FFXIV Goldsmith Leveling Guide L1 to 90

Shadowbringers UPDATED! Goldsmith Power Leveling to 80! GSM Levequest Items comparisons and value moves per tier!

GSM Leveling Guide 35-50

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Useful links to have open: Crafting Gear Guide | Goldsmith Leves Guide

GSM Leveling – Navigation [0-15] | [15-35] | [35-50][50-60]
[60-64] | [64-70] | [70-80] | [80-90]

Ixal Beast Tribe Daily Quests Reminder

Just a quick reminder to do your Ixal Daily Quests!

These dailies are best used to push past “bad tiers”, or simply on your highest level non 50 crafter. I suppose you can also use them on crafting classes which are lagging behind for one reason or the other.

The special currency, Ixali Oaknots, can be used to pick up low-tier DoL and DoH materia! These can be super annoying to come across during melding season. So feel good while doing Ixal dailies knowing you’re pulling a profit on the side!

Goldsmith Level 35-40

Level 35 Goldsmith Class Quest Item: (HQ) Fire Brand
Level 35 GSM Leves [L]ocation: Coerthas (Observatorium) | Ul’dah
Level 35 Goldsmith Leves Items Discussion:

[H][3] Fire Brand – Price dependent.
[H][1] Mythril Ring – good.
[C][1] Aquamarine Bracelet – good courier!
[L][3] Mythril Earrings – Best triple this tier.
[L][1] Wolf Necklace – depends on price or Wolf Fang.
[L][1] Peridot Choker – good.

Mythril Ring & Peridot Choker are your go-to single leve here, as Wolf Necklace highly depends on price. Again, a pretty friendly tier with alot of choices. Even Fire Brand, which normally sucks, is still viable depending on market conditions. Writing this, I realize GSM is quite friendly to level…

If Grinding: Attempt for as many HQ Mythril  Ingot / Rings. It’s not  really a grindy tier, You can grind on gems but you’re better off just rushing off to the next tier.

Goldsmith Level 40-45

Level 40 Goldsmith Class Quest Item: (HQ) Horn Staff
Level 40 GSM Leves [L]ocation: Coerthas (Whitebrim) | Ul’dah
Level 40 Goldsmith Leves Items Discussion:

[H][3] Red Coral Armillae – NO.
[H][1] Mythril Ear Cuffs – Equally best choice as Electrum Gorget.
[C][1] Red Coral Ring – Save red coral for later, but this isn’t so bad.
[L][3] Peridot Earrings – Best triple this tier.
[L][1] Horn Staff – If you want to throw away money.
[L][1] Electrum Gorget – Equally best choice as Mythril Ear Cuffs.

Hmm, it’s a toss-up this tier. Electrum Gorget needs Peiste Leather, Mythril Earcuffs need Basiliks Whetstone. Find out what’s cheaper in your server! For triples, Peridot Earrings blow Red Coral Armillae out of the water.

If Grinding: Attempt for as many HQ Electrum  Ingot / Rings and HQ Basilisk Whetstone.


Goldsmith Level 45-50

Level 45 Goldsmith Class Quest Item: (All HQ) Electrum Circlet (Zircon, Amber, Spinel)
Level 45 GSM Leves [L]ocation: Mor Dhona | Ul’dah
Level 45 Goldsmith Leves Items Discussion:

[H][3] Red Coral Necklace – Red Coral x9 might be a little pricey…
[H][1] Electrum Circlet (Amber) – There are better choices.
[C][1] Tourmaline Choker – Decent Courier.
[L][3] Amber Choker – Best Triple this tier.
[L][1] Amber Ring – Dirt CHEAP.
[L][1] Electrum Needle – Dirt CHEAP.

Well for singles, Amber Ring and Electrum Needle are equally good. Tourmaline Choker is an on-par courier leve, and Amber Chokers are far cheaper than Red Coral Necklace. This leve tier is clear cut and easy. Hurry up and get to 50!

