FFXIV Healer Role Actions: Guide & FAQ (Dawntrail UPDATE)

All you need to know about Healer Role Actions in FFXIV, the replacement for cross-class skills!

Here’s quick  guide about Healer Role Actions! (previously the cross-class skills system). This time around, we no longer have to choose – and have access to all Role Actions!

Dawntrail Update: Just a minor update to Swiftcast.

  • Swiftcast: Cooldown reduced to 40s from 60s. (L94)
What Jobs get the Healer Role Actions?

Job Classes

Astrologian (AST)
Sage (SGE)
Scholar (SCH)
White Mage(WHM)

Base Class 

Conjurer (CNJ)

Healer Role Actions – Navigation:
Healer Role Actions List | Role Actions Uses & Discussion

Healer Role Actions list

8ReposePuts target to Sleep.302.52.5
10EsunaRemoves a single debuff from your target.-12.5
14Lucid DreamingRegain MP over time.21Instant60
18SwiftcastNext spell is cast without cast time.10Instant40
44SurecastSpells can be cast without interruption. Ignore most position altering effects.6Instant120
48RescuePull a party member to your side.-Instant120

Swiftcast improves it’s cooldown from 60 to 40 via Role Trait at L94.

Healer Role Actions: Quick Strategy & Discussion

Here we talk a little bit about each of the role actions, and their applications.


I dont think this has ever been used in raiding, but this is a godlike soloing and questing skill. Putting enemies to sleep so you can interact with objects is the best.


Bind it close – this comes up in almost all dungeons and many raids. And it’s very important to use when it does come up! Clearing a debuff is often the difference between life and death.

Lucid Dreaming

Use it often. Restoring your mana is great for reasons I need not expound on. “Mo’ Mana, No Problems”. Timing on using it isn’t so important these days but try to avoid “mega overflow”.


Will mostly be used to instant cast your resurrection. You can use it to cast while moving, which is another good use-case (even for DPSing). I don’t really need to explain how or why this is good haha.


Very useful in raids, and sometimes in dungeons. Preventing a knockback can cheese mechanics, as well as prevent your spell from being interrupted!


An amazing skill that saves lives. Admittedly it’s quite difficult to use sometimes because of its “animation lock”. Admittedly I forget to use this when I could have saved someone – bind it “close enough”. I had it bound to 8 before, and I didn’t get much saving done until I bound it closer.

Healer Role Actions – Navigation:
Healer Role Actions List | Role Actions Uses & Discussion

Well, that’s about it for Healer Role Actions! FOR NOW! I’ll be adding to this soon.

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