FFXIV Culinarian Leveling Guide L1 to 100 (Dawntrail UPDATE)

DAWNTRAIL UPDATED! Power level your CUL L1 to 100 in no time! CUL Levequest tips, rotations, gear updates and more!

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Culinarian Leveling Guide L90 to 100 – Dawntrail Tier

Welcome to my Culinarian Leveling Guide L90 to 100 – Dawntrail tier. This tier is more exciting than most compared to recent ones! Contrary to popular belief, you can easily reach L100 Culinarian with ONLY SCRIP (Artful Afflatus) GEAR, while NOT NEEDING FANCY FOOD BUFFS.

SCROLL TO: Levequests Reference | Gear, Prep, Notes
[90-92] [92-94] [94-96] [96-98] [98-100]

Any roadbumps ahead?

You can reach 100% HQ all the way until L98 Recipes while using the baseline scrip gear with the recommended melds below.

L98 ingots have 99% HQ, and L99 recipes need a single accessory upgrade OR a NPC buyable 37 gil Food Buff which I will explain later. A tiny price to pay, and it’s even optional really…

Culinarian Leveling Guide - Navigation: [0-15] [15-35] [35-50] | [50-60]
[60-64] [64-70] | [70-80] | [80-90] | [90 - 100]

Culinarian Leveling Dawntrail Tier
Reference, Gear, Prep, Notes

Culinarian L90 to 98 Levequests Reference

JobLLevequest Name#Item Needed# nHQ next tierXP HQ
CUL90Friends Are Food3Boiled Alpaca Steak7.863427140
CUL90More Mezcal9Cooking Mezcal9.352881320
CUL92Not-so-secret Ingredient9Royal Maple Syrup9.393330500
CUL92Don't Knock It Till You've Tried It3Mezcal-marinated Swampmonk7.014461800
CUL94Creative Chocolate3Gateaux Au Chocolat7.514765900
CUL94Simple is Hardest3Spagheeti Al Olio E Peperoncino8.774083800
CUL96Najoothie3Wild Banana Blend6.995904600
CUL96Bring Me Your Tacos3Tacos al Pastor7.455542920
CUL98Ocean Explosion3Acqua Pazza7.296412400
CUL98Sweet, Sweet Bean Juice3Mesquite Juice8.055807980

Gear UpdateGeneral Strategy and Notes

CUL Leveling Dawntrail Tier – Gear Update

You want Natural Afflatus tier gear, available for purchase using Scrips at Old Sharlayan (near the Aetheryte), Crafter >

Pay close attention to the melding – it is CRITICAL. The stats you’re after at the end are 584 CP, 3958 Craftsmanship, and 3447 Control.

SlotItemMeld 1Meld 2
WeaponAfflatus MainhandCunning VIINA
OffhandAfflatus OffhandCunning VIINA

The above is only for Culinarian, the below is shared between all DoH.

SlotItemMeld 1Meld 2
HeadArtful Afflatus Work CapCompetence XCompetence X
BodyArtful Afflatus Work ShirtCompetence XCompetence X
HandsArtful Afflatus HalfglovesCompetence XCompetence X
LegsArtful Afflatus HoseCunning XCunning I
BootsArtful Afflatus WorkbootsCunning XCunning I
EarringArtful Afflatus EarringsCunning XNA
NecklaceArtful Afflatus NecklaceCunning XNA
WristArtful Afflatus BraceletCunning XNA
RingArtful Afflatus RingCunning VIINA
RingArtful Afflatus RingCunning VIINA

DoH Dawntrail Tier General Notes / Strategy

GC Submissions are, as usual, godly. These are vastly more powerful than the average levequest, and they don’t even use up an allowance. The bonus ones are especially juicy.

Custom Deliveries are also great, and even give you meaningful rewards. This of course only resets weekly, so use them wisely.

Levequests are your main source of EXP. Use them up before you consider doing anything else.

Collectables are always viable, and sometimes there are amazing ones which are on average “cheaper” than a levequest item. The EXP though is usually less than half of a levequest so this can hurt your wallet.

Grinding is OK, as long as you’re making stuff you can sell. “Ingots”, and other levequest items will always have demand! Get paid to level up! haha.

Food Buff / Manuals: 3% is 3%, and manuals are a welcome boost. These aren’t mandatory but by all means use them if you have ’em.


