FFXIV Blacksmith Leveling Guide L1 to 90

Shadowbringers UPDATED! Blacksmith power leveling to 90! BSM Levequest Items comparisons and value moves per tier!

BSM Leveling Guide 15-35

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Blacksmith Leveling- Navigation: [0-15] | [15-35] | [35-50] | [5o-60]
[60-64] | [64-70] | [70-80] | [80-90]

Ixal Beast Tribe Daily Quests: Bonus Crafting/DoH EXP !

At L15+, the time is ripe to start doing these! The main purpose why I push for this is –

They’re valuable while leveling crafters!

Starting Quest: A Bad Bladder
NPC & Location: Scarlet at New Gridania (9, 11)
Prerequisite MSQ: Pursuit of the Past

These dailies are best used to push past “bad tiers”, or simply on your highest level non 50 crafter. I suppose you can also use them on crafting classes which are lagging behind for one reason or the other.

Blacksmith Level 15-20

Level 15 Blacksmith Class Quest Item: Bronze Spatha, Spiked Bronze Labrys
Level 15 BSM Leves [L]ocation: Aleport | Limsa
Level 15 Blacksmith Leves Items Discussion:

Using leves in this tier isn’t bad…

[H][1] Iron Awl – Decent.
[H][5] Iron Ingot – Cheap, but requires 5 crafts… (Although you can buy NQ’s at vendor)
[C][1] Iron Rivets – Courier / Reverse Courier is pretty fast…
[RC][1] Iron Doming Hammer – Courier / Reverse Courier is pretty fast…
[L][1] Brass Knuckles – Precursor…
[L][1] Initiate’s Head Knife – Decent.

Like most leve tiers in Blacksmithing, everything is pretty friendly!

If Grinding:

Blacksmith Level 20-25

Level 20 Blacksmith Class Quest Item: Iron Cross-Pein Hammer (Materia Enhanced)
Level 20 BSM Leves [L]ocation: Quarrymill | Limsa
Level 20 Blacksmith Leves Items Discussion:

[H][3] Iron Claw Hammers – Your only choice for triples.
[H][1] Iron Pickaxe – VERY CHEAP materials.
[C][1] Iron Sledgehammer – usual courier…
[L][3] Brass Gladius – Precursor.
[L][1] Initiate’s Saw – Slightly more expensive than Iron Pickaxe.
[L][1] Spiked Knuckle – Notably more expensive than Iron Pickaxe.

If Grinding: Iron Ingots & Iron Rivets for your stockpile.


Blacksmith Level 25-30

Level 25 Blacksmith Class Quest Item: (HQ) Steel Ingot
Level 25 BSM Leves [L]ocation: Quarrymill | Limsa
Level 25 Blacksmith Leves Items Discussion:

[H][3] Iron Round Knife – Easy to craft and cheap.
[H][1] Iron Ornamental Hammer – Precursor.
[C][1] Steel Broadsword- Pretty cheap.
[L][3] Initiate’s Mortars – Easy to craft and cheap.
[L][1] Crowsbeak Hammer – Cheap, easy to craft.
[L][1] Iron Chocobotail Saw – Cheap but may be difficult to craft.

Depending on market prices, most of these are equally priced. Yet another friendly tier! It’s basically a choice of whether you want to do singles or triples…

If Grinding: Steel Ingots & Steel Rivets for your stockpile.

Blacksmith Level 30-35

Level 30 Blacksmith Class Quest Item: (HQ) Plumed Iron Hatchet
Level 30 BSM Leves [L]ocation: Costa Del Sol | Limsa
Level 30 Blacksmith Leves Items Discussion:

[H][3] Steel Dolabra – If you can buy velveteen for cheap…
[H][1] Bas-relief Steel Saw – Decent.
[C][1] Steel Falchion – Usual courier.
[L][3] Steel Scythes – This is probably better.
[L][1] Steel Sledgehammer – Decent.
[L][1] Steel Awl – Crab oil may be pricey…

Blacksmithing leves are pretty friendly!

If Grinding: Nothing new here, so more Steel Ingots and Rivets.

Blacksmith Leveling- Navigation: [0-15] | [15-35] | [35-50] | [5o-60]
[60-64] | [64-70] | [70-80] | [80-90]

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22 thoughts on “FFXIV Blacksmith Leveling Guide L1 to 90”

  1. I’m so disappointed this website isn’t working anymore.. I get 403 errors on every guide and as a returning player that used to use this site religiously…. I sad now.

  2. The 68 leves aren’t correct. Knock on wood, for the molybdenum ball-pien hammer, is NOT a triple Leve quest. it’s only a single. if there is a triple here I believe it would most likely be the Fire for hire, the molybdenum rimfire. I did find the knock on wood to be faster and better since I leveled the gatherers, but it does spend more leves

  3. If anybody is having trouble with the L62 80DUR 379CP rotation because they lack the required CP, changing the second Steady Hand II to a Steady Hand saves 3 CP (in fact everyone should do that, because you hit 100% either way) and omitting it altogether saves 25 CP and only changes the Basic Touch and Byregot’s Blessing to 90%, which is still totally reliable. Doing this changes the CP requirement for the rotation to 354 from 379, which is a huge jump for low-geared crafters. Also, once you hit L63, Rapid Synthesis III with Steady Hand II should replace Careful Synthesis III in most cases (IMO). Especially if you cross-class Tricks of the Trade for the extra 20 CP ticks every once in a while, considering, once Comfort Zone falls off, there’s no reason to want to use unnecessary steps.

