FFXIV Alchemist Leveling Guide L1 to 90

Shadowbringers UPDATED! Alchemy Leveling to 80 in no time! ALC Levequest Items comparisons and value moves per tier!

ALC Leveling Guide 60-64

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Welcome back! Here you’ll find info on Alchemist Leveling 60 to 70! If you’re here, “it ain’t yer first trasmuteo” – so let’s get right to it.

ALC Leveling Guide – Navigation: [0-15] | [15-35] | [35-50] | [50-60]
[60-64] | [64-70] | [70-80] | [80-90]

“Ready your inventory Space”
– Full Moogle MahikoIST

If you’re rushing in from 3.x, and your Alchemist gear is subpar, don’t worry! While your Alchemist leveling journey will be harder, don’t worry so much! Read the clickies, they may help you!

>> Namazu Beast Tribe & SB Custom Deliveries – EASY EXP <<
NEW & IMPORTANT: Namazu & M’naago Deliveries

Stormblood patch 4.5 introduced two new ways to gain some easy and chunky DoH EXP – both of which are prime candidates to help you push through the “scrub phase” of L60 to about L63: namely, Namazu Beast Tribe Quests and Rhalgr’s Reach Custom Deliveries from Mnaago.

They are virtually FREE, don’t require levequests, are EASY to craft with any gear level, surprisingly decent rewards, and FAST. The only “downside”: limited submits per day/week.

Prioritize doing these on either your lowest level crafters, or pushing past “sucky tiers”. 

Namazu Beast Tribe QuestsRhalgrs Reach Custom Deliveries

Starting Quest: Something Fishy This Way Comes
Location: The Azim Steppe (17.4, 37.5)
Quest Giver: Floundering Namazu
Prerequisite Quests: In the Crimson They Walked, and Kurobana vs. Gyorin
* The quest “Kurobana vs. Gyorin” is unlocked by completing two series of quests, one beginning with the quest “Perchance to Hanami” and the other beginning with the quest “Courage the Cowardly Lupin.”

Similar to Ixal and Moogle tribes, the Namazu tribe is the DoH/DoL related beast tribe in Stormblood. You can do around 3 Namazu quests every day – which yield quite a bit of EXP for ANY DoH or DoL class of your choice – as long as you take the quest with the class you want the EXP to end up in.

These are relatively low effort and decent returns – all of the materials are obtained during the quest so it, most importantly, COSTS YOU NOTHING! Since the items are easy to craft, free, and infinitely retryable – save these for crafters during the “struggle period” of L60-63 ish.

The main problem? Unlocking Namazu can be a bit of a hassle especially if you slacked off on sidequests. I myself had to do quite a few to unlock these little guys.

Starting Quests: None Forgotten, None Forsaken
Starting NPC & Location: Galiena in Rhalgr’s Reach (X:9.8 Y:12.5)
Prerequisite MSQ: Return of the Bull
Prerequisite: Unlock Stormblood Collectibles.

Compared to Namazu, this is easy to unlock.

You can do this 6 times per week, and without doubt, this is the “largest exp for the tiniest effort spent” for this tier of leveling. You even get red and yellow crafter scrip which makes this activity the absolute highest value in your to do list.

Simply talk to M’naago (14.6, 9.4) in Rhalgr’s Reach and see what she needs for the week. For crafters, all of the materials for these submissions can be bought straight up from an NPC, also in Rhalgr’s Reach – X:10.5, Y:11.5 ish.

You can gain EXP for ANY DoH or DoL class of your choice. I suggest using this for when you need to push crafters past the “L60 to 63 difficult zone”. If all your crafters are past that zone, use these to push past “bad tiers” with expensive levequest items. Ultimately, if you’re 70 – simply do these for the scrip.

Remember to on your Collectable Synthesis!

