FFXIV 3.2 Paladin (PLD) Best in Slot (BiS) Gear

3.2 UPDATED! PLD Best in slot guide! “THE SHIELD IS BACK!”. PLD Lore buy order, Melding, Pages & Normals, more!

So some of you are back from being Paladins from previous tiers sadness huh? Welcome to the 3.2 PLD BiS! In case you missed the memo – as of 3.2 tanks stack VITALITY! Thanks to Claes Henrietta for the help!

Quicknotes: All tank BiS pages are quite similar to each other, but the PLD BiS will “avoid as much SS as practically possible, and get as much Crit”.

Navigation: Paladin BiS
PLD BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order | Crafted TBA

3.2 Paladin Best-in-Slot

PLDItemMeld 1Meld 2AccCritDetSSParry
WeaponPrototype Midan Metal SwordCRIT V--128461-
OffhandPrototype Midan Metal ShieldCRIT IV--35--35
HelmAugmented Hellfire Mask of FendingDET VDET V-6966--
BodyMidan Coat of FendingCRIT VCRIT V112102---
HandMidan Gauntlets of FendingCRIT VCRIT V4824-69-
BeltAugmented Hellfire Belt of FendingDET V--5112-36
LegsMidan Breeches of FendingDET VDET V-11299--
BootsAugmented Hellfire Sabatons of FendingCRIT VCRIT IV6969---
NeckAugmented Primal Choker of FendingSTR V--36--51
EarringMidan Earrings of FendingSTR V--49-36
WristAugmented Primal Bracelet of FendingSTR V-5134--
RingMidan Ring of FendingSTR V-36-51-
RingAugmented Primal Ring of FendingSTR V-5134--
FoodSteamed Staff---40-16-
StatsTotal stats from gear367550378197158
End value721904596551512

PLD BiS Discussion

Why STRENGTH melded in accessories? While VIT beats out STR in value, STR beats the secondary DPS stats (Crit, DET, SS…). So while yes, tanking primary stat is undoubtedly VIT – it’s not like STR became WORTHLESS! Aside from Parry, we cannot meld any more defense on the right side…

THE ABOVE BiS IS MISSING 2 POINTS ACCURACY. It’s  99.9+% hit rate, but this can be bothersome. Ultimately, there are many ways to get that last 2 points –

  • Food: Steamed Stafff -> Baked Pipira Pira (Most brainless solution)
  • Materia: Change one DET meld into ACCURACY (Laziest solution)
  • Swap certain pieces of gear with an ACC one (more on this later on…)

Of the above, I’d recommend AGAINST gear swaps, as the food or materia change are the best (Personally I’d go the materia route).

PLD Lore Tomestone Buy Order

The below spending strategy is purely to obtain BiS fastest:

  • Boots: Acc Crit – it’s just the smarter buy at this point.
  • Mask: by order of savage floor obtained…
  • Belt: by order of savage floor obtained…
  • (Preference) Any other left-side filler (Chest>Legs)
  • Weapon: On tanks, I’d say weapon AFTER left-side is complete.
  • Ring > Wrist > Neck (Buying the acc pieces is safer…)

ANYTHING ELSE IS OPTIONAL: As mentioned earlier any left-side filler would be considered first (Chest, Legs) then Earring, Ring (Unupgraded).

Using up Pages and Midas Normal Parts

Click on the expandables below to see how you should spend pages, and which Midas Normal parts to get first –

Midan Savage Pages

Midan Savage Pages

The below spending strategy is purely to obtain BiS fastest:

A5S: Belt > Ring > Earring  > Any
A6S: Hands > Illuminati Dark Gobcoat  x4  > Any
A7S: LEGS > Illuminati Taut Gobtwine x 2 > Any
A8S: Body > Weapon > Any (Gobdip then wait for Sword is OK)

Midan Normal Parts


“what should PLD’s pick up in Midas normal”! Is something I get asked often so here it is. This is a general thing, and people might have varying levels of gear or goals but as a catch-all good enough recommendation:

Week 1chainlensspringshaft
Week 2boltlensspringshaft
Week 3boltboltspringshaft
Week 4boltanyspringshaft

We ditch the boots since we buy it ASAP, and since we have to choose between head and hands, head is a lot better. Basically it’s all about getting as many BIG body pieces as we can! And as much VIT as possible!

Click the above!!!

PLD Crafted Gear Viability

As mentioned earlier, I update this a little later on just so I can update all lists ASAP. 90% of the info you need is already in the page, the rest is details…

Navigation: Paladin BiS
PLD BiS | Discussion | Lore Buy Order | Crafted TBA

Well, good luck on gearing your Paladin for 3.2, and I hope the robots drop the loot you need!

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Mahiko San Log: The year that was, and will be (003)

Just random thoughts about the year that was… and moving into the new astral era, 2016!

Hello guys it’s been a while hasn’t it! Although I promised at least a bi-monthly MSL, the latter part of 2015 was pretty brutal administration-wise. So let’s see..

Our staff has increased by 33.3%!!!!

Whoa! 33% is a huge growth!!!! Yes, it’s all true!!!! Amazing!! We have increased from TWO members to a whole THREE! You know what they say, “There’s strength in prime numbers!”. While I may have made up that quote, yes, we have a new helper – Welcome her in, my girlfriend Princess!!!!

So since around November last year – our organizational structure looks like this

  • Mahiko San: God.
  • Maruko San: Corporate communications, Planning & Strategy, attempts to apply business-like structure to fansite management (much needed improvement)
  • Princess: Slave

Princess, while not an expert in FF, has played the game and levelled up and is familiar with a lot of the chumpy aspects of FF. Her real purpose? To help me with the gruntwork which involves brainless copy/pasting, format checking, image uploading, spellchecking and other mundane activities. Which is good, since it frees up ‘god’ to make more meaningful updates!

