FFXIV Armorsmith Leveling Guide L1 to 100 (Dawntrail UPDATE)

DAWNTRAIL UPDATED! Power level your ARM L1 to 100 in no time! ARM Levequest tips, rotations, gear updates and more!

Armorer Leveling L80 to 90: Endwalker Tier

Welcome back! Not much else to say here but, good luck leveling your ARM from 80 to 90 in the Endwalker tier – it’s why you’re here!

ARM Leveling SCROLL TOLevequest Table | Gear / Strategy / Notes
– ARM Level:

Armorsmith Leveling Guide - Navigation: [0-15] [15-35] [35-50][50-60]
[60-64] [64-70] | [70-80] | [80-90] | [90-100]

ARM Endwalker Tier: Reference, Gear, Strategy, Notes

Endwalker Armorer Levequest Reference

JobLEXP#Item NeededLeves to Next TierLevequest Name
ARM80935,0001High Durium Armguards of Maiming6.5 (13.01)The Armoire Is Open
ARM80724,6203High Durium Nugget8.39 (16.79)Haste for High Durium
ARM821,051,8101High Durium Gauntlets of Fending6.72 (13.45)Ace of Gloves
ARM821,582,9101High Durium Armor of Fending4.47 (8.94)The Incomplete Costume
ARM84933,2803Bismuth Ingot8.7 (17.4)Armoire Aftercare
ARM841,255,6001Bismuth Alembic6.46 (12.93)Once and for Alchemy
ARM861,503,2701Manganese Helm of the Falling Dragon6.24 (12.48)Heading toward Bankruptcy
ARM861,443,7801Manganese Chocobo Frypan6.5 (12.99)In-kweh-dible Cooking
ARM881,703,2501Chondrite Gloves of Casting6.25 (12.5)A Gift of Gloves
ARM882,257,3001Chondrite Top of Maiming4.71 (9.43)Additions to the Armoire

Leves to next tier? The number of (HQ submit) levequests you need to reach the next “tier” (IE 80 to 82, 82 to 84)

Gear, Strategy, ETC

ARM EW Leveling GearGeneral Strategy, Notes

The gear you want is the Landsaint tier – bought at The Crystarium for scrips. Right by the aetheryte, then go to Scrip vendor under Crafter > Handsaint Gear (IL500).

The universal pieces below give more bang for your buck, but you’ll need to shell out for the class specific weapon and off-hand.

WeaponHandsaint’s Raising Hammer
OffhandHandsaint’s Pliers
HeadHandsaint’s Beret
BodyHandsaint’s Jacket
HandsHandsaint’s Fingerless Gloves
LegsHandsaint’s Shoes
FeetHandsaint’s Earrings
EarringsHandsaint’s Necklace
NecklaceHandsaint’s Bracelets
RingHandsaint’s Ring
RingHandsaint’s Ring

Leveling DoH has always been, “The slower you go – the cheaper and easier it will be”. Since you have many sources of burst exp.

Custom Deliveries – extremely cheap and extremely powerful, but only reset weekly. Use these when you feel like the current tier is a pain!

Loporrit Beast Tribe – Easy, cheap and great EXP. Resets daily.

GC Submissions – daily, and give a gigaton of EXP, far outweighs levequests. Maximize these as long as you can!

Levequests – your “main” source of EXP. Not infinite, but this is considered the “Standard Baseline” of DoH EXP gains. Gotta balance between the EXP of the levequest vs your budget.

Collectables – The “lower end” of EXP gains, but the upside is you can do them infinitely. The EXP per Gil ratio here is by far the worse, but sometimes you gotta do them to get little bits of EXP here and there. Always look out for “bargains”. Typically, the cost of a collectible is its main factor as the EXP different doesn’t really matter since you can spam them.

Grinding – great to just gain EXP and Gil, since you can easily sell levequest items, or other “ingots” (leathers). Great for “afk” play.

Food buff gives 3% EXP, so try to have it on!

Withiout further ado – let’s do this.

SCROLL TO – ARM Level: [80-82][82-84][84-86][86-88][88-90]

Armorer Level 80 to 82

Remember to use these new rotations!

ARM L80 Initial Rotations

While the 80 Durability Rotation “needs” to be updated later at 86, (and another recipe is needed for ONLY L89 recipes), the 40 Durability Rotation can be used during the whole leveling process.

80 to 85 80 DUR80 to 88 40 DUR

Limitation: Do not try to craft “too high compared to your level” with this. +2 Levels should be fine, but why even try… Just stick to the things in your tier. This is a pretty basic TRUE 100% “Mahiko San Tricks” rotation. Meaning, it will never ever land a Poor on Byregot’s.