>> Read the box above! EASY EXP <<

Your gear is bad, and you feel bad. Playing catch up

Unlike gathering, its very VERY hard to “cheat” your way back into the game. The first few levels will be a little more difficult, but I’ve laid out a cost-efficient path for you! You’ll be EQUALS with even the most hardened crafters quickly enough!

If you’re using anything LESS than the Chimerical Felt / Hallowed Chestnut tier, you fall into the “some struggles ahead” pile.

What do I do to reach 61? 62?

Before we get into the specifics of Alchemist, keep these little things in mind:

Old ALC levequests below 60 suck: they don’t provide decent EXP anymore now that you’re 60.

Grinding: is actually legit. You’re going to be using the materials anyway! Use the sparse HQ’s you get to craft levequest items if needed.

Commercial Engineering Manual: There’s no better time to use this than now when you’re a scrub. Grinding is legit at this point.

Levequests: You can buy them off the Market Board! You can craft them yourself, and if they’re NQ submit them anyway! Just do whatever you can that’s within your budget. It’s better than letting your leves pile up to 100, and any method to get out of “hell” is better than nothing. Buy up cheap NQ’s even!

Grand Company Submissions: They’re a “free” levequest, but they sometimes have things which are very expensive to craft. If you have a “star” entry, DO THAT AT ALL COSTS! The exp is huge. AT LEVEL 60 (to maybe 62) the chance of getting an endgame Heavensward submission is pretty significant. These are difficult to craft, and are sparsely stocked on the Market Board. GL!

Food: If you must, eat food to reach important CP points, or cover up where you feel you’re lacking. The Culinarian NPC in Kugane (X12 Y12~) sells some food, some of it can be pricey so maximize it! It also gives a welcome 3% EXP boost.

When does ALC leveling get better!?

At 61, 62, and 63, you will progressively get some gear upgrades that will get you within 90% power of the previous tier BiS – and at which point this guide gets much easier since everything is “UNIFORM” so to speak.

I will be putting more clicky box reminders for these events.

Level up your crafters simultaneously! (+DoL)

To prevent confusion on what rotation you use, what gear goes where… it’s just better IMO. There are many little reasons to do this which I am sure you can imagine.

Leveling gatherers at the same time as crafters is also good. You save money gathering your own resources. And when you DO decide to grind out some certain material (example, Koppranickel Sand), you get the gatherer EXP when you need it most (grinding in between collectibles!)
See our DoH DoL leveling guides.


For any serious crafter, leveling your Retainer to 60+ is a HUGE money saver. They can gather monster drop mats for you, which tend to be expensive early on.

How do I level my retainer past 60!? You need to give it a job crystal. Go to any Retainer Vocate to get the voucher.

Alchemist Leveling 60 to 62

L60 Fixing up your cross-class skills

To make things simple, try to have the same cross-class skills for every class. For the sake of simplicity we will try to use the SAME rotation for every class.

(From class) Skill
(CUL) Steady Hand II
(CRP) Byregot’s Blessing
(LTW) Waste Not
(BSM) Ingenuity II
(ALC) Comfort Zone
(ALC) Tricks of the Trade
(GSM) Innovation
(CUL) Hasty Touch (you’ll be getting rid of this soon)
(WVR) Careful Synthesis II (you’ll be getting rid of this soon)

And some optional ones for tryharding:

(GSM) Maker’s Mark
(GSM) Flawless Synthesis
(CUL) Reclaim


Disclaimer: I cannot promise this will work for you. Everyone is coming into Stormblood with different stat levels (you may be too weak or too strong). It’s very possible that your gear is SEVERELY lacking. In which case, it’s only natural you should expect more difficulty coming into Stormblood, right? But it’s a place to start.

If you’re missing CP I highly suggest food buffs to cover your weaknesses in either CP or Craftsmanship.

No, it’s not the “perfect rotation” for you – only you can make that. It’s a good start template, and great for manual crafting as you can abuse the bejeesus out of “good procs” during the 2x Great Stride phase.

