FFXIV ARR Open Beta 4 Findings & Early Access FAQ

So we thought of putting together a page where we can answer all the questions we’ve been getting and make sure everyone has access to this important information.

Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments below

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Timelines for the next few weeks up to launch date for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (Open Beta, Early Access included). This holds true for both PC and PS3 gamers.

  • August 17: Headstart for those who participated in Beta 3
  • August 18-19: Open Beta for all, if you registered (https://secure.square-enix.com/account/app/svc/ffxivbetatop?rgn=na)
  • August 24: Early Access for those who Pre-Ordered
    ——Register your pre-order code [here]
  • August 27: Official Launch Date

Findings from Open Beta (August 17-19). We will continue to update this list so keep looking

  • Speculation for all Class Requirements for Jobs can be found here (https://ffxivguild.com/ff14-job-requirements-arr/)
  • Hunting Logs are only up to Rank 2 (19/20 hunts)
  • Main story quest ends with Ifrit Battle (must be level 20 to reach the end of the chain)
  • Grand Company quest is not yet available
  • Chocobo quest is not yet available. License though, costs 2,000 GC seals
  • News for a Stat point re-allocation item is being sold in the respective GC quartermasters The Keeper’s Hym and it costs 10,000 GC seals
  • ACN queue in duty finder as DPS
  • ACN gets a heal at level 4 called Physick. Can be used by multiple classes
  • There are markers in the inventory to show you which equipment you cannot wear.
  • DoT that you initiate shows up with a green timer to help distinguish
  • Rumor of decreasing Duty difficulty after you fail has been heard, but no solid evidence yet
  • Fishing is available
  • How to import character appearance data if you created one in the benchmark, if it doesn’t show immediately, simply cancel the current character you are creating and start again.
  • New interface with Map: If you press M twice, it will toggle the opacity of the map, simply hit ESC if you wish to close the map

Tips and Tricks for Open Beta:

  • When leveling your secondary/third class make sure you use the Duty Finder while farming Fates. This works better if you and your friends party up!
  • We found a place in Western La Noscea below Sastasha where you can level up your secondary or third class (there are two fates lvl 15 and lvl 10 that are nearby each other)
  • Rumors also of a place in Middle La Noscea, northern area where there are fates as well

FFXIV ARR The Thousand Maws of Toto Rak Dungeon Guide

Named after a man-eating creature from ancient Padjali folklore, the Thousand Maws of Toto Rak was built on the site of a natural cave system beneath Silent Arbor. Until recently, it held all of Gridania’s foulest criminals, from arsonists to poachers, but the completion of a new gaol closer to the city heralded its abandonment.


In your quest to delve into the Thousand Maws of Toto Rak you will find ‘Magitek Photocells‘ either lying in rooms or after defeating encounters. These photocells are required to activate ‘Magitek Terminals‘, there are 2 such terminals in the dungeon, located in the Confession and Fools Rest chambers, each of which have a mini-boss encounter (Coeurl of Nine Tails) before you can activate them. Finally, activating the terminals will lead you to the final boss Grafflas


  • Party Size: Four
  • Either a disciple of war or magic
  • Level: 23 (sync from 25)
  • Time Limit: 90mins
  • Once you are Level 23, you may visit the entrance of Toto Rak to be able to enter the dungeon

How to get to The Thousand Maws of Toto Rak

Toto Rak is located in The South Shroud, NE from Buscarron’s Druthers and SE from Gridania (Blue Badger Gate)


The Thousand Maws of Toto Rak Map/General Strategy/Tips

FFXIV-ARR-The-Thousand-Maws-of-Toto-Rak-mapclick on image to enlarge

It is beneficial to note the different kinds of enemies you will face in Toto Rak, you will encounter groups of enemies composed of several of these types: (We have only posted note worthy enemies, others you will encounter are standard type mobs)

  • Pterocs: dragons that breathe cone based fire attacks
  • Mun-Tuy Saplings and Mitetraps: ranged enemies that stay in place, they have some knock-back ability also
  • Elementals: deal lightning damage
  • Puddings/Gel/Flan: deal poison attacks
  • Sticky Web: when you notice a web covered arch, these webs will suck players near it, push them forward and create a barrier to close of those who have been separated. Players can destroy the web by attacking it from both sides
  • Fleshy Pods: When damaged even the slightest bit, these explode with AoE damage. Eliminate them from afar



