FFXIV Botanist Leveling Guide (L100 Dawntrail UPDATE)

DAWNTRAIL UPDATE up to Level 90 to 100! Level up Botanist Quickly! Stop wasting time! Power Level your Botany! Collectables, Rotations, Tips, etc

BTN Leveling Guide 70-80

DAWNTRAIL Guides! Dawntrail L90-100 Miner Leveling, Botanist Leveling
Dawntrail Normal Raid Guide (Quick, Spoiler Free)
Viper STARTER Guide / Rotation | Pictomancer Starter Guide / Rotation


Endwalker tier COMPLETELY UPDATED. At older parts of guide? OPEN THIS

Finally, the L80 to L90 portion of the BTN/MIN Leveling Guides are 100% complete and current. The older parts, however… (GEAR UPDATES per tier are most important)

While I will update these ASAP (promise, hehe).
Here’s the important banger notes:

GEAR UPDATES? Any time I mention gear updates in the lower tiers, (except 0 to 60), IGNORE IT AND BUY SCRIP TIER GEAR INSTEAD.

A Realm Reborn Gear Scrip gear? NO SCRIP, my notes are still pretty valid.
Heavensward L50 Scrip gear?
 NO SCRIP, my notes are still pretty valid.
Stormblood L60 Scrip gear: Augmented Keep tier IL200
Shadowbringers L70 Scrip gear: Landking tier IL350 (Offhand from L330)
Endwalker L50 Scrip gear: Landsaint –  Guide already reflects this.

All of these upgrades are “good” until the end of their tier.
Get scrip by: Custom Deliveries and Collectables.

COLLECTABLES? Not only did the rotation / skill names change TWICE since SHB into EW, the entire System was overhauled pre-EW. Instead of rotating nodes with normal names, it’s SET NON-ROTATING RAREFIED materials. The rotation is also different, but somehow simpler. I’ll update a universal DoL Collectable / Rotation guide for this, instead of repeating myself 100 times.

TLDR: The old “everyday it changes” is OUT. Rarefied “set-in-stone” is in! Ignore mentions of OLD ROTATIONS AND SKILLS. I’ll remedy this ASAP

Endwalker tier is, of course, updated in this regard.

BEAST TRIBES? Each tier has a beast tribe you can use to level up, which I didn’t seem to note as I always blast through DoL super early… These are decent sources of EXP while also giving you some neat items.

A Realm Reborn: Ixal (DoL and DoH)
Heavensward: Moogle (DoL and DoH)
Stormblood: Namazu (DoL and DoH)
Shadowbringers: Qitari (DoL only) 
Endwalker: Omicron (DoL only) –  Guide already reflects this.

Please click on and read the above clicky box if you're leveling 01 to 79. 

Botany Leveling Guide - Navigation:
Botanist Level:
Level  0-50 | 50-60 | 60-70 | 70-80
80-90 | 90-100

Botanist L70 to 80 – The First Step

Well, well, well… So you made it! The Shadowbringers tier is unusually friendly so there’s that to look forward to. Let’s go!

Before continuing, stock up on a few things!

Every journey is incomplete without supplies – and leveling botanist to 80 is no exception.

Food: Mushroom SauteCordials
  • Preferred Food: Mushroom Saute NQ (Gathering 61, Perception 30)
  • Source: Crystarium NPC Hanji-Fae (X:9.6, Y:14.7) near Musica Aethernet.
  • Cost: 3548 Gil

This is the perfect food buff for BTN leveling. GP is largely useless unless you’re hitting benchmark amounts. The raw stats like Gathering and Perception though are infinitely more useful during the grind. “Hey, it’s expensive!” If you’re not making money while gathering (even collectables give gil and scrips), there’s something wrong…


This is important-ish. The more collectables you farm the more of these you need to use.

Where to get Cordials? Crafting or the Market Board. These are USUALLY pretty cheap, although I cannot speak for what is cheap for everyone…

Other Sources of Cordials? Honestly, I use GC Seals to buy ’em. 500 per 1 ain’t so bad, especially since it’s “FREE” due to the amount you get submitting gear and other things. As a note, whenever you fill up with GC Seals don’t fret to buy either these or Ventures for future expansions…

Botanist L70 to L71

As always, we begin our Botanist leveling journey in a new tier welcomed by the dreaded “DEAD ZONE”.  But fret not, Mahiko San got you covered! I also recommend you read every chunk, (for example read this chunk of text then level to 71 so on so forth)

L70 to L71 - The Dead Zone, and why?
Grinding kinda sucks and you can’t do new collectables!

Random Gear Levels: I cannot know what kind of gear you entered Shadowbringers with so I cannot make general recommendations. It’s very likely you’re wearing some pretty sub-optimal gear.

Not much to grind! There is only ONE new item available for you to grind / farm (so unexciting…), namely Night Pepper in Amh Araeng. You also have ONE new unspoiled node (which happens to be your collectable WHICH YOU LIKELY CANNOT FARM).