It’s all about progress: “How many steps it takes to synthesize progress” is the backbone of all rotations. Once you figure that out, you can reverse-engineer your own personal rotation.

THIS BECOMES SIGNIFICANTLY LESS OF A HASSLE IF YOU LEVEL ALL CRAFTERS SIMULTANEOUSLY! So you’re not confused on what rotation to use at what level / gear specs.


L60 40DUR 558 DIFF

THIS ROTATION IS “WEAK” – it’s suited for guys fresh off the Heaven’s Ward tier. THIS ROTATION IS MEANT TO BE EDITED to suit your needs. It’s a basic template, macro at your own risk. Stormblood recipes are L61 – Being a level under the recipe has huge drawbacks.

/ac “Comfort Zone” <wait.2>
/ac “Inner Quiet” <wait.2>
/ac “Waste Not” <wait.2>
/ac “Steady Hand II” <wait.2>
/ac “Hasty Touch” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch” <wait.3>
/ac “Master’s Mend” <wait.3>
/ac “Steady Hand II” <wait.2>
/ac “Great Strides” <wait.2>
/ac “Ingenuity II” <wait.2>
/ac “Byregot’s Brow” <wait.3>

/ac “Careful Synthesis II” <wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis II” <wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis II” <wait.3>

Upgrade / edit as needed

L60 80DUR 1116/1400 DIFF ???CP

Now, here’s the thing. There is almost ZERO reason to try an 80 durability recipe while LEVEL 60 – I recommend trying them at L61. However, if you want to craft your catch up gear one level early (why..?).

Stormblood recipes are L61 – Being a level under the recipe has huge drawbacks. Start out with Maker’s Mark > Comfort Zone > Inner Quiet > Flawless Synthesis type rotations. It’s better safe than sorry.

While the below is written in macro form, it does NOT account for Maker’s Mark, Comfort Zone and an early IQ.

/ac “Comfort Zone” <wait.2>
/ac “Inner Quiet” <wait.2>
/ac “Waste Not” <wait.2>
/ac “Steady Hand II” <wait.2>
/ac “Hasty Touch” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch” <wait.3>
/ac “Great Strides” <wait.2>
/ac “Steady Hand II” <wait.2>
/ac “Innovation” <wait.2>
/ac “Basic Touch” <wait.3>
/ac “Great Strides” <wait.2>
/ac “Byregot’s Blessing” <wait.3>

/ac “Ingenuity II” <wait.2>
/ac “Waste Not” <wait.2>
/ac “Careful Synthesis II” <wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis II” <wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis II” <wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis II” <wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis II” <wait.3>

Since I cannot know everyone’s unique stats coming into Stormblood:
Upgrade / edit as needed.

Alchemist Levequests @ 60

Type: S is for leves which are Single Submit; Type: T is for Triple Submit. Won’t remind you again.

ClassLevelQtyItemTypeLevequest NameBest?
ALC601Enchanted Koppranickel InkSWhinier Than the Sword1
ALC601Koppranickel IndexSSpellbound3
ALC601Growth Formula EtaTMagic Beans2
ALC 60 Levequest discussion

Enchanted Koppranickel Ink is your “safe pick” here.

Growth Formula Eta is a little weird. If you have the Vanu Vanu vendor, you can buy Birch Sap! Nigari is also bought from an NPC in Kugane! The problem is the double Moth Wings – check prices. It’s very viable if you’re lacking leves, and always looking at your ETA to new allowances!

Koppranickel Index is trash tier. As always, the market is your friend and hopefully you can book one on the cheap.

ALC 60 to 62: What I did in this tier

Here’s what I personally did in this tier:

Craft Enchanted Koppranickel Inks – submit to reach L61. Upgrade your gear as outlined below.

Then craft -> submit -> craft -> submit until 62. You don’t really want many excess inks around. You can keep a few.

Don’t bother with manuals, this tier is best powered through via Levequests.

