly feel that since we are already forced to have a rather high SS – I’d rather embrace that than lose CRIT just to reduce SS and gain DET. Again, stat weights cannot take scaling into account.

Regardless though, the difference between these two “more Det less SS” setups is seriously marginal. Any set within the “BiS range” of stats will perform within the 95+ percentile of each other.

MNK Lore Tomestone Buy Order

  • Weapon: An excellent “filler” weapon – any serious Monk who wants to clear A8 should invest in this. The stats are GREAT.
  • Helm: has slightly better stats than boots (ACC / CRIT)
  • Boots: It’s the last left-side lore BiS…
  • BODY is a NOTABLE FILLER: You can pick it up now…
  • Ring > Earring > Wrist by order of “value”.

Everything ELSE IS OPTIONAL! left-side fillers priority Body > Legs > Hand > Belt – then accessories Neck > Ring (Unupgraded)


The boxes below are expandable on click!!!

Midan Savage Pages


This strategy purely outlines the “speediest BiS” getting:

A5S: Belt > Ring > Neck > Any
A6S: Gloves > Illuminati Dark Gobcoat x 3 > Any
A7S: Legs > Gobdip > Illuminati Taut Gobtwine x 3 > Any
A8S: Weapon or Body > Any (or just wait for the drop, and use Gobdip)

Midan Normal Parts


“what should MNK’s pick up in Midas normal”! Is something I get asked often so here it is…

This is a general thing, and people might have varying levels of gear or goals but as a catch-all good enough recommendation:

Week 1chainpedalspringshaft
Week 2boltpedalspringshaft
Week 3boltboltspringshaft
Week 4boltanyspringshaft

Aim to get body and legs ASAP as we want Midan BiS. The only lost value here is we cannot get CRANK (Gloves) anytime soon, so you might wanna pick up a crafted. Floor 2 becomes really useless since we pick up Lore Boots and Helm asap. What do?

W5+: Pick up Crank in 3/4!
Bolts? Ring > Bracelet > Neck > Earring

Click the boxes above to expand!!

MNK Crafted Gear Viability

I’ll get back to this as I upgrade all the BiS lists – 90% of what you need is already up there, though.

For MNK, I gotta say you should buy the Gloves if you feel like A6 won’t go down anytime soon. Since you’ll only be getting Cranks Week 5+.

Navigation: Monk BiS
MNK BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order (&Pages)  | Crafted TBA

Well, I wish you all the luck in getting your Giers! GL with your Dragoon 3.2 BiS! For more FFXIV updates, Like our Facebook. Message us on Twitter! Check out our YouTube and Twitch!

I wish you get your loot lightning fast! GL with your Monk 3.2 BiS!

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FFXIV 3.2 Dragoon (DRG) Best in Slot (BiS) Gear

3.2 UPDATED! DRG Best in slot guide! “I dropped blood”. DRG Lore buy order, Melding, Pages & Normals, more!

So you’re thrusting forward yet again as Dragoon in 3.2! Well you’ve been pointed to the right place for 3.2 DRG BiS! You’ll need it to get the jump on these robots!

Quicknotes: There’s alot of sets that can come up with VERY similar stats.

Navigation: Dragoon BiS
DRG BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order (&Pages)  | Crafted TBA

3.2 Dragoon Best-in-Slot

WeaponMidan Metal SpearACC VACC V2486118-
HelmAugmented Splitstream Helm of MaimingACC VSS V606912
BodyMidan Jacket of MaimingACC VACC V2478107-
HandAugmented Splitstream Gauntlets of MaimingACC VACC V2448-69
BeltMidan Belt of MaimingACC V-1236-51
LegsAugmented Splitstream Breeches of MaimingACC VACC V2411275-
BootsMidan Boots of MaimingACC VACC V2469-48
NeckMidan Neckband of SlayingACC V-4851--
EarringAugmented Primal Earrings of SlayingACC V-4851--
WristAugmented Primal Bracelet of SlayingCRIT V--48-51
RingMidan Ring of SlayingCRIT V-5148--
RingAugmented Primal ing of Slaying
CRIT V--124936
FoodBaked Pipira Pira1837
StatsTotal stats from gear357745349267
End value7111099567621

DRG BiS Discussion

Let me first preface this discussion by saying theres more than one way to arrive at a set that has nearly the same stats. And a whole lot of other
ways to make sets that are about 95%+ efficiency as this BiS.