The Thousand Maws of Toto Rak Boss Strategy

Coeurl of Nine Tails

  • On your first encounter with Coeurl, the fight is straightforward, just defeat it as fast as you can, use a DPS limit break as the gauge will fill before you meet Grafflas, the final boss.
  • On your second encounter with the Coeurl, at about 50% health it will spawn an AD (Wardens Whip). From experience we suggest to take the AD down as the Coeurl can potentially spawn more than one therefore putting more stress on the TANK and HEALER.
  • Note that the Coeurl does a PBAOE poison, but nothing much to be worried about.



Grafflas is the first boss which is fairly tricky to beat if in an uncoordinated party. Grafflas features various mechanics as shared below:

  • Upon entering Grafflas’ chamber he will be surrounded by ‘Fleshy Pods‘, make sure the DPS dispatches of them immediately as Grafflas will later use them by pushing your tank towards.
  • Sticky Web Ability: Periodically throughout the fight, Grafflas will cast this ability which spawns a Sticky Pod at one of your party members feet. Be conscious of this and stay clear to destroy the pod at a safe distance.
  • ADS (Comesmite): At about 60-70% health Grafflas will spawn 2 Comesmites. It is important to defeat them before focusing on Grafflas again. Tip: If your party has a THM, have them cast sleep on one Comesmite to make the encounter easier
  • Losing Skin: At roughly 50% health Grafflas will lose his skin and in effect expose his tail. This will add a new mechanic to the fight, where his tail lays down AoE poison marked by a Green circle. Stay away from this area, it deals massive damage! Your goal at this point is to target the tail and the poison circles will stop.


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FFXIV ARR Halatali Dungeon Guide

zOriginally a holy place for the first Lalafell arrived in Eorzea, the twisting labyrinth of natural caverns which wind through this massive mesa were transformed by the Pugilists’ Guild into a series of training pits, animal pens, and holding cells to accommodate the ever-growing popularity of Ul’dah’s coliseum. After the Calamity, however, the location was abandoned – those remaining in the pens, left for dead. Not all of them, however met that fate and now the tunnels are rife with those who survived…as well as the tormented spirits of those who did not.

The setting of Halatali showcases an abandoned holding pit for Ul’dah’s coliseum. The further you get, the more challenging the encounters become! Halatali has several mini-boss fights and after defeating each an Aetherial Flow appears, which you will need to interact with to go deeper into the dungeon.


  • Party Size: Four
  • Either a disciple of war or magic
  • Level: 17 (sync from 19)
  • Time Limit: 90mins
  • Must have completed all 3 previous dungeon story quests. (Sastasha, Tam-Tara Deepcroft and Copperbell Mines)
  • Acquire Halatali quest (Hallo Halatili) from Nedrick Ironheart in Vesper Bay

Where is Halatali?

Located in Eastern Thanalan, near Camp Drybone, due west from Ul’dah (Steps of Nald).


Halatali Map/General Strategy/Tips

FFXIV-ARR-Halatali-Mapclick on image to enlarge

  • Random Treasure drops: Besides the points located in the map, there are some monsters that may drop treasures, from our experience this is totally random.
  • Wandering Bombs: You will find random bombs popping up in the dungeon, it’s best to keep them at bay or dispose of them first before luring in other mobs. Note that, once they are engaged and left unattended, they will self-destruct, if this happens to your party make sure no one is in the red blast radius that shows up on the ground.
  • Aetherial Flow: Two of the sub-bosses in Halatali, once defeated will spawn an Aetherial Flow, you must interact with this in order to proceed deeper into the dungeon.


