FFXIV Good King Moggle Mog (Thornmarch) Extreme Guide

Moogles! Moogles Everywhere! If you’re saying “What killed me?!” – Read on! How to bring the Good King to heel in our Thornmarch EX Guide!

You’ve walked into Thornmarch extreme – then that means you’ve recently said “WTF”. Good King Moggle Mog is a pretty confusing fight, but once you get used to it – It’s a breeze! Use our handy dandy guide not get killed by seemingly random things again!

Page 1: Mechanics & Skills | Page 2: “Weird Stuff”, Phases, Tips & Loot
Main Mechanic | Moogle & King Skills | Tanking & Positioning

Main Mechanic: Life sharing

Killing a moogle causes the next phase to begin. The king is invulnerable to damage, and phase transitioning doubles up as the only method to deal damage to him. Here’s how it works: After one moogle dies, the king “gives” them any lost HP they have – damaging the king and healing everyone else to full (and reviving if killed). This has to be repeated three times before entering the final mini-phase. Having ALL MOOGLES AT LOWEST POSSIBLE LIFE BEFORE KILLING is your main objective. Overall, this is how the fight looks like…

Phase 1 -> Kill 1 Moogle -> Phase 2 -> Kill 1 Moogle -> Phase 3 -> Kill All Moogles -> Kill King (mini-phase).

“Moogle Basic Abilities” and “King Skills” will be active the whole fight. “Weird Stuff” will only appear in P2 and P3. This is all discussed below.

Moogle Basic Abilities

Paladin, Warrior and King Moogles have an aggro table. BLM, WHM, BRD, and Thief Moogles do whatever they want.

Paladin & Warrior – They each give a debuff that, long story short, makes tanking both of these moogles simultaneously impossible. Tanks should pick up one each.

===The following Moogles have no Aggro table===
Black Mage – FLARE can (must) be cancelled by dealing direct damage to the caster. Stun/Silence have no effect. He also does meteor, which places a bunch of AoE circles on the ground (blue). Just dodge meteor. [Always have 1 or 2 DPS assigned to cancel flare]

White Mage – Heals. (Amazing, right?)
Archer – Focuses on a random target and does a few basic attacks.
Thief – Approaches a random target and stabs him or her.
Bard – Periodically gives a short buff to surrounding Moogles. (Least threatening)

These abilities continue during the entire fight. If you’re looking for their “ultimate” abilities, and how to deal with them, that’s found in Page 2.

Delta – A combination attack between the Bard, Thief & Archer creating a triangular area of near-certain death. The damage is affected by the total amount of moogle buff stacks all participating moogles! This will leave you at critical HP in the best case scenario, but will most likely one-shot you. Staying away from the middle is the best defense versus delta, but you can also see it coming thru A) A buff on a moogle called “Pombination” which has 3 moogle faces on it. B) Them talking about “Delta! Delta!” & Moving for no reason.


King Moogle Skills

Cleaving attack that reduces mana (Skill name unsure). So healers watch out for this! Moogle Creation is a generic, but thankfully weak, laser attack.

Moogle Buff – Periodically makes nearby Moogles stronger. This is a soft tank swap effect, since the Paladin or Warrior moogles cannot gain too many stacks. Also, tanks must be aware of their position in relation to certain moogles, which will be discussed in the next section. (Skill name unsure)

1000 Kuponze Swing – A slow clunky double cone effect targetting the person who gets a cross-hair. Shouldn’t be a big deal. This skill comes from the two tanks.

Tanking & Positioning Summary

Positioning is very erratic in this fight, but one things for sure: Tanks must be along the outer ring.

“MT” gets Paladin or Warrior + King, “OT” gets whichever the MT didn’t. Once the moogle buff reaches 3~ OT provokes king until his guy reaches 3~ stacks. Tanks can focus target the opposite moogle so they can easily see when they need to taunt. Tanks must also remember to position away from Archer & Thief Moogles. Swap the King when the current MT’s secondary moogle has high stacks.

DPS adjust accordingly, while avoiding middle if possible.

Healers have no reason to stay away from the edge, and SHOULD NOT BOTH BE TOO CLOSE TO PALADIN MOOGLE (More on this in “weird stuff” section).

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Page 1: Mechanics & SkillsPage 2: “Weird Stuff”, Phases, Tips & Loot
Main Mechanic | Moogle & King SkillsTanking & Positioning

FFXIV Leviathan Extreme Mode (Whorleater) Guide

Heads or Tails!? Don’t let this fight be 50/50! Learn how to smash Leviathan EX in our Whorleater EXTREME Guide!

ffxiv leviathan whorleater extreme mode ex em banner

So you’ve made it to Leviathan Extreme Mode, eh? This is an extremely fun fight that starts with lame music (but makes it up later)! Let our epic guide help you out beating Whorleater Extreme!

Page 1 – Abilities & Adds | Page 2 – Phases, Tips & Loot
Spinning Dive & Body Slam | Adds | Minor Abilities | Briny Mirror

Leviathan Extreme Mode Abilities

As we mentioned above, discussing Levi EX by phase can be a bit confusing. So instead, understanding his abilities first is more important. These two abilities are the most important in the fight, and you’ll be seeing them often –

ffxiv body slam safe spots leviathan extreme mode

Body Slam, often followed by “Oh Sh*t”

Leviathan emerges from the water, (signaled by a “geyser” animation), and slams the platform with his body, pulling everyone toward that side. If you’re too near him, you take heavy damage – and may fall off the platform resulting in instant KO (when the railings are down). Basically, run to the opposite end to where he spawns. Check this out:

Body Slam Dodging Tips: Look at one side only. If you do not see the geyser – run forward! It only means it’s behind you. Using headphones also helps! If he spawns in A – run to B! If he spawns in B – run to A!