Accuracy? It’s got 99.8++ frontal accuracy for A86 which should be more than enough. This should be enough! If you’re foreseeing problems, go ahead and change one of the ring melds to acc.

621 Skillspeed? It’s 5 points above the practical softcap of 616 (and the absolute minimum for DRG which is 590). As far as I know DRG’s should not go much higher than 616 – it may even be detrimental to the rotation. If you wan’t to go for 590+ (depending on your latency and experience) you can drop the single SS meld above and meld a DPS stat.

The LORE WEAPON and LORE BODY both have SS, and both are good fillers anyway. Lore Body large amounts of accuracy, So DO NOT HESITATE to pick that up even if it’s not BiS!

Melding? Can be a pain since it’s one of those sets that need accuracy melded on. Stick to cheapmelding IV’s (DPS stats or ACC) if you’re far from your BiS, and switch to accuracy V slowly. (The lore body helps out with this)

Lore Body BiS? Is very possible. Just change the melds and switch body piece THATS IT. The only downside is a little overcapped with SS, and lower DET (Not too painful). The upside? Much more flexibility with melds. It’s not BiS but can serve as a temporary solid set. This is the route you wanna take if you have no money for ACC V, lol.

Aside from this, the set works out quite well with over 1k crit and a safe level of SS (616+), and the rest being the “worst”, non-scalable stat, DET
which we can’t really avoid. Overall, quite a good BiS yet again for DRG!

DRG Lore Tomestone Buy Order

  • Weapon: Still worth even if its not BiS. Go further down the list if you haven’t gotten your hypercharged tome yet.
  • Legs: By order of Midan appearance. (A7)
  • Helm: Likewise (A6)
  • Glove: Since helm is a more stable choice, this is last.
  • BODY (You’ll get this either now, or after accessories).
  • Ring > Earring > Bracelet. By order of stability.

Everything ELSE IS OPTIONAL! left-side fillers priority Body (if you didn’t get it earlier),  Boots, Belt – then accessories Earring > Neck.


The boxes below are expandable on click!!!

Midan Savage Pages


This strategy purely outlines the “speediest BiS” getting:

A5S: Belt > Ring > Neck > Any
A6S: Boots > Illuminati Dark Gobcoat x 3 > Any
A7S: Illuminati Taut Gobtwine x 3 > Any
A8S: Weapon > Body > Any (Waiting for Spear and getting Gobdip is OK)

Midan Normal Parts


“what should DRG’s pick up in Midas normal”! Is something I get asked often so here it is…

This is a general thing, and people might have varying levels of gear or goals but as a catch-all good enough recommendation:

Week 1pedalpedalshaftshaft
Week 2chainlensshaftshaft
Week 3boltlenscrankcrank
Week 4boltboltANYANY

We avoid legs since we’re getting it with lore ASAP. The body isn’t too good but its better than 210. Pretty good since you get all body pieces by W3. W5+ = ANYBolts? Ring > Bracelet > Any

Click the boxes above to expand!!

DRG Crafted Gear Viability

Well, I’ll get back to this once I wrap all BiS up – it’s pretty much better for ALTS at this point anyways. 90% of the info you’ve come to look for is above, anyway.

Navigation: Dragoon BiS
DRG BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order (&Pages)  | Crafted TBA

Well, I wish you all the luck in getting your Giers! GL with your Dragoon 3.2 BiS!

Follow us on Facebook for more FFXIV updates!

FFXIV 3.2 Bard (BRD) Best in Slot (BiS) Gear

3.2 UPDATED! BRD Best in slot guide! “Paeon again!?”. BRD Lore buy order, Melding, Pages & Normals, more!

A song of venom and wind to rust and ruin deez rampaging robots! Back as Bard in 3.2? Well, you’ve found the right place for 3.2 BRD BiS! Shoutout to Tiffany Faye!

Quicknotes: Of course, is very similar to MCH BiS. 3/29/16 I UPDATED THE BiS! I wrote this one quite early, and underestimated Skill Speed on BRD. I was stuck in the Gordias mindset and if given the choice choose DET over SS with a small stat weight difference. MORE ON THIS IN THE NOTES SECTION. The list below reflect the better stat weights of SS and actually being able to USE it. The change from the original list I posted is TWO items (chest) and 2-4 melds.

