FFXIV Carpenter Leveling Guide L1 to 90 (EW update – DT Soon!)

Shadowbringers UPDATED! Power level your CRP to 80 in no time! CRP Levequest Items comparisons!

CRP Leveling Guide 64-70

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The grind continues!

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[60-64] | [64-70] | [70-80] | [80-90]

Carpenter Leveling 64 to 66

Gear Check Reminder II

If everyone followed the guide, their gear will now be caught up. Here’s what you should be packing… (Copied from previous page, just to remind you).

SlotItemLevelCheap Meld ICheap Meld II
WeaponHigh Steel Saw62AnyAny
OffhandHigh Steel Claw Hammer63AnyAny
ChestBloodhempen Doublet of Crafting61Competence III+Command III+
HeadBloodhempen Turban of Crafting61Competence IVCommand IV
GlovesGaganaskin Halfgloves61Competence IVCommand IV
BeltRuby Cotton Apron62Cunning IVCunning II
PantsBloodhempen Skirt61Cunning IV+Command IV
BootsGaganaskin Shoes61Cunning IV+Command IV
EarringLarch Earrings63Cunning IV+Cunning III
NeckLarch Necklace63Cunning IV+Cunning III
WristLarch Bracelets63Cunning IV+Cunning III
RingLarch Ring63Cunning IV+Competence III
RingLarch Ring63Cunning IV+Competence III

Reach 409 CP. I don’t care how you achieve this, but do it.


Here are the 10 cross-class skills you should have for all your classes.


I hope you’re familiar with what these are. Muscle is Muscle Memory from CUL, MM and FS are Maker’s Mark and Flawless Synthesis from GSM.

Important Notes:

** CUL and GSM need to cross-class a “Name” and “Brand” of any element.
** All classes except ARM and WVR have access to Reclaim AND Maker’s Mark + Flawless Synthesis.

Since ARM and WVR have to choose between access to “MM+FS” rotations or “Reclaim“, I personally chose “MM+FS” since it’s very unlikely you’ll fail any manual craft with that. Reclaim on the other hand has its uses. Since most rotations require more than 55 CP to complete, you can choose to reclaim if you feel non-HQ is inevitable.

Up to you, buddy…

Reclaim. *snicker*” –
Mahiko Sans Fukkius

L64 Unlocked Patient Touch

Patient Touch is pretty good, huh? Great for RNG gambling rotations. But for now, you can simply replace the first Hasty Touch II of any rotation with Patient Touch.

It’s optional, but a slight improvement IMO. While it increases your odds to fail by a tiny bit, it increases your HQ success chance but quite a huge margin.

Carpenter Levequests @ 64

ClassLevelQtyItemTypeLevequest NameBest?
CRP641Pine Spinning WheelSPinewheel2
CRP641Pine LumberSO Pine1
CRP641Pine CaneTRun Before they Walk3
CRP 64 Levequest discussion

Pine Lumber is the obvious choice.

Pine Cane and Pine Spinning Wheel are just plain bad. You can pick up cheap NQ Pine Spinning Wheels off the MB but even then it’s probably not worth it.

CRP 64 to 66: What I did in this tier

Craft and submit any other materials / lumbers you have from the Beech Lumber tier – HQ’s will serve you almost no purpose from here on. You can attempt to use NQ’s as materials for DoH right side to sell, to blunt your costs.

After that – get on Pine Lumbers. Be careful though, you might wanna wait for the 65 gear upgrades before doing so. So if you HAVE to, Beech Lumber it up until then.

Pine Lumber will be used to get you to L68 – the next tier has no value levequest. So make a lot, and try to “balance it out” to reach 68 with what you have. Don’t worry if you have extras – they sell well, and you need some to craft the odd gear upgrade here and there.

CRP is responsible for the off-hands of WVR and GSM so get on it.

Grinding Carpenter 64 to 66

Both Beech and Pine Lumber hold their price well (for other leveling CRP’s). Larch is niche – it’s primary use is to craft L61 right-side for DoH.

Important notes and events in this tier

Optional Rotation: L64 40DUR 1058DIFF

These were extremely hard at level 63~64! I TESTED THESE WITH A MINIMUM OF 934 CRAFTSMANSHIP (slightly above the gear check above). I suggest waiting until 65 to do any L64 “ingot” grinding.