It’s quite easy to dodge, honestly, but panic and or complacency can get the best of us! Just remember in the later phases – this means instant Death. So get used to it quick!

ffxiv levi divebomb spiral dive dodging leviathan extreme modeLeviathans “Divebomb” (Spinning Dive)

(See diagram on right) This may be extremely disheartening at first for newer players, but after you get used to it, it’s a piece of cake! This ability is popularly called Divebomb, after Twintanias skill.

The “starting point” of Spinning Dive is, like body slam, marked by a geyser. It will travel all the way across the platform following the lines (the black lines in the diagram). These divebombs are pretty thick. The blue area signifies this. The “Vertical” spinning dives take up exactly 50% of the map, while the “Horizontal” ones take up 33%

To make matters worse, These water balls fall from the sky on random raidmembers before each Spiral Dive. It does significant damage and a slow.

This skill has some quirks, though. If he begins his Divebomb on the North Side (Vertical), the next Divebomb will start from the South (Could be Vertical of Horizontal). Horizontal Divebombs are trickier, though. He will also always begin his dive from the side he was tanked at.

The Horizontal divebombs are a bit messier. Of the three possible horizontal setups, the middle one happens most often. The horizontal divebombs do not seem to follow a strict rule (or they are too rare for me to have observed patterns; please chime in on the comments if you have info)

This skill is often followed by “Oh Sh*t”, excuses or both.


Adds – “The Fat & Thins”

Leviathan spawns two kinds of adds (that fight back). In our FC we call them the Fat, and the Thins.

Thin adds (Wavespine Sahagin)

There are many strategies as to which tank pulls which add. One pulls both is fine, or one each is also fine – really depends on what you guys are used to, and what your composition looks like.

After a certain time – they cast a skill called Hydroshot, leaving a circular AoE on the ground. If stepped on, you get a MASSIVE water DoT! (Is it Esunable? We haven’t got hit by this in a while)

The Fat (Wavetooth Sahagin)

Have a tank pick this one up (Usually the tail tank). If you’re the tank remember this – After the fat casts his 3rd skill, start chain stunning. Kind of like DK’s in T5. This can be hard if you have two warriors.

You see, this guy gets very pissed off after three skills. He casts one of two things, both with extremely unfavorable results. Dreadstorm leaves a circle on the ground, that if stepped on, causes you to run around in fear for 9323478 seconds, and you can step on it again while feared. If the railings are down, this can cause you to walk off. Dreadwash is a medium AoE shout that fears you for roughly 9323478 seconds, If the railings are down, this can cause you to walk off. Yes I copy-pasted that.

This add is often followed by “Oh Sh*t”, then “Where’s the Stun!?”.

As a desperate measure, these things can be stopped by the WHM Fluid Aura or SMN Garuda Push. (Or at least we imagined it to be so, when it happened once; again chime in on comments if confirmed / busted)

Levi Ex Minor Abilities

Majority of the fight, the two tanks split up tanking the Head and Tail. Each end has it’s own abilities.

Leviathan Head Skills

Leviathans head reflects ranged physical damage, and cannot be back attacked – so Magic DPS should target this.

Dread Tide – A line attack that comes from the head. Hits fairly hard, about 3000 damage on a tank. Main tank should position himself away from the raid, especially during adds phases. He usually does this after 3 basic attacks or around every 25 seconds.

Tidal Roar – Raid wide magic damage. Insignificant in the early stages – massive later on. Can be Virused or Dragon Kicked to help reduce it a bit.

Water Spout – An AOE attack originating from both healers. Make sure to split up.

Leviathan Tail Skills

Leviathans tail  reflects magic damage, and is always a flank/back attack – so Melee DPS & Bards should target this.

Scale Darts – A single target attack that comes from the tail. Hits a tank for about 1500 damage.

Tail Swipe – A frontal cone attack that comes from the tail. The damage is shared among all targets hit. Ranged guys make sure to get out of this.

Briny Mirror – look below :)

Briny Mirror – How to deal with it

A Debuff that is applied to whoever has top emnity on the tail of Leviathan when it appears (usually tanks). Briny Mirror is an annoying debuff that applies a stack each time you heal the person who has it. Each stack reduces healing range. Upon reaching 16 stacks – the healer is stunned for a significant time!

You can “cheat” Briny Mirror by doing the following things:

  • WHM Stoneskin doesn’t give stacks.
  • REGEN and its ticks don’t give stacks.
  • EOS/SELENE ignore this mechanic.

So yeah, have your pet near Tail tank, have your WHM seal+regen & SS the guy. You can further make your life easier by using things like Eye for an Eye, Storms Path etc etc…

Stacks are, at times, unavoidable. If you have to get one don’t be too stressed about it. Medica / Succor will likely get you one. But dont sweat it – if you manage your heals well, you’ll never reach the dreaded 16 stacks, or even get close to it. After the Divebomb / Slap phase, make sure you be extra careful in waiting for existing stacks to fall off before you AoE heal again. (Or simply position so you wont hit the guy).