Grinding Alchemist 60 to 62

I’d like to state it now that grinding on 40 durability ingots is a huge part of crafting leveling (you’re gonna end up using the materials, anyway…) so always try to optimize your rotation for those.

HOWEVER, having said that this exact tier is an exception. There’s nothing really valuable to grind here. Smash this tier with leves. If you must, Ink is your best bet. Reisui’s may be a long shot for some.

The only reason to grind Koppranickel Ink is for others to buy and submit ’em. I kept a small NQ stockpile for myself. Never hurts.

Important notes and events in this tier

Gear Upgrades: 61 Left side (Bloodhempen & Gaganaskin Tier)

Here’s a list of the new gear you’ll be getting soon. In this table, 5 of the left-side pieces are L61. Start with the Shirt, when you’re getting them – its gives the largest stats!

SlotItemLevelCheap Meld ICheap Meld II
WeaponHigh Steel Thermal Alembic62AnyAny
OffhandHigh Steel Mortar63AnyAny
HeadBloodhempen Turban of Crafting61Competence IVCommand IV
ChestBloodhempen Doublet of Crafting61Competence III+Command III+
GlovesGaganaskin Halfgloves61Competence IVCommand IV
BeltRuby Cotton Apron62Cunning IVCunning II
PantsBloodhempen Skirt61CUNNING IV+Command IV
BootsGaganaskin Shoes61CUNNING IV+Command IV
EarringLarch Earrings63CUNNING IV+Cunning III
NeckLarch Necklace63CUNNING IV+Cunning III
WristLarch Bracelets63CUNNING IV+Cunning III
RingLarch Ring63CUNNING IV+Competence III
RingLarch Ring63CUNNING IV+Competence III

LEAVE OPEN MELDS AND EASY FORCE MELDS to cover up for any “Hey, I’m missing a tiny bit of craftsmanship!” scenarios. Melding? Feel free to upgrade the materia you will use. Of all the left-side pieces, the CHEST is the only one you will be changing down the line (65+). The rest are optional upgrades.

61 Hasty Touch II

Getting to L61 ALC learns Hasty Touch II!

Simply change any / all your Hasty Touches to Hasty Touch II (Or as much as your CP can allow!). This applies to both 40 and 80 Durability rotations.

If you can support it for all rotations, you can safely remove Hasty Touch from your cross-class skills.

L61 Rotation Upgrades

Assuming you’ve invested into the HQ L61 left-side upgrades…

40 Durability & 80 Durability
I don’t know your exact stats yet, so simply replace as many Hasty Touch to Hasty Touch II. (As much as your CP allows)

You may or may not be able to simplify the progress section of your rotation. Again, the best advice is “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”.

ALC 62 Weapon

Just in case you miss it in the next chunk, 62 is when you can equip new main hand weapons. In ALC’s case, High Steel Thermal Alembic.

Invest or create an HQ one. From hereon, it’s ALMOST MANDATORY to upgrade weapons, off-hands and shirts to HQ. Don’t worry I’ll remind you.


Alchemist Leveling 62 to 64

Simultaneous leveling & Retainers

If you do plan to level all crafters to 70, you may as well do them at the same time. You will thank me for it. The very second you reach a new level, switch.

If you can level your DoL at roughly the same time (they usually pull ahead very quickly), it’s obviously value since you can farm your own materials.
See: DoH DoL leveling guides.

Level your retainers to 70 by giving them a soul crystal. This will save you a lot of money. If you’re part of the scrub pile, chances are, your gil is part of the scrub pile too.

“Don’t come saying I didn’t tell you about retainers and leveling simultaneously. Eyes are primarily for reading – not crying”
– Mahiko “Gil” San

This is my last reminder, but I love you regardless of your choice.