Her motives are actually selfish – so I may ultimately have more free-time which SHE THINKS I’ll spend with her! What a value move!!! Here’s hoping she never reads this!


Mahiko San, if you are god – why have you forgotten us!

HAH! Divinity works in mysterious ways, scrub! The site is constantly being improved, even when the changes aren’t obvious. For example, my current goal is to refine all crafting guides to a modern standard. This little “bubble” of guides has 27 specific items in it.

2/8 leveling guides have been COMPLETELY REWORKED (ALC, ARM)
8/8 levequest list guides have been re-checked and fixed!
8/8 DoH class guides have been “princess fixed” but needs Gods Work

Are these new guides? No. Do you see them in the feed? The leveling guides, maybe. Again – you might NOT see these things, but a lot is happening behind the scenes. (for example, the linking to all levequest fish and ff14angler more-info links in the FSH leveling guide)

There’s a ton of little things going on. I haven’t forgotten about you guys or the site. FAITH is the framework in which gods operate. Have it, and I will come!

2015 – the Umbral Era

Ho boy, so where do I start here? What happened in 2015? Well, a couple things.

Heavensward Released

This one. This. Not like this… not like this… So basically my process follows a priority system like this:

  • Make patch specific guides (BiS, new content)
  • Any easy quick fixes to typos or info? Patch.
  • Any “eternally useful” guides missing? Create.
  • Any older guides need a major rehaul? Rework.

The last two share priority as “low”, but I’ve been focusing on that recently. So how did Heavensward break this pattern, and subsequently nearly break ME? See now, at the top of the list you get something like…

  • Create every 3.0 specific guide (Leveling guides to 60, new skills? scrip? gathering rotations? try. to. remember. just. how. much. heavensward. added.)

So everything else quickly ground to a halt. Not only did I have to play double-time to actually experience the new content, the more time-consuming part is actually CREATING these new guides!

So I remember getting a comment “You guys used to update so fast! Whats up?”, well, heavensward was like a nuclear bomb. I remember listing down all the updates I needed & guides that need creation – and the number was above TWO HUNDRED. Needless to say, I suffered burnout.

Alex Savage tore me a new one

To top it all off, we have the now infamous Alex Savage. This… so much this… Imagine doing this while tackling that beast? Our static was still within the first handful of people to clear, and lemme tell you… That just ripped into any soul I had left. Again, burnout. Which ultimately affected my site-work.

The administrative side

Ohhhh now here’s the one. I can go on a long rant about security issues but that would suck. So lemme just say that “We learned a lot” and did a lot of things to prevent this kinda stuff from happening.

  • We have a paid firewall and security service
  • We migrated to a more secure web host.
  • We improved our security protocols

Don’t wanna waste your time with all the details but things have been looking up since. The security issues were a huge toll on my mind and a hassle to you guys so it was our top priority for some time.

Lessons Learned

It’s hard to explain it here, but needless to say I learned a lot. When the next major patch hits – I will definitely be more prepared! So now im going back to the old flowchart of “Patch, Create, Rework”, because I want every guide to be up to my new standards. It wont happen overnight, but It’s something I want to give to the community.

2015 was tough, but my vitality increased by at least 17 points, coupled with about 30 DEF and MDEF so I’d say worth.

Visual Update – new theme

This one is a bit tricky! We’re currently looking at a few themes and testing them on our duplicate test site. We have a few issues with each theme we try, but please know we’re working hard on it. The main problem with FFXIVGuild is the content is SO WIDE. And most themes these days are quite thin.

It’s an interesting process, but in the meantime we can refine our current theme to be “usable”. It’s a move that we want to stick to for at LEAST 2 years so we wanna make it solid before doing so. Thanks for your patience!

Looking back, going forward

Honestly, there’s still so much more to say. But to summarize it, I’ll strive to make the site better for you guys. Simple as that, I guess!

You know, each time I write one of these I feel a little more relaxed. I don’t know if I can commit to scheduled posts, but I’ll try to write when I think it’s needed. It’s fun, but I honestly don’t know what’s holding me back in regards to this. Let’s see huh?

My to-do list grows and grows and 2015 seemed like it grew faster than it was getting chunked, but I’m getting more and more efficient at doing this, so I hope you all will continue to grow with me and FFXIVGuild.

Mahiko “God” San.

See Mahiko San Log Archive

FFXIVGuild Leveling Guide Directory

Just a tiny post showing all combat class leveling guides

Just a quick directory listing down all leveling guides for combat classes. Mainly to save menu space, which is in preparation for the site visual update.

Some are still missing, as these guides are what I was making before Heavensward was released. I hope to delete this sentence soon!

NavigationBase Classes (~30) | Jobs (30+) | DoH | DoL

Base Class Leveling Guides

General Leveling Guide: Designed as a main supplementary resource to be read alongside the class-specific guides (Combat Class)


Job Leveling Guides

General Leveling Guide: Designed as a main supplementary resource to be read alongside the class-specific guides (Combat Class)

Crafting (DoH) Leveling Guides

Gathering (DoL) Leveling Guides

NavigationBase Classes (~30) | Jobs (30+) | DoH | DoL

The job leveling guides are missing quite a bit of them, ey? I plan to update this very soon.

In any case, while this mini-guide doesn’t have any unique info… I need to make it for menu space saving and I guess it’s not a bad thing to have anyways. (This goes hand-in-hand with the whole site visual redesign)

For more FFXIV updates and important updates – Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Check us out on Youtube and Twitch!

Temporary theme – look forward to the new one soon!