That’s it for Page 1. Understand these mechanics first of all! Page 2 has what we know of Levi’s Phase Transitions.

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Page 1 – Abilities & Adds | Page 2 – Phases, Tips & Loot
Spinning Dive & Body Slam | Adds Minor Abilities | Briny Mirror

FFXIV Gardening (Seeds / Soil / Crossbreeding)

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So you’ve decided to harvest moon it up, huh? Let our FFXIV Gardening guide help you out! Put your science hats on…

Basics | Seeds | Soil | Cross-breeding

FFXIV Gardening Basics

To garden you need two things, FC Housing (or Individual?), and a Gardening Patch. While we can’t help you getting the former, Garden Patches can be found in the housing vendor located in your respective ward.

To plant a seed you need two things. A Seed + Soil. Watering Plants isn’t so bad, and you only need to water them once every human day (estimate). And takes around 3-5 days depending on seed to grow (estimate).

Where do I get Seeds?  Seeds can be farmed by Botanists. There are a bunch, to say the least. (30-40+?)

What about Soil? Soil is obtained by Miners. It comes in three types and three grades. You don’t need specific soil to plant seeds, but full research may be needed if plants are grown on their “home-soil”, though unlikely.

Fertilizer!? You can fertilize a crop to make it grow faster. It can be placed once an hour(human). It speeds it up by an hour growth at minimum (estimate)

What does gardening give!? We don’t know yet, give us a few days to grow our seeds, lol. We will be tracking our Gardening Rewards & Items in P2 of this post.


Seeds – Where and how?

(Node ID is in relation to: Botany Node Locations)

Seeds are a DoL “Rare Drop”, which means it will not always spawn when you inspect a node. There does not seem to be a way to increase the discovery rate of Seeds. You can also get seeds from a Botanist Retainer Venture (which is a pretty decent way to get them)

Where do I find certain seeds? They spawn in any node where you can gather the corresponding fruit. It’s no mystery but we can list them if needed…

Soil – Effects, Properties & Locations

Soil is also a “rare drop”. (See “Seeds” Section). (Node ID is in relation to: Mining Node Locations)

There are three types of soil in the game: Thanalan, La Noscean and Gridanian. Each type of soil has its own unique effects.

Thanalan Soil: Increases cross-breeding chance.
La Noscean Soil: Increases chance for an HQ crop.
Gridanian Soil: Increases crop yields.

Once we harvest a few crops, we’ll know more about the effects.

Crossbreding Seeds?

To be honest, we don’t know much about this yet. There are some question that are still unclear to us…

Crossbreeding is chance based (pretty much confirmed)
Do two seeds have to “grow together”?
Can a seedling Crossbreed with a plant?
Can a plant Crossbreed with a seedling?
Do “tier 2” Crossbreeds exist?
What are the possible rewards for Crossbreeding seeds?

We cannot know any of this without time and luck, so if you know anything – let us know!

Found outdated info? Wanna add something? Hit the comments below!

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FFXIV Halatali Hard Mode (HM) Guide

Areana? or ZOO? Have a look at our Halatali HM Guide! Includes boss strategy and loot list!

Don’t let goblin-gundams let you down. Let our Brayflox Longstop HM guide show YOU the way!

Basics | (B1)Pyracmon | (B2)Catoblepas | (B3)Narashima & Mumuepo | Halatali HM Loot List


Halatali Hard mode is unlocked by a quest obtained from Mor Dhona.

There do not seem to be any trash mobs of particular note in this dungeon.

If you’ve completed the Blacksmith Quest line, you’ll meet Bronze Bull as an NPC here (if you remember him. He’s actually still wearing the Cobalt Shamshir you gave him!)

Boss 1 – Pyracmon

You’ll notice a Mammet Activator that’s connected to an Admirer Mammet. When he does 1000-tonze swipe, the floor turns blue (you really cant miss it). During this long channel time, activate the Mammet Activator. The connected Mammet will then release a protective field which you can stand on.

His other abilities 100 tonze swipe – is a short-range circular AoE, sometimes accompanied by a suck, and swing again,

Eye of the Beholder hits all targets far from him. Finally Piercing Glower is a line-aoe.


Boss 2 – Catoblepas

There are 4 Shadowy Orbs near the boss. Activating a Shadowy Orb makes you immune to Catoblepas’s ultimate: Demon Eye.
You can Esuna/Leeches the debuff once demon eye is done casting, since it also reduces your Accuracy.

Every so often a “Tainted Eye” spawns at it’s head. Kill it whenever it appears. It continually gives a map-wide stacking Vulnerability debuff, so you really want to get rid of this fast.

His other abilities aren’t really noteworthy – take care of Demon Eye and Tainted Eye – and you should be good!

Boss 3 – Group Fight + Narashima & Mumuepo

The final encounter(s) of Halatali HM consists of 2 parts. The “Group Fight“, and finally “Narashima & Mumuepo“.

Group Fight

Silent Moss (Conjurer) – He’s the healer so you might as well kill him first.
Langloisert (Lancer) – Has no aggro table and can be an annoyance, kill him second (or third).
U’libho (Archer) – Can be killed second or third, squisy and deals ranged damage.
Franz (Gladiator) – Since he’s the tank kill him last.

There’s not much to note about this fight. Avoid AoE and follow the order above, you’ll be fine.

