FFXIV Weaver Leveling Guide L1 to 100 (Dawntrail UPDATE)

DAWNTRAIL UPDATED! Power level your WVR L1 to 100 in no time! WVR Levequest tips, rotations, gear updates and more!

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Dress to Impress in Dawntrail!

If you’ve been here before and need quick navigation:

Weaver Leveling guide - Navigation: [0-15] [15-35] [35-50][50-60]
[60-64] [64-70] | [70-80][80-90] | [90-100]

So you decided you wanna be a Weaver ey? Well, don’t believe the rumors. It’s NOT EXPENSIVE AT ALL! With some changes that happened along the way, WVR got a lot easier. I’m sorry for the long first page you can just scroll to the Basics or Leveling begins!

Before you begin…

Where is the Weaver’s Guild? How to become a Weaver? You can become a weaver by visiting the Weaver’s Guild in Ul’dah. You just need to reach level 10 in your primary combat class, and you’re good to go!

Ok so we’re in the middle of updating ALL crafting guides – We recommend the use of a few guides during your leveling process, in varied current state of usefulness:

Weaver Levequests List: A table featuring all levequests for WVR 01 to 50. (100% updated)

Crafting General Leveling Tips: This guide was made back right after beta. It’s not updated, but it’s missing two key features: Ixal and Challenge Log. (Old but still useful) (Needs some Mahiko Updates!)

Crafting Gear Guide: is still useful, but written a long time ago. It’s messy but contains a great table as to when you can and should update core pieces. (Old guide, kinda messy(Needs some Mahiko Updates!)

Weaver Class Quest Item Reference:

WVR 01: Hempen Yarn
WVR 05: 3x Hempen Breeches
WVR 10: 12x Hempen Cloth
WVR 15: Cotton Scarf, Cotton Shepherds Slops
WVR 20: Cotton Acton (Materia-enhanced)
WVR 25: (HQ) Undyed Velveteen
WVR 30: (HQ) Velveteen Gaiters
WVR 35: (HQ) Linen Shirt
WVR 40: (HQ) Woolen Tights
WVR 45: (All HQ) Woolen Beret, Woolen Gown, Woolen Gaskins
WVR 50: (All HQ) Patrician’s Bottoms, Patrician’s Coatee, Patrician’s Wedge Cap

Just use the above as a quick reference if completing multiple Weaver class quests at once. The 50 to 60 ones are in that specific section of the guide.


How to use this guide!?

Each listed tier has some self-explanatory sections such as:

  • Next class quest Item required.
  • Relevant Weaver levequest locations.
  • WVR Levequests items discussion (tier specific).

We will be using a few amount of ‘codes’ here to make your life easier, as long as you understand them.

  • [H] : HOMETOWN, which in WVR’s case is Ul’dah.
  • [L] : LOCAL levemete. This changes every tier.
  • [C] : COURIER LEVE. From [H] to [L].
  • [RC] : REVERSE COURIER. From [L] to [H].
  • [R] : REPEATABLE , or a “Triple”.

Basic [H] and [L] leves are the BASELINE for value. [C] and [RC] give more than the basics, but require travel time. [R] gives the most of all, but is a massive time and material sink.

In this guide I will try to recommend the best levequest for each type.

Useful links to have open:  WVR Leves List | DoH Gear Guide |

More experienced players can escape the early levels with our…

Shopping List Method

You can get to WVR 15 in less than an hour if buy some Company-issue Engineering Scroll and complete your Crafting Log. The GC Scrolls, these can be bought from your GC’s supplier NPC. Below is a list of items needed to complete your crafting log from L1: Hempen Yarn – L15: Cotton Shepherds Slops.

Buy the following items:

  • 62 Wind Shard
  • 77 Lightning Shard
  • 94 Undyed Hempen Cloth
  • 74 Hempen Yarn
  • 24 Undyed Cotton Cloth**
  • 21 Leather
  • 11 Cotton Yarn*
  • 9 Animal Sinew
  • 9 Straw
  • 7 Hard Leather
  • 6 Copper Ingot
  • 4 Moko Grass
  • 3 Cock Feather
  • 2 Cotton Boll
  • 2 Bronze Rivet
  • 1 Bronze Ingot
  • 1 Beast Sinew
  • 1 Carnation

The above Items can MOSTLY be found in the WVR Guild Supplier + Ul’dah Tradecraft Merchant.