Levequests are the KEY to escaping the BTN L70-L71 Dead Zone!

BTN L70 Levequests & Recommendation

LevelBTN LevequestPlateType & NoteMap
70Home Is Where the Heart IsMerchant4 Node Evaluation (GREAT!!!!)Kholusia
70Sought-after SpicesArcher8 Node Evaluation (Still Great!)Kholusia
70Medicinal HerbsHe-manGather 40 (JUNK)Kholusia
DoH Levequest RefresherNorvrandt Leve Plates

Not all DoH Levequests are created equal! You want the levequests which have these objectives:

  • 4 Node Evaluation
  • 8 Node Evaluation

As they are not only faster on average, but yield significantly more EXP. The other two objective should be avoided:

  • Gather 40
  • 32 or Fail

It’s truly a different world in all respects, so Norvrandt has DIFFERENT LEVE PLATES, too! Take Merchant” and “Archer (4 and 8 Node Evaluation, respectively). Avoid “He-man” and “Cid Old Guy” (Gather 40, and 32 or Fail, respectively)

BTN L70 to 71 – Other EXP Sources

Aside from Levequests, what else can you do to push through the dead zone?

Daily GC SubmissionWeekly Custom DeliveryGrinding...

Every day you can get a CHUNK of EXP by submitting the HQ items your GC is requesting for. Check this by pressing CTRL+U, then clicking “Next Mission Allowance”.

These are essentially free FAT “levequests” that refresh daily. The starred entries are especially juicy and you should go out of your way to do them.

You can submit 12 a week. These are VERY EASY TO DO and gives decent EXP plus scrip. So I see no reason to pass up on these especially this early on.

  • Khloe Alpaioh and Adkiragh in Idyllshire.
  • M’naago in Rhalgr’s Reach.
  • Kurenai in Tamamizu.

Take note that these 12 weekly submissions are not only SHARED AMONGST ALL DoH AND DoL CLASSES but also SHARED BETWEEN ALL “CLIENTS”.

Using all 12 on one class SHOULD immediately remove you from the DEAD ZONE – but this is once a week.

Ultimately, you can choose to grind if you wish – though I do not recommend it right now. It IS an option, but not such a good one.

The most “grinding” I would do at 70 is getting the HQ materials myself for the daily submits.

Unlock Crystarium Deliveries (“Class Quest”)

Shadowbringers gives us “Crystarium Deliveries“, which should not be likened with the older Custom Delivery systems. It’s essentially “SHARED CLASS QUESTS”. For Botanist, this means unlocking the Facet of Gathering.

UnlockingHow does it Work?Try it out!

It’s a 2 quest process to unlock this:

  • 1st Quest: The Crystalline Mean (L70) – Area: The Crystarium
  • Requires: MSQ “The Crystarium’s Resolve (L72)”.
  • 2nd Quest: On the Trail of a Myth (L70) – Area: The Crystarium
  • Requires: The Crystalline Mean (the 1st quest listed above)

You have SIX submissions per tier PER FACET (so in this case, you can turn in SIX SHARED BETWEEN Botanist and Miner). These give pretty chunky EXP, but is kind of like a class quest, so it’s not infinite.

After six submissions your esteem goes up and she’s gonna ask for a new set of six items at L73.

For Botanist, head over to Amh Araeng (Aetheryte: Mord Souq). A little west of there, you can find the Esteem Tier 1 item, Animal Trace. You need 3 per submission.

Qeshi-Rae doesn’t seem to care if its HQ or not (at least for the first tier), but NQ submissions mean 50% LESS EXP for your BTN than HQ ones! While she doesn’t care about quality, you definitely should!

A lot of reminders and things to do here, but ultimately Levequests are the main source of EXP to get out of the dead zone, supported by GC submits & Class Quest.

New Skill @ 71 - Stickler

Stickler is a pretty cool skill, but has very little applications leveling up. The main use-case of Stickler seems pretty niche – “I’m out of GP, but will sacrifice a gathering attempt to push my rating a little higher”.

Botanist L71 to L72

Quite a bit happens here so READ UP! First and foremost, A MUCH NEEDED GEAR UPGRADE! So you can finally FARM COLLECTABLES FOR DAT SWEET XP.


L71 Botanist Gear UPDATE
SlotBTN L71+ Gear UpdateCheap Meld ICheap Meld II
Main HandHQ Deepgold HatchetAny (Spiritbond)
Off HandHQ Deepgold ScytheAny (Spiritbond)
HeadHQ Brightlinen Turban of GatheringGuile VAny (Spiritbond)
ChestHQ Brightlinen Coat of GatheringGuile VAny (Spiritbond)
HandsHQ Smilodonskin Gloves of GatheringGuerdon VAny (Spiritbond)
BeltHQ Smilodonskin Survival BeltGuile V
LegsHQ Brightlinen Bottoms of GatheringGuerdon VGuerdon V
BootsHQ Smilodonskin Shoes of GatheringGuile VGuile V
EarringHQ Smilodonskin EarringsGuile V
ChokerHQ Smilodonskin ChokerGuile V
WristHQ Smilodonskin WristbandGuile VI
RingHQ Smilodonskin RingGuile VI
RingHQ Smilodonskin RingGuile VI

With this EXACT gear, you’ll be able to easily farm collectables now and you’ll have exactly 700 GP which is important for the next phase…

Botanist 71 – It’s COLLECTABLE TIME!

