FFXIV All Jobs Unlocking & Requirements (Pictomancer & Viper Added)

SHADOWBRINGERS UPDATED: Dancer and Gunbreaker added. Learn the requirements and how to unlock all jobs and classes in FFXIV!

DAWNTRAIL Guides! Dawntrail L90-100 Miner Leveling, Botanist Leveling
Dawntrail Normal Raid Guide (Quick, Spoiler Free)
Viper STARTER Guide / Rotation | Pictomancer Starter Guide / Rotation


Hello there and welcome to our completely overhauled FFXIV Job Unlocking & Requirements Guide! This guide is updated up to Dawntrail! Let’s get right to it, straight to a summary table! Althrough I have a feeling you’re here for (SCROLL TO:) Viper or Pictomancer lol. Beastmaster? Kinda like Blue Mage, Dawntrails limited job. Not much info yet will update asap.

I’ll add a small blurb at the very end for Unlocking DoH and DoL jobs. If you’re confused, or maybe looking for a base class – look at the notes below the table.


Prefer to discuss / give feedback on reddit? See /r/MahikoSan FFXIV Job Unlocking Guide

Job Requirements & Unlock Quest: SUMMARY

Click on the class name to scroll to its more detailed section.

JobCodeUnlock Quest NameLocation & AreaXYRequirement Note
ViperVPREnter the ViperUldah99Disciple of War or Magic L80
PictomancerPCTThe Joy of PictomancyOld Gridania810Disciple of War or Magic L80
AstrologianASTStairway to the HeavensThe Pillars1510Disciple of War or Magic L50
BardBRDA Song of Bards and BowmenNew Gridania1511Archer (ARC) L30
Black MageBLMTaking the BlackUldah - Steps of Nald712Thaumaturge (LNC) L30
Blue MageBLUOut of the BlueLimsa Lower Decks1011Disciple of War or Magic L50
DancerDNCShall We DanceLimsa Lower Decks912DoW or DoM L60
Dark KnightDRKOur EndThe Pillars138Disciple of War or Magic L50
DragoonDRGEye of the DragonOld Gridania145Lancer (LNC) L30
GunbreakerGNBThe Makings of a GunbreakerNew Gridania1111DoW or DoM L60
MachinistMCHSavior of SkysteelFoundation810DoW or DoM L50
MonkMNKBrother from Another MotherUldah - Steps of Nald910Pugilist (PGL) L30
NinjaNINPeasants by Day, Ninjas by NightLimsa Lower Decks816Rogue (ROG) L30
PaladinPLDPaladin's PledgeUldah - Steps of Thal911Gladiator (GLD) L30
ReaperRPRThe Killer InstinctUl'dah - Steps of Nald139Disciple of War or Magic L70
Red MageRDMTaking the RedUldah - Steps of Thal1411Disciple of War or Magic L50
SageSGESage's PathLimsa Lominsa Lower Decks913Disciple of War or Magic L70
SamuraiSAMThe Way of the SamuraiUldah - Steps of Nald99Disciple of War or Magic L50
ScholarSCHForgotten but Not GoneLimsa Lower Decks411Arcanist (ACN) L30
SummonerSMNAusterities of FlameLimsa Lower Decks411Arcanist (ACN) L30
WarriorWARPride and Duty (Will Take You...Limsa Upper Decks116Marauder (MRD) L30
White MageWHMSeer FollyOld Gridania610Conjurer (CNJ) L30

From here, let’s have a little note about each and every job (or class) you want to unlock, its requirements, and a little protip for each!

Base Classes Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

ALMOST ALL base classes (WITH THE NOTABLE EXCEPTION OF ROGUE), can be accessed as you create your character, as you spawn into this world! Here’s a quick table of base classes (click on the box below), and where to unlock them.

Base Class unlocking table
JobCodeUnlock Quest NameLocation & AreaXY
ArcanistACNWay of the ArcanistLimsa Lower Decks411
ArcherARCWay of the ArcherNew Gridania1512
ConjurerCNJWay of the ConjurerOld Gridania611
GladiatorGLDWay of the GladiatorUldah - Steps of Thal911
LancerLNCWay of the LancerOld Gridania145
MarauderMRDWay of the MarauderLimsa Upper Decks116
PugilistPGLWay of the PugilistUldah - Steps of Nald910
RogueROGMy First DaggersLimsa Lower Decks816
ThaumaturgeTHMWay of the ThaumaturgeUldah - Steps of Nald712

seem to have ditched the old requirements to unlock..?
You only need Level 10 in your original base class?

Rogue is a little different. It’s the only base class you cannot START THE GAME WITH. So any new player aspiring to be a Rogue (and eventually Ninja) would be best served by choosing a starter base class that spawns in Limsa, either Arcanist or Marauder. But honestly, it doesn’t make much of a difference.

Astrologian Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking Astrologian.

  • Astrologian Unlock Quest: Stairway to the Heavens
  • Location: The Pillars (15,10)
  • NPC:
  • Requirements: Level 50 DoW or DoM
  • Aetheryte -> Aethernet: Ishgard / Foundation
  • Expansion: Heavensward

New players wanting to play AST asap will have to take a bit of a detour. The requirements are having a disciple or magic or war at level 50. So you might as well level up a healer. Start the game as Conjurer (into White Mage), or Arcanist (into Scholar).

The sad part is Astrologian starts at L30. Ouch.

Bard Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking Bard.

  • Bard Unlock Quest: A Song of Bards and Bowmen
  • Location: New Gridania (15,11)
  • NPC:
  • Requirements: Level 30 Archer (ARC), and all class quests.
  • Aetheryte -> Aethernet: New Gridania -> Archers Guild
  • Expansion: Base / A Realm Reborn

Being part of the original roster of Jobs, new players aspiring to play BRD have it easy. Simply start the game as an Archer, and you’ll be well on your way to being a Bard!

Black Mage Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking Black Mage.

  • Black Mage Unlock Quest: Taking the Black
  • Location: Uldah – Steps of Nald (7,12)
  • NPC:
  • Requirements: Level 30 Thaumaturge (THM), and all class quests.
  • Aetheryte -> Aethernet:
  • Expansion: Base / A Realm Reborn

As one of the original Jobs, new players wanting to blow up the world with BLM simply have to start the game as Thaumaturge, and you’ll be burning your path to Black Mage in no time.

Blue Mage Unlocking, Requirements & Tips


Here’s a quick summary on unlocking Blue Mage.

  • Quest: Out of the Blue
  • Location: Limsa Lower Decks (10,11)
  • NPC: Zealous Leatherjacket
  • Requirements: Level 50 DoW or DoM
  • Complete the main scenario quest “The Ultimate Weapon.”
  • Aetheryte -> Aethernet: Limsa Upper Decks -> Limsa Lower Decks
  • Expansion: Base / A Realm Reborn

HOLD IT! BEFORE YOU HAVE DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR ABOUT YOUR CARREER AS A BLUE MAGE – BLU is the first “Limited Job” which means quite a bit IT DOES NOT REACH MAX LEVEL! So hold your horses. Sadly you have to choose something else for a serious path.

It’s meant to be a fun sidejob which has a completely different progression path and goals from your typical combat jobs. Currently, Blue Mage is a purely “for fun” kinda job… I suppose…

Fun is loosely defined, btw. Don’t @ me if it doesn’t pan out.

Dancer Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking Dancer.