The only other NPCs you need to buy from are these:

  • ALC Guild Supplier (Ul’dah) – Cotton Yarn*
  • BSM / ARM Guild Supplier (Limsa) – Undyed Cotton Cloth**

After completing the shopping list above, activate your scroll and be 15++ quick!

RESULTS MAY VARY! (Rested EXP, HQing, etc…)

Ixal Beast Tribe Daily Quests: Bonus Crafting/DoH EXP !

Putting it here to remind or notify you that such a thing exists, but:

Starting Quest: A Bad Bladder
NPC & Location: Scarlet at New Gridania (9, 11)
Prerequisite MSQ: Pursuit of the Past

These dailies are best used to push past “bad tiers”, or simply on your highest level non 50 crafter. I suppose you can also use them on crafting classes which are lagging behind for one reason or the other.

If you’re super fresh and have all low level crafters, and happen to unlock it early – you CAN do them now.

Weaver 0 to 5: the Beginnings!

[H] 1x Hempen Chausses: NPC BUYABLE MATERIALS
[H] 1x Hempen Underpants: NPC BUYABLE MATERIALS
[C] 1x Hempen Undershirt: NPC BUYABLE MATERIALS
[L] 1x Hempen Halfgloves: NPC BUYABLE MATERIALS

**If you choose to, you can buy COMPLETED cloth and yarn from other vendors. It greatly speeds up the process, but you get a little less EXP.

“What is the Courier, Reverse Courier Cycle?” A courier levequest starts from your Hometown (In WVRs case Ul’dah) and ends in the local levemete (In this tiers case Scorpions Crossing). The idea is to get, complete, get, complete in a circle to maximize the EXP of your travel time.

So WVR 01 tier – it’s getting the quest from Ul’dah to submit 1x Hempen Undershirt in Red Rooster Stead, then taking the reverse courier quest from Red Rooster Stead and then submitting 1x Hempen Coif in Ul’dah. This is by the way the fastest+least hassle way to get out of the early tiers.

“How do I get to Scorpion Crossing!?” It’s a non-aetheryte town outside U’dah. Just take the Aethernet to Steps of Nald gate and walk a bit outwards.

The other way to spend leves in these low tiers is to “spam the best single leve”. In this tiers case, is to buy materials from the WVR supplier and craft>submit Hempen Halfgloves in Ul’dah.

Weaver Level 05 to 10

All levequest items below have 100% NPC Buyable Materials.

[H] 1x Hempen Tabard: Unnotable.
[H] 1x Amateur’s Dalmatica: Unnotable
[C] 1x Hempen Kecks: Recommended due to high EXP.
[RC] 1x Hempen Acton: Recommended due to high EXP.
[L] 1x Hempen Shepherd’s Tunic: Best single.
[L] 1x Amateur’s Breeches: Unnotable

**Like I mentioned before, you can buy completed cloths and yarns at the expense of EXP. You can even quick synth ‘em.

Courier  <-> Reverse Courier cycle: Nothing much to say here. Materials buyable from WVR supplier (or completed yarns/cloths from other merchants). Doing this cycle yields the chunkiest EXP with the only downside of a little travel time.

Or the best single: While all the items are relatively easy to make and cheap, Hempen Shepherds Tunic might be the ‘easiest’ to make at this point. But don’t sweat the choice between singles in this tier.

Weaver Level 10 to 15

All levequest items below have 100% NPC Buyable Materials.

[H] 1x Cotton Scarf: Unnotable.
[H] 1x Straw Hat: Brainlessly cheap, easy and hassle-free!
[C] 1x Cotton Turban: Recommended due to high EXP.
[RC] 1x Stablehand’s Hat: Recommended due to high EXP.
[L] 1x Hempen Bracers: Unnotable.
[L] 1x Cotton Halfgloves: Unnotable.