Hey guys, so we’re going to be uploading a permanent theme soon! We’re aware of table visibility issues – we will mitigate it before the final move. In the meantime…

Use the search bar on the upper right to help you find stuff!

So yeah, we were able to do a lot of administrative and content work during the holidays – but some bugs are preventing us to migrate to the new theme! In any case, our site has moved servers without a problem, whew!


FFXIV 3.1 Dungeons: Arboretum, Pharos (Hard)

A quick one page strategy guide for both of the new 3.1 dungeons: Saint Mociannes Arboretum and Pharos Sirius (Hard).

Hi guys! Thanks for reading our 3.1 quick dungeon guides: these are namely Saint Mociannes Arboretum and Pharos Sirius (Hard). I decided to make a universal guide for both the dungeons since I feel they don’t need a page each.

Quick Navigation: Arboretum : Pharos HM

Basic FAQs about both:

  • iLevel requirement to enter: 170
  • Drops items with iLevel 185
    • Some very unique helmet and chest models – make sure to try on!
  • Has some interesting new mechanics and design – a bright sign for future duties!
  • Always remember the golden rule of dungeons…

“When in doubt – dodge the shiny AoE!”


Saint Mociannes Arboretum

Unlocking Saint Mociannes Arboretum, the quest can be found in Dravanian Hinterlands (12, 19), Quest Name “An Overgrown Ambition”, NPC: Tetchy Treasure Hunter. The nearest aetheryte is Idyllshire, then walk out of the left entrance.

Arboretum 1st Boss: Morbol (Rose Hip)

Periodically spawns small cute morbols that do a small cone AoE. The boss himself will also do an AoE, which he rotates around the room.

Kill adds or bad things happen.

Arboretum 2nd Boss: Bee (Queen Hawk)

Okay so this is the only troublesome mechanic here: BEES WILL SPAWN OUTSIDE THE MAP. These bees will shoot a laser straight down the path they’re looking. These 2 chunks of bees will always spawn in a “crosslike” formation so you have to pay attention where they are and where they will shoot. That’s about it.

Kill adds or bad things happen.

Arboretum Last Boss: Plant (Belladonna)

Okay i’ll be honest with you here. I don’t exactly know what the hell is going on. But dodging and healing seems to be enough to pass this boss. I’m not sure if there are special interactions (which I’m sure there is), feel free to let me know. I’m pretty sure one of them is a gaze attack you should face backwards one.

In any case, yeah, this boss… I’m not sure what happened but thankfully there’s no mechanic with a “wipe if failed” thing. So uhhh.. yeah… lemme know.

Pharos Sirius (Hard)

Unlocking Pharos Sirius (Hard), the quest can be found in Limsa Upper Decks (12, 12), Quest Name “Things are Getting Sirius”, NPC: Trachraet. The nearest aetheryte is Limsa Lower Decks, then take the aethernet to ‘The Aftcastle’.

Pharos has two non-boss areas which can cause trouble, I listed them below as “Long hallway with bombs” and “Bomb Room”.

Pharos Hard 1st Boss: “dude” (Ghrah Luminary)

Bring tethers to spheres. Only one tether can be attached to one sphere (?). Spheres become adds then kill them. No other notable mechanic.

Map Mechanics: Long Hallway with bombs

This long pull starts when you see some big armored dude. You can tell when you see little bombs suiciding to bother you guys. Proficient groups will pull ALL THE WAY TO THE END. Otherwise this is a huge time sink.

Pharos Hard 2nd Boss: Mr. Kobold (Be Gu)

Main mechanic is: DPS should pull slimes to vents, killing the slimes will ‘seal’ the vent – and prevent bad things from happening.

Kill all adds to prevent buffing boss (buffs if close, afaik).

Map mechanics: Bomb Room

Little bombs will spawn from machines and target walls – if they destroy a wall things get messy. So for this room with three “bomb-generators” simply have the tank pull all baddies, and have dps kill all bomb generators.

Failing to do this properly or fast enough is a massive time delay, and overall hassle.

Pharos Hard Last Boss: Fat Fire (Progenitor)

In the first phase (while he’s red), nothing special really happens here. The second phase (while he’s blue) has some interesting mechanics:

Blue and Red bombs can be pushed:  You do not need to kill these guys, simply prevent them from uniting! Ranged DPS or healers are the best bet to “reset” these guys, but of course, as melee – if you see it you may as well.

Grey Flame are the adds you have to kill.

Big Burst deals more damage if your DPS is lower. So try to do a bit more when he casts this. I don’t think any group with braincells will wipe to it regardless.

Quick Navigation: Arboretum : Pharos HM

Overall, I gotta say I was very happy with the new dungeons in 3.1 – they went slightly outside their comfort zone with mechanics and it’s a bright sign for things to come! Hopefully this guide saved you from a wipe or two – GLHF with these great new dungeons!

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FFXIV Diadem Guide & FAQ (Exploratory Missions)

All about exploratory missions. Unlocking Diadem, FAQ’s about exploratory missions and protips on how to maximize each lockout.

Hello guys! Welcome to our Airship Exploratory Mission guide! I’ll be discussing and clarifying many things that have caused confusion about this newly implemented and slightly controversial content!

Quick Navigation: Basics & FAQ : Protips

Airship Exploratory Missions FAQ

First of all, I presume that Airship Exploratory Missions are the TYPE of duty, while The Diadem is the specific duty or place. It’s speculation but makes a bit of sense.

How do I unlock The Diadem? It’s not a quest in the usual sense. It’s unlocked by talking to the NPC Aurvael in the Pillars (X:14 Y:10).