  • Dancer Unlock Quest: Shall We Dance
  • Location: Limsa Lower Decks (9,12)
  • NPC: Eager Lominsan
  • Requirements: Level 60 DoW or DoM
  • Aetheryte -> Aethernet: Lower Decks Aetheryte straight up… it’s near.
  • Expansion: Stormblood

As one of the Shadowbringer Jobs, Dancer requires you have a level 60 disciple or war or magic to unlock. So new players have a bit of a journey ahead before they get to shake dat booty.

Technically the quickest way to level up to 60 is by taking advantage of tank or healer queues, but I would highly advise newer players to play a similar role – so starting from Archer into Bard should get you in rhythm.

Dark Knight Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking Dark Knight.

  • Dark Knight Unlock Quest: Our End
  • Location: The Pillars (13,8)
  • NPC:
  • Requirements: Level 50 DoW or DoM
  • Aetheryte -> Aethernet: Ishgard / Foundation –
  • Expansion: Heavensward

New players wanting to play DRK asap will have to wait a bit. You need a Level 50 disciple of magic or war to unlock Dark Knight. My advice is to get used to tanking, and start the game as Gladiator (into Paladin), or Marauder (into Warrior).

Sadly, Dark Knight is one of three jobs that “backtrack” in level, starting out their journey at Level 30. Oof.

Dragoon Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking Dragoon.

  • Dragoon Unlock Quest: Eye of the Dragon
  • Location: Old Gridania (14,5)
  • NPC:
  • Requirements: Level 30 Lancer (LNC), and all class quests.
  • Aetheryte -> Aethernet: New Gridania –
  • Expansion: Base / A Realm Reborn

New players attracted by the flashiness of DRG are in luck – it’s one of the original jobs so starting the game out as Lancer (LNC) will “point” you in the right direction.

Gunbreaker Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking Gunbreaker.

  • Gunbreaker Unlock Quest: The Makings of a Gunbreaker
  • Location: New Gridania (11,11)
  • NPC: Gods’ Quiver bow
  • Requirements: Level 60 DoW or DoM
  • Aetheryte -> Aethernet: New Gridania straight up. Near aetheryte.
  • Expansion: Shadowbringers

New players who wanna squall it up as GNB will have to put in some work first. You need an L60 combat class of any other kind. I highly recommend picking something of the same role though. So Gladiator into Paladin, or Marauder into Warrior are your best bets.

Gunbreaker starts at L60 so there’s no real time lost there.

Machinist Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking Machinist.

  • Machinist Unlock Quest: Savior of Skysteel
  • Location: Foundation (8,10)
  • NPC:
  • Requirements: Level 50 DoW or DoM
  • Aetheryte -> Aethernet: Ishgard / Foundation
  • Expansion: Heavensward

New players who want to pile it in with the bots as MCH are in for a bit of work… You need an L50 combat class, which technically is easiest reached by a tank or healer.

HOWEVER, I will always recommend another class of the same role so Archer (ARC) into Bard (BRD) would be my shot at a recommendation.

Sadly, Machinist is one of three classes that backtrack their level – starting out as a Level 30 character. Hnnng.

Monk Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking the Monk job.

  • Monk Unlock Quest: Brother from Another Mother
  • Location: Uldah – Steps of Nald (9,10)
  • NPC:
  • Requirements: Level30 Pugilist (PGL), and all class quests.
  • Aetheryte -> Aethernet:
  • Expansion: Base / A Realm Reborn

New players who have the unexplained desire to punch stuff ASAP with MNK are in luck – it’s one of the original jobs so starting the game off as Pugilist (PGL) will allows you to hit it off in no time.

Ninja Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking the Ninja job.

  • Ninja Unlock Quest: Peasants by Day, Ninjas by Night
  • Location:  Limsa Lower Decks (8,16)
  • NPC:
  • Requirements: Level 30 Rogue (ROG), and all class quests.
  • Aetheryte / Aethernet: Limsa Upper Decks
  • Expansion: Base / A Realm Reborn

New players wanting to live the NIN dream will want to get to Rogue (ROG) ASAP. However, you cannot start the game as rogue!

That being said Rogues need a relatively low unlock requirement (L10, and a low level MSQ). The most efficient choice for me personally is picking any other class that starts in Limsa: Marauder or Arcanist, then switch to Rogue when able.

Paladin Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking Paladin.

  • Paladin Unlock Quest: Paladin’s Pledge
  • Location: Ul’dah – Steps of Thal (9,11)
  • NPC:
  • Requirements: Level 30 Gladiator (GLD), and all class quests.
  • Aetheryte -> Aethernet: Ul’dah
  • Expansion: Base / A Realm Reborn

New players wanting to star the game as PLD are lucky – it’s one of the original jobs! Simply starting the game as Gladiator will reinforce your path straight into the shield.

Pictomancer Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

See: Pictomancer Starter Guide – Rotation, Setup, etc

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking the Pictomancer Job.

  • Pictomancer Unlock Quest Name: The Joy of Pictomancy
  • Location: New Gridania -> Conjurer’s Guild (8.0, 10.3)
  • NPC: Cheerless Hearer
  • Requirements: Level 80 Disciple of War or Magic.
  • Aetheryte -> Aethernet: TBA
  • Expansion: Dawntrail

New players wanting to star the game as PLD are lucky – it’s one of the original jobs! Simply starting the game as Gladiator will reinforce your path straight into the shield.

Aspiring artists apply! If you wanna be a Pictomancer, you’re gonna any other combat class at Level 80. If you want a “similar” job, then go with Black Mage on your journey upward. Once you make the switch, Pictomancer starts at Level 80!

Along your way you can try the Summoner (start game as arcanist), or Red Mage (once you reach L50).

Otherwise, pick tank or healer to improve your queue time haha.

Reaper Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking Reaper.

  • Reaper Unlock Quest: The Killer Instinct
  • Location: Ul’dah – Steps of Nald (12.8, 8.6)
  • NPC: Flustered Attendant
  • Requirements: Level 70 DoW or DoM
  • Aetheryte / Aethernet: Ul’dah – Steps of Nald, Adventurer’s Guild
  • Expansion: Endwalker

Since RPR unlocks at a high level with many skills, check out our Reaper initial skills, setup and rotation guide.

New players wanting to be up and coming edgelords rushing into Reaping might want to start as any melee DPS. Pick any starting melee DPS (Monk, Dragoon, or Ninja) as your goal, and unlock its base class (Pugilist, Lancer, or Rogue respectively).

Alternatively, if you want to reach L70 ASAP you can abuse tank or healer queues, but, I heavily suggest going for a similar role and job as the one you’re aspiring to me.

Red Mage Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking Red Mage.

  • Red Mage Unlock Quest: Taking the Red
  • Location: Uldah – Steps of Thal (14,11)
  • NPC:
  • Requirements: Level 50 DoW or DoM
  • Aetheryte -> Aethernet:
  • Expansion: Stormblood

New players itching to swashbuckle as RDM will have to level up another combat class to L50 first. While technically leveling a tank or healer would improve your speed I always recommend picking a similar class to kickstart your journey!

That being said, the closest thing would be Thaumaturge (THM) into Black Mage (BLM). From there, get to Red Mage!

Luckily RDM starts as L50 so you’ll pick up right where you left off.

Sage Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking Sage.

  • Sage Unlock Quest: Sage’s Path
  • Location: Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (9, 13)
  • NPC: Sharlayan Maiden
  • Requirements: Level 70 DoW or DoM
  • Aetheryte / Aethernet: Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
  • Expansion: Endwalker

Since SGE unlocks at a high level with many skills, check out our Sage initial skills, setup and rotation guide.

