FFXIV Amdapor Keep (AK HARD) Speedrun & Guide

FFXIV Amdapor Keep (AK HARD) Speedrun & Guide – notes to make your speedrun faster, and general dungeon strategy for FIRST TIMERS to AK hard!

Unlocks via Quest: Not Easy Being Green (Mor Dhona)
Item level requirement: 90
Item level of dropped gear: 100
Also drops 3-star crafting materials (Saurian Skin, Cashmere Fleece etc tier)

General Info (Top) || Speedrun/Map || Boss Guides

AK Hard: General enemy tips
Give a VULNERABILITY UP debuff to YOU and YOUR ENEMIES – use them to your advantage!
Knotted Treant: They spawn weak adds, generally they can be ignored unless you pile them up with your SR pull.
Vulnerability Up on tank? No problem – esuna it!

Amdapor Keep (AK) Hard Speedrun

ampdapor keep hard mode akhm speedrun map ffxiv

AK HM can be completed in a minimum of THREE BIG PULLS. Five or four if you’re being safe. And the forced “gauntlet” before the final boss. Special thanks to Claes Henrietta and Rylai Ariamis for the help with notes/map!! The above map says 4 pulls, but Pull 1 and 2 can be combined by killing the Ochu and proceeding (a bit on the risky side).

Pull 1: The first pack + the ochu, Don’t blow any CD’s here, It’s a small pull. Can be combined with pull 2.

Pull 2: This is the only “debatable” pull, and is stragely difficult. there are three ways to do this:
Pull 2 MAX: Drag EVERYTHING to the treant.
Pull 2 using tentacle: Drag all non treant mobs back to the tentacle. potentially dangerous.
Pull 2 split: Drag whatever you can to the pre-treant tentacle, then the remaining chumps+tree.

The general consensus is Pull 2 MAX is the “best”, but can be a backbreaker. Pull 2 tentacle depends too much on mob movement, and Pull 2 split is best for iffy groups. You want to use all your cooldowns for this.

(boss 1)->Pull 3: A short pull, gather them up and use the tentacle to give the mobs vuln up. Kill tree after.
Pull 3 VALUE: Tag the mobs with tentacle vul up, then move to the tree.

Pull 4: This is a LONG WALK. Sprinting could be an option. As always sprint pulls are gonna be a little easier for paladins. Use the tentacle of heavenly value. ALWAYS
Pull 4 VALUE: Tag them with vuln up, then move to the tree. This can be very risky.

(boss 2), Gauntlet, then (boss3): And you’re done! Potentially the fastest SR in this tier of dungeons.

We will be recording a vid of the “minimum possible (3) pulls” for both warrior and paladin – stay tuned.

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Boss 1: Anchag (“Odin”)

  • Charge is unavoidable. Walking nearer to him does significantly reduced damage. Instakills statues – careful.
  • Lasers: Targetted ally must move behind statues. Extremely strong damage otherwise.
  • Hiding behind higher health statues is preferred. (Statues may die WHILE lasering)
  • All his attacks, even his basic DAMAGES statues: Tanking in middle is safest.
  • Laser affects tank (rare, but it killed me once lol)

Not many special mechanics behind this guy. Just burn him as fast as possible. TIP: Tank reposition to new statue after each laser. No joke, lasers are fatal and you should avoid them.

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Boss 2: Boogeyman

  • Boogeyman periodically goes Invisible. He cannot be damaged/targetted during this time – but you can still “see” him.
  • When you kill Luminescence(add) stand in the AoE it leaves upon death. It gives you a buff.
  • Going near the boss while buffed reveals him. (Buff signified by pulsing light)
  • “DODGE” the massive cone by facing AWAY from him ala Melusine.
  • Kill the big fat add with a long channeled skill: causes a raidwide bleed.

TIP: The dead bodies on the ground signify the adds spawnpoints. The first set is the two chumps, second set is two chumps + fat.

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Boss 3 (Final): Ferdiad

  • Kill adds tethered to boss. (Stops “wild card” from expanding)
  • Slime adds bind the target. Slimed people can free themselves by helping DPS.
  • In the 2 slime 1 fat tether setup: just dps the fat tether guy.

The final boss isn’t very notable, pretty much common sense mechanics. TIP: Don’t clump up, the blades left by Black Wind can be annoying if you’re clumped up with friends.