How do I get in & participate in Airship Exploratory Missions?
  • Anyone can join Exploratory Missions with an EASY or NORMAL difficulty rating.
  • Only HARD MODE is locked behind FC Airships.
  • Entering Easy or Normal requires a Mission Ceruleum Voucher.
    • Can be bought in Ishgard for cheap.
  • Entering Hard-mode requires a Tank of Mission Ceruleum.
    • Purchased with FC points.
  • Queuing up for Easy or Normal is via talking to NPC.
  • Queuing up for Hard has a few more pre-reqs.
    • All members must have Tank of Mission Ceruleum.
    • For every 8 people, at least one open FC Airship is needed.
    • The FC must have unlocked hard-mode via ‘Airship Ventures’.
    • Every FC Airship must be level 50, and some minimum stats.
    • Entering is done from the Company Workshop.
  • Queuing up as max of 8 from Ishgard, max of 24 from FC.

Most NPC-related actions can be done in Pillars (X:14 Y:10)~ish area. I’m pretty sure there are other non-important prereqs such as “Completing MSQ” and “Being level 60”, but the above list should cover most of it.

What’s the difference between difficulties? Well, it affects a whole lot of little things. But one of the main concerns right now can be answered with the below quote:

210 Mistbreak (aetherial) can be obtained in any difficulty!

After getting that often asked question out of the way – what’s the main differencees?

  • Entering as more than 8 is only possible in Hard.
  • Difficulty scales upward with enemy HP & overall Difficulty.
  • Difficulty RANK of enemies is generally increased.
    • Higher rank monsters: More chances for better chests.
  • The type of ceruleum you need if different (look at the above section).
  • The instance you’ll be in will always have other groups. (Unless you’re first?)

While you can get the best gear in easy or normal mode, going hard more will increase the GENERAL QUALITY of chests that spawn – and giving you more and better chances at a nicely rolled 210 mistbreak. But AFAIK you can find the “ultimate” piece of gear no matter which difficulty you’re in – it just generally takes longer.

How to spawn star rank enemies? Honestly, I hate to discuss this as an “exact science”, but generally here’s the idea…

  • Killing enemies increases “bloodlust”.  You get prompted when this happens.
  • After some time, an interact-able object “Fresh Tracks” Spawn.
  • Interact with it for a sure-spawn star rank enemy.
  • Personally,  I’ve had more luck clearing one island at a time.

Care to chime in regarding other techniques of spawning these guys? Of all aspects of exploratory missions – this is the one I’m not so clear on

What’s the point of objectives? They don’t affect too much, but completing them yields bonus tomestones. I’m not quite sure what else you get from completing these. Once you complete 3, you’re done! Then freely spend the ne

What, DOL can get in on the mix, too? Yes. Miners, Botanists and Fishermen can contribute too. Gathering nodes has a chance to spawn chests! Nodes here have materials that are only seen in exploratory missions. YOU CAN ONLY SEE NODES AS THE CLASS, in case you forgot.

What’s the point? What are the rewards? Aside from powerful gear, you can also gain all sorts of stuff from participating in exploratory missions.

  • Useless gear can be turned in for: Brass Sky Pirate Spoils
  • DoL’s can rarely gather: Steel Sky Pirate Spoils
  • You can turn-in spoils for rewards.
    • Turn in NPC’s are within the mission and in Ishgard.
    • High rank materia is probably the best reward you can get right now.
    • Yes, you can get crafting/gathering materia.

Protips and Maximizing each lockout

go for the highest possible difficulty you can zone in to. It’s tough to swallow but the fact remains. Yes, entering hard is a bit of a hassle – use party finder or mission linkshells to do this!

Grouping up is infinitely better than going around with your group only. The faster stuff dies – the more chests spawn – the more star monsters appear. Actively go around helping other groups! Not only is it appreciated, it’s more value!

DoL’s are surprisingly good at getting chests, I’ve been pretty successful spawning a bunch of silver chests – I personally haven’t gotten gold yet from a node – please chime in on this. Each time you clear an area quickly switch to see if there are nodes that are safe to gather. Or you can try hunting for safe nodes all on your own!

Always go 1 tank 1 healer 6 DPS for as long as the encounters allow it. The bosses are quite simple but have a ton of HP – so any competent and geared healer/tank combo can easily manage alone.

Attune to aether currents ASAP, it’s basic advice, but worth throwing it out there.

Be courteous and follow the loot rules of your group. Don’t be that guy, please.

Expanding your social circle indirectly affects progress per time spent, not only in exploratory missions but any sort of content. It’s a worth it investment – more so in this case! You can use lodestone to search for linkshells, and probably reddit. It’s a good start!

Any tips you’d like to share? Comment! These are the only ones I could think of off the top of my head.

Quick Navigation: Basics & FAQ : Protips

Well, that’s about it! Good luck exploring deez islands!

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FFXIV Void Ark: Quick boss guides, Loot list & FAQ

Void Ark simple Boss Strategy Guide, Loot list and FAQ such as how to unlock Void Ark, etc.

How to Unlock Void Ark!? Unlocking Void Ark is done via the quest chain Sky Pirates, found in the Pillars (14,10) NPC: Unquiet Trader (Nearest Aethernet would be Athenaeum Astrologicum). Its only pre-requisite is beating the main story quest (Heavensward).

Void Ark is a 24 man raid that drops iLevel 200 gear, and an Item you can trade in for Illuminati Gobcoat and Illuminati Gobtwine. The duty is in a weird place, design wise, since Diadem Gear is better than this and it was implemented in the same patch. I won’t question SE’s intent, I’m just here to help you guys out lol.

As with any 24 man raid in FF, When in doubt, avoid the shiny colorful AoE. Another useful tip is to always focus target the boss so you will know if it’s casting something funny.

Update note: Mechanics are fully fleshed out (the really important ones, or at least the ones I can remember). I cannot update item links since XIVDB wont go live with 3.1 until after the weekend! Will fix on second pass.