/ac Reflect <wait.3>
/ac Manipulation <wait.2>
/ac "Waste Not" <wait.2>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Tricks of the Trade" <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>
/ac Veneration <wait.2>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac "Careful Synthesis" <wait.3>
/ac "Careful Synthesis" <wait.3>

This one I’m proud of, it’s a TRUE 100% “Mahiko San Tricks” rotation that WORKS ON EVERY ENDWALKER 40 DUR (while leveling up). It accounts for the oddly levelled L85 ALC “ingots” (Moon Gel, Sungold Firesand), and works on pre-86 Groundwork trait.

It has ONE fail case – crafting WAY above your level. So be careful making
Moon Gel 85, when you’re like L81 (but it works at 82)

/ac Reflect <wait.3>
/ac Manipulation <wait.2>
/ac Innovation <wait.2>
/ac "Waste Not" <wait.2>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Tricks of the Trade" <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>
/ac Veneration <wait.2>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac "Careful Synthesis" <wait.3>
/echo Craft finished <se.1>

So, this is a godly rotation that’s good ALL THE WAY

copy to clipboard using button on upper right.

ARM L80 Levequests Discussion / Collectable Note

L80 ARM Levequest ItemsCollectable
ARM Level 80 Levequest Item Comparison
LevequestThe Armoire Is OpenHaste for High Durium
Item1High Durium Armguards of Maiming3High Durium Nugget
# Leves to L826.5 (13.01)8.39 (16.79)
Ingredients2High Durium Nugget5High Durium Sand
Ingredients1Gaja Leather3Silver Ore
Ingredients1Dwarven Cotton
ARM L81 Collectable Info
Item:Rarefied High Durium Knuckles
EXP (Max):1055241
# to Next Tier:11.53
Ingredients2High Durium Nugget
Ingredients1Horse Chestnut Lumber
Ingredients1Sea Swallow Leather

High Durium Armguards of Maiming (The Armoire Is Open) is the “better levequest”, it needs only 6.5 Leves (HQ) to reach the next tier, ARM L82. As Compared to High Durium Nugget (Haste for High Durium) which needs 8.39 Leves (HQ). 935,000 XP vs. 724,620 XP.

High Durium Armguard of Maiming is obviously vastly superior in terms of EXP. However, High Durium Nugget is a great budget levequest if you wanna save on some gil.

Armorer’s collectable in the L80 tier is Rarefied High Durium Knuckles. Needs 11.53 Leves to reach the next tier as an easy way to compare to Leves). Gives 1055241 EXP at max collectability.

Nothing special here, just your average Collectable if you need it.

ARM L80 tier – what to do?

Armorer Level 82 to 84

No rotation update here!

ARM L82 Levequests Discussion / Collectable Note

L82 ARM Levequest ItemsCollectable
ARM Level 82 Levequest Item Comparison
LevequestAce of GlovesThe Incomplete Costume
Item1High Durium Gauntlets of Fending1High Durium Armor of Fending
# Leves to L846.72 (13.45)4.47 (8.94)
Ingredients2High Durium Ingot3High Durium Ingot
Ingredients1Pewter Ingot1Pewter Ingot
Ingredients1High Durium Nugget1Almasty Serge
Ingredients1Gaja Leather
ARM L83 Collectable Info
Item:Rarefied High Durium Kite Shield
EXP (Max):1232055
# to Next Tier:11.48
Ingredients2High Durium Ingot
Ingredients1Luncheon Toad Leather
Ingredients1Palm Lumber

High Durium Armor of Fending (The Incomplete Costume) is the “better levequest”, it needs only 4.47 Leves (HQ) to reach the next tier, ARM L84. As Compared to High Durium Gauntlets of Fending (Ace of Gloves) which needs 6.72 Leves (HQ). 1,582,910 XP vs. 1,051,810 XP.

High Durium Armor of Fending is a clear cut winner with MASSIVE EXP, but it is a bit expensive as a six component craft. It’s still very worth IMO.  High Durium Gauntlets of Fending is basic, but I’d recommend AGAINST choosing this versus the armor.

Armorer’s collectable in the L82 tier is Rarefied High Durium Kite Shield. Needs 11.48 Leves to reach the next tier as an easy way to compare to Leves). Gives 1232055 EXP at max collectability.

Nothing special here, just your average Collectable if you need it.

ARM L82 tier – what to do?

Armorer Level 84 to 86

No changes in rotation!