Wachumeqimeqi Quests? Kind of suck, EXP wise. While there’s a story, and that can be cool, the actual EXP PER ITEM is strangely BAD. It’s generally worse than a Collectable, even.

SCROLL TO: [Leves, Prep] [90-92] [92-94] [94-96] [96-98] [98-100]

Culinarian Leveling 90 to 92

All set? Get these rotations and let’s get it on.

Initial L90+ Crafting Rotations

L91 to 94 80DUR

Level 91 – 94 80 Durability Rotation (100% HQ)

This rotation is for crafting L91 to 94 80 Durability CUL recipes with a single button! It’s “100% HQ”, but sadly doesn’t have the “Tricks of the Trade” insurance.

Macro Name: L91 to 94 80D HQ

/ac Reflect <wait.3>
/ac Manipulation <wait.2>
/ac "Waste Not II" <wait.2>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac Innovation <wait.2>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>
/ac Veneration <wait.2>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac "Careful Synthesis" <wait.3>

Use the button on the upper right to copy to clipboard.

L91 to 96 40 DUR

Level 91 – 96 40 Durability Rotation (100% HQ)

This rotation is for crafting L91 to 96 40 Durability CUL recipes with “100% HQ” (again, without the Tricks of the Trade insurance) with one button.

Macro Name: L91 to 96 40D HQ

/ac Reflect <wait.3>
/ac Manipulation <wait.2>
/ac Innovation <wait.2>
/ac "Waste Not II" <wait.2>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac Innovation <wait.2>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>
/ac "Waste Not" <wait.2>
/ac Veneration <wait.2>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>

Use the button on the upper right to copy to clipboard.

L91 to 98 40 DUR NQ

Level 91 – 98 40 Durability Rotation (Quick NQ)

This rotation is for quickly making L91 to 98 NQ 40 Durability CUL recipes NON HQ (the entire Dawntrail leveling tier).

Macro Name: L90 to 98 NQ 40 DUR

/ac "Muscle Memory" <wait.3>
/ac Veneration <wait.2>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac "Careful Synthesis" <wait.3>
/echo Craft finished <se.1>

Use the button on the upper right to copy to clipboard.

Thankfully these are all one button for now. You’ll have all you need for a while here. 100% on 80 DUR until 95, 100% on 40DUR until 96, and a fast NQ 40 DUR up to 98.

CUL L90 Levequests & Collectable Note

CUL 90 LevequestsCUL 90 Collectable
CUL Level 90 Levequest Item Comparison
LevequestFriends Are Food
More Mezcal
Item3Boiled Alpaca Steak9Cooking Mezcal
# Leves to L92 (HQ)7.869.35
Ingredients1Cooking Mezcal15Megamaguey Pineapple
Ingredients1Alpaca Fillet
Ingredients2Northern Sea Salt
Ingredients1Galago Mint
CUL L91 Collectable Info
Item:Rarefied Boiled Alpaca Steak
EXP (Max):2335689
Ingredients2Cooking Mezcal
Ingredients2Alpaca Fillet
Ingredients2Galago Mint

Boiled Alpaca Steak (Friends Are Food) is the “better levequest”, it needs only 7.86 Leves (HQ submission) to reach the next tier, CUL L92. As Compared to Cooking Mezcal (More Mezcal) which needs 9.35 Leves (HQ submission). 3427140 XP vs. 2881320 XP (HQ submission).

While the steak is obviously better, the Mezcal is dirt cheap and gives a decent amount of EXP – both are valid choices.

The CUL L91 Collectable is Rarefied Boiled Alpaca Steak, you need 11.53 max collectability submissions to reach the next tier, L92. Each one gives 2335689 EXP at max collectability.

As always, CUL collectables will ALWAYS be a valid choice since there’s a chance they’re dirt cheap. Be on the lookout.

CUL 90-92, what to do this tier?

If not lazy, check out if the collectable is worth it. It’s a great way to preserve your levequests. Otherwise, either levequest is fine. Both are comparable in EXP, but the Cooking Mezcal is likely much much cheaper.

SCROLL TO: [Leves, Prep] [90-92] [92-94] [94-96] [96-98] [98-100]

Culinarian Leveling 92 to 94

No rotation update or anything – keep goin!