Or I could be wrong in my notes – simply test it out first. If Name > Brand > Brand works for you, great. Waiting for the L65 shirt and Mainhand ensures this. Here’s the rotation:

/ac “Comfort Zone” <me> <wait.2>
/ac “Inner Quiet” <me> <wait.2>
/ac “Waste Not” <me> <wait.2>
/ac “Steady Hand II” <me> <wait.2>
/ac “Patient Touch” <me> <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch II” <me> <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch II” <me> <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch II” <me> <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch II” <me> <wait.3>
/ac “Master’s Mend” <me> <wait.3>
/ac “Great Strides” <me> <wait.2>
/ac “Steady Hand II” <me> <wait.2>
/ac “Innovation” <me> <wait.2>
/ac “Basic Touch” <me> <wait.3>

/ac “Great Strides” <me> <wait.2>
/ac “Byregot’s Blessing” <me> <wait.3>
/ac “Steady Hand” <me> <wait.2>
/ac “Name of Fire” <me> <wait.2>
/ac “Brand of Fire” <me> <wait.3>
/ac “Brand of Fire” <me> <wait.3>


L64 80 Durability?

If you’re hellbent on crafting a 64 or 65 with the “base set” described above, do so at your own risk. It’s VERY VERY doable using Maker’s Mark type rotations and manual crafting.

But like I said I WOULD ADVISE HOLDING OUT UNTIL L65! If you plan on crafting for any sort of grindlike activities, the shirt and weapon help loads.

At L65 we will be having the 80 Durability “end-all” rotation.

L65 CRP Class Quest

Rewards are Manipulation II, which is a great skill. Our rotations will be based around it at L66.

You also get an NQ Main hand weapon (sucky), and Kudzu tier left-side NQ (also meh). They’re NOT worth it.

But HQ versions? Hmm…

L65 Gear Update: Kudzu Shirt & Main Hand

HQ Kudzu Robe of Crafting (Cheap Meld: Control III+ x2)

This is a VALUE upgrade since it straight up annihilates our old shirt. It’s worth it. It also feels good buying this knowing all our classes can use it. The other left-side slots are technically optional.

HQ L65 MH: Doman Iron Halfheart Saw (Cheap Meld: OPEN / Any)

Can’t complain here. The HQ 65 mainhand completely obliterates previous tiers BiS weapon.

After buying these upgrades, you are functionally equal, or superior, to Heavensward “BiS” crafters that spent millions pentamelding their gear. It’s both a happy and sad moment, as the circle of a crafters life continues…

THE REST OF THE KUDZU TIER IS OPTIONAL: It will make HQing easier with zero HQ materials. It’s completely up to you. I did NOT upgrade gear but it’s easy to see how you will benefit from them.

L65 Rotation Update: 80 Durability

This is a TEMPORARY ROTATION mainly to show you how to complete recipes of this difficulty onward. It will be updated to its final form in ONE LEVEL (66), so it’s up to you if you wanna learn this one. It’s very similar to it’s final evolution.

L65 80 Durability “showcase”

/ac “Muscle Memory” <wait.3>
/ac “Comfort Zone” <wait.2>
/ac “Inner Quiet” <wait.2>
/ac “Waste Not” <wait.2>
/ac “Steady Hand II” <wait.2>
/ac “Patient Touch” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch II” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch II” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch II” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch II” <wait.3>
/ac “Manipulation II” <wait.2>
/ac “Steady Hand II” <wait.2>
/ac “Basic Touch” <wait.3>
/ac “Basic Touch” <wait.3>
/ac “Basic Touch” <wait.3>

/ac “Great Strides” <wait.2>
/ac “Byregot’s Blessing” <wait.3>
/ac “Ingenuity II” <wait.2>
/ac “Careful Synthesis III” <wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis III” <wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis III” <wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis III” <wait.3>

But here’s the thing – I experimented with this rotation at L66, but I can only imagine extreme niche scenarios wherein “I2 CSIIIx4 + CSIIIx1” (my prior rotation) is better than “MM + I2 CSIIx4”. Lemme know. But, I’m pretty damn sure this works from 65.

L66 Gear Update: Offhand

HQ Doman Iron Claw Hammer is a massive stat upgrade, and you should be buying or making one of these. If you want to meld it, Control III+.

L66 Unlocks Prudent Touch

Prudent Touch. Read it.

With Prudent Touch and Manipulation II,
we will now rise into godhood.

Carpenter Leveling 66 to 68

I’ll put it up here since it’s very important: The following rotations are “the final form” of both 40 and 80 durability crafts. You can use these “macros” to learn how to manual craft them.