Alchemist Levequests @ 62

ClassLevelQtyItemTypeLevequest NameBest?
ALC621Gyuki Leather CodexSOfficial Strategy Guide3
ALC623Grade 1 Reisui of IntelligenceSScroll Down2
ALC623Potent Spiritbond PotionTMateria Worth1
ALC 62 Levequest discussion

Potent Spiritbond Potion was really good for me. It’s relatively cheap, and I personally use these! They’re fairly saleable too. It was my choice (80 DUR is much easier to craft).

Grade 1 Reisui of Intelligence is pretty cheap too. It’s equally viable cost-wise. The problem? It’s a lot more difficult to reliably HQ than SB pots. The higher recipe level and being 40 durability hurts this otherwise great leve.

Gyuki Leather Codex… well… there’s always that one guy. Hopefully some chump sold his on the MB for cheap. 

ALC 62 to 64: What I did in this tier

Here’s what I personally did in this tier:

P O T E N T  S P I R I T B O N D  P O T I O N

Ahhh, a fine levequest submission if I ever saw one! I never felt bad overstocking the materials because it’s the type of item people like to use.

You can also craft a small stockpile of Reisuis – a welcome boost to EXP and your stash.  (Do not attempt Reisuis if you’re weak – wait for L63 upgrades).

Finish up this tier and reach 64 by submitting any remaining HQ inks from the previous tier, and capping it off with Potent Spiritbond Potion submissions.

Grinding Alchemist 62 to 64

Potent Spiritbond Potion rears its head yet again. You’ll never feel bad grinding on these for many reasons. A) It’s a triple leve submission. B) It has an actual use to people.

Any and all Reisui’s will hold some value over time, these are super annoying to craft as a high level guy (AKA going to Retainers to get materials). Having a small stockpile of each can improve sanity.

Important notes and events in this tier

ALC L62 Mainhand: (and belt)

As I mentioned earlier, you can get the mainhand weapon now, and you’re nearly up to snuff!

L62 ALC Main Hand: High Steel Thermal Alembic (Any melds)
L62 Belt: Ruby Cotton Apron (Cunning IV) (Cunning II)

At L63 you will get the NQ off-hand for free with the ALC 63 Class Quest!

L62 Careful Synthesis III

ALC Level 62 unlocks Careful Synthesis III, and along with our new main hand weapon we can upgrade our rotations…

Rotation: ALC L62 40DUR 842DIFF 365CP

Depending on your Off-hand YOU MIGHT FAIL THIS. Test first.

/ac “Comfort Zone” <wait.2>
/ac “Inner Quiet” <wait.2>
/ac “Waste Not” <wait.2>
/ac “Steady Hand II” <wait.2>
/ac “Hasty Touch II” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch II” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch II” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch II” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch II” <wait.3>
/ac “Master’s Mend” <wait.3>
/ac “Great Strides” <wait.2>
/ac “Steady Hand II” <wait.2>
/ac “Innovation” <wait.2>
/ac “Standard Touch” <wait.3>
/ac “Great Strides” <wait.2>

/ac “Byregot’s Blessing” <wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis III” <wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis III” <wait.3>

Wrote in macro form for easy use, MACRO AT YOUR OWN RISK. Upgrade / downgrade depending on your stats and needs.

Rotation: ALC L62 80DUR 379CP

If you DO NOT reach the CP thresholds yet (you will soon, at 63) downgrade to Hasty Touch 1 and/or Remove Innovation. (or eat food)

/ac “Comfort Zone” <wait.2>
/ac “Inner Quiet” <wait.2>
/ac “Waste Not” <wait.2>
/ac “Steady Hand II” <wait.2>
/ac “Hasty Touch II” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch II” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch II” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch II” <wait.3>
/ac “Hasty Touch II” <wait.3>
/ac “Great Strides” <wait.2>
/ac “Steady Hand II” <wait.2>
/ac “Innovation” <wait.2>
/ac “Basic Touch” <wait.3>
/ac “Great Strides” <wait.2>
/ac “Byregot’s Blessing” <wait.3>

/ac “Ingenuity II” <wait.2>
/ac “Waste Not” <wait.2>
/ac “Careful Synthesis III” <wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis III” <wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis III” <wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis III” <wait.3>
/ac “Careful Synthesis III” <wait.3>

Since we’re still technically in the “wild west” in terms of people entering Stormblood with different stats, please adjust this to your capabilities.