Rushing for Sage? Then you might wanna train up any other healer first until L70 then switching up to Sage. If you’re absolutely new then you’re going to want to start the game as one of the healer classes, Conjurer or Arcanist, which becomes White Mage and Schiolar Respectively.

Samurai Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking Samurai.

  • Samurai Unlock Quest: The Way of the Samurai
  • Location: Uldah – Steps of Nald (9,9)
  • NPC:
  • Requirements: Level 50 DoW or DoM
  • Aetheryte -> Aethernet: Uldah

New players wanting to train in the blade of SAM have to level up another combat class to Level 50 first… Technically, the fastest way is to level up a tank or healer to take advantage of faster queues –

BUT! I always advise going for a similar role on your journey. Pick any starting melee DPS (Monk, Dragoon, or Ninja) as your goal, and unlock its base class (Pugilist, Lancer, or Rogue respectively).

Luckily Samurai starts at L50 – right where you left off!

Scholar Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking Scholar.

  • Scholar Unlock Quest: Forgotten but Not Gone
  • Location: Limsa Lower Decks (4,11)
  • NPC:
  • Requirements: Level 30 Arcanist (ACN), and all class quests.
  • Aetheryte -> Aethernet: Limsa Upper Decks
  • Expansion: Base / A Realm Reborn

New players strategizing their way to SCH should rest easy since it’s one of the original jobs! Starting out as an Arcanist (ACN) should put you right in the books to become a Scholar!

As an added bonus, SCHOLAR EXP IS SHARED WITH SUMMONER – so you can choose to pew pew when it suits you! (Soloing, for example). By shared I don’t mean halved – they gain it equally!

Summoner Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking Summoner.

  • Summoner Unlock Quest: Austerities of Flame
  • Location: Limsa Lower Decks (4,11)
  • NPC:
  • Requirements: Level 30 Arcanist (ACN), and all class quests.
  • Aetheryte -> Aethernet: Limsa Upper Decks
  • Expansion: Base / A Realm Reborn

New players wanting to control deez SMN pets are in luck. It’s one of the original jobs so starting the game as Arcanist (ACN) will put you right in control up to Summoner!

As an added bonus SUMMONER EXP IS SHARED WITH SCHOLAR, so you get a healer to boot! Double value! By shared I don’t mean halved – they gain XP at the same time!

Viper Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

See: Viper Starter Guide – Rotation, Setup, etc

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking the Viper job.

  • Viper Unlock Quest Name: Enter the Viper
  • Location: Ul’dah – Steps of Nald (9.3, 9.2), It’s near the main Aetheryte.
  • NPC: Worried Weaver
  • Prerequisites: Level 80 Disciple of War or Magic.
  • Aetheryte -> Aethernet:
  • Expansion: Dawntrail

If you’re itching to stab your way (multiple ways, actually) through with the Viper – you’ll have to wait. You need another Level 80 combat class of any other kind! But don’t sweat it, because Viper starts at Level 80 as well!

If I could recommend a class most similar to Viper from the base game (for new players wanting to rush in), it’s probably Monk, or Dragoon – both melee DPS. You can progress to other melees like Ninja, Samurai, or Reaper down the line.

I don’t advise this, but, you can also roll healer or tank to improve your queue time while leveling up. Heh.

Warrior Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking Warrior.

  • Warrior Unlock Quest: Pride and Duty (Will Take You…)
  • Location: Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (11,6)
  • NPC:
  • Requirements: L30 Marauder (MRD), and all class quests.
  • Aetheryte -> Aethernet: Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks -> Marauders Guild.
  • Expansion: Base / A Realm Reborn

New players itching to be an Axe-wielding WAR, fret not! It’s one of the original jobs so starting off as a Marauder (MRD) will put you in the right direction straight to Warrior!

White Mage Unlocking, Requirements & Tips

Here’s a quick summary on unlocking White Mage.

  • White Mage Unlock Quest: Seer Folly
  • Location: Old Gridania (6,10)
  • NPC:
  • Requirements: Level 30 Conjurer (CNJ), and all class quests.
  • Aetheryte -> Aethernet: New Gridania
  • Expansion: Base / A Realm Reborn

New players who want to go straight to WHM are in luck. It’s one of the original jobs so simply starting your journey as a Conjurer (CNJ) will set you on the straight and narrow to White Mage!

DoH and DoL Jobs – Might as well put it here!

Just a quick addition here, if you’re trying to unlock all of ’em I’ll list ’em by location first.

Crafters (DoH) Disciple of the Hand
Limsa: Armorsmith, Blacksmith, Culinarian.
Ul’dah: Alchemist, Goldsmith, Weaver.
Gridania: Carpenter, Leatherworker.

Gatherers (DoL) Disciple of the Land)
Limsa: Fisher
Ul’dah: Miner
Gridania: Botanist

Summary, Closing , Related Info


I’ll be updating this guide with further supplemental info in the very near future, so stay tuned! GOOD LUCK UNLOCKING THOSE JOBS AND GETTING THOSE REQUIREMENTS!

I suppose I can add some links here in the future as well.

Prefer to discuss / give feedback on reddit? See /r/MahikoSan FFXIV Job Unlocking Guide

FFXIV Tank Role Actions: Guide & FAQ (Dawntrail UPDATE)

All you need to know about the Tank Role Actions introduced in Stormblood!

Welcome to our quick dirty guide on Tank Role Actions! (previously the cross-class skills system). This time around, we no longer have to choose – and have access to all Role Actions!

Dawntrail Update: Minor changes to Rampart, and Reprisal.

  • Rampart: Added +Healing effect.
  • Reprisal: Increased Duration.
What Jobs get the Tank Role Actions?

Dark Knight (DRK)
Gunbreaker (GNB)
Paladin (PLD)
Warrior (WAR)

– base classes –
Gladiator (GLD)
Marauder (MRD)

Tank  Role Actions – Navigation:
Tank Role Actions List | Role Actions Uses & Discussion

Tank Role Actions List

8RampartReduce damage taken by 20%, and Increase Healing taken by 15% for 20s.Instant9020
12Low BlowStuns Target for 5s.Instant255
15ProvokeGain top enmity of a target.Instant30-
18InterjectInterrupts cast bar of your target.Instant30-
22ReprisalLowers target's damage dealt by 10% for 15s.Instant605
32Arm's LengthIgnore most position altering effects for 5s. Cause Slow +20% for 15s when struck.Instant1206(15)
48ShirkDiverts 25% of enmity to target party member.Instant120-

Tank Role Actions: Quick Strategy & Discussion


“Take less damage, and get more healing for TWENTY SECONDS”. Yeah, it’s not thar powerful, but it can help with multiple mechanics due to its absurd duration. No need for me to go on and on about how useful this is!

Low Blow

Great for soloing and dungeons, rare for raids. a 5 second stun works wonders for mass dungeon pulls.


Integral for raids, and important for dungeons. Puts you at the top of your targets enmity list, BUT YOU NEED TO FOLLOW UP or else you’ll lose it again. No tank worth their salt should ever fumble their Provokes!


Interrupts are rarely used in raids, but very important when they are. It’s usually tanks or ranged that “silence” things. Don’t sweat binding to a useful button, as it doesn’t come up very often.


Amazing for raids. Use it to help mitigate tank busters, or other AoE nukes. Coordinate with your co-tank and healers for a cooldown rotation!

Thankfully Dawntrail buffed its duration! You might be able to tag two mechanics.

Arm’s Length

Godly skill especially for tanks. Preventing knockback definitely helps positioning in raids, so keep an eye out for the best uses of this.


INTEGRAL for many if not all raids. Allows for smoother tank swaps, used directly after your co-tank Provokes.