Narashima & Mumuepo

These two come right after you defeat the group fight. Both of them do the usual AoE that you should avoid. They only have 1 noticeable skill that can cause trouble:

Absolute Bind “chains” two people in your party. They cannot move or act, and it cannot be dispelled. To remove these chains simply interact with the staff that randomly spawns on the ground.

Narashima has a Tailswipe that has quite a big AoE, so you might want to stay at his sides. Killing Mumuepo first is also a good idea.

Halatali HM Loot List

Like most dungeons in this tier, alot of chests drop 2.1 Crafting Materials – stuff like Coke & Peacock Ore.

Halatali also drops an i70 item set (details to follow), and i70 Darklight Accessories.

Found some loot we didn’t? Want something to add? Hit the comments below!

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FFXIV Zodiac Weapon Guide & FAQ

How to get your ZODIAC WEAPON. Atma Locations, Books, Atma & Animus Stats!

This page is now outdated, please go to our Consolidated Relic Guide.

This looks to be one long and grindy quest to “improve” on our old relic!

How do i Start my Zodiac Weapon Quest!?
The quest starts at Hyrstmill near Fallgourd Float – You need your Zenith Relic first. If you have your zenith, chances are you know who Gerolt is. You must have your Zenith equipped for you to begin the quest…

Navigation (By Step):
1. Fates & Atmas | 2. Upgrading | 3. Animus Weapon | 4. Novus

Zodiac Weapon Step 1 – FATES & Atmas!

Yup, this really sucks, but we need to FATE grind! There are 12 “Atmas” you need to farm, from FATES, in certain maps. These are dropped by ANY FATE IN THAT MAP (chance).

Atma Fate Locations:

Atma of the MAIDENCentral Shroud
Atma of the SCORPIONSouthern Thanalan
Atma of the WATER BEARERUpper La Noscea
Atma of the GOATEast Shroud
Atma of the BULLEastern Thanalan
Atma of the RAMMiddle La Noscea
Atma of the TWINSWestern Thanalan
Atma of the LIONOuter La Noscea
Atma of the FISHLower La Noscea
Atma of the ARCHERNorth Shroud
Atma of the SCALESCentral Thanalan
Atma of the CRABWestern La Noscea


Do I have to be my class to get Atmas? NO! But you must be wearing any Zenith. The Atmas you farm can then be used for another class if you wish!

How do I know if I’ve gotten an Atma!? You can’t miss it (see below)

ffxiv zodiac weapon acquisition interface

This page is now outdated, please go to our Consolidated Relic Guide.

Zodiac Weapon Step 2 – Upgrading!

The first person in our guild who got an Atma Weapon is a Bard (Rylai Ariamis), so we’re going to use Artemis Bow Atma as our example.

You can buy 9 books (3-3-2-1 kinds). Each book upgrades a certain stat. Each book costs 1500 tomestones of Mythology (!!).

zenith weapon books

There’s no customization involved here, just different ways to get to the final product. Each book required different stuff for it to “activate”. The interface is pretty cool

ffxiv zodiac weapon upgrade interface

But after that it just sinks in that you’re in for a grind, lol. After all nine books are purchased and “activated”, we assume the next step:

Zodiac Weapon Step 3 – Animus

After upgrading it to maximum, we assume at this point it will “turn in to” your Animus weapon. Here’s a chart of the upgrades from Atma -> Animus.

The total cost would be 13500 Tomestones.

Atma WeaponAnimus Weapon
PLDCurtana AtmaCurtana Animus
Holy Shield AtmaHoly Shield Animus
WARBravura AtmaBravura Animus
WHMThyrus AtmaThyrus Animus
SCHOmnilex AtmaOmnilex Animus
MNKSphairai AtmaSphairai Animus
DRGGae Bolg AtmaGae Bold Animus
SMNWiyu AtmaWiyu Animus
BLMStardust Rod AtmaStardust Rod Animus
BRDArtemis Bow AtmaArtemis Bow Animus

The next step is upgrading your weapon to Novus!

Novus Weapon Upgrading

This page is now outdated, please go to our Consolidated Relic Guide.

After your Animus is complete – the next step is to upgrade it to the Novus Weapon. How is this done? You get a Novus Scroll that you meld materia onto. We have some questions about these scrolls..

  • Are all scrolls the same per class?
  • Are scrolls materia requirements completely random?

Please chime in on the comments!

Navigation (By Step):
1. Fates & Atmas | 2. Upgrading | 3. Animus Weapon | 4. Novus

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FFXIV Lost City of Amdapor Guide

Diablos doors messing you up, ey? With our Lost City of Amdapor Guide, you won’t get shouted at in DF! Includes boss strategy and loot list!

Whoever said capping Soldiery ain’t easy – didn’t read this Lost City of Amdapor Guide!

Basics | (B1)Decaying Gourmand | (B2)Arioch | (B3)Diablos | Lost City of Amdapor Loot List


LCOA can be unlocked with the quest that starts in Mor Dhona.

Special Trash Mobs

Mold Colony / Tainted Mold / Hecteyes – this trio can often be found before first boss.

  • Mold Colony Should die first, but Tank should hold aggro on Hecteyes in the meantime.
  • Tainted Mold can be killed with any one attack. The do AoE poison so just let ranged/healer do it.
  • Finally, any Hecteyes Remaining should be killed

Baalzephon – Spawns with a pack of “Dirty Eye” and “White Magestone”. There is often confusion about what to do here..

