FFXIV Levequests & Levemete Locations (Dawntrail REWORK)

A list of all the locations where you can get Levequests from (Levemetes), and information about the levequest system in general. Beware – lots of long tables!

Welcome to my FFXIV Levequests and Levemetes Locations Guide (updated Jul 2024 – Dawntrail, pretty much REWORKED the guide). Most people are here for only a few things: (on a side note, a Levemete is the person you take the leve from)

Levequest Locations List (COMBINED)

Here’s a table of all Levequests Locations, Levemetes (the NPC’s), as well as what Level and Type of Levequest each might have – among other info. Try to use the filter to help you out. Remember there are more specific tables all the way down there, too.

I apologize for the “imperfections”, there are edge cases like Battlecraft Leves starting in Main Cities stop at L30, but Field and Tradecraft ones go up to 45. This is simply the SANEST way I can present this info, that I can think of.

All about the Levequest System in FFXIV

BasicsAllowancesLeve TypesUnlocking and Notes

What are Levequests?

To put it simply, Levequests are repeatable quests you can do to gain various rewards. To start a Levequest, you must first have a ‘Leve Allowance‘ to spend.

There are many TYPES of levequests too, but they have the same concept:
1 allowance per 1 attempt at the quest.

“I know what Levequests are, where are the Levequest locations!?”, Okay… Scroll to that.
“Where are the Crafting Leves!? I have that (Scroll to) 
“Where are the Gathering Leves!? I have those too

Grand Company levequest locations?” Click here

How often do I gain Leve Allowances?

You gain 3 Leve Allowances every 12 hours. about 16.5 days to get 99 – the cap is 100 Leve Allowances. You can check how many you have by looking at the bottom right of your Quest Journal!

What are the different kinds of Levequests?

Battlecraft Leves
The most common type of levequest, these give EXP for combat (Disciple of War or Disciple of Magic classes). Their difficulty can be scaled up and can be performed in a party. Doing these in groups makes even a +4 difficulty Levequest extremely easy, and “OK” for farming EXP.

For battlecraft levequests, you must
INITIALIZE them from your quest journal to begin!

Tradecraft Leves
These levequests provide EXP for crafting (Disciple of Hand) classes. They usually involve submitting one to three items to an NPC. Submitting High Quality item doubles the exp gained. 

Fieldcraft Leves
Gains EXP for Disciple of Land classes. They can be scaled in difficulty, but cannot be undertaken in groups. Be warned though, scaling the difficulty of Fieldcraft Levequests should be done carefully. Gathering materials way above your level can result in a lot of time and exp lost! (Failed gathers, low chains).

Grand Company Leves
Similar to Battlecraft Levequests, these must be done using a combat class. However, the EXP & Gil rewards for these are much smaller. The main reward for doing these are the Grand Company Seals you’ll be getting. These must be done alone, and be scaled up in difficulty.

Unlocking Levequests: All Level 1 and 5 Levequests are automatically unlocked after you unlock the Levequest System. Levequests are unlocked every 5 levels from level 1-45 and every 2 levels from 50 onwards.

Starting Level 10, each batch of Levequests must be “unlocked” by speaking to the respective Levemete. They give you a trial Levequest (does not reduce allowances) to prove you’re up for the task. Unlocking new Levemetes are a great indication of where you should be leveling up.

Levequests are unlocked every 5 levels from level 1-45. Then in later expansions, every 10.

**Note: when changing Class, make sure you finish your Level 10 class quest from the Guildmaster in order to unlock Levequests for the new class you are leveling.

You can also accept any Levequest in the region you’ve unlocked through the Levemetes in the Limsa, Gridania, and Ul’dah Adventurers’ Guild (where your inn room is).

Some types of Levequests allow you to scale their difficulty. You can choose a difficulty of up to +1 to +4, usually adjusting the monster level. Naturally, by scaling up the difficulty, the rewards also increase!

Where are the DoH / Crafting / Tradecraft Levequests Locations?

Note, each “hometown” of that crafter will always have levequests for that class up to L45.

Mahiko San Tip (Tradecraft Levequests): These have been, and will likely continue to be a great source of EXP for Disciple of the Hand classes! They have gone through quite a bit of evolutions over the years…

Back in the day there were MANY TYPES, and NUMEROUS Tradecraft Levequests per tier. “Singles”, “Triples”, “Courier”… “Hometown”, “Local”. In the current tiers, you only got 2 different “Singles”, which is honestly a bit sad – but I get it.