Halatali Boss Strategy


  • Firemane will dish out fire based abilities (hehe kinda obvious)
  • When it reaches about 75% life, a series of Damantus (ADS) will start appearing approaching the pit in the middle of the map, once they reach the pit they explode and do AOE damage. Honestly, at how the dungeon is balanced now, there is no need to worry about the ADS because the AOE damage not significant. By the time the first AD reaches the pit Firemane would be close to 1/4 life or so.
  • If your DPS can use a limit break when Firemane reaches low life, have them do so as it will charge in enough time for the next sub-boss
  • Once defeated, interact with the Aetherial Flow to progress with the dungeon


Thunderclap Guivre

  • Thunderclap is an interesting fight, it is the first time a boss becomes invulnerable during a fight.
  • As his name states, he is a Lightning based monster and the arena you fight him in is filled with water… We lure him to one of the ramps and engage him there because once he becomes invulnerable his form changes and Lighning surrounds him (wouldn’t wanna be near the water when this happens!)
  • In his invulnerable state, he will summon 2 rounds of 4x Lightning Sprites, they are easy to defeat, at the same time though, Thunderclap throws an electric ball causing AoE damage to those caught in the radius. Be sure to watch the AoE circle and stay away from it when he casts.
  • Once defeated, interact with the Aetherial Flow to progress with the dungeon



  • This is an optional sub-boss, and triggered if you decide to retrieve the treasure in the area before the you encounter Tangata. (see map above)
  • There will be monsters surrounding the area, it is best to dispose of them first before engaging with the Peiste
  • We’ve gotten some decent loot from this, and he is a relatively straightforward fight if the other monsters are disposed of first.


  • Tangatas mechanic has is a combination of Firemane and Thunderclap.
  • At about 75% Noxius (ADS) will start spawning and make their way towards Tangata, once they reach, they will explode doing AoE damage.
  • Tangata also becomes invulnerable at random, when he does, there will be lava that appears around him that does DoT damage (quite large in fact) – stay away from that! Fire Sprites will also appear, once the sprites are defeated he will no longer be invulnerable. Note: Haven’t tested this fully, but before Tangata becomes invulnerable, we have tried to stun him and sometimes it works, preventing him from becoming invulnerable. He casts a spell called ‘Double Smash‘ and if caught at the right time can prevent him from becoming invulnerable.
  • Be careful, because at any point in he me be both Invulnerable and have Noxius spawning towards him.
  • What works for us is to have one of your DPS engage the ADS while the rest of the party engages Tangata.


What dungeons can I do next?

Once you reach level 23, you may enter The Thousand Maws of Toto Rak.

We ran Halatali a few times to get some gear and did some leveling up (Quests, Guildhests, Levequests) before we could reach Toto Rak.

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FFXIV ARR Copperbell Mines Dungeon Guide

Abandoned once purged of ore, the Copperbell Mines laid abandoned for nigh on three centuries until Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern reclaimed the shafts – the guild’s sights set on expanding the mines downward in an attempt to tap yet undiscovered veins of valuable metal. Unfortunately, it was not riches the powder kegs uncovered, but sheer terror, for when the smoke cleared, out poured an army of raging giants from the darkest recesses of the mines. The hecatonchires – thrlls of the lost Thorne dynasty – were, at last, free from their lightless prison; three hundred years of hate fueling their madness.

So here is where things start to get interesting! In the previous Dungeons (Sastasha and Tam-Tara Deepcroft) we were given the chance to get used to dungeons and how your role in a party will be. In Copperbell Mines, each player has a role to play, both teamwork and knowing the dungeon dynamics is critical to finishing this efficiently.


  • Party Size: Four
  • Either a disciple of war or magic
  • Level: 17 (sync from 19)
  • Must be on Level XX story quest ‘To be updated – missed this one out
  • Time Limit: 90mins

Where is Copperbell Mines?

Located in Western Thanalan, west of Horizon camp and east of Ul’dah (Steps of Nald) exit.


Copperbell Mines Map/General Strategy/Tips

click to enlarge image

Lifts: There are 3 lifts in the whole dungeon, be mindful that if you miss to ride the lift with your party, one person needs to operate the lift and come back for you.

Spriggans: There will be random spriggans that are wandering around the mines, so be on the lookout for any that come your way. Make sure your TANK picks them up during any fight.

Hecatoncheir Stonehaulers: These guys pop up from various crevices, you cannot put them to sleep and are immune to CC, so make sure your TANK picks them up too.


Blasting Devices & Firesand: There are several Blasting Devices that you will need to activate to progress in the dungeon. Just remember this simple rule, Firesand -> Powder Chamber -> Blast, before you can activate a device, you need Firesand which can be found nearby any blasting chamber, load the powder chamber with the firesand and hit the Blasting Devices once loading is complete. After every blast, you will unlock a new part of the dungeon.


