FFXIV Rogue (ROG) Leveling Guide & Rotation (Shb Updated)

How to level up your Rogue (ROG) fast! Rotation, useful reminders, and the best places to be in any level – HERE!

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Gettin’ Restless, rolling a Rogue? If you’re leveling a Rogue, you’ve found the right place! Take a stab at it, and hopefully our Rogue Leveling Guide helps you out!

While this page focuses on Rogue info like skills, traits, rotation, and playstyle notes. The GENERAL PROCESS that you follow is outlined in our FFXIV General Leveling Guide use it alongside this guide. Looking at that, we’re in the “A Realm Reborn Tier” as we’re only looking to level our Rogue up to 30.

Rogue Unlocking? Other basics?

How to unlock the ROG Class? Taken from Rogue General Guide & FAQ – which you should read if you need more basic info about ROG.

Location: Limsa Lominsa – Lower Decks, Rogue’s Guild (8, 16)
Related Quests: (all in the same place)
> So you want to be an Rogue
> Way of the Rogue
> My First Daggers
Others: Rogue is the ONLY base class you can’t start the game with.

Rogue is a melee DPS class, falling under the Disciple of War category. Also, if you’re curious about the job you turn into, Rogue is the prerequisite class for unlocking Ninja.

This guide has three major segments:

  • Rogue Leveling Rotation & Skill Changes – How new skills affect your play.
  • Rogue L1 to L16 – General reminders and notes.
  • Rogue L15 to 30 – General reminders and notes.
  • I’ll mention it again, knowledge from General Leveling Guide is REQUIRED.

I put rotation changes up top as you might reference it often. Without further ado, let’s get to it.

Rogue Rotation for Leveling, Skills, Traits, Etc.

In this segment we run down how each skill and trait affects your Rogue rotation during the leveling process.

L1 Skill Unlocked Spinning Edge – Your “basic attack”, essentially your combo starter. Spam this until you get Gust Slash at L4.

L2 Skill Unlocked Shade Shift – A self-shield that scales with your max HP. It’s a welcome defensive cooldown. Use it early and often when soloing tough encounters. Very similar to Second Wind, which you’ll unlock soon (and the notes I place there are applicable here).

L4 Skill Unlocked Gust Slash – Your first combo! Basically Spinning Edge combos into Gust Slash. You have a limited time to press this (or any combo skill) before your combo “expires”. 

L8 Role Action Unlocked Second Wind – A personal, instant self-heal. Useful both in soloing and leveling, dungeons, raids, ANYTHING! For the purpose of this guide, Second Wind will definitely help you in the leveling process. One habit to get into is, USE IT EARLY so you can use it again soon  (for example, when soloing a FATE boss). 

L10 Skill Unlocked Hide – Avoid monsters by moving stealthily. While this has more uses in the future – this is it for now. (At L15, Trick Attack is a skill you can only use while hidden)

Hide Macro

Here’s a useful macro that we will evolve over time…. This functionality should honestly be baked into the base game.

/micon “Hide”
/ac “Hide”
/statusoff hidden

How this works is press it once to hide, and press it again to reveal yourself.

L10 Role Action Unlocked Leg Sweep – An instant OGCD stun. Interrupting enemy spells is the most basic use case here, but honestly keep in mind that in dungeons stunning an enemy will greatly reduce the damage your tank receives, and helps your healer out. 

L12 Role Action Unlocked Bloodbath – Your third “self-heal”, this one essentially gives you a “lifesteal” effect that scales on your own DPS. This is actually great. Again, it’s better to use these kinds of skills early if you know you’re soloing a long fight, or just to help your healer out.

L14 Trait Unlocked All Fours – Pretty much a throwaway “thematic” passive. Reducing fall damage is almost never relevant.

L15 Skill Unlocked Throwing Dagger – A ranged attack primarily used to hit enemies while you’re not in range. Generally speaking you do not want to use this “while approaching an enemy”, as it’s likely a DPS loss.

L15 Skill Unlocked Mug – I would honestly ignore the “stealing an item” half of this skill, and just simply treat is as an off-gcd bonus attack. Use it often.

L18 Skill Unlocked Trick Attack – Very difficult to use at this low level. It’s an extremely powerful attack that “softens up” your enemy. However, this is only usable with Hide. Use it when you open on an enemy and bosses! 