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Other dungeons released in this tier (2.5):
Amdapor Keep (Hard) || Wanderers Palace (Hard) || Keeper of the Lake

I hope our Ampdapor Keep Hard guide was useful to you! As always, careful speedrunning and be good to first timers!

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FFXIV Wanderers Palace (WP HARD) Speedrun & Guide

FFXIV Wanderers Palace (HARD) Speedrun & Guide – notes to make your speedrun faster, and general dungeon strategy for first timers to WP hard!

Unlocks via Quest: Not Easy Being Green (Mor Dhona)
Item level requirement: 90
Item level of dropped gear: 100
Also drops 3-star crafting materials (Saurian Skin, Cashmere Fleece etc tier)

General Info (Top) || Speedrun/Map || Boss Guides

WP Hard: General enemy tips
Ignore Banners/Flags/Standards: 
Drag enemies out instead

Wanderers Palace (WP) Hard Speedrun

wanderers palace hard mode wphm speedrun map ffxiv

WP HARD is the longest dungeon in this bunch – it can be completed in a minimum of EIGHT PULLS. Although, for many groups, 9 or 10 seems to be the average! Special thanks to Claes Henrietta and Rylai Ariamis for the help with notes/map!

Pull 1: Small pull with 4 mobs, don’t waste anything here.
Pull 2: While not the beefiest of pulls, use your CD’s here since the next pull is chumpy, then boss follows
Pull 3: Small, time extending pull (boss 1 follows)

Pull 4: Can be a tricky pull due to camera angle, LOS the first pile behind the first corner, and get the rest of the chunk. Use SOME cooldowns here – it’s a bit heavy.
Pull 5: This pull is usually split, for good reason. It’s an insane pull that maxes out at 10 or 11 mobs. This, PLUS the fact the previous pull was heavy. Going all the way is NOT recommended for groups that AoE slowly. (boss 2 follows)

Pull  6: A lot of people think you have to stop at the 3 mobs.. you can actually pull allllll the way to the locked up tonberrys. It’s an easy pull of 5 mobs.
Pull 7: is a forced time waster. This is the “slime room”.
Pull 8: People usually split this but you can actually open the door and drag the pudding all the way to the end!!! This is value. (final boss follows)

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Pull 5 is killer, you might need to chill out if you think your group isn’t up to snuff. We will be recording a vid of the “minimum possible pulls” for both warrior and paladin – stay tuned.


Boss 1: Frumious Koheel Ja

  • Spawns these fireball adds that CANNOT be ignored.

Overall a nondescript boss which doesn’t do anything special. To be honest, I want to type more here – but I just cant.

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Boss 2: Slithy Zolool Ja

  • Randomly spawns a bunch of flags. You must get (walk into) them to survive. Each flag corresponds to an effect.
  • 3 Negative totem types exist: Heavy, Frog, Fire RES down.
  • One positive type exists: Damage dealt UP – DPS pick these up! BOSS MUST NOT ABSORB THIS.
  • Other totems MAY BE ignored (Except, frog totem cancels out your frog status)
  • Colors are random each time – just remember the DPS+, and healer get everything else!

Key reminders: DPS+ is massive value if picked up by DPS, and massive non-value if picked up by the boss. Frog totem cancelling DPS frog status will greatly reduce the encounter time.

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Boss 3 (Final): Manxome Molaa Jaja

  • Does a random slash which leaves a debuff: YOU CANNOT GET HIT BY HIS PBAOE if you have this debuff.
  • Leaves flags (standard), just drag him away from the buffing AoE and continue killing.
  • SACRED IDOL must be killed. Looks like the flags, so be aware.
  • Healers: the Doom icon is similar to PS Sire: Healing to full cancels the doom.

TIPS: Don’t stay too far from the boss. he has a MASSIVE cone attack that you might not get out of. Don’t tunnel – kill Sacred Idol ASAP.

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Other dungeons released in this tier (2.5):
Amdapor Keep (Hard) || Wanderers Palace (Hard) || Keeper of the Lake

Hopefully our Wanderers Palace Hard guide helped you out! Remember, careful speedrunning and accommodate first timers!

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FFXIV Keeper of The Lake Guide & Speedrun

UPDATED! Keeper of the Lake dungeon strategy guide! Having trouble killing the last boss? Beat up those dragons – get in here and find out how!