Void Ark 1st boss: Stingray (Cetus)

Adds! Have a line AoE that you can “reduce” by WALKING TOWARDS it.

Green Marker, Divebomb: Boss travels from his current location to the marked guy, while dropping water bombs with a large AoE. If you’re the target, try to make the “least hassling path” for the group. Don’t stress, the divebomb is really slow.

Donut AoE: after some divebombs he will land at a certain place, wherein the safe spot is right around him. Don’t be too far from him.

Help, we’re drowning! Chill, just kill the nearest water ball near you. People inside can’t help people outside and vice versa. It’s a mini DPS check.

Void Ark 2nd boss: Dog and Pole (Sawtooth & Irminsul)

!Important – Boss Proximity: Tank them away from each other. The pole pulses periodically (purple AoE). If it hits the dog, it gains a permanent damage+ buff. At 16 stacks, it will begin one-shotting people.

!Important: After a short time each of them gains a certain buff: One will always be immune to magic, one will always be immune RANGED.

  • Melee can hit anything.
  • BRD/MCH has to hit the magic immune guy.
  • Casters / Healer has to hit the “immune to ranged”.

Mucus: Tethers a bunch of people together, rendering them useless. Breaking these chains is easy – simply “cut” it by walking across them!

Muddy AoE: This grey bubbling AoE spawns randomly, and also spawns wherever adds die. While the damage isn’t really noteworthy – if enough (16?) people get hit the boss goes into enrage mode that will probably wipe the party shortly after.

Void Ark 3rd Boss: Tentacle Fat (Cuchulainn)

There’s a raid-wide bleed that increases in power the longer the fight goes. Healers don’t be afraid to use AoE healing! You can and will wipe if DPS is really slow.

Avoid the vomit! This skill is DEADLY. There’s no floor effect so be careful! It can and will kill you after only a few short seconds inside.

Tentacles Raised up! Go in between two tentacles so you wont get hit.

Floor turned to poison! Find the nearest safety platform – there’s on in every corner.

Slime adds! When these spawn, try to kill them asap. The boss will use a cone AoE. If it hits a slime, he will eat it and gain a permanent damage+. Pull them away from the AoE if they cannot be bursted.

Black Ball! Facetank this (run into it) if you’re near it. After a short duration it will do raidwide damage.

Void Ark Last Boss: Mantis Melusine (Echidna)

Petrifaction: Just like SCoB T7 Melusine – you must FACE AWAY from her so you wont get stunned & VUL UP. Thankfully unlike T7 it wears off after a few seconds. (Skillname unsure)

Abyssal Reaper – Circular AoE with no floor effect: it’s a large circle that gives VUL UP to all people afflicted. It’s the only worrisome mechanic here really. RUN OUT OF THIS!

Sickle Strike: is a basic tank buster. Pre-cast heals, and light tank mitigation preferred. Deadly with VUL UPs. Easily taken for granted, but don’t slack off on these.

Shared AoE: Large arrows appear on a random raid member. HELP THIS GUY by stacking with him/her.

Deez Snakes: Two of the three snakes will be tethered. You must bring them far away from each other. The two tethered snakes are always Dexter and the non-Echidna one (What’s his name again!?).

Void Ark: Loot list & Notable Loot

Tank1, 23, 41, 41, 32, 42, 3
Healer1, 23, 41, 41, 32, 42, 3
Caster1, 23, 41, 41, 32, 42, 3
BRD/MCH1, 23, 41, 41, 32, 42, 3
DRG1, 23, 41, 41, 32, 42, 3
MNK1, 23, 41, 41, 32, 42, 3
NIN1, 23, 41, 41, 32, 42, 3

Grats to SE for eliminating the question ‘Which boss drops what item!?‘ with very intuitive loot drops in 3.1. Note that the final boss also has a chance to drop Coffin Lid (Furniture Crafting Item) and Wind-up Echidna (Minion).

At the end of your first Void Ark every week you get a Mhachi Farthing. Trade these in Idylshire (5,5) NPC: Bertana, Wondrous Sundries I for Illuminati Gobcoat or Illuminati Gobtwine.

As the game enters later patches, weekly limitations on gear / turn-in item will likely be removed.

Important mechanics are all noted (If I forgot something critical please lemme know!). Item linking is the main concern here, but I can’t update that since XIVDB 3.1 won’t be up till after the weekend.

Good luck with Void Ark! While the gear is largely overshadowed by Diadem, these can be great for glamours!

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FFXIV 3.1 (Current Patch) and YOU: What’s new?

How the most current patch affects core gameplay! Changes in item / character progression, leveling and other important things are tracked here.

The purpose of this new guide is to show how the most current patch impacts you as a player – and changed you should be making to your daily gameplay to maximize it! Think of it like PATCH NOTES but boiled down to the most important in-game alterations.

Quick Navigation: General | PvE | DoL | DoH

If I missed anything – feel free to let me know!

Pre-discussion notes: Hmm… I think I have a lot of work to do this patch, as well as improvements to overall guide structures so you guys can more easily find what you need. In any case 3.1 has been the most impactful patch in a while. This is the first iteration and I’ll be updating as I play this weekend.

New Duties & Other Activities

Diadem (Airship Exploratory Missions): Arguably the most important update. 210 gear with 4 substats can drop here…

Void Ark: 24 man raid which drops iLevel 200 gear. Some decent fillers can be gained here I guess.

Thordan EX: 8 man duty which drops 205 Weapons – pretty decent.

Vanu Beast Tribe: New beast tribe that eventually awards minions/mount.

Minion Battles: Starcraft like mini-game called “Lord of Verminion”. This is kinda legit!