L66+ “Obliterator Rotations”

L66+ 40DUR 'Annihilator'

As implied, this rotation will crush any 40 durability from here on out.

/ac “Comfort Zone” <me><wait.2>
/ac “Inner Quiet” <me><wait.2>
/ac “Steady Hand II” <me><wait.2>
/ac “Patient Touch” <me><wait.3>
/ac “Basic Touch” <me><wait.3>
/ac “Prudent Touch” <me><wait.3>
/ac “Prudent Touch” <me><wait.3>
/ac “Prudent Touch” <me><wait.3>
/ac “Manipulation II” <me><wait.2>
/ac “Steady Hand II” <me><wait.2>
/ac “Prudent Touch” <me><wait.3>
/ac “Innovation” <me><wait.2>
/ac “Prudent Touch” <me><wait.3>
/ac “Great Strides” <me><wait.2>
/echo I am nothing without Mahiko Senpai <se.1>

/ac “Byregot’s Blessing” <wait.3>
/ac “Ingenuity II” <me><wait.2>
/ac “Careful Synthesis III” <me><wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis III” <me><wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis III” <me><wait.3>
/echo Macro #2 complete T-thank you M-Mahiko Senpai <se.14>

L66+ 80DUR 'It that Destroys'

And this one will eradicate 80 durability recipes from now onwards.

While I can’t say I tested every niche “undergeared” scenario, this work of art CRUSHED every recipe at or near its level.

/ac “Muscle Memory” <wait.3>
/ac “Comfort Zone” <wait.2>
/ac “Inner Quiet” <wait.2>
/ac “Steady Hand II” <wait.2>
/ac “Hasty Touch II” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch II” <wait.3>
/ac “Basic Touch” <me><wait.3>
/ac “Basic Touch” <me><wait.3>
/ac “Basic Touch” <me><wait.3>
/ac “Manipulation II” <wait.2>
/ac “Steady Hand II” <wait.2>
/ac “Prudent Touch” <me><wait.3>
/ac “Prudent Touch” <me><wait.3>
/ac “Prudent Touch” <me><wait.3>
/echo Macro #1 complete I am nothing without Mahiko Senpai <se.1>

/ac “Great Strides” <wait.2>
/ac “Byregot’s Blessing” <wait.3>
/ac “Ingenuity II” <wait.2>
/ac “Careful Synthesis III” <wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis III” <wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis III” <wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis III” <wait.3>
/echo Macro #2 complete T-thank you M-Mahiko Senpai <se.14>


I did not test these under all stress tests to prevent stupidity like “I have L62 main hand and L63 offhand and tried to craft L70 Ingot“. These recipes will carry you past certain gear upgrades at certain times. But don’t be greedy man, upgrade your damn gear to be safe.

I did not test these on recipes absurdly higher than my current level. Be responsible. They’re good rotations absolutely brimming with value but please… test it out first if you know you’re doing something dumb.

As long as your gear is up to date (the final mandatory gear upgrade is 67 main hand)


“Here… Now… Your ascendance is complete.”
– Mahiko “Deus Factorem” San

Leveling from here is mostly a formality, and it’s only a matter of time before you hit 70. Just a little more to go!

Carpenter Levequests @ 66

ClassLevelQtyItemTypeLevequest NameBest?
CRP661Doman Steel HalberdSEverybody’s Heard About the ‘Berd3
CRP661Persimmon EarringsSThe Ear Is the Way to the Heart2
CRP661Gazelle Horn Fishing RodTSpare a Rod and Spoil the Fishers2
CRP 66 Levequest discussion

Persimmon Earrings is the best choice ear.

Gazelle Horn Fishing Rod can be cheap if prices permit. Doman Steel Halberd sucks.

However, in comparison to the previous tiers Pine Lumber – these all pale in comparison.

CRP 66 to 68: What I did in this tier

If you haven’t already, make the 66 Offhands for GSM and WVR.

Persimmon Lumber is the ingot of this tier and it has some niche uses. You wanna craft a few for your own stockpile. They are “somewhat” relevant since they’re used to craft the Zelkova tier DoH accessories. The Zelkova tier DoH accessories are popular for spiritbonding, so there’s that.

Continue with the Pine Lumber submission for EXP chunks, and grind on Persimmon Lumber when you can – you need a small stockpile for yourself.

Grinding Carpenter 66 to 68

Pine Lumber is the primary suspect, lightly augmented by Persimmon Lumber.