70+ BTN CollecatbleLMapAetheryteXYSlotTime
White Oak Branch70KholusiaWright1229310ET
Broad Beans71Il MhegLydha Lran2437212ET

Upon reaching L71 and updating your gear, you can now power farm TWO DIFFERENT COLLECTABLES! With these exact melds and gear you can get an extra collectable as well, 100% of the time!

L71+ Collectable Rotation
  • Make sure your Collector’s Glove is on.
  • Field Mastery II (optional, or adjust)
  • Hit the correct slot
  • Gather the material (WITH COLLECTOR’S GLOVE ON!!!!)
  • (The following skills can AND SHOULD BE MACRO’D)

/ac “Discerning Eye” <wait.3>
/ac “Methodical Appraisal” <wait.3>
/ac “Discerning Eye” <wait.3>
/ac “Methodical Appraisal” <wait.3>
/ac “Single Mind” <wait.3>
/ac “Methodical Appraisal” <wait.3>

Click Collect until node vanishes.

[/su_tab ]

If you need a little reminder about what and how this works, here it is.

With Collector’s Glove on, instead of gathering an item you will enter a mini-game, with the goal of increasing the items collectability.

The material can withstand 30 “Wear” (many of your collectability skills interact with item wear). ASIDE FROM WEAR, you must still respect gathering attempts.

Once you’re happy with the collectability, click the Collect button until you cannot gather any longer.

BTN L71+ Gathering Nodes Unlocked! Grinding?

You can finally access a bunch of new items to gather. Many of these are useful if you’re going to be leveling DoH.

BTN L71+ Levequests?

I do not recommend Levequests in your usual activities from now on. IF YOU INSIST on doing them (like, for example, if you are not leveling DoH classes) then I will list the great L72 leves in the next section.

Botanist L72 to 74

THERE IS NO CHANGE IN YOUR “STRATEGY” for two levels. There are a few events, notes, and decisions you should make listed in the boxes below. But the second you reach L74 please proceed to the next chunk of text.

  • Collectables (Broad Beans > White Oak Branch)
  • > Levequests (only if you’re RUSHING)
  • > Grinding mats you need or sell.

While maximizing your daily GC submits and weekly custom deliveries (if you choose to use them on your botanist).

BTN L72 Levequests

I don’t recommend doing these unless you’re really in a rush (they’re better spent on DoH and fishing, IMO), or you’re over-capped on Leves. But here they are. Same old story here. “Get evaluation, avoid the rest”.

BTN 72 Levequests
LevelBTN LevequestPlateType & NoteMap
72Packs a PunchArcher8 Node Evaluation (Still Great!)Il Mheg
72Seeds for the SickHe-manGather 40 (JUNK)Il Mheg
72Home Is Where the Heart Isn’tCid Old GuyGet 32 or Fail (JUNK)Il Mheg

BTN L72 to 74 Other events

L73 - New delivery for Facet of Gathering

As implied, your facet of gathering will accept 6 new submissions. Remember this is shared between your miner, too.

Non-unspoiled Collectables?

If you noticed your new collectable, Upland Wheat, is pretty bad. It’s one of those “always available” collectables which aren’t really worth it. Please note that I will almost never recommend these types of collectables.

Why? Well, the gathering attempts are atrocious so you will likely only get 1, maybe 2, gathers MAX from one of these, wasting all your GP for SUBPAR EXP compared to the unspoiled ones.

Again, nothing special here. It’s smooth and fast sailing as that collectable spam is amazing EXP.

Unlock all the L71-74 botany nodes!

Personally, I like to gather every item. This gives bonus EXP and prevents future hassle. Might as well get it done now! Do this by accessing the gathering log.

Gather 10 of each and sell ’em!

Botanist L74 to 76

While your day-to-day life remains the same, you do have some upgrades you have to take care of, and some optional ones to consider.

BTN L74 Gear update

But you do not NEED it until L66. Get it ASAP though.

L74+ Botanist Gear UPDATE
SlotBTN L74+ Gear UpdateCheap Meld ICheap Meld II
HeadHQ Atrociraptorskin Cap of GatheringGuile VAny (Spiritbond)
ChestHQ Atrociraptorskin Vest of GatheringGuile VAny (Spiritbond)
HandsHQ Atrociraptorskin Gloves of GatheringGuerdon VAny (Spiritbond)
EarringHQ White Ash EarringsGuile V
EarringHQ White Ash NecklaceGrasp II

While there are many other pieces of gear available – EVERYTHING ELSE IS OPTIONAL.