Cotton Yarn & Cloth can be bought in: Housing Vendors, Sylph Vendor mainly. (Other vendors sell one or the other only)

Courier  <-> Reverse Courier cycle: With a total cost of 4 Undyed Cotton Cloth and 3 Straw for each cycle, this is dirt cheap. Suck up the travel time and do it.

Or the best single: Damn, Straw Hat needs 3 pieces of straw and a shard. Cheap, easy recipe level, no hassles… this is the go-to single this tier.

Summary of this chunk

Courier / Reverse Courier is best in early tiers

L1: Hempen Undershirt [Ul’dah] / Hempen Coif [Scorpions Crossing] L5: Hempen Kecks [Ul’dah] / Hempen Acton [Scorpions Crossing] L10:  Cotton Turban [Ul’dah] / Stablehand’s Hat [Horizon]

Of course, we also can recommend the best singles:

WVR 1 Leve Recommendation: [H][1] – Hempen Chausses
WVR 5 Leve Recommendation: [H][1] – Amateur’s Dalmatica
WVR 10 Leve Recommendation: [H][1] – Cotton Scarf

Weaver Leveling guide - Navigation: [0-15] [15-35] [35-50][50-60]
[60-64] [64-70] | [70-80][80-90] | [90-100]

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71 thoughts on “FFXIV Weaver Leveling Guide L1 to 100 (Dawntrail UPDATE)”

  1. This is the Weaver’s leveling guide, but it says “Culinarian Leveling Guide”. I think a copy/pasta type occurred, JSYK.

  2. Greatly appreciated, but has no one noticed the title is CULINARIAN Leveling [sic] Guide?
    I thought my search engine had a bug! ;)

  3. Spent too long trying to figure out what PDO stands for. Once I found the only other plausible reference via Google, I couldn’t believe that I had just wasted the time. For anyone wondering, PDO stands for “poor, desperate, or overcapped (this word was created by someone who doesn’t understand English well enough),” but please correct me if I am wrong. Despite this, I appreciate the guides tremendously.

  4. just a small note,the triple turn in on level 70 leves is “turban in training” not “lovely leggings”,you might want to make an edit :P

  5. [H][R] 3(9)x Woolen Smock: Triples are both sucky.
    ^ This has been changed and its 1 per instead of 3

    It’s actually do-able either purchasing these armor from NPC or crafting yourself.

  6. Is the formatting for the 71-80 Shadowbringers section of Weaver a complete mess for anyone else?

    None of the drop down sections with the + mark work (‘I’m desperate: yellow scrip gear?’ and ‘Cross-class skills’ for example) and the some of the mini sections with grey backgrounds seem empty, like the ‘Macro 1 Macro 2 Success Rates’ part. I’ve tried this site in multiple browsers and they all have the same problem, but the rest of the guide from 1-70 and the other jobs’ guides are fine.

  7. Good guides as always. The only suggestion I would throw out there for folks when they first hit 70 is to use the level 70 scrip (350) gear to start off. The gear is cheap enough and the custom deliveries will provide all of the scrips you could need for purchasing the gear. The stats are quite as good as the crafted gear listed in the guide, but close enough for a cheaper alternative (imho).

    1. This is correct! The yellow scrip gear has its own section, but I should make the point more “known”. I recommend the left-side and weapon if you can afford it.

  8. Hallu, thanks for the guide on Weaver. I just hit 55 on my Weaver and got the biggest value collectable. Ramie Cloth, which is easy af to craft. Basically as easy to collect as Birch Syrup for Culinarian. So yeah, there IS a good weaver collectable unexpectedly.

  9. Weaver Level 20 to 25

    [L][R] 3(9)x Cotton Coif of Gathering: Highly recommended.
    Do not recommend :( i just made 20 only to discover that the triple now only gives 5Kish exp where the singles give around 12-13K

  10. One thing that can salvage weaver is doing the Moogle beast tribe quests daily, they give roughly a half a level worth of exp at level 52 when you do all 3 plus it unlocks that beast tribe vendor.