Important notes and events in this tier

L66 Off Hand Weapon

For CRP, that would be Doman Iron Claw Hammer. HQ version of this is mandatory.

L67 Main Hand Weapon, Focused Synthesis

For CRP, that would be Doman Steel Saw. HQ version of this is mandatory.

L67 also unlocks Focused Synthesis, which is a damn good skill. I used it in many a fresh 70 rotation to “proc” Manipulation II in the latter end of progress.

L68 CRP Class Quest

The rewards are meh. You get a choice of any Tier V crafting materia, which is welcome I guess. Choose whichever you need (honestly, CP is a good bet). Or what’s most expensive.

You also get the L68 NQ off-hand, which is pretty bad.

Finally, hitting 68 gives you Focused Touch, whose primary use is to squeeze one more touch unsupported by Steady Hand. It also has a huge potency – integral to later crafts.

L68 Marid Leather Bolero? 68HQ Offhand?

L68 Marid Leather Bolero of Crafting HQ (Cheap melded with Competence III+ Command III+) I would say now it’s mandatory. It should spiritbond fast enough so you won’t feel too bad about it. I initially thought against it, but I’m gonna go ahead and recommend this.

L68 HQ Doman Steel Claw Hammer? Honestly, I didn’t bother and it didn’t affect me. At least we save one gear piece worth of upgrades.

Carpenter Leveling 68 to 70

“There are two type of people who reach this hallowed place. Those who have Leves… And those who do not.”
– Mahiko “Did not” San.

How painful the final step is will largely depend on how FAST you clawed upwards. Having said that, if you took it easy and HAVE LEVES – abuse the living daylights out of them since they will serve you almost no purpose once your DoH levels are done.

Carpenter Levequests @ 68

ClassLevelQtyItemTypeLevequest NameBest?
CRP681Zelkova LumberSZelkova, My Love1
CRP681Zelkova NecklaceSPutting Your Line on the Neck2
CRP681Zelkova LongbowTWith a Bow on Top3
CRP 68 Levequest discussion

Zelkova Lumber! There is a high chance this is DIRT CHEAP. It’s a heavily used material so you can pick these up (or make ’em yourself). High level crafters don’t care about HQ mats of this tier so HQ can sometimes sell at the same price on some days.

Zelkova Necklace is, uhhh, “neck to neck” in second place. Zelkova Longbow is a serious longshot.

CRP 68 to 70: What I did in this tier

The 68 offhand for GSM and WVR are completely OPTIONAL.

Grinding on Zelkova Lumber is legit since you need a stockpile for yourself. You’ll be using Zelkova Lumber for a long time if you plan on spiritbonding.

But who am I kidding – if Zelkova Lumber is dirt cheap off the MB: simply buy and submit – and get your problems over with.

Grinding Carpenter 68 to 70

Zelkova Lumber is the ultra grindable item here. For niche profits, Beech and Pine are still legit for other lazy CRP’s out there.

Important notes and events in this tier

This tiers materials are heavily used

So always check the market board for cheap mats. Whether it’s for red or yellow scrip, lots of crafters use the 68-70 tier materials so they should be abundant and fairly priced off the market board.

L68 Optional Upgrades: HQing is hard

As I mentioned previously, the 68 Main Hand is OPTIONAL.

With the “Obliterator Rotations” you should be doing very well still. However, do not think for one second that “100% HQ is possible from 0 HQ Mats”. That’s just silly, while leveling.

HQ raw materials in this tier are cheap since high level crafters don’t care about the quality of mats in this tier.

The first option is “Try to get 1/4th of your materials HQ”. So when you craft you have a slight advantage.

You want more consistency? It’s time for optional upgrades, then, which are the rest of the Marid Leather / Serge Tier.

L70 CRP Class Quest

The rewards are quite good. You get ALL Tier V crafting materia, as well as the Stroke of Genius trait.

The class quests are pretty decent, so there’s that. Aside from lore, the hype on reaching 70 is more of a relaxed “Finally…”

Carpenter Level 70 and Beyond

Welp! That’s about it for Stormblood content! On to the Shadowbringers tier to 80!

Navigation – Carpenter Leveling: [0-15] | [15-35] | [35-50][50-60]
[60-64] | [64-70] | [70-80] | [80-90]

With this you’ve gotten past “the hard part”, which is catching up to the required gear power levels! Congrats!

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33 thoughts on “FFXIV Carpenter Leveling Guide L1 to 90 (EW update – DT Soon!)”

