Play FFXIV A Realm Reborn Now!

If you were as excited as us when we first heard about FFXIV then this is the first thing on your mind! How do I play now?

The actual launch of FFXIV is on August 27, 2013. However, if you were able to register for BETA then you would be part of the lucky few who get to play ahead of the rest… Don’t forget to pre-order your copy below and begin playing!

Try to start playing by the time open beta comes out. Characters will not be wiped in the transition to open beta to launch. Play earlier and be ahead of the rest!

FFXIV A Realm Reborn BETA testing

  1. Try your luck at the official BETA testing application form I know some people who have
  2. Look for websites that are giving away BETA keys. Reddit is a popular place. You can look at the subreddit there are a lot of people giving away BETA keys there if you ask politely!

FFXIV A Realm Reborn Actual Game

As mentioned earlier, the actual game is not yet out. Though, if you’re like us and want to avail of the pre-order bonuses. Then pre-order from us! We have a an affiliate link below where you can order a copy of FFXIV. Help us make this site better by using these links! We get a small bonus (1$~) if you pre-order in Amazon through us.

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

Thanks for the support! – ffxivguild team

4 thoughts on “Play FFXIV A Realm Reborn Now!”

    1. Monk, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

      We’re working on a donators page, to show our thanks! Forgive us for the delay on this, theres simply so much to do :s

  1. Whoever that was who pre-ordered, please message us to get your future “supporters” badge when our site achievements are up!

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