Copperbell Mines Boss Strategy

This is the first dungeon which showcases unique mechanics for each of the bosses. I enjoyed Copperbell so much I repeated this dungeon a few times to level up. If I might add, this place gives some decent loot that will help on your next story quests and dungeons.


  • Before you get to fight Kottos, you will need to kill a few waves of monsters.
  • The trick here is to make sure your TANK picks up as much as they can while focusing on killing them one by one or lump them into one place to do some AoE and kill them faster.
  • If you have a THM in your party, Sleep will be a useful skill to use if you have proper coordination.
  • You will also notice some Flambeau (Bombs) pop in every now and then, make sure your DPS picks them up before they explode
  • Kottos himself is not so difficult, when he finally shows up, make sure the TANK positions him to face away from the party


Ichorous Ire (the Copperbell Mine Ooze)

Ah, the infamous Copperbell Ooze Boss. The ooze is INVULNERABLE to damage. The first boss with unique a mechanic! It’s always fun to watch first timers try to burst Ichorous down and even use their limit breaks on them (Ok, I’m one of those guilty noobs! lol) Here’s how to beat it:

  • The goal is to lureBlasting Caps‘ to Ichorous Ire and when the caps are ready to explode, make sure Ichorous is in the blasting radius.
  • Spriggan Quencher (Adds) – these little buggers will spawn to quench the Blasting Caps flames, make sure your DPS kills them before they do!
  • Every time you successfully blow up a Blasting Cap near him, it will split into pieces. After about 4 or 5 successfull blasts, you can DPS the little oozes.


Gyges the Great

The mechanic here is simple, after beating up about 75% of Gyges life, he will start moving to a boulder and destroy it. This will signal the entrance of adds.

  • Collosal Slam (Front facing AoE cone attack) – this is one of the abilities Gyges will dish out, make sure your TANK positions him facing away from the party
  • Stone Servants (Adds) – the servants will move up to nearby boulders and try to destroy them, summoning more servants.
  • You have two choices, kill the adds before they open up more boulders, or simply focus on killing Gyges while taking the pain of the adds. If you feel confident in your party’s DPS / Healing capabilities, go for the latter (Not Recommended).


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FFXIV ARR Tam-Tara Deepcroft Dungeon Guide

Since its establishment during Gelmorran times, this subterranean crypt has been used for generations as a final resting place for the remains of rulers and nobles. Since the Calamity, however, the tunnels have become overrun with the Lambs of Dalamud – a deadly cult who worships the now-fallen satellite as their savior. It is in the Deepcroft that these twisted souls silently plot revenge against those who fought to prevent the advent of Dalamud, summoning any dark presence who will aid them to this end… no matter what the cost.


  • Party Size: Four
  • Either a disciple of war or magic
  • Level: 16 (sync from 18)
  • Must be on Level 15 story quest ‘Fire in the Gloom
  • Time Limit: 90mins

Where is Tam-Tara Deepcroft

Tam-Tara is located in the Central Shroud, near Bentbranch Meadows. From New Gridania, exit the Blue Badger Gate head south and Tam-Tara will be near Bentbranch Meadows.


Tam-Tara Deepcroft Map / General Strategy / Tips

click on image to enlarge

The objective of Tam-Tara Deepcroft is to disable Cultist Orbs. While exploring the dungeon you will find these Orbs closely guarded by enemies, you will need to defeat the enemies before you can disable the orbs. Before you reach the last two Cultist Orbs, you will notice it is Sealed by a Barrier.


In order to break the Sealed Barrier, you must obtain the Cultist Rosary which is nearby.



Tam-Tara Boss Strategy

Dalamud Priests & Octavel the Unforgiving

  • In order to destroy the cultist orbs, you must defeat the Dalmund Priest / Octavel the Unforgiving who will be guarding it
  • There are 3 locations where the orbs are, and the fight dynamics are simliar. The Priests/Octavel has his minions, simply defeat the minions first and you are left with the sub-boss, each priest has a second form after you deplete its first life bar, they will transform into a ‘Void Soulcounter‘ which is only slightly tougher to defeat.
  • Gravedigger count (ads): 2 in first encounter, 3 in second, 4 in third.