Navigation: Bard BiS
BRD BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order | Crafted TBA

3.2 Bard Best-in-Slot

WeaponMidan Metal BowCRIT VCRIT V-110118-
HelmMidan Goggles of AimingACC VACC IV6969--
BodyMidan Coat of AimingCRIT VCRIT V-102-112
HandAugmented Torrent Armguards of AimingACC VSS V6069-12
BeltMidan Belt of AimingACC V-125134-
LegsAugmented Torrent Tights of AimingCRIT VCRIT V-102-112
BootsMidan Boots of AimingCRIT VCRIT IV6924-48
NeckMidan Neckband of AimingACC V-4851--
EarringAugmented Primal Earrings of AimingACC V-125134-
WristAugmented Primal Bracelet of AimingCRIT V-5148--
RingAugmented Primal Ring of AimingCRIT V--4849-
RingMidan Ring of AimingCRIT V-3612-51
FoodSteamed Staff---40-16
StatsTotal stats from gear357777235351
End value7111131453705

BRD BiS Discussion

Bard best-in-slot ain’t so bad this time around. This set features the ‘PRACTICAL’ absolute maximum critical hit chance a Bard can attain without gimping themselves.


My original BiS list favored DET over SS even if SS had a tiny tiny edge over DET in terms of stat weight, due to reasons no longer valid in 3.2.

Skill Speed is actually pretty good these days! Why the change of heart? Well, the main reasons are its TP, Stat weightCast time and Scaling.

Lesser TP costs and encounter uptimes in 3.2 – TP isn’t really an issue these days. so that’s a tiny nod for SS.

Stat Weight? Even on its own, SS beats out DET by a tiny tiny margin.

Cast Time is a “non-tangible” bonus that you can move out of AoE faster, and may be able to get your skill off safely as compared to DET in some niche cases, providing a practical DPS boost that isn’t seen on the sheet.

Scaling? Det scales poorly, while SS scales better the more you have of it (but not quite as good as CRIT still). So in effect, if you’re gonna dump your other stats that “aren’t crit” into one pile – it’s better off in SS.

Do we really have to buy lore weapon? Yes, it’s a bitter pill to swallow but yes you do. The Sephirot Bows stats aren’t exactly magical… delay the weapon no later than after left-side purchases.

BRD Lore Tomestone Buy Order

The below spending strategy is purely to obtain BiS fastest:

  • Weapon: Horrific stats, luckily you’re forced to buy other items due to waiting on Hypercharged Tomestone… “what do”. You’ll have to buy this at some point, man.
  • Legs: Since Midan filler is A7.
  • Hands: Ahh some much needed accuracy…
  • Ring > Wrist > Earring in that order of value.

***THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DELAY to buy WEAPON is after you’ve completed left-side items!***

ANYTHING ELSE IS OPTIONAL: left-side fillers first Body > Boots > Head > Belt, then accessories Neck > Ring(Unupgraded).


Click on the expandables below to see how you should spend pages, and which Midas Normal parts to get first –

Midan Savage Pages


Page spending detailed below is to get BiS fastest:

A5S: Belt > Neck > Ring > Any
A6S: Head > Boots > Illuminati Dark Gobcoat  x 3  > Any
A7S: Illuminati Taut Gobtwine x 2 > Any
A8S: Body > Weapon > Any. (Gobdip and just wait for bow drop is OK too)

Midan Normal Parts


“what should BRD’s pick up in Midas normal”! Is a common question, so here it is! This is a general thing, and people might have varying levels of gear or goals but as a catch-all good enough recommendation:

Week 1chainboltspringspring
Week 2pedalpedalspringspring
Week 3boltlenscrankcrank
Week 4boltboltlensANY

With this setup we’re trying not to get body as we’re buying lore chest ASAP. All the other body pieces have pretty amazing stats and will serve you or a long time! BOLTS = Ring > Neck > Any. Week 5+ ANY.

Click the above!!!

BRD Crafted Gear Viability

I’ll update this later on so I can finish all the other BiS lists. Pretty much 90% of what ‘yer lookin’ for is here already anyways.

Navigation: Bard BiS
BRD BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order | Crafted TBA

Blood let the robots fool you – your loot is definitely out there! GL gearing your Bard 3.2 BiS!

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