ARM L84 Levequests Discussion / Collectable Note

L84 ARM Levequest ItemsCollectable
ARM Level 84 Levequest Item Comparison
LevequestArmoire AftercareOnce and for Alchemy
Item3Bismuth Ingot1Bismuth Alembic
# Leves to L868.7 (17.4)6.46 (12.93)
Ingredients15Bismuth Ore3Bismuth Ingot
Ingredients3Tin Ore1Phrygian Gold Ingot
ARM L85 Collectable Info
Item:Rarefied Bismuth Fat Cat Frypan
EXP (Max):1417077
# to Next Tier:11.46
Ingredients2Bismuth Ingot
Ingredients2Red Pine Lumber

Bismuth Alembic (Once and for Alchemy) is the “better levequest”, it needs only 6.46 Leves (HQ) to reach the next tier, ARM L86. As Compared to Bismuth Ingot (Armoire Aftercare) which needs 8.7 Leves (HQ). 1,255,600 XP vs. 933,280 XP.

!! PREVIOUS TIERS High Durium Armor of Fending GIVES MORE EXP !!

Bismuth Alembic is a horrible levequest. Ignore it. However, Bismuth Ingot is another option for budget levequesting – they can be cheap!

Armorer’s collectable in the L84 tier is Rarefied Bismuth Fat Cat Frypan. Needs 11.46 Leves to reach the next tier as an easy way to compare to Leves). Gives 1417077 EXP at max collectability.

Nothing special yet again, a good old basic collectable.

ARM L84 tier – what to do?

Armorer Level 86 to 88

Rotation update for L86+ recipes

L86 Rotation Update (80 Durability only)

This rotation is future proof up to L88, and is still TRUE 100% “Mahiko San Tricks” up to that point. It’s also shorter! L86 gives a trait that buffs Groundwork, so we have to use that instead of the double Synthesis going forward.

/ac Reflect <wait.3>
/ac Innovation <wait.2>
/ac Manipulation <wait.2>
/ac "Waste Not" <wait.2>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Tricks of the Trade" <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>
/ac Veneration <wait.2>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>

copy to clipboard using button on upper right.

ARM L86 Levequests Discussion / Collectable Note

L86 ARM Levequest ItemsCollectable
ARM Level 86 Levequest Item Comparison
LevequestHeading toward BankruptcyIn-kweh-dible Cooking
Item1Manganese Helm of the Falling Dragon1Manganese Chocobo Frypan
# Leves to L886.24 (12.48)6.5 (12.99)
Ingredients2Manganese Ingot3Manganese Ingot
Ingredients1Kumbhira Leather1Ironwood Lumber
Ingredients1Bismuth Ingot
Ingredients1Grade 5 Dexterity Alkahest
ARM L87 Collectable Info
Item:Rarefied Manganese Armor of the Behemoth King
EXP (Max):1629459
# to Next Tier:11.51
Ingredients2Manganese Ingot
Ingredients1Kumbhira Leather
Ingredients1Bismuth Ingot

Manganese Helm of the Falling Dragon (Heading toward Bankruptcy) is the “better levequest”, it needs only 6.24 Leves (HQ) to reach the next tier, ARM L88. As Compared to Manganese Chocobo Frypan (In-kweh-dible Cooking) which needs 6.5 Leves (HQ). 1,503,270 XP vs. 1,443,780 XP.

Yeah the helmet is “better” BY A TINY BIT –
But in terms of “practicality” Manganese Chocobo Frypan

is likely miles ahead.

The EXP difference is negiligible. HOWEVER. Manganese Helm of the Falling Dragon, has a very volatile price point IMO. It needs an Alkahest. the Frypan competes with the old armor levequest. It’s purely a price thing, but I’m guessing the Frypan will be cheaper on average.

Armorer’s collectable in the L86 tier is Rarefied Manganese Armor of the Behemoth King. Needs 11.51 Leves to reach the next tier as an easy way to compare to Leves). Gives 1629459 EXP at max collectability.

Just another collectable along the way. Decent for what its worth.

ARM L86 tier – what to do?

Even if the Frypan gives less EXP – I’d say it’s the better leve this tier on average.

Armorer Level 88 to 90

Here’s the rotation SPECIFICALLY for L89 recipes…

L89 Rotation (ONLY FOR L89 RECIPES)

This is ONLY USED FOR L89 RECIPES. The previous ones will fail to synthesize. Even without tricks, “supposedly” this is still True 100% (without Tricks). If it isn’t I’d still say this is 99%+.

/ac Reflect <wait.3>
/ac Manipulation <wait.2>
/ac "Waste Not" <wait.2>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac Innovation <wait.2>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Delicate Synthesis" <wait.3>
/ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>
/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>
/ac Veneration <wait.2>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/ac Groundwork <wait.3>
/echo Craft finished <se.1>

copy to clipboard using button on upper right.