L20 Trait Unlocked Fleet of Foot – Now this, this is a useful passive. Increased movement speed is welcome EVERYWHERE. Soloing and questing? Great! Dungeons and RAIDS? AMAZING! 

L22 Role Action Unlocked Feint – Reduces an enemy’s physical damage dealt. Almost useless in soloing (reduces mostly auto attacks and the rare physical boss skill). Of course, very good in terms of group mitigation options in a group scenario. In the leveling process, however, this will almost never be used.

L26 Skill Unlocked Aeolian Edge – Ah, finally! Your combo finisher! Anytime you press Gust Slash – press Aeolian Edge next. This rather benign addition is actually quite a significant increase in DPS. 

L30 Skill Unlocked Shadow Fang – A long duration DoT (Damage over time) skill. Only use this against fat enemies. It has a hefty cooldown so it’s not all that regularly you press it. While it does affect your rotation somehow, it’s very minimal.

Completing the L30 ROG class quest and unlocking Shadowfang marks your final class quest as Rogue. You now have the right to become a Ninja!

Rogue Rotation – L1 to 30 SUMMARY

Here’s an overarching shot of what your ROG rotation is in the early leveling process. Adjust to your currently learned skills.

ROG 30 Single Target RotationROG AoE Rotation

ROG L30 Single Target Rotation

    • Shadowfang on enemies with a long life expectancy (or an “off-target”)
    • Use Mug as often as you can.
    • Spinning Edge > Gust Slash > Aeolian Edge

Opening with Trick Attack is “optional”, can be a hassle.
Check the Hide macro posted above…

ROG L30 AoE Rotation

    • None

Yeahp, there’s no AoE skill for Rogues at this level range. Feelsbadman.

Rogue Leveling: L1 to 30

As per the general leveling guide, this tier is divided into two sub-chunks. So I’ll be sub-chunking the following segments into two “tabs” as well. These two tabs represent A) L1 to 16, and B) L16 to 30.

Rogue Leveling L1 to 30 Activity Flowchart

A rundown of things you can do to gain EXP – again split “to 16”, and “to 30”.

ROG 1 to 16ROG 16 to 30

ROG Leveling Activities to L16

Remember the universal truths: Main Scenario Quest is king, and always have your passive EXP buffs (FC, Food, Chocobo, etc)

Renewable EXP sources

    • FATES (Great when you're in queue)
    • Levequests (Actually good EXP but better saved for DoH or DoL)
    • Deep Dungeon -Palace of the Dead (Repetitive, terrible for LOW levels)

Burst EXP sources

    • Challenge Log* (Complete passively until nearing reset, then force it)
    • Guildhests (First completions per class is mega bonus EXP)
    • Hunting Log (Great source of EXP this early on)
    • Sidequests (Personal preference. Better if in tandem with MSQ!)
    • Duty Roulette: Guildhest (Pretty irrelevant...)

*Challenge Log won't be unlocked in this tier if it's your first time around. While you need to be L16 to initially unlock it, it can be used by any level character thereafter. 

Well, there’s not much to point your bow at this early on, but here’s where the arrow falls nonetheless. It’s slim, but you gotta start somewhere.

Of course, adjust this to your own personal preference.

ROG Leveling Activities to L30

Remember the universal truths: Main Scenario Quest is king, and always have your passive EXP buffs (FC, Food, Chocobo, etc)

Renewable EXP sources

    • Dungeons (Stable, "fun", massive EXP easpecially with rested bonus)
    • FATES (Great when you're in queue)
    • Deep Dungeon -Palace of the Dead (Repetitive, but fast)
    • Levequests (Actually good EXP but better saved for DoH or DoL)
    • Beast Tribe (EXP is meh, but great for getting cosmetic items)

Burst EXP sources

    • Duty Roulette: Leveling (The ultimate EXP source until L50)
    • Challenge Log (Complete passively until nearing reset, then force it)
    • Guildhests (First completions per class is mega bonus EXP)
    • Hunting Log (More for completionism or first timers, it's "alright")
    • Sidequests (Personal preference. Better if in tandem with MSQ!)
    • Duty Roulette: Guildhest (Pretty irrelevant...)

A few adjustments to your leveling mentality here, mainly the addition of  Duty Roulette: Leveling, as a daily burst, and straight queuing Dungeons as an option as well.

Of course, adjust this to your own personal preference.

Important Notes (ROG L1 to 30)

Here are the important things to keep in mind during the process.