  • Kill Dirty Eyes first. They do some damage so pile them up and AoE them down.
  • White Magestone should be killed second, since it heals Baalzephon. (These guys do no damage)
  • Baalzephon should be killed when it’s the last thing remaining.

(Special Trash Mob – Mold Colony – spawns in the area before first boss)

Boss 1 – Decaying Gourmand

Affectionately known to us as “Advanced Gobbue”. This guy is pretty basic, but you have a few mechanics to look out for.

Prey – His main mechanic. A link will appear to a random non-tank raid member. After a few seconds the target will be eaten. Simply kill the “Voracious Maw” that spawns shortly after (Kind of like Titans Heart). The consumed party member will take heavy damage, so free them quick! After

He has various skills that give Poison. Just esuna/leeches them away.

Decaying Gourmand also leaves dangerous Pollen on the ground that you should just avoid.

Overall, a pretty easy boss, shouldn’t give you much trouble!


Boss 2 – Arioch

The boss begins quite differently: You cannot target it. There are adds (Ranch Wamoura), when killed give a debuff that “attracts” the boss to you. Which is pretty much the main mechanic of this fight. Ideally, the tank should be the only target of the debuff. Party should just move away before the Ranch Wamoura dies! If you’re not a tank, but the boss

The debuff is called Scale Flakes, and will attract the boss to you for 45 seconds. It has no aggro table, so stuff like provoke will not work. If you’re a non-tank, but attract the boss, it’s not the end of the world. His damage isn’t too big, but make sure to use some defensive abilities. Take note that while Arioch has no target, it will heal quickly.

His abilities aren’t too special or hurt too much. He leaves a growing ground AoE that should be avoided. Aside from that, nothing much.

(Special Trash Mob – Baalzephon – spawns in the area between Arioch and the next boss…)

Boss 3 – Diablos

Ahh, I foresee alot of frustration with PUGs here…

Ruinous Omen – A massive nuke that can be avoided doing the doors correctly.

Diablos Main Mechanic – Diabolical Gate (AKA Doors)
These doors appear right at the start, but wont have any significance till later. There are 4 types of doors

  • Green “Butterfly”
  • Red “Ahriman”
  • Yellow “Lion”
  • Blue “Gobbue”

Opening two of the same kind during Ruinous Omen channel makes your party avoid it!

His other abilities aren’t that noteworthy.

Graviball leaves a sphere on the ground which you should avoid.
Nightmare is a mapwide Sleep.
Ultimate Terror never really came out, we just kept stunning that one… (Will do this for science later)

All his channeled skills can be interrupted (except Ruinous Omen).

Lost City of Amdapor Loot List

Like most dungeons in this tier, alot of chests drop 2.1 Crafting Materials – stuff like Coke & Peacock Ore.

Lost City of Amdapor also drops Darklight Accessories (Neck, Ear, Wrist, Ring)(i7o) for all classes.

Found some loot we didn’t? Want something to add? Hit the comments below!

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FFXIV Patch 2.2 Information Compilation

ffxiv 2 2 patch notes changelog information

Patch 2.2 is upon us! And there’s ALOT OF NEW STUFF! Through the Maelstrom is the official name for FFXIV Patch 2.2, and by the looks of Leviathan, through the Maelstrom seems pretty appropriate! Bookmark this page, folks! (Also, feel free to tell us anything you know! Hit the Comments below!)

*All info here is, like always, tentative until release.

When is 2.2 Patch coming? (Date): March 27th 2014
Tentative Maintenance Time: 25h

New Primal Battles!

Leviathan, The Whorleater (Hard & Extreme) – A brand new primal, Leviathan, will be added to the duty finder.

Good King Moggle Mog XII, Thornmarch (Extreme) – King Mog is back with a higher difficulty setting!

Bahamut’s Coil Turn 6-9!

4 more turns will be added to Bahamut’s Coil! Supposedly you have to beat Turn 5 first, though…
The dropped armor is iLvl 110. The new weapons are iLvl 115. (Gear is called High Allagan)

Bahamut’s Coil Turn 6

Bahamut’s Coil Turn 7

Bahamut’s Coil Turn 8

Bahamut’s Coil Turn 9

From what we’ve seen, It’s gonna be pretty wild.

Zodiac Weapon

Some kind of new “relic related” weapon is in the works. Here’s what we know…

  • Long term task (Starts in 2.2 – and continues thru multiple future patches)
  • Stats can be “customized” to an extent!

New Dungeons & Difficulties!

Lost city of Ampdapor – The soundtrack here seems amazing!

Brayflox’s Longstop (HARD)
Halatali (HARD)

These hardmodes of older dungeons look really really awesome. What iLvl will these dungeons drop? It’s currently unknown.

Retainer Ventures!

This is really interesting, I wonder how this will play out! Here’s all we know about them..

  • Retainers are considered one of three possible “classes” (Fighter, Sorcerer, Gatherer)
  • Their level cap is equal to your max level in those classes.
  • They can hunt for items, and some items can only be obtained by ventures.
  • They can be equipped to tackle more difficult ventures.
  • You need a special Venture Token to send them out.
  • They need to eat food!

You can also buy 2 additional retainers @ 200Y ea (Around 2USD), but sadly this is a monthly price.