  11. Heya,

    nice guide, if I may say so, helped me alot :)

    Just wanted to mention this, in the rotation-macro for the 40DUR Rotation, use:
    /ac “Master’s Mend”

    It makes the rotation smoother, I know, is too short, but 3 is too long, 2.5 fits in perfectly and feels “better” to see it xD. It’s just a minor thing and not a “must”, but it has a better flow :)

  12. I have a couple of newbish questions and hopefully someone can answer them for me :D

    1. Why not use Waste Not II in the rotation instead of using Waste Not I? I mean I think I see why you use it and if its because you get more out of it then waste not II then ignore my question haha

    2. Also on your melds, I see cheap meld 1 and cheap meld 2. Is that meant for to be picked on wether you want cheap meld 1 or cheap meld 2 or is that what both sockets should be used for? I hope I was clear on that question. So if I used the first socket for cheap meld 1 would I use the next socket for cheap meld 2? If there isnt a socket then I should overmeld it? Just want to make sure I wasn’t over thinking this at all. Which I usually do!!

    Thanks for an awesome site and great guides :D

    1. Waste not II isn’t bad, it’s just much easier to make a more flexible rotation with WN1. Cheapmeld 1 and 2 is for sockets! And yes if there isn’t a socket overmeld it. Remember to use frumenty for the +10cp while leveling to help reach the CP caps.

  13. What do the numbers in “Best?” mean? I can’t find anywhere what your model of reference is, so I don’t know which is the best option for each tier, if 3 or 1.

      1. On the 64 – 70 Section when you’re talking about the optional 64 rotation, there is still a mistake referring to WVR (not having the name of lightening skill) instead of ARM i am assuming.

        1. If you’re referring to the cross-class section, I admittedly have to choose ONE of the elements… but yes name/brands are interchangeable and I’ll have a look at what you’re sayin

          1. He’s reffering to the [Optional rotation Lv64 4oDUR]:


            Which is not true, WVR has brand/name of lightning, I think you mean GSM has none (and CUL).

            And thanks for all the effort you put into this wonderful guide, I’ve been using it a lot!

  14. hey, i think most (if not all) of the shopping list items for the beginning of this guide can be bought from the generic material suppliers found in housing districts
    so if your FC has a house with one of those merchants that might be a more convenient place to shop than running around between 3 npcs

  15. I managed to level from 56 to 60 in about 6 hours by handing in collectible ramie cloths. Perhaps not the fastest way but buying stalks of ramie and collecting my own flax only cost me about 60-70k to get those last 4 levels. Whilst using engineering manual II’s and food buffs.

      1. It’s in a newer patch. It only gives 10 blue scrip and 110k exp. But if you compare the prices of some of the leve items and mats, it’s a great value. Not sure if it’s Ramie Cloth all the time, but I can let you know!

  16. I’m not seeing a gear update still? That would be very helpful, I’m pretty (totally goddamn) lost when it comes to melds, I never had a 50 crafter pre-3.0, and my wvr is now 56 and still rocking a few 50 equips.

  17. I’m not sure if it’s fastest, but I found it really easy between 56-58 to spam the collectable for ramie cloth. Not only are the mats easily obtainable, it also gives scrips to start you off (to get the WVR masterbook for 58-60). Crawler silk is just too expensive on my server

  18. I followed all the steps to level Weaving from 1-15 and all it BARELY got me to level 14. I have no clue where you guys got this idea of your method getting someone to 15 LET ALONE 15++. Not only did I follow every step (including the scroll), but i also used an EXP helm from 1-11 and i ate and orange for another 3% EXP and still I was only able to just hit 14.

  19. I’m confused why you would go Holy Rainbow Apron for your 52-54 option? It requires 1 less Cloth and 1 less Wyvern leather, sure, but you have to make two of them for the hand in, and have to submit twice to get the same XP as the Holy Rainbow Sarouel of Casting, meaning 4 aprons (8 cloth 4 thread) vs 1 sarouel (3 cloth, 1 thread, 1 leather) for the same xp. Unless wyvern leather is prohibitively expensive and difficult to get for you, I can’t see why this would be the better option.

  20. In the tier 56 to 58 the hallowed ramie sash of casting is quite good on my server, because you get them from a npc quite cheap (11k Gil)
    The mats for crawler silk and crawler silk itself is far too expensive (mats: 18k gil for 1!, Crawler Silk: 22k)

  21. The Ixal Deliverance quest is also a good thing to do daily. The quest itself doesn’t give much exp, but HQ item turn-ins do.