Galvanth the Dominator

  • This fight can be lengthy, depending on how you react to his attacks and the skill level of the group.
  • Galvanth has an PBAOE which you will notice him casting when the ground turns red (move away from that area). It is a spell that will cause paralysis to all who get caught by it.
  • There are 3 AD phases in the fight, from our experience they happen at 75/50/25 % health. Note that the ‘Imps’ can interrupt heals so it’s important to have your DPS take them out first.
  • Healer note: When ADS come in, stay close to your tank so they can manage the ADS better and in turn, make your life easier in healing land.
  • 1st ADS phase: 1 Imp
  • 2nd ADS phase: 1 Imp + trash mobs
  • 3rd ADS phase: 2 Imps + trash mobs (be careful with this phase, it will save you time and effort to save your Limit Break for either the Healer or if you have a THM in your party, let them use it in this phase)


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How to test your LAG/PING/LATENCY

That momentary lag, why some people react faster than you sometimes, we don’t realize it but choosing the right server and knowing how fast your connection is to each server can spell the difference between a wipe and your dream run.

For those of you who do not know how to test your LAG/PING/LATENCY in the FFXIV ARR servers, here’s how:


Simplest way:

  1. Download our PING TEST application <HERE>
  2. Run the application and look at your average ping (lower ping is better)

Note: if you have a virus scanning program, it may try to block you from using of our application, I guarantee application is 100% virus free, ignore the notification. If you’re still freaking out check the alternative instructions below.


For those who want to get their hands dirty:

  1. Open up a the run interface (Windows Button + R)
  2. Type in ‘CMD’ – this will bring you to the command prompt
  3. Type in ‘PING <IP Address>’ – you can find IP addresses of each FFXIV ARR server below




Q: What are the FFXIV ARR server IP addresses:
North America Datacentre | square-enix.montreal.com | IP address :
Europe Datacentre | eu.square-enix.com | IP address :
Japan Datacentre | jp.square-enix.com | IP address :

Q: There are many servers in JP/NA/EU how come you are only giving 3 IP addresses:
A: Square uses these main IP’s in their region data centres for each of the sub servers, by testing the main IP, it will give you a fair idea of how your ping will be in the sub servers. (ex. for JP servers are all housed under one data centre of jp.square-enix.com)

Q: How do I know if the servers are working?
A: There are a few sites that house this functionality http://www.arrstatus.com/ is our preferred one. They have an android app too.

FFXIV Crafting Leveling & EXP Guide

Do not make leveling up crafting in a realm reborn any harder than it has to be! Use these extremely helpful tips, and you’ll find yourself at 50 in no time! And start making money from FFXIV’s Marketplace!

If you somehow got to this page, but you’re rather new or haven’t crafted yet, you should try reading our General Crafting Guide & FAQ first.

Maximizing Each Craft

Make no mistake, 99% of the ways you’re going to get crafting exp is, you guessed it, crafting. Maximizing each craft is probably the most important tip when leveling crafting classes in FFXIV.

In ARR, gaining crafting exp and levels comes through the successful synthesis of items. However, you can try to squeeze as much EXP out of a single item each time you craft. (Often granting +200% bonuses and more!) How do you do it? By attempting for a high quality item each time. Take a look at these two examples.

ffxiv arr reborn crafting guide high quality vs no quality


The above example shows crafting two of the same items, “Ash Lumber”. One was quickly crafted without attempting to for high quality, which only got 298 experience. The second example, while it did not yield a high quality ash lumber, the resulting craft gained a bonus +233% exp. 

So when you’re crafting, always try to reach the highest quality percent possible, since crafting in a Realm Reborn seems to reward “effort”.

Completing your crafting log

Completing every entry in your crafting log is the next logical step WHILE maximizing each craft. Completing your crafting log  gives a chunky exp bonus. Do not sell or throw away the stuff you crafted just yet! Some items you craft will eventually be asked for to fulfill Tradecraft Levequests, or Grand Company Supply Missions. Which is discussed below.

Tradecraft Levequests

As we all know, Levequest allowances are pretty valuable. Spending them on craft leveling is one of the better ways to use them in FFXIV ARR. Tradecraft Levequests are issued through any Levemete. They also come in different difficulties, every batch increasing by 5 levels. You cannot undertake Tradecraft Levequests in groups. You simply need to give an item you crafted (or obtained through other means) Check out the picture below.

ffxic arr reborn crafting leveling guide tradecraft levequests

If you submit a high quality item, the reward is tripled(+200% bonus). This is why completing your crafting log (being ready with the required stuff) and maximizing each craft really helps you pile up on the exp down the line.