Glamours (Vanity Slots)

f i n a l l y, we can customize how we look! Apparently ANY piece of gear can be glamoured (even accessories).


Glamours can be done as long as the following are met:
The two items are the same type/slot.
The “look” item has equal or lower item level.
Same class/job requirements.
Same race/gender requirements.

You need a Glamour Prism / Glamour Dispeller to do these things. (Crafters?)

How can we get vanity gear!? Luckily, the quest location is already known.

Quest NameA Self-improving Man
Required LevelLevel 50
Quest LocationMor Dhona (X:22, Y:6) – Wiscard

It seems like a long-term goal, but we wish to compile all vanity sets screenshots… HOH.

Official Post on Glamours

New Beast Tribe Daily Quests!

Kobold Beast Tribe Quests (789th Order Dig) – Kobolds who have presumably released themselves “Under the Weight” of Titan.

To unlock the Kobold Beast Quests, go to…

Quest NameRequired Level and Location
Highway RobberyDisciple of War or Magic level 41
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:12 Y:12)
NPC: Trachraet

Sahagin Beast Tribe Quests – Just in time for Leviathan, these fishdudes will be the part of the next set of friendly beastmen!

To unlock the Sahagin Beast Quests, go to…

Quest NameRequired Level and Location
They Came from the DeepDisciple of War or Magic level 41
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:13 Y:12)
NPC: R’ashaht Rhiki

Of course there will be new mounts and minions!

Official Post on 2.2 Beast Tribes

Crafting & Gathering Changes!

Disciples of Hand

New crafting recipes for level 50 and below will be added. Also, “Master Recipes” will be added to supposedly challenge even the most geared of crafters. Alot of vanity gear will be added to the crafting recipes.

Some changes for lower level crafters, such as a FC Housing Workbench giving CP BOOST to crafters level 40 and below. Also a system to upgrade your crafting weapons while leveling up!
For max level crafters, apparently some high-end crafting gear will be extremely difficult to get.

We will be attempting to compile all new recipes for 2.2 – (link)

Disciples of Land

As mentioned down there in the gardening section, Seeds and Soil will be gathered by Botanists and Miners respectively.

New Mining & Botany Nodes will be added, for sure we will attempt to update our:
Mining Node Locations Botany Node Locations As quick as possible.
(These nodes are be high-level, luckily their location is given…)

Level 50 Quarrying
Western Thanalan – Nophica’s Well
Unspoiled Mineral Deposit
Lower La Noscea/Central Thanalan/Northern Thanalan
Unspoiled Rocky Outcrop
Middle La Noscea/Western Thanalan/South Shroud
Unspoiled Mature Tree
Middle La Noscea/Upper La Noscea/North Shroud
Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch
Western La Noscea/Lower La Noscea/Central Shroud

Big Fishing – Quite vague for now… but it sounds pretty cool.

Official Post on Crafting & Gathering in 2.2


We all secretly loved Harvest Moon, right? Gardening is done in FC housing, and settings can be placed on who can farm/gather/water your garden. How to start farming it up?

Buy a Farming Plot from one of these vendors:

Mist (X:11, Y:11) – Housing Merchant
Lavender Beds (X:11, Y:8) – Housing Merchant
The Goblet (X:11, Y:8) – Housing Merchant

There are 3 types of plots, varying in size. They allow for 4/6/8 seeds respectively. Maintenance of your plants isn’t going to be a hassle, which is a relief. Plants may take up to 3-5 days to grow fully. Of course, different seeds will yield different item. There are items which can be obtained through Gardening ONLY.

Plant Cross-breeding is also available. Not much is known as of yet but planting 2 different plants next to each other may result in them cross-breeding!

Echo Buff for Old Content

Alot of older content will have the echo buff applies. The more times a party dies (after 3 or more minutes of fighting), the stronger they become – to increase their chances in clearing the duty. This of course has a cap.


New Hairstyles will be added in 2.2

New Quests!

Expanded main scenario quests, and of course, Hildebrand.

Whats in Store Past 2.2…

They mentioned a few things in the Live Letter.

[To be Added]

Well, I think that covers it for now. We will be adding to this as we learn more! For updates, check us out on Facebook!

FFXIV Twintania (Turn 5) Guide

How to beat Twintania! Learn all about Death Sentence, Divebombs, Twisters and Dreadknights in this super epic fight!

The infamous boss of the Binding Coils of Bahamut Turn 5: Twintania. The cause of many sleepless nights, and waking nightmares.

“What!? The DPS race doesn’t start once the snakes spawn. It starts the very second you pull Twintania.
That’s the BASAGULERO way.” -Kharas Dorian. FFXIVGuild.


Twintania Phase 1: Adds (to 85%)


The fight begins with Twintania surrounded by 3 mini-dragons. The phase ends when Twintanias HP reaches 85%, wether or not the adds remain alive.


Plummet – A frontal cleave with a huge cone, and huge damage. Comes around every 10s. *Continues throughout the fight.

Liquid Hell – A fire spit that randomly targets a raid member. It does medium initial damage, and an extremely heavy fire DoT when standing on it afterwards.