ROG L1 to 30 Gear Updates:  Needed?

TLDR: Not really significant. This applies to both sub-tiers. Just make sure to pick up whatever along the way, or find dirt cheap upgrades in the MB or wherever (quests etc).

More detailed answer?

In all honesty you DO NOT NEED to put much thought into your gear from Level 1 to Level 30. Simply “get what you can”, with Weapons being the highest priority. You can get gear from Quests, buy from NPCs, Marketboard, Crafting, GC – it’s purely up to you and your budget as to what you wanna get.

Of course getting gear will increase your efficiency (being a little stronger helps kill speed), but this tier is pretty “newb friendly”, and designed as such – PLUS you “outgrow” gear by gaining levels so rapidly that tryharding on gear up to Level 30 is pretty irrelevant.

Just try not to run around naked, and get “what you can” without being outright negligent.

Important notes to keep in mind

ROG 1 to 16ROG 16 to 30

As always, Main Scenario Quest takes the highest priority.

There are too many skills that get unlocked here for me to talk about individually, which is why the skill unlock / rotation segment above should be your guiding light in that regard.

Limited Burst EXP sources take priority: Newly unlocked Guildhests, Challenge Log entries, Hunting Log.

Renewable EXP sources if you need to grind: FATE’s are great, followed by Levequests and if so you choose, Sidequests. (Deep Dungeon: POTD – can you zone it from Level 1? Even if you could, I don’t think I would…)

At level 15 you get access to your first Dungeon, Sastasha, but I don’t see much reason to grind there, unless you wanna burn rested EXP and want to hit 16 ASAP.

At 15 you should catch up and do your class quests, as you do get a skill form it – Throwing Dagger. Just use it if you can’t reach your target. Don’t use it when “approaching”, it’s not optimal.

A note on Levequests: Can be an attractive source of EXP. Every tier has “good and bad” levequests so it’s up to you if you wanna go try them out. Main downside is using them up in place of DoH / DoL. Consider using them if you’re at or near the Levequest allowance cap!

As always, Main Scenario Quest takes the highest priority.

Starting L16, you open up Duty Roulette: Leveling, which is you should be doing everyday! This is an important source of EXP – it’s a huge daily burst! Also at L16 you can unlock Challenge Log if you haven’t already.

Overall, the same concept applies. Daily and Weekly bursts of EXP > Basic Renewable EXP sources of your choice > Other side activities to alleviate boredom or monotony.

 Renewable EXP sources? At this point it’s Dungeons, FATES and Deep Dungeons, and maybe some Levequests. Burst EXP sources? Roulettes, new Guildhests, Hunting and Challenge Logs.

As a DPS class, you’ll likely queue up for dungeons or POTD then do FATES and “other activities” while you’re in queue.

at L20 If you haven’t unlocked your Companion (combat Chocobo), do so now. You can begin the process now – it entails getting your first mount as well (at least for most new players).

At level 30 get your class quests done, as it’s one of the prerequisites to transform into Ninja!

Levequests notes, same as usual. Sad to take ’em away from crafters and gatherers, but it’s viable EXP. Definitely use them up if you’re overcapped on allowances.

Stop at Level 30! Unlock your advanced job as soon as you can!
(ROG turns into Ninja at Level 30)

Rogue L30 Onward: Unlocking Ninja

Unlock Ninja ASAP!

How to become a Ninja? Unlocking Ninja requires a Level 30 Rogue, and completion of the L30 ROG Class Quest. From there, return to your guild and it should point you to the quest! See: Unlocking all jobs.

The reason we unlock ASAP is, not only to get a new skill at L30 (In your case the infamous NINJUTSU and your first Mudra), but most if not all new skills and traits going forward are for NINJA and not Rogue, so you have no reason to stay as an ROG any longer.

Rogue Leveling – Related Reads

Some good reads and related links here:

Summary and Closing

And with that YOU’RE DONE WITH LEVELING Rogue! Congrats! Hopefully our Rogue Leveling Guide helped you out.

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2 thoughts on “FFXIV Rogue (ROG) Leveling Guide & Rotation (Shb Updated)”

  1. How long has it been since this has been updated? I noticed that some of the info is outdated, most likely due to the Stormblood release. It would do well to update it just to help out players that are just now picking up the rogue class

    1. The base class leveling guides will be updated once I’m done with DoH and omega guides. Stormblood changed a lot especially cross class skills and the levels with which they come out.

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