Servers are up so uhh… I’ll add this later.

Tank  Role Actions – Navigation:
Tank Role Actions List | Role Actions Uses & Discussion

Well, that’s about it for Tank Role Actions! FOR NOW! I’ll be adding to this soon.

Like us on Facebook for more updates!

FFXIV Warrior (WAR) BasicGuide & FAQ – Shadowbringers Updated!

DAWNTRAIL Guides! Dawntrail L90-100 Miner Leveling, Botanist Leveling
Dawntrail Normal Raid Guide (Quick, Spoiler Free)
Viper STARTER Guide / Rotation | Pictomancer Starter Guide / Rotation


Welcome, wild Warriors! If you’re wanting to try out the WAR job, you’ll find a wealth of basic information and FAQs in our Warrior Basics Guide. Read on if you’re expecting to learn about unlocking WAR, Warrior Job Identity, trait and skill list, crafters and gatherers related to WAR, and link to other important Warrior info!

Warrior is a Tank job, and one of the OG nine jobs introduced into the game in 2.0 A Realm Reborn. WARs came out with the only other co-tank at the time, Paladins.

How to become a Warrior? Unlocking WAR:

First and foremost you need to have a Level 30 Marauder, and have completed the L30 MRD class quest, “Bringing Down the Mountain”. After doing this you can unlock the actual quest to become a Warrior, “Pride and Duty (Will Bring you Down the Mountain)” which is issued by good ‘ol Wyrnzoen in Limsa Lominsa – Upper Decks.

You also have to complete a Level 20 MSQ, “Sylph Management”, which realistically should be completed by the time you’re looking to unlock Warrior. 

Note that, upon completing Pride and Duty (Will Bring you Down the Mountain) you MUST EQUIP the “Soul of the Warrior” to actually formally BECOME a WAR. Interestingly, in the old days, unlocking Warrior required L15 Gladiator – that’s no longer the case.

Rushing to or want to know how to unlock a certain class? Learn more:
FFXIV Job Unlock & Requirements Guide.

Warrior Playstyle & WAR Job Identity

If you’ve asked yourself, “Why play, try, or choose Warrior?” – here’s my attempt at selling you the WAR class.

Ah, the quintessential bruiser. Warriors in FFXIV are that good ‘ol “Tanky DPS”. Resource management, cooldown timings, burst windows… Warriors play like a DPS! The infamous Fell Cleave changed tank players forever. Their tanking capability is still great – don’t be fooled! Their special “niche” to separate them from other tanks is their short defensive windows as a skill test.

Historically, while they’re known and designed for their DPS – they don’t always come out on top of all the other tanks (It really depends patch to patch). Warriors have some extremely tight timings which lurk under the seeming simplicity of the job, and can be a little hectic when optimizing.

Aesthetically and thematically, Warrior looks and feels like the wild frontliner it’s meant to be. The feeling of playing a Warrior is spot on – the FFXIV WAR changes the meaning of “Tank and Spank”.


DISCLAIMER: This is not meant to be a blurb that aligns with the current meta. That changes from patch to patch. Our goal here is to provide you with an idea of what the job is trying to be, getting cues from both the Developers’ concrete decisions on job design, as well as our own feedback.

What Crafters & Gatherers should Warrior level?

While it’s common in MMORPG’s to think you want to craft your own gear as you level up your WAR… I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT.

Leveling up your DoH and DoL jobs should be thought of as a different activity completely. To be honest, if you’re a newer player, simply ensure that you DO NOT OVERCAP Levequests (always have less than 100).

The only relation a combat job has to a crafter or gatherer class is “which classes do you need to repair your gear”? My advice, ultimately, is pretty much all or nothing – level up all DoH classes in tandem. As a separate project, level up all DoL classes in tandem (with the optional Fisher).

What’s the best race for Warrior?

Racial stats are (was?) a thing. However, I highly recommend not caring about it. The difference in performance between the “best” and “worst” race for you is not even 0.1%.

My advice? Pick for aesthetics. Will you stay the same job forever? If you change mains, will you race change? Ultimately, the difference is so microscopic that I cannot in good faith tell you that racial stats are an integral part of your character.

I won’t even link the Racial Stats Guide, as I haven’t checked up on this in a while – and I don’t want to cement the idea that the “best race” really matters.

Related Warrior Guides – Read More!

Here are a few useful links for you:

Upcoming Odds and Ends

Here’s a few things we’ll be adding on here in the near future:

  • Adding a “links to further resources”, we’re doing a site restructure so once those links are set, they’ll go in here.
  • Human-readable, newbie-friendly skill and trait list.
    > I used to have the in-game skill list here, but I found it useless as the in-game one is better… I’d rather have a new player friendly rundown.
  • More descriptive job identity? Pics?
    > I dunno… pictures of the job gauges? A gif of some flashy skills?
  • Feel free to suggest anything else via comment or socials!

Summary & Outro

Well that’s about it for a really, really basic guide that hopefully points some lost souls in the right direction, or answers some of your questions regarding Warrior.

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FFXIV 3.2 Warrior (WAR) Best in Slot (BiS) Gear

3.2 UPDATED! WAR Best in slot guide! “Ax is Hax”. WAR Lore buy order, Melding, Pages & Normals, more!

Back again to deliver the pain to deez goblins again I see? Welcome to the 3.2 WAR BiS! If for some reason you were hiding under a rock… – as of 3.2 tanks stack VITALITY! Thanks to Claes Henrietta for the help!

Quicknotes: Warrior BiS is an iteration of the PLD “Basic tank” set – the WAR BiS will account for the minimum 590 Skill Speed!

Navigation: Warrior BiS
WAR BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order | Crafted TBA

3.2 Warrior Best-in-Slot

WAR BiSItemMeld 1Meld 2AccCritDetSS
WeaponPrototype Midan Metal AxeSS VSS V-1238324
HelmAugmented Hellfire Mask of FendingSS VSS V-694624
BodyMidan Coat of FendingCRIT VCRIT V112102--
HandMidan Gauntlets of FendingCRIT VCRIT V4824-69
BeltAugmented Hellfire Belt of FendingSS V--51-12
LegsMidan Breeches of FendingSS VSS V-1127524
BootsAugmented Hellfire Sabatons of FendingCRIT VCRIT IV6969--
NeckAugmented Primal Choker of FendingSTR V--36--
EarringAugmented Primal Earrings of FendingSTR V-51--36
WristAugmented Primal Bracelet of FendingSTR V-51-34-
RingAugmented Primal Ring of FendingSTR V-36--51
RingMidan Ring of FendingSTR V-51-34-
FoodSteamed Staff---40-16
StatsTotal stats from gear--418626272256
End value--772980490610

WAR BiS Discussion

590 Skillspeed: Is the minimum needed SS for optimal rotation, (616+ to be safe). Which this set applies. The PLD BiS is the baseline for any tank set, and this set if merely modification of it, only changes being:

  • Earrings, to get some more SS (and puts us above ACC CAP)
  • Melding, wherein many DET melds become SS.

Thankfully, we don’t lose ANY crit at all to accomodate SS (But loses some DET and Parry, which is a pretty value change).

For those not yet A8S cleared – the 590 SS is almost inevitable as both the lore weapon  and coat have SS.
(Augmened Hellfire Battleaxe, Augmented Hellfire Armor of Fending)

Don’t care about 590 SS? Check out the PLD BiS.