WEAPONS!?Other Slots?

The L74 Weapons are super powerful. It’s a massive jump from the “catch up gear” that the L71 tier was. But you don’t need them to rake in deez collectables.

If you grind a lot for your own materials or for selling, GET THEM NOW! It really helps when you have a much higher success rate and can use GP for +Yield skills instead of gathering Chance+.

The small speed gains in leveling are welcome too, when it comes to collectable rating.

Boots, Belt, and Legs are the weakest slots for any DoH, and I only changed up the accessories to reach a new GP threshold.

If you can afford it, sure, I suppose… It helps a tiny bit. No big deal either way.

What I did: I waited until all of those items spiritbonded, and then picked up the upgrades. Benefit from them ASAP, but don’t stress out from not getting them at L74 exactly.

BTN L74 Levequests

Same old same old here – I don’t recommend ’em but if you’re rushing here you go! Remember – avoid non-evaluation!

BTN 74 Levequests
LevelBTN LevequestPlateType & NoteMap
74Dream a Little DreamMerchant4 Node Evaluation (GREAT!!!!)Rak’tika Greatwood
74Pest ProblemsArcher8 Node Evaluation (Still Great!)Rak’tika Greatwood
74Fresh off the BoatHe-manGather 40 (JUNK)Rak’tika Greatwood

Well, that’s about it. Aside from these minor gear upgrades, it’s same old same old collectable spamming White Oak Branch + Broad Beans until L76.

Botanist L76 to 77

Access to a new collectable will vastly speed up the process, but you need to have the gear upgrades outlined at L74!

BTN L76 New Collectable!

70+ BTN CollectableLMapAetheryteXYSlotTime
Russet Popoto76Amh AraengTwine191778ET
White Oak Branch70KholusiaWright1229310ET
Broad Beans71Il MhegLydha Lran2437212ET

You will NOT reliably be able to collect Russet Popoto.

BTN L76 Levequests

Same old recommendation here – avoid leves unless rushing or capped. Take the Evaluation leves, as they’re the highest value.

BTN 76 Levequests
LevelBTN LevequestPlateType & NoteMap
76The Only CureMerchant4 Node Evaluation (GREAT!!!!)Amh Araeng
76Spiritual VenturesHe-manGather 40 (JUNK)Amh Araeng
76Culinary ConceptsCid-LookingGet 32 or Fail (JUNK)Amh Araeng

Gather from every L76+ Botany node again!

Like always, it’s pretty good advice (and gives you a little EXP) to unlock and gather from every node, getting the gathering log EXP. Open that gathering log and go ham! BTN L76 unlocks quite a bit of ’em!

Botanist L77 to 80

You’re at the final stretch to level 80 Botanist! Thankfully, there’s no real change on how you should go about it.

  • Gather your Russet Popoto > Broad Beans > White Oak Branch
  • Levequests if you’re in a hurry
  • Daily GC submissions and other extraneous EXP sources.
  • Grinding!

BTN L77 Optional Gear upgrades


L77+ Botanist OPTIONAL Gear UPDATE
SlotBTN L77+ Gear UpdateCheap Meld ICheap Meld II
Main HandHQ Titanbronze HatchetAny (Spiritbond)
Off HandHQ Titanbronze ScytheAny (Spiritbond)

These are only very useful for when you want to grind or gather materials on your own, but have almost no relevance to collectable farming. Personally, since I gather for my own DoH classes (since I level them up all at the same time) I opted to pick these up / make them.

Aside from the above, the shirt is also quite powerful.

BTN L78 Levequests

You know the drill by now. Only use this if you’re in a hurry or capped at 100 leves. Avoid non-evaluation.

BTN 78 Levequests
LevelBTN LevequestPlateType & NoteMap
78Big BusinessMerchant4 Node Evaluation (GREAT!!!!)Lakeland
78Good BusinessArcher8 Node Evaluation (Still Great!)Lakeland
78The Sweetest ThingsCid-LookingGet 32 or Fail (JUNK)Lakeland

Botanist Level 80 – What to do!?

Well, that’s it for leveling your Botanist in the Shadowbringers patch cycle. Discussing the end-game here doesn’t seem right so I might just revive the good old DoL End-game guide, let’s see!

Botany Leveling Guide - Navigation:
Botanist Level:
Level  0-50 | 50-60 | 60-70 | 70-80
80-90 | 90-100

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131 thoughts on “FFXIV Botanist Leveling Guide (L100 Dawntrail UPDATE)”

  1. NGL this guide is both convenient and inconvenient at the same time, it shows u what gear to get but not where to get it

  2. Hey guys,
    I just tried levelling my miner job from 60 to 70, and found a shortcut (more on that below). Since MIN and BTN in FFXIV share very similar mechanics, I suppose that the below is applicable to BTN as well. If anyone can confirm, that’d be great. I’ll also try and do the same with my own BTN job, will report back on how it went.