CUL L92 Levequests & Collectable Note

CUL 92 LevequestsCUL 92 Collectable
CUL Level 92 Levequest Item Comparison
LevequestNot-so-secret Ingredient
Don’t Knock It Till You’ve Tried It
Item9Royal Maple Syrup3Mezcal-marinated Swampmonk
# Leves to L94 (HQ)9.397.01
Ingredients18Royal Maple Sap1Cooking Mezcal
Ingredients2Swampmonk Thigh
Ingredients1Mountain Salt
Ingredients2Perilla Oil
CUL L93 Collectable Info
Item:Rarefied Banana Ponzecake
EXP (Max):2720952
Ingredients2Royal Maple Syrup
Ingredients3Wild Ja Tiika Bananas
Ingredients1Upland Wheat Flour
Ingredients1Egg of Elpis

Mezcal-marinated Swampmonk (Don’t Knock It Till You’ve Tried It) is the “better levequest”, it needs only 7.01 Leves (HQ submission) to reach the next tier, CUL L94. As Compared to Royal Maple Syrup (Not-so-secret Ingredient) which needs 9.39 Leves (HQ submission). 4461800 XP vs. 3330500 XP (HQ submission).

Kind of the same story as the previous tier. A 40 durability cheap leve, and a regular one. Of course, the Swampmonk is preferable since it gives a little more EXP!

The CUL L93 Collectable is Rarefied Banana Ponzecake, you need 11.49 max collectability submissions to reach the next tier, L94. Each one gives 2720952 EXP at max collectability.

As always, CUL collectables will ALWAYS be a valid choice since there’s a chance they’re dirt cheap. Be on the lookout. This one in particular is notable. With only Egg of Elpis as an “animal part”, it has a particular chance to be really cheap.

CUL 92-94, what to do this tier?

As always, check the collectables if you’re low on leves. Otherwise, do any of the levequests thus far prioritizing the L92 ones. There’s a normal and budget option in BOTH tiers.

SCROLL TO: [Leves, Prep] [90-92] [92-94] [94-96] [96-98] [98-100]

Culinarian Leveling 94 to 96

L95, 96, and 97 80 Durability recipes have a new 2-step rotation!

Rotation Update 80 DUR L95/96/97 Recipes

L95 to 97 80DUR A / B

Level 95 – 97 80 Durability Rotation (100% HQ)

This TWO PART rotation is to craft L95 to 97 CUL Recipes, 100% HQ (without Tricks of the Trade insurance).

Macro Name: L95 to 97 80DUR A

/ac Reflect <wait.3>
/ac Manipulation <wait.2>
/ac Veneration <wait.2>
/ac "Waste Not II" <wait.2>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac Innovation <wait.2>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
/ac Innovation <wait.2>
/ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
/echo I love you Mahiko San - Part 1 Finished! <se.1>

Macro Name: L95 to 97 80DUR B

/ac "Delicate Synthesis" <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>
/ac Veneration <wait.2>
/ac "Careful Synthesis" <wait.3>
/ac "Careful Synthesis" <wait.3>
/echo I love you Mahiko San - Craft Finished <se.2>

CUL L94 Levequests & Collectable Note

CUL 94 LevequestsCUL 94 Collectable
CUL Level 94 Levequest Item Comparison
LevequestCreative Chocolate
Simple is Hardest
Item3Gateau Au Chocolat3Spagheeti al Olio e Peperoncino
# Leves to L96 (HQ)7.518.77
Ingredients1Whipped Cream1Turali Corn Oil
Ingredients1Sweet Kukuru Bean2Dragon Pepper
Ingredients1Upland Wheat Flour1Frantoio Oil
Ingredients1Egg of Elpis1Ambrosial Water
Ingredients1Fermented Butter1Upland Wheat Flour
Ingredients1Palm Sugar
CUL L95 Collectable Info
Item:Rarefied Turali Pineapple Ponzecake
EXP (Max):3122973
Ingredients2Turali Pineapple
Ingredients2Whipped Cream
Ingredients2Garlean Cheese

Gateau Au Chocolat (Creative Chocolate) is the “better levequest”, it needs only 7.51 Leves (HQ submission) to reach the next tier, CUL L96. As Compared to Spagheeti al Olio e Peperoncino (Simple is Hardest) which needs 8.77 Leves (HQ submission). 4765900 XP vs. 4083800 XP (HQ submission).

The Chocolat is the first leve that kind of pulls “ahead” of its peers. No budget options here, but they’re similar enough that I wouldn’t feel bad doing either if you’re strapped for cash.