Unlocks via Story Quest Requirement. (Dungeon located in Mor Dhona)
Item level requirement: 90
Item level of dropped gear: 100
Also drops 3-star crafting materials (Saurian Skin, Cashmere Fleece etc tier)

General Info (Top) || Speedrun/Map || Boss Guides

Keeper of the Lake: Speedrun

KOTL: General enemy tips
Pre last boss pulls: 
the random helicopter bombs can damage enemies!

keeper of the lake kotl speedrun map ffxiv

KOTL can be completed in a minimum of SIX PULLS. Seven should be the absolute max! Special thanks to Claes Henrietta and Rylai Ariamis for the help with notes/map!

Pull 1: Useless pull… 3 crabs. Don’t blow any CD’s here.
Pull 2: A bit of a beefy pull. Get all 7 mobs and don’t spare any cooldowns. (boss 1 follows)

Pull 3: Another time extending useless pull. Kill them and get the key to proceed.

Pull 4: THIS CAN (and USUALLY is) split into two. Aggro the chumps, kill the computer, aggro the robot then AoE them down. Do not kill the dudes, then robot… You can pull the whole family but this can be RISKY! This is by far the best use of LB if you do try to pull this off! (boss 2 follows)

Pull 5 and 6: The flying machine AoE’s AFFECT THE ENEMIES. Lure the AoE to the pile by having everyone loosely stack around the mobs, as it targets a random party member.

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First boss: Einhander

Spawns tanks of fuel at certain intervals. His frontal cleave (and presumably other skills) destroy it and deal damage to nearby allies. Face the boss away from all times and move away from tanks if needed. Sucks all tanks and party members towards him, so move a bit away and face him outside. In a nutshell

  • Spawns fuel tanks you should be far away from. His skills damage these objects – don’t let them die.
  • Small (auxiliary) tanks do around 1-2k… large (main) tanks explode for a TON.  Tanks can set off other tanks… be careful!
  • Pulls all party members and spawned fuel tanks towards it.
  • Reposition away from the fuel tanks and face away from party as usual.
  • Tanks can be knocked around just like Brayflox HM bombs.

Having your MT make small efficient movements to prevent explosion clusterf*cks is key to reducing encounter time here. Pure tunneling, while possible, can cause some unexpected chain explosions.

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Second Boss: Magitek Gunship

A big mechanical middle finger to melee classes, this guy is just annoying.

  • Spawns adds: 4 chumps, (interval) Magitek Vanguard. The vanguard is chunky.
  • When he moves randomly, he’s setting up his flame skill.
  • He moves in a random direction leaving behind an extremely painful fire DoT. Stay away from these. Especially sucky for melee.
  • If you didn’t use Magic LB earlier: consider using it on Vanguard+Boss. BETTER YET: Ignore the Magitek Vanguard and focus down the boss – he vanishes when it’s over!

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Final Boss: Midgardsormr

After pulling the boss, a short time passes until first dragon (yellow) resurrrects:

  • Boss is invulnerable during this time.
  • Has a frontal cleave.
  • Wait for a smaller add to spawn – kill this ASAP and get inside the shield it spawns (Similar to Halatali HM)

Boss does a raidwide kill unless you are inside the shield. Kill yellow before the second (blue) dragon spawns:

  • Boss is invulnerable during this time.
  • Has frontal cleave.
  • Must be NEAR BOSS to be damaged.
  • Same mechanic here… small add spawns > kill it > get inside barrier.

Again, your party is dead if you fail to get into the shield. Kill the blue dragon before focusing on boss and killing it. Aside from the above, just avoid all the colorful AoE and you’ll be fine.

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Other dungeons released in this tier (2.5):
Amdapor Keep (Hard) || Wanderers Palace (Hard) || Keeper of the Lake

Well, I hope you found our Keeper of the Lake guide helpful! GL to you Speedrunners and new players alike!

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FFXIV Novus Stats Melding (Recommendations)

A nice guide to help you find out what stats and materia SUITS YOU for your Novus Relic Weapon!

So you’re done with the hellish Animus Grind – Welcome to the grindy world of Novus! But wait – What stats should you meld on your Novus!? If that’s what you’re wondering you’ve come to the right place. Let us guide you through the different ways you can meld your Novus Relic!!! Good luck! Each weapon recommendation has My FC Mates Mainclass recommendations. and My preference.