2 New Dungeons: Required to unlock EXDR: St. Moraines Arboreum & Pharos Sirius Hard

My updates needed: Small guides for each, Void Ark, Minion Battles, Thordan EX, Vanu Vanu. I may not be making intense dungeon guides, maybe 1 page for both.

Combat Classes in General

Combat Class End-game:

Duties mentioned above: Diadem, Thordan, Void Ark, 2x Dungeons.

210 Mistbreak BiS: Every non-weapon BiS is now a 210 Mistbreak item (from Diadem) with 4 Sub-stats and decent amount of the stats you want. This is very “Diablo 3”, and while I don’t personally like it – it’s here anyway.

200 Fillers: From Void Ark. Isn’t is weird how this gear is invalidated the very same patch it’s implemented?

180 Fillers: Less reason to bother with crafted. Pink 180 is easier to obtain and cheaper. There’s so much filler in 3.1 that the expensive crafted gear is really a subpar option.

Gobcoat and Gobtwine: Now available weekly in Void Ark. Great to speed up 210 upgrades on ESO. You don’t need a quest to get the item (Mhachi Farthing), it automatically gets in to your inventory after doing your first weekly void ark.

Law for Materials: You can now use your Tomestones of Law to get crafting materials. 1800? A little steep, but law is pretty much worthless anyway.

My updates needed: A small update for BiS in each class, stating Mistbreak as BiS. Lol.

Combat Class Leveling up:

I haven’t noted down any significant changes in the pre-60 process. Please comment if you noticed any (I’ll be rechecking as well)

My updates needed: I actually haven’t finished all basic leveling guides for JOBS. Notably the three new ones.

DoL: Gatherers

DoL End-game:

NEW Red Scrip Items that are NOT UNSPOILED (Always up!): BUT DON’T APPEAR IN THE LIST ALWAYS. They don’t give a lot but, still! This is a legit “downtime maximization” update!

  • Miner: Eventide Jade (A random spawn in MANY nodes, so you can choose which you’d rather grind).
  • Botanist: Periwinkle (Same as above).

Unlike the “usual” method, you can save drinking Cordial until AFTER you’ve discovered them.

More yields for Red Scrip / Favor: Trading favor items for materials now gives three times the usual amount.

My updates needed: Make a scrip FARMING guide?

DoL leveling up:

NEW Blue Scrip items which are NOT UNSPOILED (Always up!): BUT DON’T APPEAR IN THE LIST ALWAYS. Like the red scrip counterpart, this is balanced by giving a smaller turn-in value.

  • Miner
    • Tektite (58+)
    • Fossilized Dragon Bone (56+)
    • Both in same node: Churning Mists – Landlord Colony.
  • Botany:
    • Cloud Mushroom (58+)
    • Wind Widow (56+)
    • Both in same node: Sea Of Clouds – Voor Sian Siran.

The main implication of this would be that these nodes would be the new go-to grinding nodes in 56+.

My updates needed: Update MIN BTN (FSH?) Leveling guides?

DoH: Crafters

DoH End-game:

NEW Red Scrip ‘tier’: They added a TINY red scrip turn-in for a “basic material”. This isn’t so bad, but you’d have to make a TON to cap. It’s cheap, but laborous.

New Crafting Recipes: Mainly consistent of glamour gear & Furniture. There’s also 185 Combat gear that… honestly… I don’t know who would use this. There’s so much filler gear in this patch…

Specialist Specific Recipes: Let me get back to you guys on this… But supposedly a few were implemented.

More yields for Red Scrip turn-ins, you now get more materials than we previously did for red scrips. Three times the amount, I think!

My updates needed: I don’t think these affect any existing guides. Again maybe I should make a scrip farming guide.

DoH leveling up:

New blue scrip tier that starts at 55 (maybe? I’m 60 on all DoH and wouldn’t know when these would initially show up). It’s an ok addition but the rewards are frickin SMALL.

My updates needed: Mention the above on the DoH Leveling guides. But I actually haven’t updated 3 of the DoH Leveling guides to 60. I may as well add that tiny blue scrip tier.

This guide will forever be updated, and it’s a great way for YOU to keep track of how to change your gameplay in each new patch, and a great way for ME to track what I have to update. Enjoy!

If I missed anything – feel free to let me know!

Quick Navigation: General | PvE | DoL | DoH

For awesome FFXIV updates and alternate ways to contact us – Like us on Facebook, hit us up on Twitter! Have fun in Eorzea!

FFXIV Minion Battles (Lord of Verminion) Guide

FFXIV’s minion battles, or “Lord of Verminion” was released in Patch 3.1 (Heavensward era). It’s basically an RTS like a simplified version of Starcraft.

How to unlock Minion Battles? Travel to Gold Saucer, then go to Chocobo Square via the aether net (Or talk to the Lift Operator if you’re walking) Once you’re here simply walk to the right side (It’s a new wing) and make sure to attune to the new aether crystal there (Minion Square).

Click on one of the Lord of Verminion Tables, and if it’s your first time you’ll be prompted with the help text!

Lord of Verminion: The Basics!

If you’re a first timer click on (From the table) Play Guide > Hotbar Edition. This teaches you how to edit your minion hotbar! You can access this anywhere in the world via: Character > Gold Saucer > Verminion, or Opening your Minion Guide and pressing the new button on the lower right.

You can access every minion you own while in-game, but they’re much easier to summon from the minion hotbar. If you’re a beginner – It’s best that you try to complete as many of the Verminion Challenge’s as you can!


All about Minions!

Effectivity vs. Buildings: To easily remember these icons – “G E Sh A”, or Gate, Eye, Shield, Arcana Stones. So when in doubt, remember GESHA! If that memoir isn’t enough for you – too bad! I’ll be talking about these buildings in the next section

Effectivity vs Other Minions: Each minion type is more effective at defeating another minion type. With the exception of Gadgets (Grey), that have no bonuses
or weaknesses to any minion type.