The CUL L95 Collectable is Rarefied Turali Pineapple Ponzecake, you need 11.46 max collectability submissions to reach the next tier, L96. Each one gives 3122973 EXP at max collectability.

As always, CUL collectables will ALWAYS be a valid choice since there’s a chance they’re dirt cheap. Be on the lookout. Another great one, with Garlean Cheese being the only thing derived from “animal parts”.

CUL 94-96, what to do this tier?

As always, check the collectables pricing. Otherwise, Gateau Au Chocolat is a really great levequest – do it if you can. If you’re on a budget, the L90 Cooking Mezcal or L92 Royal Maple Syrup are there to save you.

SCROLL TO: [Leves, Prep] [90-92] [92-94] [94-96] [96-98] [98-100]

Culinarian Leveling 96 to 98

No rotation update here…. the 96/97 rotation is the same as the 95 mentioned in previous tier.

CUL L96 Levequests & Collectable Note

CUL 96 LevequestsCUL 96 Collectable
CUL Level 96 Levequest Item Comparison
Bring Me Your Tacos
Item3Wild Banana Blend3Tacos Al Pastor
# Leves to L98 (HQ)6.997.45
Ingredients2Wild Ja Tiika Bananas1Turali Pineapple
Ingredients1Branchbearer Fruit1Ut’ohmu Chili Sauce
Ingredients2Ovibos Milk1Dark Rye Flour
Ingredients1Yak T’el Spring Water2Alien Onion
Ingredients1Palm Sugar1Alpaca Fillet
CUL L97 Collectable Info
Item:Rarefied Salmon Jerky
EXP (Max):3583647
Ingredients2Cooking Mezcal
Ingredients1Shaaloani Salmon
Ingredients2Mountain Salt
Ingredients2Yak T’el Spring Water

Wild Banana Blend (Najoothie) is the “better levequest”, it needs only 6.99 Leves (HQ submission) to reach the next tier, CUL L98. As Compared to Tacos Al Pastor (Bring Me Your Tacos) which needs 7.45 Leves (HQ submission). 5904600 XP vs. 5542920 XP (HQ submission).

These are very close in EXP, so don’t feel bad choosing either.

The CUL L97 Collectable is Rarefied Salmon Jerky, you need 11.52 max collectability submissions to reach the next tier, L98. Each one gives 3583647 EXP at max collectability.

This collectable is very likely a bust. It needs FISH – which can drive the price up sky high. Unless you luck out and the fish it cheap, I’d almost always certainly look elsewhere for EXP… (even the lower tier collecs)

CUL 96-98, what to do this tier?

Check the collectables, but don’t hold your hopes for this tier (Shaaloani Salmon is your price chokepoint). Either of these L96 leves are decent, so choose whichever is best for you. Chocolat from previous tier is still OK.

SCROLL TO: [Leves, Prep] [90-92] [92-94] [94-96] [96-98] [98-100]

Warning: There’s a tiny bit of a roadbump ahead.

Culinarian Leveling 98 to 100

Before proceeding: If you plan on crafting L99 Recipes you need to do EITHER one of these two things:

Recommended: Craft a SINGLE non-ring Acacia DoH accessory, and Meld it with at least 11 CP. (ONE OF: Acacia Earrings, Acacia Necklace, or Acacia Bracelet, and any melds that total to +11 CP).

Other solution: Buy “Stone Soup” food buff from the Gold Saucer Tapkeep. It gives 17 CP. It only costs like 37 gil each. I don’t like this since you might forget the food buff.

If you only plan to craft L98 recipes, you don’t need to use the above,
the macros still work for L98 Recipes.

Rotation Update L98/99 Culinarian Recipes

Two new rotations here, L98/99 recipes which (if using on 99) needs the preparation above. There’s an HQ for 40 DUR as well, but it’s only 99% HQ, lol. Close enough right? But I doubt you’ll ever NEED it.

L98/99 80 DUR A/B

Level 98/99 80 Durability Rotation (100% HQ)

This TWO PART rotation allows you to craft L98 and 99 CUL recipes 100% HQ (with L99 needing the preparation above). The macro works with L98 without needing the prep.

You NEED to be L98 to pull this off, as you need the
L98 Immaculate Mend skill.