    So, I just got back to the game after a while, decided to level my lv.60 miner (lv.60 gear, 622GP).
    What I did was mine collectibles from lv.58-60 spots (e.g., Red Quartz & Adamantite, they have close in-game appearance times and are relatively close geographically). With a simple 600GP rotation I managed to score consistent 500+ collectibility, about 5-6 items per spot, about 15-17 items total. Turning in to Rowena’s appraisers in Idyllishyre blasted me from lv.60 to 65 in an instant. I didn’t have much time to test this method further, but I guess that I’ll at least easily reach lv.70 that way, with zero investment into lv.60-69 gear.
    As for the yellow scripts that you’ll inevitably get, use them to buy folklore books, you’ll need them to progress miner’s story missions (also, you’ll be able to mine better minerals and probably sell them at the market).

    Hope this helps!

  3. Hey, I just got back into leveling BOT from 60, and noticed class quest xp gives an insane amount of xp (12.3mil xp at level 70, when the xp to 71 is 12,449,000, so its essentially a whole level.) It gives so much xp that the class quest at 70 essentially eliminates the dead zone since you’re just a few thousand xp away from 71. Just thought you should put this in the guide. Thanks!

    1. Aye, if you’re rushing through and are a newer player class quests are CHONKY. Sadly for the case for people like me, I got zero xp out of ’em back when they were the final one! I will add this in my next update thanks!

  4. First off, thank you thank you thank you! This guide is amazing and has enabled me to tackle botanist and basically speed through Leveling! I think it was mentioned before and I only scrolled through some of the comments but I’m currently grinding nodes at lvl 56 and found:
    1)Heavens Lemons node spawns at 6
    2) Cloud Bananas spawn at 4
    Thanks again for this awesome guide!

  5. Here’s a piece of advice, if you’re handing over lines to go in a macro, don’t use wonky fonts. Straight copy/paste into FFXIV and it won’t recognize them. ” is not the same as “

      1. The macro in the 71+ collectible rotation info box

        /ac “Discerning Eye”
        /ac “Methodical Appraisal”
        /ac “Discerning Eye”
        /ac “Methodical Appraisal”
        /ac “Single Mind”
        /ac “Methodical Appraisal”

        doesn’t work when copy/pasted directly from this page. I had to go in and change the two ” on each line, then they ended up working. Something about the quotation marks used doesn’t register in-game. Hope this info helps to fix it!

      2. I get the same problem, but it takes about 5 seconds to fix. Could be an OS/Browser issue. I’m on Chrome on Windows 10 and “lack of font” is different from “lack of font” (unsure how this might look while posted)

        Here’s a version I changed to work for me. I also reduced the wait from 3 to 2 with Discerning Eye and Single Mind, as it was unnecessary to wait so long.

        /ac “Discerning Eye”
        /ac “Methodical Appraisal”
        /ac “Discerning Eye”
        /ac “Methodical Appraisal”
        /ac “Single Mind”
        /ac “Methodical Appraisal”

        1. Yeah, the website seems to do some sort of conversion on the quotes once the comment is posted. Not sure what that’s about. And it ate my waits. Presumably thinking it was HTML due to the left and right carets.

  6. Thanks for the guide! I just wanted to leave a note here that I was able to follow the entire level 70-80 guide while wearing blue gear purchased with yellow gatherers’ scrip, no problem getting HQs for turn-ins or getting the right collectability level.

    1. This is a great suggestion, though I initially hesitated to add it due to not many people having it coming in – however it is a legit strategy so I’ll add it in soon!

    2. Very true, don’t waste your money on the gear mentioned in the guide. Short version, just do collectibles and in down time between them farm nearest and highest level nodes with gathering food active and the company times or the script tones that give you extra exp.

  7. The lvl 70 Yellow scrip II gear will carry you effortlessly all the way from 70 to 80. The only upgrade i made pre-80 was buying a HQ offhand at 74. Especially with the cost reduction to yellow scrip gear, there is no need whatsoever to buy any white gear aside from the HQ offhand. At 80, I was able to grind out the 4 white scrip collectables and kit out with the White scrip gear available. The currently craftable DoL gear for 80 is frankly not worth the money, at most you would buy HQ accessories and belt but there is painfully little gain.

    Tl;Dr Yellow scrip gear will carry you to 80, buy a HQ offhand at 74, don’t buy crafted gear at 80, just get the white scrip gear until they patch in better crafted recipes.

  8. The stormblood guide for botany would be better if they just stated what the quest turn-ins were so that we could grind them like they did in the past guides.

