Details of the Memories of Eorzea Screenshot and Heavensward Free Company Recruitment Contest

In line with the Heavensward hype, SE has released two new contests: Memories of Eorzea and Heavensward FC Recruitment contests!
Check out the contest details: Memories of Eorzea || Heavensward FC Recruitment
Details of the Memories of Eorzea Screenshot
What: Show FFXIV your favorite memory of Eorzea!
When: Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 3:00 a.m. through Tuesday, May 19, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. (PDT)
How to enter:
- Take a screenshot related to the theme of “Your Favorite Memory of Eorzea” and post it in the contest entry thread.
- In your entry, include your character name, World name, and a brief comment. If no character name or World name is submitted, the prize will be awarded to the character on the entrant’s forum handle.
- Include the in-game item prize that you would like to receive from the list above. If no item is selected, one will be chosen for you.
Prize: One (1) in-game item of your choice from the selection below:
- Ahriman choker / Mandragora choker / Bluebird earring

& of the 100 Yoshi-P will choose 14 of his favorite entries and give them a signed framed copy of their screenshot
Official post on SE forums here
Check out the contest details: Memories of Eorzea || Heavensward FC Recruitment
Heavensward Free Company Recruitment Contest
What: Promote your FC and help bolster it’s ranks with a promotional video!
When: Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 3:00 a.m. through, Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. (PDT)
How to enter:
- Create a video from in-game footage and promote your free company in order to recruit members for Heavensward!
- Post your video as a public video on YouTube.
- After your video has been uploaded, reply to the appropriate World entry thread with a link to the video and be sure to include the following information in your post:
- Video URL, Free Company name, World, Free Company master name (*If your free company master has been inactive for a long period of time, please list a different character name), Main activity time, An introduction for your Free Company and goals for Heavensward (up to 200 words)
Players must submit entries using the entry thread of the World they belong to. In addition, you must abide by the following guidelines when submitting your entry:
- Use only in-game footage
- Ensure that any music used follows the Material Usage License Agreement*
- Include the following copyright notice (either in the video itself or the video description): FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010-2015 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
- If you use a trademark in your video (such as “Final Fantasy” or any related logo), according to the Material Usage License Agreement, include a notice (either in the video itself or the video description) saying that the mark is owned by Square Enix, such as the following: FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.
- Do not display any non-free company members in your video
- Keep your videos between 30 seconds and 120 seconds long
- Record videos between 720p to 1080p resolutions with a 16:9 aspect ratio
- Follow the YouTube policies and guidelines
*As per the Materials Usage License Agreement, videos may only include audio from FINAL FANTASY XIV. Submissions featuring the song entitled “Answers,” or any other tracks not included in FINAL FANTASY XIV, will be disqualified. Within the YouTube video description, list all of the music used during the video in the order the tracks appear.
You must use the below format for the video title:
[FFXIV-FC Heavensward]FC name (World)
[FFXIV-FC Heavensward]FFXIVGuild (Tonberry)
Prize: Up to ten (10) free companies will be selected from each World as winners. Each member of the winning free company will be awarded with a Mandragora choker

Official Post on SE forums here
Check out the contest details: Memories of Eorzea || Heavensward FC Recruitment
Well, good luck if you’re entering these contests! Don’t miss out on FFXIV news – Like us on Facebook! Drop us a line on Twitter! If you’re curious on what you missed check our Moogreus Archives.
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