Macro Name: L98/99 80 DUR A

/ac "Muscle Memory" <wait.3>
/ac Veneration <wait.2>
/ac "Waste Not" <wait.2>
/ac "Final Appraisal" <wait.2>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Refined Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Refined Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Immaculate Mend" <wait.3>
/ac Innovation <wait.2>
/ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>
/echo I love you Mahiko San - Part 1 Finished <se.1>

Use the button on the upper right to copy to clipboard.

Macro Name: L98/99 80 DUR B

/ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Standard Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Advanced Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
/ac Innovation <wait.2>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>
/ac "Careful Synthesis" <wait.3>
/ac "Careful Synthesis" <wait.3>
/ac "Basic Synthesis" <wait.3>
/echo I love you Mahiko San - Craft Done! <se.2>

Use the button on the upper right to copy to clipboard.


Level 98 40 Durability Rotation (99% HQ)

You won’t use this often I’d imagine, but here it is anyway. It’s kind of a hassle for a 40 DUR, but here it is… rotation for 99% HQ L98 40 durability CUL recipes.

Macro Name: L98 40DUR 99%HQ A

/ac Reflect <wait.3>
/ac Innovation <wait.2>
/ac Manipulation <wait.2>
/ac "Final Appraisal" <wait.2>
/ac Veneration <wait.2>
/ac "Waste Not II" <wait.2>
/ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac Innovation <wait.2>
/ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Refined Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/echo I love you Mahiko San - Part 1 Finished <se.1>

Use the button on the upper right to copy to clipboard.

Macro Name: L98 40DUR 99%HQ B

/ac Innovation <wait.2>
/ac "Trained Finesse" <wait.3>
/ac "Trained Finesse" <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>
/ac "Careful Synthesis" <wait.3>
/echo I love you Mahiko San - Craft Done! <se.2>

Use the button on the upper right to copy to clipboard.

CUL L98 Levequests & Collectable Note

CUL 98 LevequestsCUL 98 Collectable
CUL Level 98 Levequest Item Comparison
LevequestOcean Explosion
Sweet, Sweet Bean Juice
Item3Acqua Pazza3Mesquite Juice
# Leves to L100 (HQ)7.298.05
Ingredients1Cooking Mezcal2Mesquite Beans
Ingredients1Devotion Clam1Wild Ja Tiika Bananas
Ingredients1Bianaq Bream1Turali Pineapple
Ingredients1Wind Parsley1Nopalitender Tuna
Ingredients1Ut’ohmu Tomato1Yak T’el Spring Water
Ingredients1Frantoio Oil1Palm Sugar
CUL L99 Collectable Info
Item:Rarefied Stuffed Peppers
EXP (Max):4067919
Ingredients1Turali Corn Oil
Ingredients2Ut’ohmu Chili Sauce
Ingredients1Alpaca Fillet
Ingredients3Bell Pepper

Acqua Pazza (Ocean Explosion) is the “better levequest”, it needs only 7.29 Leves (HQ submission) to reach the next tier, CUL L100. As Compared to Mesquite Juice (Sweet, Sweet Bean Juice) which needs 8.05 Leves (HQ submission). 6412400 XP vs. 5807980 XP (HQ submission).

Yet again, these are very close in EXP so if you’re worried about budget don’t sweat choosing either. While Acque Pazza is more powerful, Bianaq Bream stocks aren’t exactly stable…

The CUL L99 Collectable is Rarefied Stuffed Peppers, you need 11.50 max collectability submissions to reach the next tier, L100. Each one gives 4067919 EXP at max collectability.

With Alpaca Fillet being the only animal component, this has potential to be real cheap. As always, CUL collectables will ALWAYS be a valid choice since there’s a chance they’re dirt cheap. Be on the lookout.

CUL 98-100, what to do this tier?

Check the collectables pricing if you need to save leves! Otherwise, do either of these L98 levequests. As mentioned above, Bianaq Bream (being a fish) is your main budget concern when making Acqua Pazza. Mesquite Juice is almost always going to be more economical! GL to 100!

SCROLL TO: [Leves, Prep] [90-92] [92-94] [94-96] [96-98] [98-100]

Summary, Outro, Related Info

Well well well, another tier in the (saw)dust! Hopefully my Culinarian Leveling Guide (Dawntrail edition L90 to 100) helped you out. Can’t really say “onwards to the next tier” yet, right? Get some rest till the next tier!