  4. Am I crazy or does the level 60, 40 dur rotation just not work? Let me know if I’m wrong but:
    Comfort Zone = 40
    Inner Quiet = 40
    Waste Not = 40
    Steady Hand II = 40
    Hasty Touch II = 35
    Hasty Touch II = 30
    Hasty Touch II = 25
    Hasty Touch II = 15
    Hasty Touch II = 5 (i assume this was left out by accident, because there’s absolutely no reason to go all the way to 40 in this rotation as opposed to 35)
    Master’s Mend = 35
    Steady Hand II = 35
    Great Strides = 35
    Innovation = 35
    Basic Touch = 25
    Great Strides = 25
    (there’s a space here, I don’t know what for)
    Byregot’s Brow = 15
    Ingenuity II = 15
    Careful Synthesis II = 5
    Careful Synthesis II = 0
    Careful Synthesis II = ???
    Again, leave a reply if I messed it up somewhere, but I’m pretty sure this just doesn’t work. Unless of course the space before Byregot’s Brow is supposed to be Master’s Mend or Waste Not or something, in which case, that makes much more sense, but requires a ton of CP to pull off. I’m sitting at 342 CP and if I use waste not there (which is the only way I’ve gotten it to work) i can’t even use Byregot’s Brow afterwards cause I’m left with 6-9 CP.

    1. Hmm i put many notes there that this rotation should be edited depending on your stats- lemme fix it up in such a way that it will “almost surely not fail”

      1. Well how good is 342 at this point for someone who’s a tiny bit behind on gear? Seems like I just end up a tiny bit off. Also, is it Waste Not that’s being used there to squeeze out the 3 CS2s?

  5. Nice guide but there is an error with your Lv60 40 DUR macros. As is it leaves you at -15/40 DUR which means you can only do two careful synthesis at the end and have to complete any further is impossible
    HT -35/40
    HT – 30/40
    HT- 25/40 W?N wears here
    HT – 15/40
    HT – 5/40
    MM – 35/40
    BT – 25/40
    Byregots – 15/40
    CSII – 5/40
    CSII – -5/40
    CSII – -15/40

    1. Ah, I forgot to put a note on this one… This one is meant to be “changed” depending if you are able to snag the progress in 2xCSII, I forgot to put that caveat. I guess the safer call is to edit the rotation to accommodate 3xCSIII instead (better for weaker crafters). The final BT (or the 5th HT) is what’s causing the error, and should be omitted for crafters that need the CSIII – I forgot to mention it!

  6. Oh Cobalt File leve… I wish I knew where you were. Alas I shall have to content my self with another leve.

  7. First off, great series of guides. They have really helped out a lot.

    Wanted to point out for BSM 56+: Titanium Nugget is a potential collectible item with a starting collectability of 2500 to start. it gives 103680 exp and 10 blue scrip (starting) making it hands down the best way to level from that point on as nothing can compare to its value, or at least, nothing that I can see (since you always need nuggets for something).

  8. I’m confused. You say that using levequests at 0-15 isn’t recommended, but then you go on to tell how to use them without really addressing what to do instead. Nothing here that describes what recipes are the best “bang for the buck” so to speak, in order to power level out over 15. Am I missing something here?

    1. I doomed myself with that line didn’t I? haha. The shopping list method is the most LEVE EFFICIENT (since you don’t use any). Courier Reverse Courier might be FASTEST and most BRAINLESS (but uses a bit of leves). This honestly depends on how rich you are with leves. I will be fixing all of the DOH leveling guides up to the new standard – it just so happens BSM is one of the “not yet fixed” ones. (CHeck out weaver).

    1. Have you checked in Red Rooster Stead? The Levequest “The Unkindest Cut” (NOT FROM LIMSA) involves submitting Bronze Saw for roughly 860 EXP and 94 gil as the reward. Kindly double check if it exists or not, because I see it.

  9. I will, however, I am putting this edit and other “general” fixes to older guides when heavensward comes out to see if there are any new things to consider while leveling up.

    1. Ever thought of making a master list?
      What I am saying is if someone wanted to level -everything- in one go. Much of crafting uses parts made from other jobs… so if you wanted to lv it all in one shot you could say go out, gather x amount of this this and this, craft x of this from this job, use it to craft this from this job. This job and this job make the same things, craft x from this job and y from this job (I.E. smithing and armoror can both make bars/rivits of the same kind) next lvs go gather x of this this and this etc etc etc.

      It just be something I’d love to see. I maxed my gathering out first and stockpiled a buncha stuff but having a proper means to lv everything else together be nice instead of having to pause and check the market, or scan though my craft log to see what makes this item I need, or if I even know it yet, or going out and gathering even more. Just sit back and have everything and go.

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