If Grinding: Electrum Ingots/Rings, Basilisk Whetstones OR spiritbonding items like Red Coral Earring, Electrum Ring of Crafting, Electrum Wristlets of Crafting, Electrum Choker, Electrum Earrings.

GSM Leveling – Navigation [0-15] | [15-35] | [35-50][50-60]
[60-64] | [64-70] | [70-80] | [80-90]

Goldsmith – 50 and beyond

So – finally got you to 50? What to do now? First of all, complete your Level 50 GSM class quest, to get your blue weapon.

Level 50 Goldsmith Class Quest Item:
(HQ) Black Pearl Ring (Melded with: Piety III Materia)


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37 thoughts on “FFXIV Goldsmith Leveling Guide L1 to 90”

  1. The “L76 Rotation Update *40 DUR Only*” didn’t work out for me. It finish’s progress with quality below 20%.

    The “L74 Rotation 40 DUR” works for level 1 and level 80 items.

    I’ve tried Trial Synthesis with them.

  2. I have never said thanks to anyone else in my life (totals combined) as much as I have said thanks to Mahiko-san!

    Thank you Mahiko-san!

  3. You mention in the Optional Rotation level 64: 40Durability 1058difficulty that weaver has no name/brand. This is incorrect. Weaver has Name of Lightning and Brand of Lightning. It is Goldsmith (GSM) that does not have a brand/name ability and must cross class into it.

  4. I ended up leveling through leves that required Koppranickel Ingots, as suggested by the guide from 62-66. I went all the way to 70 with it. Reason being was the following:
    1. Easy rotation to acquire the mats to make with a level 70 miner
    2. Roughly 700K XP per triple turn-in
    3. Durium Ingot was roughly 500K XP per turn-in

    Yes, I realize making one ingot saves more on material costs than making three of them. However, getting 700K XP per leve was worth it. I’d have more leves to use to push to 70.

    One other hint for people. Don’t forget to leverage your challenge log crafts (even the melding challenge!) for some cheap, easy XP once per week. Also, do the Custom Deliveries every week. That’s a ton of XP.

  5. Suggest updating this for Mogek The Marvelous (Churning Mists) Lvl 50-60 Moogle Beast Tribe Quests and Idyllshire – Weekly Custom Deliveries Lvl 60+

  6. At level 56 you get a Collectable for Star Ruby, yields 6 scrip, and 103k xp for 2600+ quality. For just 3 raw star ruby and a basilisk whetstone (pre-HW component!) it is fairly quick to mine, dirt cheap to make, and gets you started on scrip farming. Would take around 100 to go from 56 to 60

  7. No1 seems to want to give me a courier quest i have all leve guys unlocked but i got eustace and he only offers me regualr leve quests?

    1. Courier quests aren’t marked as such. They appear as normal levequests, and they start from the HOMETOWN. You can tell it’s a courier if the little image shows the the place you’re going (In GSM’s case, “NOT ULDAH”)

  8. I think for Level 1 Courier leve are now Band Bone (Home to Local) and handfulls of Copper Rings (5) (Local to Home)

  9. The worm fang needles give 31098 exp (62196 for HQ) and the silver chokers give 30282 exp (60564) for the level 30-35 GSM leves. both are the same turn in location and both are easy mats to get a hold of. So you end up getting more exp with the needles.

  10. “GSM 10: 12x Copper Rings”

    This needs to be more specific as I just crafted 12 Copper Rings rather than 12 handfuls of copper rings, which are actually needed.

    1. I’m sorry but the in-game description of “Copper Ring” versus “Copper Rings” is quite vague, no? I guess SE should change it to like copper ringlet

      1. Would be helpful to show what to grind on from 0 to15. You advised not to use levequests, but do not provide the alternative method.

        1. Hmm I guess I should edit to be more specific. Courier <-> Reverse courier leves are SUPER VALUE in this tier, but regulars are JUNK

          1. Ah ok, I have been trying to find items to grind on for 1 to 15 as I noticed that some of your guides have them and some do not. I would rather save the leves for the higher level when trying to level up crafting on multiple classes at the same time. Maybe you can add what items to grind on for 1 to 15.

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