Why STRENGTH melded in accessories? Yes, 3.2 is all about VIT on tanks – BUT that doesn’t mean STR is WORTHLESS. In fact, it still EASILY beats any secondary stat in terms of DPS (Crit, DET, SS). So we maximize this by melded STR when we can – in this case, only Accessories.

Accuracy isn’t a problem in this set, unlike the PLD set which requires a minor tweak depending on preference.

Ultimately the Warrior BiS is pretty amazing, with only a tiny percentage of “wasted” stats (A tiny bit of parry and accuracy). Thankfully, with the exception of melds – the difference is just ONE item (and weapon).

WAR Lore Tomestone Buy Order

The below spending strategy is purely to obtain BiS fastest:

  • Boots: Acc Crit – a stable first buy.
  • Mask: Since it drops later on…
  • Belt: Since it drops later on…
  • (Preference) Any other left-side filler (Chest>Legs>Gloves)
  • Weapon: Waiting until left is “complete” isn’t bad for tanks.
  • Ring > Wrist > Earring > Neck (Accuracy first!)

ANYTHING ELSE IS OPTIONAL: left-side fillers should be prioritized (Chest, Legs, Gloves) then Ring (Unupgraded).


Click on the expandables below to see how you should spend pages, and which Midas Normal parts to get first –

Midan Savage Pages


The page spending method below is purely for fastest BiS:

A5S: Belt > Ring > Any
A6S: Hands > Illuminati Dark Gobcoat  x 5  > Any
A7S: LEGS > Illuminati Taut Gobtwine x 2 > Any
A8S: Body > Weapon > Any (Gobdip then wait for Sword is OK)

Midan Normal Parts


“what should WAR’s pick up in Midas normal”! Is a common question, so here it is! This is a general thing, and people might have varying levels of gear or goals but as a catch-all good enough recommendation:

Week 1chainlensspringshaft
Week 2boltlensspringshaft
Week 3boltboltspringshaft
Week 4boltanyspringshaft

We avoid pedals (for BOOTS) since we pick that up with Lore ASAP. We also cannot get hands in a timely manner since we’re going for both legs and chest – so you can get gloves in Week 5. Otherwise, this method get ALL major body pieces quite fast.

Click the above!!!

WAR Crafted Gear Viability

As I said up top, going for quicker notes so I can update all BiS pages, will be going back for this on the second pass.

Navigation: Warrior BiS
WAR BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order | Crafted TBA

I hope you Fell Cleave your way to loot, progress and broken robots once again! GL gearing up your Warrior for BiS in 3.2!

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FFXIV Warrior (WAR) Cross-class Skills (3.0+ Updated)

HEAVENSWARD UPDATED: What are the best Warrior Cross Class Skills? Find out the best cross-class skills of WAR and the best way to get them!

Go to our Stormblood updated
Tank Role Actions Guide

What are the Marauder-> Warrior Cross Class Skills? Here, we will be strictly discussing the cross-class skills Warrior can get.

How many cross-class skills can I get as a Warrior? Any job class may only equip five (5) cross-class skills.

From what other classes does Warrior get skills from? Gladiator and Pugilist.

What are the best Warrior cross-class skills? This is discussed below.

Full list of Warrior (WAR) Cross-class skills

NameIconLevelDescriptionFrom Class
Savage Blade4Attack that generates enmityGladiator (GLA)
Featherfoot4Increases evasionPugilist (PGL)
Flash8Increases enmity in all nearby enemiesGladiator (GLA)
Second Wind8Instantly restores own HPPugilist (PGL)
Convalescence10Increases HP restored by spells or actionsGladiator (GLA)
Haymaker10Delivers an blow after evading an attackPugilist (PGL)
Internal Release12Increases critical hit ratePugilist (PGL)
Provoke22Increases enmity in targetGladiator (GLA)
Awareness34Nullifies chance of suffering critical damageGladiator (GLA)
Mantra42Increases HP recovery via curing magic by 5% for self and nearby party membersPugilist (PGL)


Warrior (WAR) Cross-class skills discussion

SET IN STONE: Provoke > Internal Release > Convalescence > Awareness > (Last slot: FLEX)

Savage Blade – Useles since you have your own version.

Featherfoot, Haymaker – This duo is technically most utilized by the Warrior. Is it worth 2 slots? No… it really isn’t.

Flash – Is pretty good in 4-mans. It’s a contender for FLEX slot in SOME ENCOUNTERS ONLY.

Second Wind – Not bad. Doubles as an aggro generator! Contender for FLEX.

Convalescence – Really good, but it requires some coordination with healers (or a good sense of tanking) to maximize.

Internal Release – +Damage on Warrior… legit always.

Provoke – is technically a must-have for any encounter with a tank swap mechanic.

Mantra – While good for others to take, you have more important skills like…

Awareness – is good when now a days! A lot of encounter crit, and also fixes problems if you mess up Raw Intuition.

Ideal Warrior (WAR) Cross-class progression

  1. Marauder to 15 for: Unlocking other classes.
  2. Marauder to 30 for: WAR Requirement.
  3. Gladiator to 15 for: WAR Requirement.
  4. Monk to 8 for: Second Wind.
  5. WAR to 50 for: Maximum level.
  6. Monk to 12 for: Internal Release.
  7. Gladiator to 34 for: Awareness
  8.  Monk to 42 for: Mantra (All Cross Class Skills Obtained)


  • Warrior use skills from: Gladiator and Pugilist.
  • Best Warrior Cross-Class Skills:
    Provoke > Internal Release > Convalescence > Awareness > FLEX
  • Flex slots would likely be: Second Wind, Mantra or Flash. (Featherfoot is okay for 4’s)

More Info: Marauder | Warrior | MRD WAR Stats

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FFXIV Warrior (WAR) Leveling Guide

How to level up your Warrior (WAR) fast! Useful cross-class skills, reminders, and the best places to be in any level – HERE!

A Warry kind of guy huh? You’ve found the right guide if you’re leveling a Warrior! Check out the Warrior Basics if you need a refresher. You NEED to complete all MRD class quests (last is level 30) (got Butchers Block?, that means you’ve done it). Also Gladiator (GLD) class quests up to 15 (got Shield Lob on your Gladiator? check). Again, this WAR leveling guide should be used ALONG SIDE the General Leveling Guide.

Help! Where’s the WAR Guildmaster / quest giver? It’s Curious Gorge, located in Costa Del Sol, Eastern La Noscea (18, 27). No quest? backtrack to the MRD Guild in Limsa.

Wait a second, I’m below level 30! No problem, the Marauder Leveling Guide is for you :) Coming into this guide, be done with your level 20-29 hunting log, and allocate all stat points into STR. Messes up your stats? Get a Keepers Hymn from your GC.

Reminders before we proceed: Your WAR will level up faster if  abuse Challenge Logs and Daily Roulettes! Also – Accuracy Food is a lot more useful than you think.


Warrior Level 30: Fresh off the Block

Reminder Level 30: Queue up for guildhests More than a Feeler and Annoy the Void.
> Level 30 Battlecraft / GC Leves: Costa Del Sol, Eastern La Noscea.

Facemelting and butchery continues! Picking up from the MRD Leveling Guide, you should be in Costa FATEing it up. You can do this until a MAX of level 35 (Warriors can move to Coerthas sooner…).  Same old same old – if FATES are hiding get your Warrior behind to the levemete.

Cross-class skills: When you equip your Warrior soulstone, your crossclass options reduce quite a bit. Flash, Provoke and Second Wind are the best bet for now.

Level 30 skill reminder – Defiance: DO NOT use this while soloing. DO USE this while in dungeons. This is your bread and butter tanking stance. Please, for the love of god… don’t be that “Oops, forgot defiance” guy.