TankCurtana / Holy Shield Novus (PLD) || Bravura Novus Stats (WAR)
Healer: Thyrus Novus Stats (WHM) || Omnilex Novus Stats (SCH)
Melee: Sphairai Novus Stats (MNK) || Yoshimitsu Novus Stats (NIN)|| Gae Bolg Novus Stats (DRG)
Caster: Stardust Rod Novus Stats (BLM) || Veil of Wiyu Novus Stats (SMN)

Novus Stats FAQ

Novus to Nexus stat bonus? Huh? for each 22 of a stat, you get a small bonus when upgrading to Nexus. Each weapon can have 3 of these bonuses and we aim to capitalize on it (44 on a stat makes this bonus twice). Sadly, PLD Curtana/Holy Shield can only cap out on 2 of these bonuses.

Accuracy on DPS Novus!?!? Yes. Each DPS class (and tank class) has Accuracy on my “practical” melding recommendation. WHY? For added flexibility choosing the best gear. What happens if you dip below accuracy and are forced to use Skill Speed gear (I’m looking at you, Bard) – oooo I bet you wished you had ACC on your Novus now! Besides RELIC will almost always be filler to final boss weapons.

I MADE A MISTAKE MELDING MY NOVUS!? HELP!? Chill. You can fix that once your Novus is complete. You just need 1 Alexandrite and 1 Materia for each mismeld you did.

If you had one – what melds would you use!? MY (Subjective) preference is underlined and bolded.

I’m poor! Help! The lessen cost melds contain no IV’s AFAIK – and are sometimes even better.

Curtana (Holy Shield) Novus Stats Melding

Defensive: 31 Parry, 22 ACC
+Holy Shield: 11 Parry 11 ACC

A full defense, full flexibility meld that helps you switch gear around for maximizing other stats. Overall, a GREAT choice for any PLD.

Defensive (lessen costs): 22 Parry 22 Accuracy 9 DET
+Holy Shield: 8 Parry 8 ACC 6 DET

Sacrifice a little flexibility for some balance (and money saving) DET on your Curtana/Holy Shield is still pretty damn good.

No Parry: 22 Accuracy 22 DET 9 CRIT
+Holy Shield: 9 DET, 13 CRIT

For the above meld, freely adjust your CRIT and ACC numbers. Max out on DET if you can.

No Parry (lessen costs): 14 ACC 16 DET  23 CRIT
+Holy Shield: 8 ACC, 6 DET, 8 CRIT

This meld is a little weird… you don’t get any stat bonus but save a couple million gil :D.

A note on curtana: It’s hard to save money WHILE shooting for stat bonuses since curtana reaches the Materia IV tier much faster. It’s a bit annoying how the stats are split between the two weapons, but what can we do…

Waiting for FC input!

Mahiko San’s preference: Defensive (Lessen costs) – Since this is a tank class – removing ACC from your relic is folly. A good mix of Parry/ACC/DET is a solid build while saving money – what’s not to like!?

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Bravura Novus Stats Melding

Practical: 31 DET 22 ACC 22 CRIT
Practical (lessen costs): 22 ACC 23 DET 30 CRIT

I have to say this is a bit influenced by our groups playstyle. We try to make our Warrior OT as much as possible. IN MY OPINION, WAR OT is super effective due to debuff placements, this matters more since we run with a NIN. The melds above also serves as the “No Parry” Bravura melds.

Defensive: 44 Parry 22 ACC 9 DET
Defensive (lessen costs): 31 Parry 22 ACC 22 DET

Basic full defensive meld and a more balanced (IMO Superior) build that saves money and gives a great balance of stats.

Waiting for FC input!

Mahiko San’s preference: Defensive (lessen costs) –  The more I look at that spread of stats, the better it seems. Since the benefit of CRIT isn’t that huge, 22 DET and 31 Parry seem like a great spread between offense and defense! HOWEVER since my group favors WAR OT HEAVILY, I’d personally meld Practical(lessen costs) for MY team.

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Thyrus Novus Stats Melding

Balanced: 31 Piety, 22 DET, 22 Spell Speed
A good balance of stats – everything your WHM needs!

Balanced (lessen costs): 24 Piety, 23 DET, 28 Spell Speed

Accuracy: 31 Accuracy, 22 Piety 22 DET (Not as good compared to Accuracy on SCH Omnilex)

Just like the Omnilex, the “best stats” for Thyrus will never be universal. Each healer prefers this or that, and depends on playstyle/group. The above are solid recommendations none the less.