  9. It’s worth noting that the Blessed Fieldkeep’s Hatchet from the Achievement “I Found That: Botanist V” for gathering and recording discovery of 230 unique items as a Botanist actually beats out all of the hatchets during levelling – even the HQ Highsteel! It has stats like this;

    Ilvl 200
    Vit: 30
    Gathering: 292
    Perception: 167

    You can’t meld it, but I found that even with melds on the HQ Highsteel (Gathering: 274, Perception: 156) it didn’t beat those stats. I got it just by filling in all my gathering logs, so if people make an effort to do that as soon as they’re available, then you can get it quite early during levelling to 70! :)

    1. First of all, thanks A LOT for this great guide, I’m a new-ish player and this saved me a lot of time!

      Just a little heads up for anyone attempting Botanist Class Quest LVL70, not only the quest requires 5 normal items now (which has been covered correctly in this guide) but with Patch 4.2 “Ageless Words” doesn’t work anymore for this node in this particular scenario (this isn’t written anywhere in the patch note, but I just attempted it and it doesn’t work anymore sadly) so don’t bother wasting those 300GP on it, and use it to have 100% gathering chance instead (unless you have it already of course) else you’re forced to wait for the next time slot in order to complete the quest and it’s gonna be a pain. :(

      1. I just did this quest last night (Mar 31, 2019) on patch 4.5x. I completed both MIN and BTN 70 quests and used Ageless words on both to get another try to finish 5. It did work.

  10. I didn;t see it mentioned anywhere, but Its not necessary to grind lv 60 to 61 anymore, the stuff that Zhloe asks for for her orphanage gives excellent experience and was the same difficulty as the lv 58-59 stuff for me. Not to mention the storyline for that mini quest is actually interesting.

        1. it’s not a link sadly. just go to page 6 and look for a heading titled: “Botanist Gear: Upgrade Summary”. It should be under the “Botanist Leveling: 61 to 62”

          1. Ohhh! I found what you were talking about, jumped to the last page because I was level 69. Just wondering, do you also have a Stormblood endgame gear/meld guide for BTN?

  11. For the level 70 quest, HQ is needed. The first Rhalgr’s Streak you harvest will say it counts, but it doesn’t.

  12. I may have missed something here, but whats the suggested stockpile used for? Why are we stocking up these items?

    I get some of them are for the next class quest, but the rest?

    1. If you’re leveling crafters you need a small stock of some lower level items. Throw them away if your DoH is past the tier of your DoL – however this was made such a long time ago maybe I should just do away with suggested stockpile?

      1. Nah leave it in, it helps people who dont want to spend money on mats and want to profit fully from crafting.

        Thanks for the info :) keep up the good work!

      2. Nah, it was completely useful to me. Don’t like needlessly spending gil and the grind isn’t terrible

  13. Not sure if this is changed after SB, but tbh I just grind on Cedar log collectible 51-60. I can get 54 collectible logs in ~10 minutes, thats just shy of 1 mil XP (54 ,is just how many free slots I have in my inventory). throw in Coerthan tea leaves every 10:00ET and thats coming close to 1.2Mil – 1.5Mil every 10 minute run. Obviously this isn’t good if you want to sell things or gather things for crafting, but if you just want to grind up to the SB area these days and have no leves, it’s not a bad way to do it. If you’re rich, perhaps Wind Widows are better @58 and cloud mushrooms @59, but I can hit the above XP numbers on the logs with NQ gear and some cheap melds. No fancy skill rotations involved, just grab the log, appraisal twice and usually collect two or three logs per tree. It’s mind numbing, but easy and fast.

  14. idk if its a typo in the quest or a bug but I just completed my lvl 70 class quest with 5 NQ Rhalgr’s Streak. The actual turn-in didn’t ask for HQ either (I only had 2 anyway) so I’m not sure what’s going on because the quest tracker was listing that I had 5 HQ ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

  15. For the Level 68 levequests, there’s an error in your chat. The 8 node eval leve is actually “Nunh the Wiser” and the “Last of the Mhigans” is the 32 or fail leve.

  16. The time for Heavens Lemons appears to have changed, I just found them at 6 p.m. ET. I stuck around till about 10:10 ET to verify they don’t spawn at that time anymore

      1. Just finished the quest for Rhalgr’s Steak. I collected 5 NQ and HQ and for science decided to hand in the NQ ones first to see what merit the above comment had. The quest completed with only NQ items being handed in. I didn’t take a screenshot before but here is one just after my hand in. With what I had left after handing in the quest.

        1. You know, I feel something funny is going on with that quest. I had to submit NQ and HQ, maybe it was a strange bug of sorts, or they nerfed it. Either way if it’s just NQ I guess I’ll make a note on the guide. How very odd, even reviewing the quest in databases, HQ is the requested item…

  17. Heyo, still planning on updating this? I am now getting into the Stormblood parts of gathering. Full NQ lvl 61 left side gear, random hodgepodge of right side gear to hit 600+ GP with food. HQ main hand at 62 feels godlike. I’ve managed to collect Gyr Abanian Wheat collectable off of a gathering +1 node (can’t do it with 4 whacks in my gear, need to 5th hit to get to 470 collectability). Looking forward to seeing the completed guide.