  22. I prefer to do the Leve “Felt for the Fallen” from 58 to 60. 198,778 exp for 3 Chimerical Felt. It will take 20 leve allowances and a total of 60 normal quality Chimerical Felt to go from level 59 to 60. A little less than double that for 58 to 60. I hate farming Deepeye Tears (I find the other mats trivial for the dissolvents) which is why I choose the leve over crafting any type of gear (collectable or not).

    To help those who choice to do the healer or caster corsets: Mogpoms are 100% catch in the Greensward of Churning Mist (8,34) with Goblin Jig. (used in making Intellect Dissolvent). Flying is required to reach here. and you need to be 58FSH to use the Jig. Blue Cloud Coral is caught in “Cloudtop” fishing hole in Sea of Clouds (15,38). Level 51 Fishing, use a Red Balloon, turn on SNAGGING!!!

  23. Just gotta add. Since latest patch. Handing in 3 HQ items 3 Times only gives 100% bonus EXP. Courier quests are by far the faster (And cheaper) way of leveling now.

    1. 100% is truth across ALL leve types now. However, courier becomes extremely painful in the level 35+ range (no aetheryte)

  24. [C]ourier Leves: Levemete is from the [H]ometown, to be submitted to the [L]ocal Levemete. I’m confused on what that means. Read info below.

    Level 40 WVR Leves [L]ocation: Coerthas (Whitebrim) | Ul’dah
    Level 40 Weaver Leves Items Discussion:

    [H][3] Linen Deerstalker

    Where do I go to obtain that leve? I don’t see it in Whitebrim.

    1. Every tier has ONE levequest which ORIGINATE from (lets say in weavers example) Ul’dah, and is submitted to the level-specific levemete in another town. For example, Level 45 courier quests would take you from Uldah to St. Coincachs.

  25. For the first part you tell us the shopping list but don’t tell us what to make with it…what am I suppose to craft with those items?

    1. Below is a list of items needed to complete your crafting log from L1: Hempen Yarn – L15: Cotton Shepherd Slops.

      It’s above the list

  26. Just used this 1st part of the guide in patch 2.2 and I was already lvl 7, with the boos. After I finished wasn’t even close to lvl 15 :( about 13 and a half.. don’t think I did anything wrong. did I miss something?

    1. Nothing wrong. I just think this guide is out of date, or forgetting to mention something.

      I found that increasing the quality of an item gave extra xp, so it’s something I did as soon as I could, but I still fell short of 15. I’m just QSing cotton yarn for the remaining level I’m missing.

        1. Dunno about earlier posters, but I just finished 1-15 craft logs and even did the first two crafts in the 15-20 log, all while using the GC Engineering Scroll, and making sure to go for as much HQ as I can on each and every craft… and it got me halfway through level 14.
          Something is definitely up with the guide. =/

  27. Just noticed a typo – Quarrymill is in South Shroud and Costa del Sol is in Eastern La Nocsea. :)

    1. hmmm.. not a typo! It means there are [L]ocal leves in Quarrymill and Costa, and the [H]ome leves from Ul’dah are still available!

  28. Fleece only costs 41 gill each on my server now (about the same amount as the flax I bought when I was still leveling weaving a few months ago), thanks to overfarming and bots, so I guess weaving just became easier on my server, at least.

    1. Yes, fleece and diremite webs price have dropped since this writing! Is it a permanent thing? Something due to bots offloading for housing gil? I’ll wait a few days before i adjust this guide for that anomaly! :D

  29. In the 35-40 tier, I would say that the single turn in for Linen Cowl is cheaper than the triple Linen Tights. Sure the cowl is 4 cloth, but 3 Tights is 6 cloth. Also factor in that the Cowl is 40kish exps, vs. 23kish exps and really, the only thing you are saving by doing the triple turn in is leve allowances. if you have plenty of allowances saved up, then the Cowl is far more efficient.

    1. Because if you turn in HQ items that triple could give you 136k -ish XP for one leve. For the amount of XP you can get that is the better choice.

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