At level 20, repeatable Tradecraft Levequests become unlocked. You are required to submit (usually) 3 of an item, and this can be done thrice. Submitting HQ also works with this, resulting in a massive amount of EXP. Repeatable or not, Levequests are currently the best method of gaining DoH levels quickly.


Grand Companies and Crafting

In A realm Reborn, Grand companies can help you level up your crafting class in two ways. Grand Company Supply Missions, and Company-issue Engineering Manuals.

Grand Company Supply Missions

Grand company deliver missions are always running, and are accessed from the personnel officer of your grand company. Aside from being great ways to earn grand company seals, they are also great ways to gain crafting exp. You can also see this from your respective Grand Company Leve officer.

ffxiv arr reborn crafting leveling guide delivery missions

The interface is pretty self-explanatory. On the first column you have requested item (and what crafting class it comes from). The “Requested” column indicates how many times you can submit this mini-quest. It also shows you how many seals and exp to be granted to the respected crafting class upon turning it in. “Quantity” is how many of the item you currently own.

As far as I can see, it never asks for an item far above your crafting capability.  You should always be trying to fulfill this, It’s basically 8 free leve allowances.

Company-issue Engineering Manuals

Company-issue Engineering Manuals are bought from your respective grand company. The item description pictured below.

ffxiv arr reborn crafting guide engineering manual

The item is pretty useful, as you can see. It boosts EXP gained from crafting by 50%, up to a specified cap. There are more powerful manuals available the higher your rank is in your Grand Company. The downside is, these things cost Grand Company seals. But if you did the supply missions above, you shouldn’t be in a shortage of seals. Which is another reason you should really be doing supply missions. There is a higher level one available, but I wouldn’t recommend using either past level 20~.

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FFXIV ARR Job guides and FAQ’s!

Just in time for this beta weekend, we released a mini-guide and FAQ for all the advanced Jobs in FFXIV A Realm Reborn!

Anything you need from skills, stats, traits, locations, requirements – and more!

Don’t get caught wasting time this beta weekend – check them out now!



Bard Job FAQ / Guide – FFXIV ARR

Dragoon Job FAQ / Guide – FFXIV ARR

Monk Job FAQ / Guide – FFXIV ARR

Paladin Job FAQ / Guide – FFXIV ARR

Warrior Job FAQ / Guide – FFXIV ARR

White Mage Job FAQ / Guide – FFXIV ARR

Black Mage Job FAQ / Guide – FFXIV ARR

Scholar Job FAQ / Guide – FFXIV ARR

Summoner Job FAQ / Guide – FFXIV ARR

Since we hate searching and coming up with results for 1.0, we clearly state that these guides are for FFXIV A Realm Reborn, or ARR! Bear with us for the insistent labeling!

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FFXIV ARR: Guide on How to Dye in a Realm Reborn!

How do I dye in FFXIV ARR? Who gives the dye quest? Can you walk me through how to get dye? Here it is, a step-by-step FFXIV ARR Dye Guide!

Let’s all admit, we want our characters to look good right! Dyeing has always been an important part of every MMO, it promotes choice and differentiates your character from the rest.

Ok, so a lot of folks have been asking us… How do I dye in FFXIV ARR? Where do I go to dye? Who gives the dye quest? How come I can’t apply dye? Can you walk me through how to get dye? Where is the Coffer & Coffin? Where is Western Thanalan? Where is Vesper bay… You get the point… So here it is, the much awaited step by step FFXIV A Realm Reborn Dye Guide!

Please note that the Dye system can only be unlocked by Completing the Quest: Color Your World


  1. You must be at least Level 15
  2. You have access to Ul’dah – or have passed the Level 15 story quest to gain access via Airship to travel to Ul’dah
  3. Finish the Quest to unlock Dye system
  4. Of course, have some Dye in your inventory!