Poppet (Yellow) > Critter (Green) > Beast (Red) > Poppet (Yellow) Etc…

Special Action: Each minion has their own unique ‘Limit Break’ (The official name is different, but it makes a lot more sense this way). Like player limit breaks, they must be performed in a light party of at least four! Keep in mind, it only works for FOUR OF THE EXACT SAME MINION! This LB seems to charge while doing anything, even movement!

Other Basic Stats: Basic stuff like ATK, DEF, HP also includes wether they do single target damage or AoE damage

All about Structures!

Gate: Portals from where your minions come out. A B or C. Disabling the structure disallows minions to come out of them until they respawn.

Shield: Protects your crystals with a shield that refreshed every so often. Killing this structure removes all shields from crystals until it comes up again.

Seeing-Eye: Allows you to see enemy units and movement. Having this structure disabled results in you not being able to see anything outside the range of your units & buildings. While quite a good target in PvP, I’m not so sure this works vs AI.

Arcana Stones: for all intents and purposes, your life bar. If you have none remaining, well, “You ded”. I call them Crystals at some points in this guide.

With the exception of crystals, all structures self regenerate over time if destroyed.

Lord of Verminion: Basic Strategy

Before I proceed, let me share a word of wisdom I always liked in regards to strategy games:

“In any game state, you could probably make 10 choices. 6 are wrong, and you might lose because of it.
3 are right, and will lead to your win – but there’s only one BEST move.”

Given the above quote, I cannot possibly give you advice for the BEST MOVE every time – that’s for all of us to figure out each time we play. I can give you the tools and ideas that might lead you to the 3 “correct” moves.

Send in groups of preferably five!

Using a pet limit break is such a game changer that ensuring it is worth the extra unit (moreso for lower cost units). If a straight 4v4 happened, whoever (semi RNG) loses the first unit will likely lose badly. Sending in packs of 5 or, in some cases even more is better! Basically insurance that your LB comes out is worth the small investment of an extra unit. This is more effective on cheap units, obviously.

Range: Risk vs Reward

While some LB’s are extremely powerful, they are gimped by RANGE. A large circle is much easier to aim than a cone! The LB always comes from the minion you clicked so be careful! This is why I value large circular LB’s over cone LB’s. While some of the smaller range LB’s might be good, again, It’s a risk vs reward thing. I find the consistency of large AoE more than make up for the lack of power. Even then, hitting more targets will easily outscale LB’s with a tiny AoE.

This also goes for traps. While you might not always hit with a trap ASAP, it’s fine. If you placed it on an important zone, enemies won’t just waltz in there without expecting a beating. Trap AoE is huge and gives a substantial advantage in battle if you know how to use ’em.

What are the best minions?

“Another site lists all minion stats – check it out!”

While there is ALWAYS the absolute best minion to summon for each scenario, obviously the limiting factors are “Can you think of it fast enough?”.

First of all, I’ll put my own table of notable minions here. Then, in the bottom most secion are more specific notes on how to look for the minions you need! You can filter, sort and search by interacting with the table (also an option to increase rows shown).

As I was making my list of “imba minions”, the exercise became rather strange. For each time I thought “at this minion is good”, inevitably “ah but this guy counters it!”. Ultimately I’ll first of all list good practices in identifying great minions – it’s a far better resource than plainly listing “imba minions”.

Generic go-to Offensive minions

Poppet (Yellow) : Wind-up Ixal, Wind-up Shantotto, Wind-up Sea Devil, Wind-up Yugiri, Set of Primogs, Wind-up Zundu Warrior.

Critter (Green): Chigoe Larva, Wolf Pup, Mini Mole, Garlic Jester, Tomato King.

Beast (Red): Buffallo Calf, Wind-up Succubus, Zu Hatchling, Naughty Nanka. Behemoth Heir

Gadget (Grey): Wind-up Airship, Iron Dwarf (IMBA),

The most basic offensive minion has the (what I like to call), “ATK up: Racial” or “Party ATK up”. Since this ability has a different name per minion let’s just refer to it as those.  Here’s what this does –

  • ATK up: Racial – Increases ATK of all allies within range by 20 (40 if the ally is a critter). Duration: 6s (Example: Wolf Pup)
  • ATK up: Party – Increases action party ATK by 40. Duration: 15s (Example: Buffalo Calf)
  • ATK up: All – Increases ATk of all allies within range by 25. Duration: 6s (Example: Wind-up Zundu Warrior)

These abilities are so good because they’re a SUREFIRE way to increase DPS, and unlike reactive skills or nukes – they work AGAINST STRUCTURES. Note that Racial ATK up usually affects all allies in range regardless of type, and party ATK up only affects all minions in the battle party.

Defensive minions?

Any minion with high hp/armor make good units to delay the enemy from attacking your structures. They serve as great distractions – bonus points if they have multi-target attack. Extremely tanky minions do well as sacrifices when enemies are killing your base – imagine a stream of sacrificial minions 1 by 1 delaying their small group. It seems like value lost at first but you’re tying up their resources while not losing much yourself.

Healing minions are also very notable. They have their uses in PvE and PvP. I listed the ones I found below. While their base stats aren’t too good defensively, their survivability firmly puts them in the defensive minion categoty.

Healer Minions: Wind-up Warrior of Light (WHM)(Y), Louisoux(Y), Mandragora Queen (G),

Speed: how good is it?