Reminder Level 35: Queue up for guildhests Shadow and Claw and Long Live the Queen.
Level 35 Battlecraft / GC Leves: Observatorium, Coerthas. (Also, Wineport ELN)

At around level 35 you can move to Coerthas Central Highlands. This place has a bunch of people (most of the time) doing a bunch of fates. If you’re soloing you might not get to tag them all! Partying up in Coerthas is popular, so it’s easy to find one! The Svara quest chain is like swimming in a metaphorical pool of EXP. (Begins @ Svaras Fear)

Level 35 skill reminder – Inner Beast: Real talk – Inner Beast is a massive skill that uses up your warrior resource: Wrath. Learning about how and when and why to use Wrath and what for separates the Warriors from… well.. “b!tches”. Inner Beast gives a huge damage reduction for a small window. While it’s effects are straightforward, Inner Beast and its proper usage is a large part of a pro Warriors repertoire.

Level 38 skill reminder – Storms Path: This skill combos off Maim. It applies a SIGNIFICANT “damage dealt minus” debuff on the enemy. Great for single tanking painful enemies. It goes without saying – this skill is absolutely massive in raiding.

Warrior Level 40 to 50: The last stretch… for now…

Reminder Level 40: Queue up for guildhests Ward Up and Solemn Trinity.
Level 40 Battlecraft / GC Leves: Whitebrim, Coerthas. (or Bluefog NThanalan)

Once you hit WAR 40, your first objective is to get a burst of EXP to try and hit 41 or 42. How? Any free challenge log entries, daily roullettes, early hunting logs, and guildhests. Why? since our next destination is Ceruleum Processing Plant, Northern Thanalan to FATEGRIND. Why skip Mor Dhona FATEs? Not many people FATE there. It’s best to party up in CPP (especially the early levels) check the PF or Shout – there’s no downside to partying up here in the early 40’s.

Level 45 Skill Reminder – Unchained: Newer warriors may neglect this skill, but it’s the real deal. It cancels the damage reduction from Defiance. Learn to use this as often as able whilst tanking, and try to time your Berserk with it!

Reminder Level 45: No more guildhests for now :(
Level 45 Battlecraft / GC Leves: St. Coinachs Find, Mor Dhona (Or CPP, NThanalan)

At level 49, might as well finish your WAR hunting log – it’s the last chance anyway!

Level 50 Skill Reminder – Storms Eye, Infuriate: Storms Eye gives a slashing resist down debuff on the target (useful for many classes), a DPS and threat increase! Infuriate instantly gives you 5 stacks of wrath. It’s on a relatively short cooldown – so yes, this plus Inner Beast is balls. (It’s great for pulling with Unchained as well)

End-game resources for your Warrior

CONGRATS on reaching 50! What to do now with your sparkly new WAR?

It’s been a long journey leveling your Warrior – but fortunately the adventure is JUST BEGINNING! Thanks for reading! For more updates check Like our Facebook! Hit us up on Twitter! Ciao!

<nextpage> (Will paginate this once 3.0 portion is completed)

Warrior – leveling up 50 to 60

Level 50 Battlecraft / GC Leves: ???

Level 55 Battlecraft / GC Leves: ???

This section is reserved for The 3.0 Heavensward update. For now, check out our Heavensward info page and Heavensward preparation page.

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FFXIV Tanking stats: Parry or DPS!?

Should you consider Parry on your gear? Should all tanks go DPS 100% of the time? Are Parry tanks baddies? COME IN AND LEARN.

Hey guys! If you’re here, then you’re probably wondering what’s all the fuss about tanking and parry. Here, I’ll let you guys know MY stance on tanking, parry and all things in between. (I also wanted to write a resource I could link to, instead of repeating myself ad infinitum, haha). Hopefully, this guide will help you decide what’s best for YOU in this regard. Here goes: FFXIV Tanking & Parry guide!

(Disclaimer: Even a post this long doesn’t encompass the entire argument. I will be adding to this in the near future)

The Problem: War of the Parry camps

Two main camps exist. “Parry sucks nuts” and “Parry is needed“. This mini-conflict has affected even me, when writing the PLD, WAR and soon to be DRK BiS lists. Now that I’m going to write this easy to go-to resource, that will change. I’ll list down the main points of each side.

Parry sucks nuts

Parry scales poorly, therefore don’t use it.
Parry is random, so how can we rely on it?
Parry sucks because all attacks are scripted
Parry should be replaced with DPS stats (DET > CRIT > SS)
(MAIN CON): Higher risk of death

One (human factor) thing I dislike about this camp is that SOME tanks on this camp call tanks with parry “bad”. While this is not true for most of them, it does exist. I definitely see why tanks would want DPS gear. Two main reason being: fighting DPS races. However, not all tanks/ scenarios/ statics are equal, so you cannot just blindly put DPS stats on your gear – and blame your healer when you die.


Parry is needed

Parry helps mitigate damage, every little bit counts
Parry is still a lot better than some DPS stats (CRIT & SS)
(MAIN CON): Garbage DPS

These guys are a little more old school, and I see why their logic is sound. The more damage you mitigate, the less risk for your raid. But I also concede that you cannot just blindly put parry on your gear. There is such thing as sacrifcing too many stat points into something you might not maximize.

So how do we make sense of all this? Both sides make valid points, both sides have ups and downs. We should ask ourselves a more constructive question. Instead of “Does parry suck or not suck?” we should ask ourselves a better question, “When should we focus on DPS, or Parry and why?

Analyzing Gains: What does each stat DO FOR US

DPS Stats for tanking: Why? Let’s ask ourselves, realistically, what gain can be had when itemizing for DPS?

  • Pushing phases.
  • Beating enrage timers.
  • E-peen

Parry for tanking: Why? Again, what gains can be had when itemizing Parry?

  • Less risk of death
  • More free mana and time for healers (subsequently increasing healer DPS)
    • This point is moot if your healers arent DPSing or conserving mana when needed.

These are all valid points. Let’s discuss each one, and let’s try to gain some insight on what exactly is going on here.

(DPS)Pushing Phases: First we must Identify when specifically pushing a phase matters. And I mean MATTERS, not just for some BS reason for the sake of pushing a phase.

Pre 2.4, upon entering T6 Savage, it soon became painfully obvious that having any more than 1 honey spells out a very, very difficult P2. So we squeezed out as much DPS as possible, this included having our Off-tank (Warrior) Mitlet Gyles wear more and more DPS gear until we were sure we could Phase with 1 honey even given sub-standard RNG. We weren’t just pushing phases for funsies – having 2 honey was FATAL. We can consider the above use of DPS stats, viable.

Example of not viable? “Wear DPS gear all the time just to push phases, because, you know… pushing phases is good”. Aye, I get it. Pushing phases is never truly a bad thing. But not all phase-pushing is equal! Sometimes you NEED it, and other times it’s just a luxury.

(DPS)Beating enrage timers: Very similar to the above. If you guys have a good run, but still lose to enrage – you have to squeeze extra DPS somewhere. Our first enrage wipe in T13 was at 3%, but had a death in final phase. It was too close to call – so our OT at the time Claes Henrietta (Warrior) wore another 2 DPS accessories to cover any possible randomness.

Example of not viable? Wearing full DPS gear in an encounter you just got into fearing enrage timer. You’re giving undue stress to your healers and not gaining as much experience as you can. So in essence, we should try for a more defensive setup when learning, and as you gain more experienced when to use cooldowns / knowledge of mechanics – we can push for more DPS.

