Don’t waste time figuring out what is where, and how to get there! Maximize your time on Eorzea with these FFXIV maps!
Make your life navigating Eorzea easier with these simple maps!
If you’re planning on cross-classing, getting proper crafting classes, or getting all the gathering jobs (recommended!), check in here so you won’t waste time! So far, only Limsa Lominsa has a confusing Aethernet. The others are pretty self-explanatory (but boring, heh). Also, simple cross city travel guide will be provided, if needed.
We will be updating this regularly! Hopefully soon we can have an interactive map for the more common destinations! Subscribe so you won’t miss out!
clicking on a map brings you a mini-gallery of the three. Enjoy!

Limsa Lominsa
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Gridania Aethernet
Main Aetheryte: New Gridania
“Where is the” : Nearest Aethernet Crystal
Archer’s Guild: Archer’s Guild (Bard)
Conjurer’s Guild: Conjurer’s Guild (White Mage)
Lancer’s Guild: Lancer’s Guild (Dragoon)
Carpenter’s / Carpentry Guild: New Gridania
Leatherworking: Leatherworker’s Guild
Botany: Botanist’s Guild
(Click on class name to visit Guide / FAQ)
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Limsa Lominsa
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Limsa Lominsa Aethernet
Main Aetheryte: Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
“Where is the” : Nearest Aethernet Crystal
Arcanist’s Guild: Arcanist’s Guild
Marauder’s Guild: Coral Tower
Cooks / Culinarian’s: The Bismarck
Armorsmithing: The Aftcastle
Blacksmithing: The Aftcastle
Fishing Guild: Fisherman’s Bottom
(Click on class name to visit Guide / FAQ)
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Ul’dah Aethernet
Main Aetheryte: Steps of Nald
“Where is the” : Nearest Aethernet Crystal
Gladiator: The Coliseum
Pugilist: Steps of Nald
Thaumaturge: Thaumaturge’s Guild
Alchemist: Alchemist’s Guild
Goldsmithing: Goldsmith’s Guild
Weaving: Weaver’s Guild
Mining: Miner’s Guild
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