Mahiko San‘s (Official FC White Mage!) Novus: (Balanced)

First of all, let’s start with the 22 DET and 22 Spell Speed: I chose this because I don’t want too much DET or too much SS. My playstyle and speed of progression, however, cannot permit me to ELIMINATE Spell Speed (clutch heals and handling mechanics favors SS, not DET). Also, having at least 22 on a Novus stat gives you a +1 stat bonus when it upgrades. So why not, right?

Alot of WHM’s really like DET and don’t like SS. If that’s the case then simply meld 31 into DET, but I personally would not recommend it. The main reason people hate on SS is that bosses are “scripted” and precasting heals + perfect play leads to not needing it. People forget that actual human beings (not robots) pilot characters, and while PROGRESSING FAST thru raids, perfect play isn’t always there since knowledge of the encounter isn’t “ingrained in memory” yet. I like SS a little more than DET, and I stick to that. But I wouldn’t want to live without either.

Rest in Piety (31): I really like Piety. The max is 33 but if you choose to max it out you miss on a stat bonus from another stat (supporting stats cannot reach 22). This seems to be a no brainer. The very minimum Piety I’d meld on a Thyrus is 22. But since it’s the stat I FAVOR MOST – I put as much of it as I can.

No Crit? Yes, no crit. I DO NOT LIKE CRIT on White Mages – plain and simple. If you like crit – by all means… But I personally cannot and would not recommend it.

Lastly, Accuracy on Thyrus? isn’t bad if your group knows how to use it. I wanted to, but ultimately would rather meld Accuracy into body pieces/accessories if needed.

Mahiko San’s preference: Balanced –  Well, for the sake of continuity I had to put this section. If it isn’t obvious by now I chose the Balanced strat. 31 Piety, 22 DET and 22 SS.

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Omnilex Novus Stats Melding

CRIT Heavy: SCH: 44 CRIT +(31 DET or 31 Piety)
CRIT Heavy(lessen costs): 31 CRIT 22 DET 22 Piety

The obvious crit focused builds. I prefer the lessen costs one here since you may drop too much piety depending on itemization.

Accuracy*: 31 Accuracy, 22 CRIT 22 DET

Don’t laugh. I’d meld my Omnilex this way if I had one.

Like the Thyrus – healing stats really vary from person to person. Adjust as you see fit depending on your statics needs and your own play. Adjust accordingly!

Waiting for FC input!

Mahiko San’s preference: CRIT Heavy(lessen costs) OR Accuracy –  Depending on your groups need/speed, either of these two builds would work wonderfully. If you don’t DPS often, stick to the CRIT Heavy (lessen costs).

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Artemis Bow Novus Stats Melding

Practical: 44 CRIT 22 ACC 9 DET
Practical (Lessen Costs): 31 CRIT 22 ACC 22 DET

Heavy crit for more Bloodletters – no explanation needed here.

Brainless DPS: 44 CRIT 31 DET
Brainless DPS (lessen costs): Doesn’t exist

Well, trying to get as much CRIT as you can is a no-brainer. DET as a supporting stat is always good for any DPS class.

Waiting for FC input!

Mahiko San’s preference: Practical – I would NEVER meld an Artemis Bow without Accuracy, but that’s just me. If you’re really poor, the “lessen costs” variant is still EXTREMELY SOLID. Again, the accuracy on Artemis Bow helps you make sure you don’t get gimped by your own gear drops (like in FCoB tier).

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Sphairai Novus Stats Melding

Practical: 31 DET 22 ACC 22 CRIT
Practical (Lessen costs): 30 CRIT 23 DET 22 ACC

Brainless DPS: 31 DET 44 CRIT
Brainless DPS (Lessen costs): 23 DET 31 CRIT 22 Skill Speed

DET ACC CRIT is a common theme amongst DPS relic weapons which you’ll see alot coming up.

Tiffany Faye ‘s (Official FC Monk!) Novus: (Practical)

I recommend the 31-22-22 (DET ACC CRIT) meld because the relic is your comfort weapon. Having accuracy on your main weapon will give you the best flexibility when itemizing your character.
Although the current BiS list for monk already has sufficient accuracy even with the Crit/Det Dreadwyrm weapon, new equipment with better stats might come out on other slots (for example, a Crit/Det rings to replace the Ironworks Str Ring). The Accuracy zodiac would allow you to use the new ring without dropping below the accuracy cap.