(Mythbusting) DPS is king, Parry sucks ’cause everything’s scripted: BS. Pure BS. Yes, heavy attacks are scripted in (IE Death Sentence, Ravensbeak/claw, Flatten/Akh Morn). Basic attacks? no. If you’re gonna tell me to my face boss basic attacks don’t matter – you crazy. Having less damage from basics gives your healers a huge windfall in mana. Or in another perspective: opens up more healer DPS.

(PARRY) Less risk of death: The uncool counterpart to DPS’s points. I think because it’s a boring, linear point is why it gets so much hate. But is it true, no matter how you spin it. But this also has a small caveat: This only works when you’re actively taking damage. That’s one point we will discuss later.

(PARRY) More free mana and time for healers: Again, another upside. Less stress on healing. but to truly capitalize on this point – you need decent healers! If they’re wasting mana anyway, or never DPS… what’s the point!? I guess the only way around this is to monitor/advise/communicate as a TEAM. So this can be considered a con… “more parry doesn’t apply to all groups”, but also “more parry assists in the success chance of PUGs” (in terms of safety).

(SUMMARY) Both DPS and Parry are good: WHEN THEY ARE IN EFFECTThis is an interesting conclusion, while quite obvious, there are a lot of complex ideas behind that simple sentence. DPS stats are great, but are severely dulled while MTing. Parry is great too, but SUCKS when OTing! What a conundrum… But I think you see where I’m going with this.

The Solution: Maximizing your stats to your role

This is my stance. For a long time I haven’t been writing the most flexible of tank BiS’s because a page like this didn’t exist for further explanation. Now that I’ve gotten around to writing this – things will change. Now that we see how, when and why both DPS and Parry are good – how do we maximize this? If we cannot come to one solid scenario for a case to state “All tanks must parry”, or “All tanks must DPS” then we do what logically comes next:

As tanks, you should CREATE the ideal scenario to maximize your stats.

Okay let’s take a scenario, and try to maximize our gains for each type of tank.

Encounter example: T12 Phoenix
Main Tank: PLD
Off-tank: WAR

Phoenix has a forced tank-swap: Revelation. No tank can survive 2 Revelations, and we ASSUME that it comes every minute. With the exception of Hallowed Ground / Holmgang – a second Revelation will definitely show you the truth (AKA Respawn prompt). So if we go by every minute the tanking sequence end up like this


  • let’s say, 10 minute fight. We will see 10 Revs, and Phoenix dies before the 11th minute
  • First rev happens after 1m, then every minute after that.
  • for simplicities sake let’s ignore Brand
  • Also, swap 10s before next rev

So if they did things “normally” they MT 5 minutes each, split evenly.

If both tanks itemize DPS: for 50% of the fight, your DPS stats are reduced by 25% efficiency (from stance)
If both tanks itemize Parry: for 50% of the fight, your parry is useless. (not ideal)

That’s a big case for DPS right here. So in the most brainless of scenarios, DPS is the clear winner – at the sad expense of us healers (hehe). But is this the best we can do?

Now lets say we utilize our skillset to the fullest. The PLD will use HG to survive 2 “Second Revelations” and laugh death in the face… the tanking order looks like this.

  • PLD (01:00) Revelation
  • PLD (02:00) Revelation: Hallowed Ground
  • PLD (02:50) Revelation soon (Tank swap) (PLD 2:50)
  • WAR (03:50) Revelation soon (Tank Swap) (WAR 1:00)
  • PLD (04:50) Revelation soon (Tank swap) (PLD 3:50)
  • WAR (05:50) Revelation soon (Tank Swap) (WAR 2:00)
  • PLD (06:50) Revelation soon (Tank Swap) (PLD 4:50)
  • WAR (07:50) Revelation Soon (Tank Swap) (WAR 3:00)
  • PLD (08:00) Revelation eaten (PLD 5:00)
  • PLD (09:00) Revelation: Hallowed Ground (PLD 6:00)
  • PLD (09:50) Revelation soon (Tank Swap) (PLD 7:00)
  • WAR (10:50) Phoenix dies around this time or much sooner (WAR 3:xx)

So in this example, let’s use a a 65-35% uptime between PLD and WAR respectively.

If PLD itemizes Parry: for 65% of the fight Parry is working for you (an improvement to 50% in previous scenario)
If Warrior itemizes DPS: for 65% of the fight, DPS stats are at max (an improvement from 50% in previous scenario)

But wait… Warrior can and SHOULD use Unchained only when he’s tanking.. further increasing uptime!

If Warrior itemizes DPS: for 75% of the fight, DPS stats are at max (further improvement > 65 > 50)

The answer is dead simple, yet most people don’t see it. Parry is better the more you MT, DPS is better the more you OT… that’s quite an unexciting answer after all this discussion!

Clarifications, Summary and Recommendations

1) The more you MT, the better parry is (and the WORSE dps stats are due to stance) – So why spec DPS if this is the case? The more you OT, the better DPS stats are – SIMPLE! So instead of stubbornly picking and sticking to one camp – the first step of evolution is to keep the above statement in mind.

2) Warrior Unchained makes DPS stats more weighty. Ignoring the Defiance reduction is HUGE. This makes more sense for warriors to OT. Paladins make a more stable MT anyway, given they can also block! So why force the issue of “equality” – Maximize the strengths of both classes!

3) Adjust your strategy to accomodate these itemization choices: The most important thing we’ve learned here today is that all this theorycrafting is absolute garbage if you don’t find ways and means to push this strategic advantage to its absolute max. Some encounters already do this for you. In T13, you have a 14 minute encounter wherein the MT stands in front of Bahamut for 10 MINUTES. Not counting the Zoo phase, this gives warrior almost 100% uptime without Defiance! The only exception is the P2 adds (what… 1 minute total?)

Now I wont stop you if you still insist on stacking DPS stats if you MT most of the fight. But keep in mind, doing this is gimping your team. The solution? Owning a great mix of gear should cover all your needs. Being stubborn and inflexible isn’t pro – that’s being BAD.

“Im on 100% DPS gear and healers cant keep me up – damn pugs!” You can try wearing parry and see how it goes. Cleared the fight and didn’t hit enrage? Good. You hit enrage? Switch up some gear. Can’t clear with either sets? You or your group are fundamentally flawed – and itemization doesn’t matter.

“I cleared this/that boss with DPS/Parry and I don’t agree with you” If you’re overgeared, none of this matters. I can clear T13 with both tanks rocking 0 secondary stats if you’re in full 130. But if you REFUSE to see when a situation or strategy needs either Parry or DPS, that’s just limiting yourself. Having one statement be the clear RULE applying to all tanks/ composition / scenarios / encounters is downright FOOLISH.

But I’m sure as many tanks read this, we will still have diehard DPS campers, and diehard Parry campers – and that’s fine. I just wished to throw my stance out there.  Hopefully this helps out anybody whose considering being a tank – and those current tanks who might want to learn a thing or two. Again, these are my own thoughts and I’m not forcing anyone to side with me.

Anyways – GOODLUCK parrying and DPSing where necessary, haha! Hopefully our Parry vs DPS stat guide for tanking helped you out somehow. If you have anything to contribute, please comment.

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FFXIV Marauder / Warrior Stats & Materia Guide

What’s a good marauder stats build? What are useful warrior stats? Marauder / Warrior materia? If any of these questions brought you here, you came to the right place. Whether its by stat allocation, gear or materia: knowing what stats your Marauder or Warrior need should never be far from mind!

Marauder (MRD) & Warrior (WAR) Stats

What are the marauder or warrior stat weights?