    Botany is expensive… how do you keep your gil supply healthy? The gear upgrades ate away a pretty big chunk of my gil reserves.

    1. The unspoiled nodes have 5+ whacks. more with “utmost caution” rotations. Expensive is a relative term, heh. If you feel as if your gil got chunked…. you’re a gatherer!!!! Sell the stuff you harvest!

  18. Are there tips/guides about getting to 600GP? I barely hit 500GP at level 50 (I’m at 470 now). Is it just buying stuff at Market Boards?

  19. Achieved 50 thanks to this guide. Looking for 60.

    I would explain more the position of the quest items. Example for the 3 last logs for quest 50, you don’t say where, you don’t say that it’s a node that appears à 9 am in the coerthas providence zone.
    I got a hard time locating many of these items. Maybe I’m unskilled :P

    Found this link that is quite efficient

  20. lv 46-50 quote
    “Where to find Spruce Log? This quest is a little different, as you’re going to have to be level 50 to complete it (You cannot gather it as a 49 and below botanist)”


    Yes you can…… easily

  21. Just a note. You say that you cannot gather Spruce logs if you are not 50. This is incorrect. I am currently lvl 46 and have gathered them. You simply need to know which slot they are in (6). Simply make sure your Truth of Forests is turned on and run for the node when it becomes available. I am happy to provide photo video/ evidence. You can gather level 50 unspoiled nodes so long as you know which space holds the item and so long as your stats allow for it.

  22. Hello! I’m very thankful for all the great advices you gave, but I’ve been wondering about the suggested stockpiles…
    When you say 20 or 99 of each…is that NQ or HQ? I’ve been grinding for 20 HQ of each (and 99 for logs/ores) and it works just fine to level up, it’s slow, but it works :)
    Just wanted to know ^^

    1. I do believe it is mix&match as in crafting most items will call for either 1 or more items and you can mix in HQ for higher HQ progress at the start of the craft so its x20 in total in terms of the quest it would be atleast 10HQ for the turn in and just get a total of 30.

  23. This guild helped me get to 60 Botany, so thank you. Some thoughts and corrections.

    The collectibles you get at level 52 in Coerthas Western Highlands spawn at 10ET, not 12ET. Also, for the equipment upgrade, I would actually recommend NQ gear except for the tools, those should be HQ. Getting HQ gear is a bit overkill and saves a lot of money if you choose to but them. I believe there are some other times that are wrong but I don’t remember them

  24. Just a heads up, but you can see the nodes in Falcon Nest at level 50 allowing you to gather cedar logs. The guide says you cannot see them until level 51. I was able to see the nodes and gather with a skill of 325 putting the node at 81%. It is far easier and much more lucrative to farm these for a level. The cedar logs are selling for 700+ Gil for normal quality and HQ is going for a minimum of 1400 a log on average on my server so certainly worth it to grind on. Just an fyi.

    1. Aye, it’s impossible for me to give an blanket answer to all people of all servers. What to grind best can change from day to day depending on many things! The things I suggest are those likely to hold the most consistent value.

  25. First of all, thank you forever for all of these guides, which I used to get to 50 and I’m using to get to 60. You’e a hero.

    Second, there are two evaluation leves for each level but you only list one. I can help give names to the ones missing, but for the most part there is an 8-node 320 evaluation leve and a 4-node 160 evaluation leve for each tier.

    Not that it matters because if your percentage is near 85% using the 100GP ability to raise by 15%, then trying to get 5 of the 7/8 point item and using the chain 4 ability to get the 9 item is easy to do and will result in always getting 25%.

    Keep things going!

  26. How are we supposed to get to 600 GP? Even with food I wont get there. I’m level 52 with all of the 2.0 Botany gear. I only have 500k Gil. GP materia is silly expensive. You call 600 scrub tier but don’t tell us how to hit 600.

  27. Was able to get 5 Figs using Toil of Pioneer> Single Mind> Instinctual Appraisal x2, so there does not seem to be a cap of 4 at a node

    1. I see! Although my problem with this is when using single mind, a 3-gather becomes vastly superior to 5 figs…

      1. Its better get more of one item, rather then trying to get higher Collectability.
        One fig is iirc , 60k (250), then 66k, then 72k.

  28. Your guide seems to imply that the level 55 gear is from LTW and WVR, when you can just buy it from the moogle vendor in Moghome.

    Also, the whole guide could really be cleaned up. There’s a lot of useless fluff and misinformation that others have pointed out that makes it more difficult to understand than needs be. Honestly, I feel like I’d have more success just figuring things on my own than trying to follow this guide.