Macro at your own risk. While it’s okay to macro cheap levequest items, I suggest manually crafting with Maker’s Mark based rotations for important self-upgrades.

L63 Alchemist Quest: Quality Assurance Trait

Leveling your Alchemist to 63 is a pretty huge benchmark: It means you can completely wear THE ENTIRE NEW SET OF CRAFTERS GEAR! But before that, do your class quest first!


Rewards: You get Quality Assurance (trait) which increases the chance of “good”. You also get an NQ Off-hand which is likely a massive upgrade for you. Can’t complain!

What about the NQ left-side rewards? Read on.

Ruby Cotton / Gyuki Leather tier?

I COMPLETELY IGNORED THIS TIER. If you would like to, simply craft or buy the HQ Ruby Cotton Coatee. I personally DID NOT, but I can see how it can help. (Cheap Melds Competence III+, Command III+)

63 Gear Update: Off-hand & Accessories

Larch tier accessories: (CRP 63 recipes) are very likely an upgrade for newer crafters. They give a massive amount of CP, and come built in with stats!

SlotItemLevelCheap Meld ICheap Meld II
EarringLarch Earrings63CUNNING IV+Cunning III
NeckLarch Necklace63CUNNING IV+Cunning III
WristLarch Bracelets63CUNNING IV+Cunning III
RingLarch Ring63CUNNING IV+Competence III
RingLarch Ring63CUNNING IV+Competence III

Making / Buying the HQ Offhand? I did not find this “necessary” UNTIL LEVEL 65. Looking back, if that was the case, then you might as well pick it up ASAP. It’s an “optional” upgrade for sure, but meaningful.

ALC L63 HQ Off-hand: High Steel Mortar IS MANDATORY! Please upgrade your off-hand as often as you can. The stats are huge.

I sincerely hope you have followed the gear upgrades up to this point. Your “end goal” is to get 409 CP. Make it happen.

From here on, I will assume YOUR GEAR IS UP TO DATE.

Gear Check: Just a reminder

If everyone followed the guide, their gear will now be caught up. Here’s what you should be packing…

SlotItemLevelCheap Meld ICheap Meld II
WeaponHigh Steel Thermal Alembic62AnyAny
OffhandHigh Steel Mortar63AnyAny
ChestBloodhempen Turban of Crafting61Competence IVCommand IV
HeadBloodhempen Doublet of Crafting61Competence III+Command III+
GlovesGaganaskin Halfgloves61Competence IVCommand IV
BeltRuby Cotton Apron62Cunning IVCunning II
PantsBloodhempen Skirt61CUNNING IV+Command IV
BootsGaganaskin Shoes61CUNNING IV+Command IV
EarringLarch Earrings63CUNNING IV+Cunning III
NeckLarch Necklace63CUNNING IV+Cunning III
WristLarch Bracelets63CUNNING IV+Cunning III
RingLarch Ring63CUNNING IV+Competence III
RingLarch Ring63CUNNING IV+Competence III

This set packs roughly:
910+ Craftsmanship
830+ Control

Again, TRY TO GET 409 CP. I don’t care how you do it GET IT DONE. Using CP food in the long term maaaaaaaaaaay result in errors when you forget to food up.


THERE IS A L64 ROTATION UPDATE – but I’ll put that in the next tier.

ALC Leveling Guide – Navigation: [0-15] | [15-35] | [35-50] | [50-60]
[60-64] | [64-70] | [70-80] | [80-90]

With this you’ve gotten past “the hard part”, which is catching up to the required gear power levels! Congrats!