Quest to unlock Dye system: Color Your World

1. Go to Vesper Bay in Western Thanalan (see Map below)

  • From Ul’dah, exit Gate of Sultana aka Western Thanalan
  • Head to the NW of the map, you will see Vesper Bay (don’t forget to sync with the Aetheryte in Horizon)

2. Speak to Sweigym near the plaza of Vesper Bay (Pictured above)

  • To complete this quest you need to give Sweigym Orange Juice
  • Where to get Orange Juice? There are many ways to get Orange Juice, and in case you do not have a few in your inventory the closest place to buy is in Central Thanalan – The Coffer & Coffin. Take a Chocobo to Horizon and walk a bit to Central Thanalan. (Edit: You can also buy Orange Juice in the ‘Merchant and Mender’ in Vesper Bay)
  • When in the Coffer & Coffin, buy Orange Juice from the ‘Alehouse Wench‘ – stock up on Food while you’re at it!

(Pictue of Alehouse Wench in the “Coffer & Coffin”)

3. Head back to Sweigym and complete the Quest! You can now begin Dyeing! Below, you can find a map summarizing the process.

Color your world guide FFXIV ARReborn Dye quest guide map


Q. How do you change dye in FFXIV A Realm Reborn?

  1. After successfully completing the Color Your World quest, a new action will be available in your Action & Traits screen called Dye.
  2. Simply use that action and an Item Dying screen will pop up which will show you all items in your inventory which can be colored. (Note that not all equipment can by Dyed)
  3. There are different shades of Dye’s available according to what type of Dye you have in your inventory, click the dye you wish to use and hit the button ‘Dye


Q. Where do I buy/get dye in FFXIV A Realm Reborn?

There are Dye vendors in each town. All of them are located in the respective marketplaces of each town. Or in Vespa Bay itself!

  • Ul’dah: Nanabe <Independent Merchant>
  • Limsa Lominsa<Unsynrael>
  • Gridania: Alaric <Independent Tinkerer>


Q. How does Dye look like?

Here is a gallery showing how Dye colors could look like (Note that dye color on clothes will change based on what the base color is so make sure to experiment until you get the right look)

ffxiv arr dye preview chart comparison a realm reborn


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Pre-order FFXIV A Realm Reborn


FFXIV A Realm Reborn will be out in the market on August 27, 2013!

Pre-ordering gives you a few bonus items and benefits. Note that these items may change or vary depending on availability from Square

Helm of Light
The design of this headgear is based on the helmet worn by the Warrior of Light from FINAL FANTASY I and can be equipped by all classes at level one.


Coeurl Mount

Adventurers will be able to ride a variety of mounts for transportation in A Realm Reborn – including chocobos, Magitek armor and more! With this bonus, you’ll be able to hop aboard a coeurl and chase down your foes!
* Players will be able to ride mounts once they have reached level 20 and have obtained a chocobo.


Behemoth Barding
In A Realm Reborn, adventurers will be able to do battle against the ferocious enemies of Eorzea alongside their personal chocobo, as well as equip their trusted companions with unique armor! The Collector’s Edition includes special Behemoth-themed armor that you can outfit your chocobo with!
* Players must first reach level 20 to obtain a chocobo before they can outfit it with barding.


Baby Behemoth Minion
Adventurers can often be found with their own personal minion by their side as they tame the wilds of Eorzea. The Collector’s Edition comes with a baby behemoth minion.
* Minions are vanity pets that do not have any affect on a player’s stats.


Redeeming your Collector’s Edition Items
For PC: Items can be redeemed by entering the registration code that comes with the PC game purchase on the Square Enix account management site.
For PS3: Items can be redeemed by entering the promotional code that comes with the PS3 game purchase on the Sony Entertainment Network account.


Early Access to FFXIV: A Realm Reborn
If you pre-order FFXIV: A Realm Reborn from a participating retailer and register the pre-order code within the specificied time period, you will be granted access to play FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn prior to the official launch!
*Details will be announced at a later date with early access commencing prior to launch.
*An internet connection is required for early access.


Pre-Order Bonus In-Game Items
The bonus in-game items (a “Cait Sith Doll Minion” and “Mog Cap”) will be delivered to the account that the pre-order bonus code has been registered to.
* The pre-order bonus code will be valid until December 31, 2013.
* Further details will be announced at a later date.


Please note that the pre-order bonus codes are different for the Playstation 3 and Windows versions. Also, please be aware that the number of early access codes will be limited and distribution will cease when the limit has been reached.

* The pre-order bonus code distribution timing and method may vary depending on the retailer.