    1. You can buy it from moghome, yes, you can! BUT – I’m not implying anything. MY ADVICE (wether you choose to follow it or not) is to obtain an HQ set, as it will give you great value in return. Even if you’re just leveling up one class or all 3.

      I’m sorry you feel this way, but I can only do things either so quickly, or up to a certain quality. I’m time-bound like the rest of the players. Refinements will be made constantly.

      1. Personally, this guide has been loads of help for me and I’m new to the gathering classes. Without this guide I’d of been rather clueless, so I’m not seeing what other people are. Might have a bit of extra fluff here and there, but it’s been really helpful for a new gatherer.

    1. Oh know! I thought you had the mining table there on purpose. It was so helpful because we had both the botany and mining tables on the same page. Please put the mining table back. :) You could technically even re-name this page for both botany and mining since the same advice applies to both!

      1. Oh! Yes which reminds me. The ‘double tables’ belongs in a new guide (for delineation purposes, i guess). Which im going to make very soon. So sorry!

  29. “Botany Collectibles Unlocked
    (59?): Morel (Slot 7) | Dravanian Forelands (Lower left)”

    Should read Dravanian Hinterlands.

    1. I did not note the perception i had at the time for a 2x. On this note You need 570~ for a 3 gather!

  30. Trying to do my first collectible (Old World Figs)…I put the glove on and approach the node at the correct time, but when I open it, it tells me there’s no colectibles available. I’m level 50…

  31. Just letting you know have the Miner’s guild listed under “Before you begin your journey to 60 Botanist” :)

    1. If you plan to craft, it’s always nice to have at least 20 of these “secondary items”, which will be enough to hit 50 in all classes for the most part.

      1. Are these meant to be HQ items, or NQ? The level 21-25 says to stash 30 Chamomile (15 for quest) but the quest calls for HQ, so now I’m wondering if I’ve been stopping my stash early at 20 NQ instead of 20 HQ for the other levels.

  32. I am on the level 35 quest and the bnt main quest turn in is now 15 Alligator Pears (HQ). Not sure if the patch changed this.

    1. that is the 30 lvl class quest u must have skipped it when u deliver it u will get the 35 one which is 20 high quality Ramhorn Zucchini

  33. I’m at the raincatcher gully docks and I’m looking for the botany locations. I hone in and it tells me that they’re 233 yalms southeast, the thing is, there’s nothing but rock and no where to go in that direction.

    1. Thats because your not high enough level? it happened to me when i was lvl 6 and had to go to east vein in central shroud. There was NO trees but the guide told me there was and when when i hone it says 200 yalms away. But after doing some leve quests and lvled up they appeared! :D

      1. when you hone in make sure you look at the small map it will flash yellow leaves in the direction you need to go

    1. Have you gotten onto your adventuring class and done the introductory leve in that town? You cannot do DoH/DoL leves in a town until you complete the first battle leve.

    2. Did you unlock them for battlecrafting, if you don’t do that first the levequests for crafting and gathering will not be there.

  34. -Where to find Spruce Log? This quest is a little different, as you’re going to have to be level 50 to complete it (You cannot gather it as a 49 and below botanist)-

    This is not true. Just gathered spruce logs as a level 46.

  35. Lv20 Lush Vegetation Patches at Gridania East Shroud, The Hawthorne Hut area not listed.

    – Shroud Seedling

    [So I will hunt along with this as normal, 20?]

  36. Tarantula Oak Log and Oak Branch no longer seem to exist, or any botany nodes seem to exist in Lower Paths South Shroud. So probably flax and white truffle are somewhere else too?

  37. I see no mention of the Island Seedling you get from the Lv 20 lush vegetation Patches in Western La Noscrea, Quarterstone. Just figured I’d point that out

  38. In the Level 35 Botany quest, the 20 Laurel need to be HQ. I love the guide and very much appreciate it! Just trying to be helpful.

  39. What are the stockpiles meant for? Why 119 Crow Feathers and not just 99 for the quest? And why 20 of each? Is it meant to be used for something else later on? Just wondering :) Trying to level up the most effecient way.

      1. The things listed as ‘gather extra’ are the things most critical to crafting at that level. Whether you are crafting or if you are having something crafted using your materials. It makes sense to gather a few extra while you are out there than to have to go back because you need a few for your crafting skill.

  40. This site is a little out of whack when it comes to Botany. It lists Obsidian as a Botany quest. It also doesn’t tell you accurately for Marjoram (the level 15 Botany quest). It also says Miner #: next to all of the supposed Botany quest items required for each level. I’ll be finding another guide to follow, one that is more accurate.

    1. The typos are fixed. Thankfully (few) humans continue to update the site – we come with errors. We haven’t been able to develop our own AI to auto-compile, level, proofread and post this stuff yet ;)

    2. Your feedback caused those mistakes to be fixed…for that I’d like to thank you. As for finding another guide to follow, no one cares if you use this or not –buh bye.
      As for the guys who are creating the guides on this site. Great job!

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