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34 thoughts on “FFXIV Alchemist Leveling Guide L1 to 90”

  1. Can rotations please be updated to reflect skills that no longer exist, as well as new ones, etc (I.e. Comfort Zone).

  2. Hello! Just a heads up: I am currently doing the Lanolin leves in Whitebrim, and the number has been reduced to 1 lanolin per delivery, making it a 3 craft triple-leve; which is basically *amazing*.

  3. I’d like to add something to help out other people who plans to grind out lvl 15-25 using leves. It’s late I know.
    For level 15-25 leves, Ash Wand can be bought from the Merchant & Mender in Central Shroud, whereas the Budding Ash Wand can be bought from the same kind of NPC in East Shroud.

  4. I’m not sure where to leave this – there doesn’t seem to be any help or support section – but I can’t click to open any of the clickboxes in most (all?) of these leveling guides. I was able to a couple days ago. It’s not working for other friends I’ve asked to try, either. A little frustrating; I can’t see the macro recommendations anymore, among other things. This website has always been so great to help with leveling jobs, could someone look into fixing this?

  5. I have been following this guide and have gotten to 64 very easily but I have a small problem…
    When I go to the page for 64-70 none of the drop down menus work! I don’t know if it’s just me but I checked on 3 different browsers and had a friend even try. All the other pages work just fine. Kinda bummed because I wanted to see what to get gear wise and what cross skills I’m supposed to “FIX UP” but I can’t.

    Looking forward to getting on with my progession and your answer!

  6. Hello. First off, thank you so much for this guide. I have been following it to great success.

    I have noticed that some of your quotation marks for the macros do not copy+paste well into FFXIV. I have to edit every single one in order to use them. I’m NA, so not sure if it’s different in the EU/JP locale? Not a big deal, but if you care, there it is. :)


      1. At least the 71 ALC macros were posted with smart punctuation, which the NA version apparently chokes on. Wasn’t hard to fix with a bit of search and replace in a text editor, but still confusing at first.

  7. I have a correction. On the alchemist level 50-60 page, there is this line:

    “It’s now in Mor Dhona! Wiltaek (Revenants Toll) is your questgiver… and client!”

    The NPC name is misspelled. It should be “Wiltwaek”.

  8. I know it’s early on in the class, but the materials for Roof Tiles are not all available from the Alchemy supplier. They don’t sell Straw (but you can take a quick Aethernet jaunt to the Weaver’s guild that does).

  9. Here’s a suggestion if you’re lazy like me, when you first get palace of the dead you need to spam that because it gives you HQ potions with needing to buy and it also lvls up your class for attacking so it’s a win win situation.

  10. (15-20 range) Ash Branches actually aren’t purchased from the Guild Supplier, only their logs are. But I heard something about unlocking materials…? It’s not there at-level, at least.

  11. Just wanted to throw this out there,

    Lv30 Alchemist LeveQuest (Just Give Him a Serum), actually gives a little more EXP compared to the other Singles of the Lv35 Alchemist LeveQuest tier.

    Just Give Him a Serum (47.8k EXP for NQ / 95.6k EXP for HQ)
    Majority of Singles at Lv35 only gives roughly 41k EXP for NQ (with the exception of the Wand).

    So IMO, I think it should also be in that tier considering the amount of EXP it gives and how easy the recipe is.

  12. at lvl 56 you can spam hardsilver ink collectables for cheap and fast exp, got to 60 in 2 hours and made enough blue scrips for my books

    1. Yes they should be HQ because even for class quests, if you turn in an HQ item it will give you DOUBLE the XP

  13. 53 ALC quest is HQ Enchanted Mythrite Ink (x3)
    55 ALC quest is HQ Bottles of Grade 1 Intelligence Dissolvent (x3)
    58 ALC quest is HQ Draconian Potion of Strength (x1)
    60 ALC quest is HQ Noble Gold (x1)

  14. You might want to update the level-30-35 range that you can make Growth Formula Gamma with NPC bought materials… its just that you have to unlock them first…!

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