DEATH SENTENCE – Arguably one of the key mechanics of Twintania. Surviving Death Sentence is a grim reminder that you have to remain focused to beat T5, on around a 30-35 second cooldown. “DS” must be treated with respect, the earlier your raid drills it into their mind that “Every DS can potentially kill your tank in 1 hit”, the earlier you guys will adjust your strategy to reduce it’s damage. DS is notorious for having auto-attacks weaved into its damage, and have a Plummet come right after (most of the time, the Plummet comes before it). Here are the main Checkpoints

  • Virus – If Twintania isn’t immune – tag her with Virus.
  • Storms Path – Should always be up. If there’s a time it can be down – make sure it isn’t DS!
  • Defensive Cooldowns – Should ONLY be used by the MT on Death Sentences.
  • Stoneskin / Adloquium – A shield definitely helps with the more painful Death Sentences.
  • Sacred Soil – in a pinch, or to use up Aetherflow.

A note on mitigating Death Sentence: Virus and Defensive Cooldowns (from what I’ve noticed) need a time to “settle in” before DS hits. Casting virus extremely close to DS full cast timer will sometimes cause it not to take effect. The same goes for Defensive Cooldowns. It’s better and safer to do these things BEFORE DS. Doing so you can mitigate the hits leading up to it, and right after it, of course catching the huge nuke itself.

Stoneskin can land right before or right after DS hits. Adloquium should be cast before DS, as it loses much of it’s effect after. (But still not bad).

ffxiv-twintania-turn-5-guide-binding-coils-of-bahamut-neurolinkThe completion of this Phase (HP reaches 85%) is marked by her dropping the first “Neurolink“. Your positioning should already be “set” for the next phase by this point. Details discussed below.




Twintania Phase 2: Conflagration / Fireball (to 55%)

Death Sentence gains an additional effect: Infirmity (Reduces healing by a large amount). This additional effect modifies Death Sentence for the entirety of the fight.

Phase Specific Abilities

Fireball – Targets a random raid member (Red Triangle). After a short time, an AoE which does around 16k damage falls on the target. This damage is SHARED between all raid members in the AoE. You need (a safe number) 4 victims to survive fireball consistently.



Conflagration – Targets a random raid member (Blue circle). After a short time, a “Conflagration” will spawn right on top of the target, rendering the target unable to do ANYTHING. Anyone caught for too long inside this “Conflag” will be “Stunned”. Anyone may enter a Conflagration, to willingly stun themselves (and be immune to all damage while inside).



Fireball and Conflagration are linked. The more people hit by fireball, the faster the next conflag will be. If the tank has a good amount of HP, he can willingly enter conflags to ease the strain on healers. Death Sentence should ALWAYS be dodged in this way, if possible.

Positioning – There are two popular positioning strategies for this phase. 4×4 and Soak Team.

4×4 – Scholar, Pet, and 2 members on one side. Healer and 3 members on the other side. With MT up front, forming a triangle.

  • Pros: Little movement required, Less coordination required.
  • Cons: More Healing intensive, more heals interrupted.

Soak Team – What we use, OT + Ranged DPS + Pet(or human) at south. This group is known as the Soak Team. Remaining members at either side. MT up front. Fireball target runs to Soak Team. If Soak Team is targetted, Designated “joiner” helps.

  • Pros: Minimal Healing needed. Saves a ton of mana, much safer.
  • Cons: Much more movement/coordination needed.


Conflag / Fireball Timers

  • First Conflag (Slow, easy to kill). Will have fireball – target enters conflag.
  • Second Conflag (Fast, DPS hard!).
  • Third Conflag (Slow, easy to kill) Will have fireball – target enters conflag.
  • Fourth Conflag (Fast, DPS hard!).
  •  – This is the ideal time for Twintania to switch Phases.
  • Fifth Conflag (Slow, easy to kill) Will have fireball – target enters conflag.
  • So on, so forth.

Dealing with 2nd and 4th (Fast Conflags)

DPS Use a short cooldown if needed. The MT can also stay outside the Conflag to help kill it. Off-GCD skills should be saved for these specific conflags!

  • Bard – Use Venomous Bite, instead of Windbite. Not both. Save Blootletter procs.
  • Summoner – A tough call… While Bane + Fester is most ideal, this is pretty harsh on Aetherflows. Bane + Ruins is okay.
  • Black Mage – Save firestarters / Thunderclouds for these! Don’t bother using Thunder.
  • Monk / Dragoon – Don’t bother with DoT’s.

The completion of this Phase (HP reaches 55%) is marked by her dropping the second “Neurolink“.

Why Not 3 man Conflags to increase the timer?

“If you don’t have the DPS for 4 man conflags, you shouldn’t even be here”Kimi Ruyifang, FFXIVGuild.

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FFXIVGuild Into the Aether 004: Geomancer & Chemist!

ffxiv arr weekly editorial banner into the aether 004
Welcome to the fourth issue of Into The Aether! This is the final post in a series where we are speculating the next possibly classes and jobs for FFXIV! Last week on Into the Aether, we revealed the Berserker, Fighter & Spellbow. We do apologize for the delay while we fixed up our bugged out menus but here it is! The last two jobs of our speculations: Geomancer and Chemist!

This weeks Reveal/s:


Requirements: CNJ 30 THM 15

Conjurers have always been considered the masters of the worldly elements, taking control of earth, wind and water. Although they are mostly revered for their healing magic, some Conjurers have honed their control of the elements to become potent mages on the battlefield. These new Geomancers use their control of the aether of the environment to destroy their enemies using the very ground they stand on.