Where are the DoL / Gathering / Fieldcraft Levequests Locations?

Note, each “hometown” of that gatherer will always have levequests for that class up to L45.

Mahiko San Tip (Fieldcraft Levequests): Generally speaking DoL levequests are GREAT getting to Level 50. After that, only FSH ones are “valid”. Collectables are a great way for MIN and BTN to level up, that these just feel like a waste for those classes.

Where are the Battlecraft Levequests Locations?

As you unlock Levequests in each region, you can take them from that respective regions capital’s Adventurer’s Guild (impractical, but it exists) Up to L30. There are also some levemetes with ONLY Battlecraft spread out around the ARR areas.

Mahiko San Tip (Battlecraft Levequests): For desperate times when you need EXP pre level 50. These aren’t offered after Heavensward tier. In any case, there have been some “Creative” uses for these to speed up the low levels – I’ll update this since I haven’t checked if that’s legit in ages… For the most part… These aren’t that good in modern day FFXIV.

Where are the Grand Company Levequests Locations?

Mahiko San Tip (Grand Company Levequests): These have fallen out of favor, let’s say, for around a decade ago – haha. These are only good to generate seals, and a bit of class EXP. They’re about equal to Battlecraft levequests in this case, but gives some GC Seals. Still a poor usage of Levequest Allowances.

Levequests Guide / Locations Guide SCROLL TO: Combined List | Leves System FAQ
Locations for: ALL | Tradecraft (DoH) | Fieldcraft (DoL) | Battlecraft | Grand Company

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28 thoughts on “FFXIV Levequests & Levemete Locations (Dawntrail REWORK)”

  1. Should add that the LevelQuests currently taken and allowances are located at the bottom of the Journal. MAybe a Pic – because its easy to misread the assignations, they are oddly placed.

    1. Not sure if anyone has already said but, for the Gatherers/Crafters, the level 70-78 are at The Crystarium and not in Kugane.

  2. Are all these right? I’m lv 20 and went to go to Esmond in Little Ala Mhigo but the quests lists lv 25. Am I really stuck doing lv 15 leves until 25 to do the lv 20 stuff?

  3. i am doing a 2nd class. im at south thanalan. i already unlocked the levequest with esmond but he is only giving me level 25 levelquests. how can i unlock level 20 levequests.

    1. South Thalanan is a level 25-50 area, Info above incorrect, you will not get level 20 leves from Little Ala Mhigo.

      1. You know it’s about time i reviewed this. I did this very quickly back in the first week/s of the game. I have written research here in my room.. it’s time to update before 3.0!!

  4. Need to update the Tradecraft leve info … been a long time since HQ xp was tripled, just doubled now but still probably the best way of using leve allowances, especially once you get above level 30 or so in a craft. And no more refunding of allowances, either.

  5. Yeah the leve/quest distinction gets a little tricky when you are unlocking a new set, but just check the color of the circle on your minimap. Red circles indicate quest objectives, so look for something to kill/interact with in that area. The green circles are leves, which require you to initiate the quest from your journal. Hope that helps!

  6. For those who don’t see an initiate button; I had the same problem and figured it out. You get two quests when you get your first test leve in a new area. one’s objective is to complete the objective of the leve, and the other is the actual leve. For some reason the quest to complete the leve appears above the leve on the duty bar so its easy to mix them up.

  7. i’m having the same problem in little ala migho. i’m a level 30, clearly standing in the red circle, open the event in my journal but the initiate button is not present…just the map botton. all the others were easy enough. get in the cicle, open the event in the journal, click initiate…what gives? let me know if you figure it out

  8. H’amneko is located just south of Camp Tranquil on the bridge leading south. He is in a level 30 area but he requires Rank Sergeant 3rd Class in order to offer you any Grand Company leve quests. It might seem counterintuitive that you need that many seals to open level 30 GC leves because if you have them you’ll be at least 35 by then. Here’s the catch though; on your other jobs you will need this unlocked to provide a path to level through quests when all the normal ones are long since done. Oh he’s a for Twin Adders

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