Any minion with a high speed rating is godlike in its own regard. Here’s the general rule with speedy minions

“High-speed minions can travel fast, but generally lack BASE combat stats”

So, how is this good? It all depends on your playstyle. High speed minions tend to perform better with skirmish strategies – but given the difficulty of the current UI this isn’t as easy as it sounds. A great example of this would be Lesser Panda: a popular unit used to kill gates quickly.

Traps and Trap Clearing

Generally speaking…

“Planting traps are better than sweeping them”

It’s simple really. Since traps are mostly offensive (and insanely powerful), planting them on an objective is a great way to utilize your LB without the “is it the right time to use it?” factor bothering you. They’re likely to pay off no matter what.

Now, for clearing traps (Gobbue, Demon Box, etc) this is the reverse. First of all reactive LB’s are far worse and more difficult to use than proactive ones. (Debuffing is better than Esuna LB’s, for another example). Why? Because you’re not always guaranteed to have LB when you need it.

For example, if they put the trap, and you don’t have LB – value lost.
If you have LB, but there’s no trap – value lost.

The same logic applies for buff/debuff and esuna LB’s. You’re more likely to error on the cleansing then error on the application.

WELL, I guess that’s about it for now. I don’t know what else to write about but this seems to be a good beginners guide to LoV. This game is more strategically deep than I thought it was, and can be a stand-alone game in itself! GLHF and I gotta say they’re damn cute.

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Mahiko San Log: Let’s talk! Feedback & Communication (002)

In todays MSL, Mahiko San talks about how he wants to communicate more with YOU! And how talking in third person feels weird.

Hey guys welcome to the second installation of Mahiko San Log! Today, I want to talk to you guys about, well, talking to you guys! The readers! First, a small update on the sources of these changes… the FFXIVGuild ‘team’!

TL;DR Summary of high heaven: We’ve implemented THIS GOOGLE FEEDBACK FORM, that you’ll be seeing in many pages or accessed from the Feedback menu item up on the very top. Use it to point out our mistakes, shame and laziness)… (or other things)

Feedback is only bad for microphones! – Mahiko “Electric Fan” San

Mahiko “Virusbane” San Status:

So, It’s been a little more than a week since our site went up again, and my schedule is returning to normal. This means that more VISIBLE site updates will be more frequent. I didn’t leave you guys in the dark though, I’ve been stealth updating some older guides, as well as finalizing many of the BiS lists. The timing couldn’t have been any worse… I was busy IRL when this virus stuff hit, but thankfully to an extent working on the site relaxes and energizes me (To an extent, haha.)

Maruko “Antibody Incarnate” San Status:

He’s currently in a waaaaay different timezone than I am. It’s temporary but his company usually sends him away. Our scheduled mini-meetings are 12 Midnight my time – and 6pm for him. I wonder who got the short stick there… But this also serves as our time to catch up and play together!

Communication: Important for lovers – Important for us, too

So I noticed that when the site went down – people came out of the woods to message us. I greatly appreciated this! One of my concerns since forever was…

A lack of communication. I would very much love to interact with you guys!

… Does the site have to go down for us to talk!? Hahaha. Seriously though, the main reason I want to do this is to put a ‘human element’ to this site. I feel it will help with a lot of things, going forward. This ‘problem’ of communication should first be opened up by ME: and I can only hope that you guys will answer. First, let me discuss about the single most valuable form of communication I can get from you guys.

What we need most…

Okay, so for me, (and for you readers) there actually exists the MOST CRITICAL form of communication, namely…

Giving feedback on typos, misinformation or general suggestions to guides.

If you think about it, this is by far the most important. Guides & FFXIV info are why you stumbled on to our site in the first place. AS SUCH we have created a new system to track this…

–> This Google form <–

You can access it with the menu above. We will also be inserting links to this thing within ‘critical’ guides in the future. Honestly, I want to make it easy for people to LET ME KNOW when the site needs help. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

So if theres one thing you should learn from this Mahiko San Log – it is this.  Or just like Michael Jacksons tribute film, “This is it”

Communication: Let me count the ways

We still have a long way to go in refining the ‘feedback loop’ with you guys, but I hope this is a start. Also, I apologize in advance, the word Facebook is automatically linked to our page. Deal with it. Here’s a list of communication lines and some small thoughts to go along with them…

>> Facebook: I’m telling you guys NOW – Facebook is the EASIEST and most reliable way to contact us. Most virusy conversations happened here. For readers, liking us on Facebook gives you massive value. We post major guide updates there, and many other useful tidbits.

To anyone who visits the site, Liking us on Facebook is mega VALUE.
It’s our primary form of general communication to you guys!

For the next 13 days I will be posting the finalized BiS list on Facebook. It’s a great time to subscribe, and a great time to test the feedback sheet.

>>Mahiko San Log: Was also started for the same reason… communication!

There’s a lot of ways to communicate, Twitter, comments, email and such… But I guess now isn’t the time to talk about those things (or the lack of effectivity some of them may have!)

Communication: The Future, where $h!t gets really real.

So I’ll just quickly talk about what else I want to do on this end…

Streaming: I’ve always wanted to do this. Like, whenever I’m playing I can just hop on to streaming and talk to you guys. For QnA and entertainment purposes.

Video: I don’t know why but I feel some sort of communication via video (or do some video guides) would be beneficial, and somewhere I can express a little more. But of course, usefulness to YOU is above all other elements. This is a bit time consuming, though…

And I’ve talked about giving a human face to the site… how about mine, perhaps? Care to guess what I look like?

So that’s it for today and thanks for reading! The next issue of MSL, hopefully I can give an update on how communication went… But mainly: Answering a few commonly asked questions by our audience. Please look forward to it! Again, Like us on Facebook, damnit. Oh and for the last time:

TLDR; Use the FEEDBACK FORM OF HEAVENS to let us know how we can help YOU

See: Mahiko San Log Archive