What’s a good conjurer stats build? What are useful white mage stats? Conjurer/White Mage materia? If any of these questions brought you here, you came to the right place. Whether its by stat allocation, gear or materia, knowing what stats your Conjurer or White mage need should never be far from mind!
Conjurer (CNJ) & White Mage (WHM) Stats
What are the conjurer or white mage stat weights?
MND > PIE > Determination > Spell Speed > Critical Chance > VIT
*These may vary slightly from patch to patch, or by personal preference. Following the recommendation above will always give you a good CNJ & WHM build.
Conjurer (CNJ) & White Mage (WHM) Primary Stats Allocation
What stats should I add as a conjurer or white mage?
Since this is where people may mess up the most, I’ll explain it in word for word. When you allocate stats, put as much points into MND (Mind) as you can. If you cannot put any more points into MND, place points into PIE (Piety). If you cannot put any more points into MND and/or PIE, invest in VIT(Vitality).
Mind – Increases healing power. An obvious choice for Conjurers. This is by far your most important stat, hands down. You will ideally want to obtain as much of it as possible, wether it be through Stat Allocations, Gear or Materia.
Piety – Increases Mana (MP) Pool. Another no-brainer. More mana equals more healing.
Vitality – While you may never find the need to allocate or slot materia for a third primary stat, Vitality is a suitable choice. Why? Taking a hit or two before going down is never bad. The more durable you are, the more you can focus on healing others, and the less desperate you need to be when things go out of hand.
Conjurer (CNJ) & White Mage (WHM) Secondary Stats
What are good secondary stats for conjurer and white mage, and why?
Determination> Spell Speed > Critical Strike Chance
While you can’t allocate this directly, these will be heavily considered when picking gear upgrades and slotting materia.
Determination – Affects Healing and Damage Dealt. More healing. Need I say any more? This stat acts more consistently than Crit, and is much better for CNJ/WHM.
Spell Speed – This stat is a bit controversial, most CNJ’s and WHM’s debate whether this is better than critical chance, due to its low returns. I personally like this better than crit.
Critical Chance – A random crit wont do you much help, as it will probably “Overheal” your target. While a lucky crit can get you out of a bind, I’m much more in favor of consistency.
Note from Mahiko: These stats will forever be debated for CNJ / WHM, as long as FFXIV remains online. Mark my words. My personal preference leans towards Spell Speed over Determination. Remember that any mix of these stats is good, so don’t stress out about it and focus on being a better healer (Playerskill), having better teamwork and communication.
Conjurer (CNJ) & White Mage (WHM) Materia
This is directly related to the first section. As you may know, all gear has a limit for each stat it can have, the higher its Item Level, the higher amount of stats it can hold. So the idea is to max out (or get close to maxing out) the left most, and work your way right. Again:
MND > PIE > Determination > Spell Speed > Critical Chance > VIT
Materia Name
MND: Mind
PIE: Piety
Determination: Savage Might
Spell Speed: Quicktongue
Critical Chance: Savage Aim
VIT: Vitality
See Also: Materia Guide | Melding Guide
- Overall CNJ WHM stat importance: MND > PIE > Determination > Spell Speed > Critical Chance > VIT
- CNJ WHM Stat allocation: MND > PIE > VIT
- Secondary stats for CNJ WHM: Determination> Spell Speed > Critical Strike Chance
- Reference links: Conjurer FAQ, White Mage FAQ
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