  1. Hey, thanks so much for the guides. Even the older, slightly outdated portions on the crafting guides have helped me speed level tremendously after I followed the MIN and BTN ones.

    On this one, I noticed that you were stating a minor update to your 78 – 80 macro but I don’t see the adjustment noted. Was there an error in creating the box?

  2. Hey, thanks for the great guide! Quick thing I noticed while leveling Carpenter, the Link to 64-70 is wrong and links to page 7 (70-80) instead of page 6 (64-70). Both at the top and bottom navigation. Might want to look into that :)

  3. Continue to do the SINGLE Lv. 30 Walnut Macuahuitl leve even after Lv. 35 instead of the TRIPLE leve.
    It makes no sense to submit 3x for 20,000 exp instead of 49k for each one, and double that for HQ.
    Yeah you’ll have to TP back and forth but that only takes a minute each time.
    Went from 30-40 in about a half hour this way.

  4. I just want to point out that from 50-60 some of the best exp you can get is from the moogle daily quests. It cost zero mats as they are provided with the quests and the quests are extremely quick and super easy to complete.

  5. First off love ffxivguild guides , been using for years :) thank you
    …i just grind all crafts 1-50 (again lol) and i noticed that all the leves in them set lvls only
    offer 3 types now not 5 , i did all 3 types to see if i would get a new leve and nope same 3
    may be something to look into ,i did buy some stuff on MB (HQ) just to see i could not get the leve for that item to come about

    1. hmmmm… There should be 3 from the local levemete (area depends on level and class), and another 3 from the hometown (Limsa, Grid or Uldah – depending on class). lemme know if this still confuses you

  6. most of this stuff atleast since 4.0 u can buy from vendors and hand in for still very good xp if your struggling to gather or cant hq anyways or just dont have the time :)

    1. If you paid attention to the guide, you’d notice that the way the list works is that it shows you where to deliver, and where to pick the leve up. It’s listed as Costa del Sol | Gridania because the leve is picked up in Gridania and delivered in Costa del Sol. It would have been pointed out and corrected already if it was a mistake considering how long that’s been relevant, the old content guides weren’t written in 2017.

  7. I just noticed for the level 50 levequests it says the cedar lumber one takes 5, but it actually takes 3.

    1. after finishing with ARM 50 to 60 (tonight) my next goal is to update all 01-50 DOH and DOL guides.

      The shopping list is something I’m really iffy about. I’ll think and look into it as to how it can be made better or if there’s something else I can do about it.

      There are many things to consider, but mainly formatting. I’ll try my best.

  8. um for the walnut Macuahuitl, if you hand in the triple exchange leve you only get under 20k exp, where if u hand them in one at a time in costa del sol u get 49k exp for each one you hand in…….

    1. Except that if you’re turning in HQ items, which should be priority when doing leves the Courier caps at 98k(49k x 2 for HQ) per leve while the triple maxes at 117.6k per leve(19.6k x 2 for HQ + option to turn in twice more for a total of ((19.6k x 2) x 3)).

      Triple is the better option between the two if you’re mainly concerned about exp per leve. Less travel time as well.

      1. Actually no, the triple really isn’t. In the time it takes to craft NINE items to gain a measly 20k, barely 20% bonus of the ONE item) You could turn in ALL 9 singles. Just set one as favored, one as free. Cost of crystals, effort of mats, everything.. not worth it. I’m low on Leves and I STILL won’t touch triples. I prefer making a quick HQ macro and doing all 9 turn ins within 5min.

      2. Exp per leve, maybe. But 20% more exp for up to 9x the cost. (3×3 items Vs 1 Item)

        This guide (and most on this site) are horribly outdated since the nerfing of triple turn-ins and the buffing of single/couriers.

    2. I have to agree with this. The level 30 leve for the Walnut Macuahuitl is the way to go. 98000 xp for 1 HQ item beats 117600 for 9 of the same HQ item. It may cost you leves, but it’s well worth for time and money you’ll save from having to craft less.

      Also, to make the trip easier, go ahead and make Costa del Sol and New Gridania favored destinations. It’ll cut down on the teleporting costs, which comes out to over 1000 gil per round trip without favored destination.

      1. Depends if you are trying to power level several crafts in a short amount of time, without factoring in grinding which takes forever. You will burn through roughly 60 Leves using HQ items. Triples saves you several days of waiting for allowances.

      2. Having tried this last night, the level 30 single turn in will carry you all the way to 50. It is nuts!

        The triple, on the other hand, requires vastly more effort and resources for marginal benefit.

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