Another reason I prefer the 31-22-22 meld because it is MUCH cheaper (potentially save millions of gil by skipping Crit IVs)

Mahiko San’s preference: Practical – 31 DET on MNK is insane if you can afford it. There’s really not much else to say with these straightforward DPS relics like Sphairai.

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Yoshimitsu Novus Stats Melding

Practical: 31 DET 22 ACC 22 CRIT
Practical (Lessen costs): 31 CRIT 23 DET 22 ACC

Brainless DPS: 31 DET 44 CRIT
Brainless DPS (lessen costs): Doesn’t exist

Yoshimitsu Novus melds are part of the no-brainer relic pile.

Waiting for FC input!

Mahiko San’s preference: Practical – SS is a junk stat on NIN as well. There’s not much else to say. If you’ve got the gil – this is the meld for your Yoshimitsu.

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Gae Bolg Novus Stats Melding

Practical: 31 DET 22 ACC 22 CRIT
Practical (Lessen costs): 30 CRIT 23 DET 22 ACC

Brainless DPS: 31 DET 44 CRIT
Brainless DPS (lessen costs): Doesn’t exist

Gae Bolg Novus melds are part of the no-brainer relic pile.

Eirlys Castillo ‘s (Official FC Dragoon!) Novus: (Practical)

Explanation for 31-22-22 Gae Bolg melding

(1) Reasons for maxing Det: Det is the most crucial substat for most classes. While crit is nice, an increase in det is a 100% increase in DPS, no matter how minor. Therefore maxing the Det component is something most would consider wise to do.

(2) Reasons for 22-22: The most important reason someone would want to meld 22-22 for the remaining 44 allowances is because 22 is the key number you want the substat to be at. For every 22 points into a substat, each upgrade will increase said substat by 1 point. Anything below 22 will remain that at that value through upgrades. Going 22-22 also means you don’t have to meld IV materias, which means there’s no chance of wasting copious amounts of gil.

(3) Reasons crit-acc: Crit is the next most important substat, some might argue it equally as important or even more so, but personally I think its Det>Crit for the reason stated in (1).

Accuracy is probably the most important substat for any non-healer class. Without sufficient accuracy, you risk missing which results in a massiva DPS loss, especially if it’s one of the big hits (Full thrust, Jump, etc.). While the i130 BiS list already has sufficient accuracy for T13 flanks, having spare accuracy on your weapon means more flexibility for BiS lists in the event of new equipment, especially accessories, being released (e.g. A crit-det ring)

Skill speed is definitely out of the question as it does nothing but help clip your DoTs, which means it’s actually a DPS loss.

Mahiko San’s preference: Practical – Since SS is a junk stat on Gae Bolg most of the time, this is the most feasible build. As always, if low on gil, do the lessen cost one.

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Stardust Rod Novus Stats Melding

Practical: 44 Spell Speed 22 ACC 9 DET
Practical (lessen costs): 31 Spell Speed, 22 ACC, 22 DET

Brainless DPS: 44 Spell Speed 31 DET
Brainless DPS (lessen costs): 31 Spell Speed 22 DET 22 CRIT

There’s almost NO WAY you can mess up a Stardust Rod Novus melding – all stats CAN be used by BLM.

Waiting for FC input!

Mahiko San’s preference: Practical – The sheer power of Spell Speed when stacked cannot be ignored on BLM’s. 44 SS is extremely potent! The lessen costs variant is still very good for your Stardust Rod.

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Veil of Wiyu Novus Stats Melding

Practical: 31 DET, 22 ACC 22 CRIT
Practical (lessen costs): 30 CRIT, 23 DET 22 ACC

As long as there’s no Spell Speed – we’re happy.

Brainless DPS: 44 CRIT 31 DET
Brainless DPS (lessen costs): Doesn’t exist.

I’ll say it once, I’ll say it again… Say no to Spell Speed on SMN. These melds look very similar to the Melee Relics, ey? Again since Summoners are severely limited by mana AND Spell Speed scales horribly on them – it should NEVER appear on your Veil of Wiyu.

Waiting for FC input!

Mahiko San’s preference: Practical – Veil of Wiyu should never had Spell Speed melded… If gil isn’t a factor this should be your relic stats. The lessen cost alternative is always there if you’re a little low on gil.

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Remember, these are just recommendations and you can meld however you want or tweak these builds to your liking! Good luck farming Alex, and finishing your Novus Relic! Hurry up and get to Nexus and get depressed farming lights!

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