You’ve walked into Thornmarch extreme – then that means you’ve recently said “WTF”. Good King Moggle Mog is a pretty confusing fight, but once you get used to it – It’s a breeze! Use our handy dandy guide not get killed by seemingly random things again!
Page 1: Mechanics & Skills | Page 2: “Weird Stuff”, Phases, Tips & Loot
Main Mechanic | Moogle & King Skills | Tanking & Positioning
Main Mechanic: Life sharing
Killing a moogle causes the next phase to begin. The king is invulnerable to damage, and phase transitioning doubles up as the only method to deal damage to him. Here’s how it works: After one moogle dies, the king “gives” them any lost HP they have – damaging the king and healing everyone else to full (and reviving if killed). This has to be repeated three times before entering the final mini-phase. Having ALL MOOGLES AT LOWEST POSSIBLE LIFE BEFORE KILLING is your main objective. Overall, this is how the fight looks like…
Phase 1 -> Kill 1 Moogle -> Phase 2 -> Kill 1 Moogle -> Phase 3 -> Kill All Moogles -> Kill King (mini-phase).
“Moogle Basic Abilities” and “King Skills” will be active the whole fight. “Weird Stuff” will only appear in P2 and P3. This is all discussed below.
Moogle Basic Abilities
Paladin, Warrior and King Moogles have an aggro table. BLM, WHM, BRD, and Thief Moogles do whatever they want.
Paladin & Warrior – They each give a debuff that, long story short, makes tanking both of these moogles simultaneously impossible. Tanks should pick up one each.
===The following Moogles have no Aggro table===
Black Mage – FLARE can (must) be cancelled by dealing direct damage to the caster. Stun/Silence have no effect. He also does meteor, which places a bunch of AoE circles on the ground (blue). Just dodge meteor. [Always have 1 or 2 DPS assigned to cancel flare]
White Mage – Heals. (Amazing, right?)
Archer – Focuses on a random target and does a few basic attacks.
Thief – Approaches a random target and stabs him or her.
Bard – Periodically gives a short buff to surrounding Moogles. (Least threatening)
These abilities continue during the entire fight. If you’re looking for their “ultimate” abilities, and how to deal with them, that’s found in Page 2.
Delta – A combination attack between the Bard, Thief & Archer creating a triangular area of near-certain death. The damage is affected by the total amount of moogle buff stacks all participating moogles! This will leave you at critical HP in the best case scenario, but will most likely one-shot you. Staying away from the middle is the best defense versus delta, but you can also see it coming thru A) A buff on a moogle called “Pombination” which has 3 moogle faces on it. B) Them talking about “Delta! Delta!” & Moving for no reason.
King Moogle Skills
Cleaving attack that reduces mana (Skill name unsure). So healers watch out for this! Moogle Creation is a generic, but thankfully weak, laser attack.
Moogle Buff – Periodically makes nearby Moogles stronger. This is a soft tank swap effect, since the Paladin or Warrior moogles cannot gain too many stacks. Also, tanks must be aware of their position in relation to certain moogles, which will be discussed in the next section. (Skill name unsure)
1000 Kuponze Swing – A slow clunky double cone effect targetting the person who gets a cross-hair. Shouldn’t be a big deal. This skill comes from the two tanks.
Tanking & Positioning Summary
Positioning is very erratic in this fight, but one things for sure: Tanks must be along the outer ring.
“MT” gets Paladin or Warrior + King, “OT” gets whichever the MT didn’t. Once the moogle buff reaches 3~ OT provokes king until his guy reaches 3~ stacks. Tanks can focus target the opposite moogle so they can easily see when they need to taunt. Tanks must also remember to position away from Archer & Thief Moogles. Swap the King when the current MT’s secondary moogle has high stacks.
DPS adjust accordingly, while avoiding middle if possible.
Healers have no reason to stay away from the edge, and SHOULD NOT BOTH BE TOO CLOSE TO PALADIN MOOGLE (More on this in “weird stuff” section).
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Page 1: Mechanics & Skills | Page 2: “Weird Stuff”, Phases, Tips & Loot
Main Mechanic | Moogle & King Skills | Tanking & Positioning