ARM L88 Levequests Discussion / Collectable Note

L88 ARM Levequest ItemsCollectable
ARM Level 88 Levequest Item Comparison
LevequestA Gift of GlovesAdditions to the Armoire
Item1Chondrite Gloves of Casting1Chondrite Top of Maiming
# Leves to L906.25 (12.5)4.71 (9.43)
Ingredients2Chondrite Ingot2Chondrite Ingot
Ingredients1Ophiotauros Leather1AR-Caean Velvet
Ingredients1Scarlet Moko Cloth1Scarlet Moko Cloth
Ingredients1Grade 5 Intelligence Alkahest1Manganese Ingot
Ingredients2Grade 5 Strength Alkahest
ARM L89 Collectable Info
Item:Rarefied Chondrite Sollerets
EXP (Max):1853298
# to Next Tier:11.49
Ingredients2Chondrite Ingot
Ingredients1Ophiotauros Leather
Ingredients1Manganese Ingot

Chondrite Top of Maiming (Additions to the Armoire) is the “better levequest”, it needs only 4.71 Leves (HQ) to reach the next tier, ARM L90. As Compared to Chondrite Gloves of Casting (A Gift of Gloves) which needs 6.25 Leves (HQ). 2,257,300 XP vs. 1,703,250 XP.

Chondrite Top of Maiming is GODLY, but possibly expensive.
Chondrite Gloves of Casting seems really bad.

If you can go for the maiming armor – go for it. The EXP is sick. But if you’re going for the Glove, I’d imagine older levequests or collectables is a better path.

Armorer’s collectable in the L88 tier is Rarefied Chondrite Sollerets. Needs 11.49 Leves to reach the next tier as an easy way to compare to Leves). Gives 1853298 EXP at max collectability.

Nothing to say here! Just use whichever collectable you can “afford”.

ARM L88 tier – what to do?

ARM L90! Onward to Dawntrail!

Good job – Endwalker tier done with! Hopeully my Goldsmith Leveling Guide (80 to 90 edition) helped you out. Let’s gooo!

ARM Leveling SCROLL TO – Prep, Gear, Notes & Strategy
– ARM Level:

Armorsmith Leveling Guide - Navigation: [0-15] [15-35] [35-50][50-60]
[60-64] [64-70] | [70-80] | [80-90] | [90-100]

16 thoughts on “FFXIV Armorsmith Leveling Guide L1 to 100 (Dawntrail UPDATE)”

  1. Regarding the Lvl 76 Macro Update: I think I’ll stick to the L74 Macro as the little update is too unreliably for lower recipies than L76 if you follow the gearing update at Lvl 71. It finishes the craft before the quality step is finished.
    Otherwise many many thanks and much love tou you creating and sharing all these wonderful leveling guides for DoH/DoL. It’s a huge boost for me. <3

  2. Just wanted to throw it out there that you can buy the Titanium Tassets of Fending from Zundu Sell-It in Sea of Clouds for 11,008 gil, just in case you have the extra cash on hand to throw at it rather than have to deal with all the crafting.

  3. For me, it seems the best way to get 56-60 is by doin collectible’s.

    Titanium nuggets are 100k a turnin, wich translates the same as the leve’s more or less.

    Leveled GSM the same way, and u can go up really quickly provided u have the materials.

    Also, if you fail to achieve 250 collectible..your still able to turn them in as a leve.

  4. I’ve hit 56 on armorer yesterday and got to 58 today in about 3 hours. Since I have a miner so I’ve spent an hour gathering all mats and grind on Titanium Nuggets for collectible turn in and use commercial scrolls to boost exp, with rested exp, I net about 33K per nugget. So for 20 nuggets turn in I got roughly 2.9mil exp, it didn’t take that long imo. From 56-60 you would need about 12mil exp so it comes down to 80-90 nuggets, not to mention if you’re doing Moogle beast tribe and daily GC, it will fasten up the process.

  5. Hi,
    Armorer is my second skill im (serious) leveling. Since my GSM is maxed out i used the Mythril ingot leve from the 35-40 tier all the way to lvl 45 or so since its easy-peasy to HQ them as lvl 60 GSM. Fastest way to get past those lvls IMO

  6. Well between lv25-30 you don’t recommend to do leve Heavy Iron Flanchard but I disagree with you. I could make HQ Heavy Iron Flanchard at lv26 which I get another 100% exp extra when I turn in (55k in 1 allowance). Consider allowance are based on time I recommend to use it wisely.

    It cost more materials and money to make but if you stockpiled iron ingots (HQ) and Aldgoat leather it’s worth the exp based on allowance. I recommend this is the fastest way to reach lv30.

    But overall I love your site!!

    1. Yep courier is a good choice if you’re short on leves. As a general rule people who swim in leves wouldn’t mind the speed of singles.

    1. If leves are SCARCE to you, then it’s not recommended. Doing the crafting log + GC scroll EXP should bring you up. However, as stated above, the “courier + reverse courier” would be the most leve-efficient choice.

  7. Not sure if it’s changed but the Level 50 Armorer turn in quest is a Cobalt Haubergeon with a Heaven’s Eye Materia III.

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