Culinarian Leveling Guide - Navigation: [0-15] [15-35] [35-50] | [50-60]
[60-64] [64-70] | [70-80] | [80-90] | [90 - 100]

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74 thoughts on “FFXIV Culinarian Leveling Guide L1 to 100 (Dawntrail UPDATE)”

    1. Shards are like “super RAW materials” that often get overlooked. They’re the crystal looking things in the upper part of your recipe. They’re not normally considered “part” of a recipe when talking about ’em, haha.

  1. Love the guide, but I have to say you should include doing the collectible Pixie Apple Pie at 74 if you have no leve allowances left. Mats are easy to obtain except for the yak milk for the butter, which I broke down and bought, but you could always use retainers to get enough. From 74-80 you only need roughly 100 collectibles using your 100% rotation.

  2. For the leg of 40 to 50, I have found the Rolanberry cheese to be the best option, simply because other players sells stacks of 99 for very reasonable price.
    If not on your own server, shop around.

    This tip is valid for those with limited leve allowances.

  3. Night Milk can be purchased from the Sahagin vendor for 84 gil each and if you gather your own rolanberries, that may make it the best for grinding from 40-45 and makes the leve even more attractable.

  4. Here to point out that with Shadowbringers, Yak Milk is now buyable in Crystarium for 617 gil. This makes Ishgardian Muffin *buyable*

  5. Unfortunately it’s true as of June 23, 2019. The Levequest is now called Gegeruju Gets Down with the objective of 3 pieces of cornbread to Ririphon.

  6. For the Lv 40 Leves, I would definitely reconsider doing the rolanberry cheese leves. You only need two resources, requires only 5 for a turn-in and one of the highest XP at 55,774 (NQ). Pastry fish need six resources, requires 9 pastry fish for a turn-in, and its XP is the lowest at 32,049 (NQ).

  7. For people lazy like me, for levels 45-50. You can buy mulled tea from a vendor in the Kugane markets. I got a stack or 99 for about 25k gil, which was about enough to get from 45-50. Only downside is that this costs more leves.

  8. I don’t understand why you would use hasty touch 2 over hasty touch 1, it’s only 10% more success for a whole 7cp i haven’t personally really found it worth the cp

  9. Should change lvl 20 Culinarian Guild Quest item name be Dried Prunes/Plums for some people who doesn’t know English or doesn’t read the dialogues.

  10. Did the triple walnut bread leve get nerfed? It only gives 5000 exp for me. Seems very wasteful when it’s asking for so much.

      1. When the muffin is the collectable it requires 1900 points to qualify. Using HQ Yak Milk starts you at 2040, so it is prime for using a macro to mass produce them while saving leves for other craft skills.

  11. So a quick Question: The 0-15 set only gets me to lv 12. That is with making half of everything by hand then quick synthing the rest. Also lacking the Company-issue Engineering Scroll.

    Recommend adding that if you fall short, buying some Tiger Cod off the market (can also be bought in Limsa for 36gil but market for me has always been far cheaper) and making salt cod helps close the gap, can also go for lavender oil and cider if you’re also BTN or if the lavender and apples are cheep on the markets.

    1. The math doesn’t add up for 0-15. You need 130,580 EXP for 0-15. The list calls for the creation of 260 items. That’s just over 500 EXP each as a reward. Half of these will not give 200, even boosted with the CG Scroll (Salt, Syrup, Sugar). You will be to level 5 before finishing the salt.

      I did this, exactly as described above, with the CG Scroll. I also completed each of the guild missions when they became available (crafting the additional Grilled Trout and Grilled Dodo…as well as a stack of Olive Oil. Still level 12.

      1. It’s not meant to get you there 100% of the time. RESTED + MANUALS + some good exp on manual crafts should get you up there (I cannot account for RNG). Also, it provides mats that weren’t buyable (I think you can buy table salt now) which you should have a stock of. It’s more of a value move.

  12. For scrips at Lv 58-60, if you’ve got botanist levelled up, and ESPECIALLY if you’ve been muffin spamming and so have way more yakmilk than you started with: Frozen Spirits actually is lower level than Marron Glace, and yields more scrips.

  13. So for the 20-25 tier, you suggest the walnut bread triple turnin. This will give about 15.5k exp nq. However, this also requires 9 walnut breads per turnin, making this option not at all material efficient. I found it best to continue to use the walnut bread courier from the 15-20 tier, as this option onky uses 1 walnut bread for turnin, and still gives 13k exp.