VIT > STR > Parry > Critical Chance > Determination > DEX

*These may vary slightly from patch to patch, or by personal preference. Following the recommendation above will always give you a good MRD & WAR build.

Marauder (MRD) & Warrior (WAR) Primary Stats Allocation

What stats should I add as a marauder or warrior?

Vitality – Increases total HP. Many skills of MRD/WAR scale of total HP, and this also makes you a better tank. Really, it doesn’t get any simpler than that.

STR – Hit harder, Parry for more, and generate more threat. Marauders that make the case STR>VIT have a bit of logic in it because so many of the Warrior skills scale off damage. Don’t get sucked in to thinking you’re DPS though.

Dexterity – Increases Parry Chance. While you might not ever need to allocate a third primary stat, this is the only remotely useful one.

Maruko’s Note: VIT or STR, how much should you get of each? Marauders will be throwing this argument around until the sun goes down. While you really want STR, VIT is ALWAYS IMPORTANT. As far as stat allocation goes, just focus on VIT because you can always customize your materia later on if you find you need more STR (unlikely).


Marauder (MRD) & Warrior (WAR) Secondary Stats

What are good secondary stats for marauder and warrior, and why?

Parry > Critical Chance > Determination

While you can’t allocate this directly, these will be heavily considered when picking gear upgrades and slotting materia.

Parry – Marauders have an extremely thin HP pool. They have alot of HP but no mitigation. Adding Parry somehow counters this weakness.

Critical Chance – Serves to increase damage, threat and shields generated from Storms Path.

Determination – Generic stat when you have nothing else to put into that serves to increase damage and threat. *If you somehow want more damage and threat, value crit and determination over parry.

Marauder (MRD) & Warrior (WAR) Materia

This is directly related to the first section. As you may know, all gear has a limit for each stat it can have, the higher its Item Level, the higher amount of stats it can hold. So the idea is to max out (or get close to maxing out) the left most, and work your way right. Again: VIT > STR > Parry > Critical Chance > Determination > DEX

Materia Name
VIT: Vitality
STR: Strength
Parry: Battledance
Critical Strike: Savage Aim
Determination: Savage Might
DEX: Dexterity

See Also: Materia Guide | Melding Guide Summary:

  • Overall MRD WAR stat importance: VIT > STR > DEX > Parry > Determination > Skill Speed
  • MRD WAR Stat allocation: VIT> STR > DEX
  • Secondary stats for MRD WAR: Parry > Critical Strike > Determination
  • Reference links: Marauder FAQ, Warrior FAQ
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Have a question about MRD WAR? Chime in on the comments or in our Marauder / Warrior Forums.

Paladin VS Warrior Tanking Comparison

Warrior Or Paladins? Is one truly better than the other? In this battle of the fat, we try to determine just that. PLD VS WAR comparison!

Inevitably, it’s come to this. “Who is better”, Warriors (Marauders) or Paladins (Gladiators)? Here, we will try our best to give you the ins and outs of each class. Note that we will be discussing level 50 PLD and WAR capabilities, and this somehow extends to lower-level Gladiator and Marauder comparisons.

This is also our very first ‘community driven’ guide – we will be discussing key points in the forums, ultimately leading to the content to this page. Participate and be commended!
PLD vs. WAR Forum thread

For reference you can open these windows:
Gladiator | Paladin : Marauder | Warrior

Base stats / Innate capabilities

The main advantage of a warrior is it’s immense maximum HP. Does a lot of damage, and indirectly increases defenses by doing so. Marauders and Warriors are extremely combo sensitive, and are definitely more difficult to play. This further extends by adding the “Defiance” / “Infuriated” warrior system. Compared to Paladins, these guys pack a huge punch. Parrying serves as a welcome additional defense (Although Paladins have this too), they cannot block.

Damage reduction / mitigation is the paladins key trait. Wears a shield by default (Blocks!). Paladins have a reactive gamplay style, and are much easier to play ‘mechanically’ than warriors. Paladins are susceptible to burst damage with a low HP pool, but over the course of longer encounters – their mitigation more than makes up for it. Their “Effective HP” is much much higher than a Marauder. Their damage is so pathetic, and could possibly be out DPS’d by a Conjurer.

So here we see the main difference, Warriors rely on HP and Damage. Paladins rely on Damage Reduction. This becomes brutally clear in the next section:

Defensive Skills

— MRD —
Foresight – Increases defense by 20% for 20s. Recast 90 (Traited)
Bloodbath – Gain 25% “Lifesteal” for 30s (Traited). Recast 90.
Mercy Stroke – Killing a target with mercy stroke restores 20% of max HP. Recast 30 (Traited)
Thrill of Battle – Increases max HP by 20% (Traited) and heals for that amount. Duration 10s.
Storms Path – (If Combo’d into) Creates a shield equal to 20% of damage dealt up to 10% of max HP.
Defiance – (Stance) Increases maximum HP by 25%, while lowering damage dealt by 30% and increasing enmity.

— GLD —
Rampart – Reduces damage taken by 20% (Traited) for 20s.
Convalescence – Increases HP restored by spells or actions by 30% (Traited) for 20s.
Awareness – Reduces critical strike damage taken by 15% for 25 (Traited) seconds.
Tempered Will – Immediately cures Bind and Heavy, while preventing knockback and draw-in effects.
Sentinel – Reduces damage taken by 40% (Traited) for 10s.
Bulwark – Increases block rate by 60% for 15s.
— PLD —
Shield Oath – (Stance) Reduces damage taken by 25%, and damage dealt by 30% but increases enmity generated.
Hallowed Ground – Renders you impervious to most attacks

Wow, from here it becomes rather obvious that warriors have the short end of the stick when it comes to purely defensive skills. Foresight is directly inferior to Rampart (Which also reduces magic damage) and Sentinel (40%!). Thrill of Battle is ‘cute’ at best, amounting to a large heal. Storms Path is the warrior saving grace here, giving you a reusable shield without a long cooldown.

Paladins on the other hand have a long list of defensive skills, all ridiculously effective. Just by comparing the stances, the trade-off for 30% reduction for damage dealt is just completely lopsided in the paladins favor: 25% damage reduction for the paladin, and 35% max hp for the warrior. While 35% HP is better in a vacuum, when healers are involved, this becomes next to useless (Remember Effective HP?)

Warriors scale extremely well with offense, and even benefit from it defensively. While this is good, the survivability gained is just nowhere NEAR the Paladin. Not even close.


Threat Generation

Both Paladins & Warrior have no trouble generating threat. It’s the small differences and situations that make the Warrior superior to Paladin in terms of threat.  It’s very unlikely that DPS will pull aggro during a fight from either a Paladin or Warrior, so what’s the difference? Two key points.

Threat on Demand
The main difference? Warriors are better in more desperate times. When sh*t hits the fan – you’re going to want a warrior. When resources are tight, and adds spawn, Warriors are much much better at picking them up and making them stick. Paladins have superior resource management and will match a warriors threat over time. Warriors excels at keeping up with initial burst aggro when picking up and killing newly spawned adds.

Adds, AoE
In both single target and AoE situations, Warriors will out-threat Paladins any day. Paladins also have decent AoE threat, but simply pale in comparison to what Warriors can do to multiple enemies, and struggle alot less to build up initial aggro. It’s like Warriors WANT adds to spawn, and lots of them, while Paladins would rather not!

Due to the length of this post, we split it into two pages. In Page 2, we discuss Healer Preference, Overall Kit, and finally Summary and Recommendations.

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