Core skills – what makes the GEO a Geomancer?

Geomancers Stance (Trait) – Changes Cleric Stance into Geomancers Stance. Increases elemental damage, increases INT, reduces healing. All elemental spells have a chance of reducing the resistance of its specific element for a short duration, stackable.

Stone III – Massive single target damage. When earth elemental resist debuff stacks reach 3, the next Stone III spell will become an AoE and consume the stacks.

Water Ball – Channeling single target water damage spell. Launches multiple water balls over the duration. If water resist debuff is at 3, the next Water Ball will also regain some mana per ball hit.

Aero III – Wind damage and Wind DoT. If Aero I, Aero II, and Aero III  are all applied on the target and the wind resist debuff stack is 3, they combine onto one DoT debuff called Tornado that also deals damage to all enemies around the target.

Whirlpool – Leaves an AoE that deals water damage while within it. Increased chance of placing a water elemental resist debuff per tick of damage. Also applies heavy.

Terra Break – Over a large area, applies max elemental debuff for all elements, Tornado on each target and a larger, more potent Whirlpool.

We wanted to keep the elemental theme taken from the CNJ into the GEO. We also thought about incorporating the constant Final Fantasy “Terrain” mechanic but we concluded that it would be hard to balance. This is because this would mean that you would only see a certain skill in certain encounters. At least with our current speculation, you still have that feeling of being able to adapt in the battlefield.

Geomancers in other FF’s: Geomancers are fairly prominent in the FF series and in all of their iterations they all have the same mechanic, Terrain. Their skills/spells would be based on the terrain that they, or their target, would be standing on.



Requirements: MSK 30 CNJ 15

Every Lominsan boat crew needs its own purveyor of potions and remedies. Having expertise with local flora and fauna, these Chemists brew their own home made potions, forgoing those made by local Alchemists deeming them too weak and ineffective. They help their shipmates through these potions that seem to make the men faster, stronger, smarter and last longer in the battlefield, making them almost essential in a fight.

Core skills – what makes the CHM a Chemist?

Healing Salve – Single target heal with a Regen that starts out stronger based on missing health and reduces in potency over time.

Healing Balm – AoE heal with a Regen that starts out stronger based on missing health and reduces in potency over time.

Disinfectant – Removes status effects on target and in a small radius around target. All players hit will be immune to other status ailments for a short duration.

Battle Tonic – increases attack and magic power for a short duration, only one buff may be active at one time per target

Stimulant – increases skill and spell speed for a short duration, only one buff may be active at one time per target

Anesthetic – increases magic and physical resistances for a short duration, only one buff may be active at one time per target

Unstable Mixture – massive single target heal with a long lasting Regen that gains in potency over time. Gives all buffs of Battle Tonic, Stimulant and Anesthetic at double strength but leaves the target exhausted after its duration. Exhaustion leaves the target unable to receive buffs from Chemists and has reduced offensive stats for the duration.

The CHM falls into this weird pesudo 4th role, support, just like the BRD. Although this time, its a healer support instead of a dps support role. Since only one buff may be active at one time per party member, a CHM needs to know when to juggle which buff on which person. Making sure everyone has offensive buffs on a DPS race or throwing that clutch defensive buff at a dying party member.

It would be nice to see this kind of active healing/supporting in FFXIV.

Chemists in other FF’s: Ofcourse, our first fond memory of a Chemist class is the one from Final Fantasy Tactics, which is kind of where we based our Chemist on. Chemists are found in quite a few FF’s but are also sometimes called Alchemists.

So here’s our final weekly tracker:


Gear Distribution

Striking – MNK BSK
Maiming – DRG DKN
Aiming – BRD GNS

That’s it for our job speculation series! Stay tuned next week for an all new themed Into The Aether!

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Amaljaa Beast Tribe Guide (+Vendor Items)

All you need to know about the Amaljaa Beast Tribe Quests! What items you can get, tips on quests and more!

The Amal’jaa are one of the beast tribes you can gain reputation with in FFXIV:ARR. Their home (and Beastmen Daily questing hub) is located in Southern Thanalan, (Coordinates: 23,14). The nearest Aetheryte is Little Ala’Mhigo.

Amaljaa Vendor Item List

Bronze Rivets13Neutral
Bronze Plate32Neutral
Iron Ingot68Neutral
Iron Rivets73Neutral
Iron Plate157Neutral
Steel Ingot258Neutral
Steel Rivets313Neutral
Steel Plate610Neutral
Steel Rings389Neutral
Mythril Ingot514Neutral
Mythril Rivets583Neutral
Mythril Rings617Neutral
Coeurl Yellow Dye216Recognized
Seafog Blue Dye216Recognized
Raptor Blue Dye216Recognized
Raisin Brown Dye334Friendly
Peacock Blue Dye334Friendly
Currant Purple Dye334Friendly
Wind-up Amalj'aa25000Trusted
Drake Horn120000Trusted
Amalj'aa Supply Carriage26136Trusted
Amalj'aa Pavise Shield21780Trusted


Picture of Amaljaa items

The mount and minion are the “key” rewards for beast tribes in patch 2.1. If you need help deciding what to focus on first – here’s a picture of the Amaljaa Drake mount, and Wind-up Amaljaa Minion!

amaljaa drake mount wind up amaljaa minion vendor rewards items

Check out the Other Beast Tribes
Amal’jaa | Sylph | ???

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