    Loce your guides! This is probably the 4th or 5th I’ve used for crafting/gathering. Keep up the good work!

    1. During the 20-25 tier, the walnut bread turn-in [H] works really well in conjunction with Grape Juice [H] since they’re picked up from the same NPC and turned in to the same NPC. It nearly doubled my speed. Not to mention grape juice is very cheap to craft, making the material to EXP cost fairly low. The bread, as you mentioned, is not though. I turned in left-overs for dat easy exp.

    1. I’m going to assume you were able to HQ Ishgardian Muffins at 52? I’m finding it a bit hard ;( (I have the old 2.0 gear) 359 Craftsmanship/344Control 340CP

  14. For levels 15-20 the Leve called Rustic Repast in Aleport is by far the best way to go. You can buy the Chicken and Mushrooms from an NPC for 37 gil. The leve gives 12218 exp and 185 gil and is a quick run from the leve giver to the receiver.

  15. ok so from what im noticing, courier leves are the best EXP of any tier, meaning if you were to have someone helping you level rather than doing it alone, would you consider purely sticking to couirer leves as they give the most bang:buck ratio in terms of leves:exp?

    1. For the most part, yes. If cost is not an issue, courier leves are great. One thing courier sucks at? TIME. At level 35 onward, courier leves are slow as hell since they are NOT NEAR ANY AETHERYTE, and can increase “time spent” to level by up to 10 times.

      1. I tried cornmeal but I find dark vinegar to be better. It uses the same grapes I was making juice out of and pays over 90k for hq

  16. In the level 1-15 guide you need 99 rye to make 33 rye flour not 33

    awesome guide man really helped me out keep up the good work

  17. With Night Milk purchasable from the Reputation Vendor (Sahuagin) now, it makes Rolanberry Cheese for level 40-45 and the Rolanberry Lassi for 45-50 great choices. Highly recommend doing those now.

    1. ABSOLUTELY!!!! I was going to comment this, I have been using this guide and I was looking at Pastry fish and I cannot see how that is going to be easy whatsoever. Good guide but I really didn’t have to follow it exactly as I had lvled botany and had kept many things handy with retainer space especially HQ items.

  18. Haven’t made any comparision with the others, but the Gridanian Walnut’s has severely jumped up in price (at least on my server), especially since they long back ago (10/15/2013) removed them from the Shopkeep in Drybone. Is it still the best, and most valid choice to skill up on (lvl 15-20)?

    1. First off sorry for the super late comment! I also noticed the oddly high price of the walnut, making walnut bread a less ideal choice for those without (or too lazy to fetch with) botanist.

  19. Salt Cod Puffs aren’t as bad as the guide makes it seem, since NQ salt cod can be bought from either the potwatch or independent culinarian npc near each town’s market board for 15g.
    Other than that, great guide!

  20. I’m not sure what/when it changed, but the levemete in St. Coinach’s Find for level 45 leves asks for “cups of Rolanberry Lassi” instead of Tomato Pie. The description still sounds like Tomato Pie, but the objective itself states otherwise.

    1. Also! Thank you for the awesome guide =) With it’s help, and 99 leve allowances, I got from 1-50 in about 3 days and a total of ~12 hours.

      On my server, I was actually able to MAKE money buying leve items off the market boards and just running leves from 25-50. I literally did not have to craft a single thing during that time and I made ~15,000g profit. Crazy.

    2. It could possibly have changed in a recent patch due to the difficulty of tomato pies craft. I will investigate!

  21. Even while using a scroll and manually crafting every single thing I still only made it to the very start of level 12. (Second to last pie made me level) I think they may have changed some stuff around in the latest patches.

    1. Crafting the same item won’t yield the same EXP each time! The more quality you manage to get, the higher exp you will receive! In the case of not reaching 15, you may want to use the Courier leve of your tier, and the “reverse courier”

    2. I was lvl 11 and just got on my pie dough grind. I bought enough material’s to make 99 of them (less then 2000 gil). I’m now lvl 14 about to run it back.also I’m not using scroll’s

  22. This is superb, thank you for spending the time to compile and write this up. Very much looking forward to the guides for other trades. Just hope that it’s not too affected by the Leve XP changes in 2.1 (some singles bumped up, triples bumped down?).

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