FFXIV Alchemist Leveling Guide L1 to 100 (Dawntrail UPDATE)

DAWNTRAIL UPDATED! Power level your ALC L1 to 100 in no time! ALC Levequest tips, rotations, gear updates and more!

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Alchemist Leveling 90 to 100!

If you’ve been here before and need quick navigation:

Alchemist Leveling Guide - Navigation: [0-15] [15-35] [35-50] | [50-60]
[60-64] [64-70] | [70-80] | [80-90] | [90-100]

So, you’ve gone full metal and decided to Alchemy it up, ey? This Alchemist Leveling Guide will hopefully make your journey to 60 quick and easy!

First page is very long – use our quick scroll to: Basics | Leveling begins!

Before you begin…

Where is the Alchemist Guild? How to become an Alchemist?
You can become an Alchemist by visiting the Alchemists’ Guild in Ul’dah. If you have at least L10 in any combat class – you’re good to start mixin’!

Ok, so we’re in the middle of updating ALL crafting guides – We recommend the use of a few guides during your leveling process, in varied current state of usefulness:

Alchemist Levequests List: A table featuring all levequests for ALC 01 to 50. (100% updated)

Crafting General Leveling Tips: This guide was made back right after beta. It’s not updated, but it’s missing two key features: Ixal and Challenge Log. (Old but still useful). 

Crafting Gear Guide: is still useful, but written a long time ago. It’s messy but contains a great table as to when you can and should update core pieces. (Old guide, kinda messy)

Alchemist Class Quest Item Reference:

ALC 01: Distilled Water
ALC 05: 3x Antidote
ALC 10: 12x Beeswax
ALC 15: Potion of Intelligence, Potion of Dexterity
ALC 20: Engraved Hard Leather Grimoire (Materia Enhanced)
ALC 25: (HQ) Natron
ALC 30: (HQ) 3x Weak Blinding Potion
ALC 35: (HQ) Hi-Ether
ALC 40 :(HQ) 3x Hi-Potion of Strength
ALC 45: (All HQ) Mega-Potion of Intelligence / Mind / Vitality
ALC 50: (HQ) Budding Rosewood Wand (Melded with: Quicktongue III Materia)

Just use the above as a quick reference if completing multiple Alchemist class quests at once. 50 to 60 is found in that segment of the guide.

How to use this guide?

Each listed tier has some self-explanatory sections such as:

  • Next class quest Item required.
  • Relevant Alchemist levequest locations.
  • ALC Levequests items discussion (tier specific).

We will be using a few amount of ‘codes’ here to make your life easier, as long as you understand them.

  • [H] : HOMETOWN which, in ALCs case, is Ul’dah.
  • [L] : LOCAL levemete. This changes every tier.
  • [C] : COURIER LEVE. From [H] to [L].
  • [RC] : REVERSE COURIER. From [L] to [H].
  • [R] : REPEATABLE or a “Triple”.

Basic [H] and [L] leves are the BASELINE for value. [C] and [RC] give more than the basics, but require travel time. [R] gives the most of all, but is a massive time and material sink.

In this guide I will try to recommend the best levequest for each type.

Useful links to have open: ALC Leves List | DoH Gear Guide


Ixal Beast Tribe Daily Quests: Bonus Crafting/DoH EXP !

Putting it here to remind or notify you that such a thing exists, but:

I SUGGEST USING THESE ON CRAFTERS L15+ (use on low level if forced)
Since the early levels are quite easy. (But you can unlock it asap)

Starting Quest: A Bad Bladder
NPC & Location: Scarlet at New Gridania (9, 11)
Prerequisite MSQ: Pursuit of the Past

These dailies are best used to push past “bad tiers”, or simply on your highest level non 50 crafter. I suppose you can also use them on crafting classes which are lagging behind for one reason or the other.

If you’re super fresh and have all low level crafters, and happen to unlock it early – you CAN do them now. While I don’t recommend it, I suppose it’s better than them just disappearing!

Alchemist: the beginning!

[H] 1x Leather Grimoire: NPC BUYABLE MATERIALS (See notes)
[C] 3x Growth Formula Alpha: Recommended due to large EXP.
[RC] 1x Maple Wand: Recommended due to large EXP.

“What is the Courier, Reverse Courier Cycle?” A courier levequest starts from your Hometown (in ALCs case: Ul’dah) and ends in the local levemete (in this tiers case: Scorpion Crossing). The idea is to get, complete, get, complete in a circle to maximize the EXP of your travel time.

So ALC 01 tier – it’s getting the quest from Ul’dah to submit 3x Growth Formula Alpha in Scorpion Crossing, then taking the reverse courier quest from Scorpion Crossing and then submitting 1x Maple Wand in Ul’dah. This is by the way the fastest+least hassle way to get out of the early tiers.

The other way to spend leves in these low tiers is to “spam the best single leve”. In this tiers case, is to buy materials from the ALC supplier and craft>submit Leather Grimoires in Ul’dah. Why? Speed… If you prefer any of the triple crafts (Quicksilver, Animal Glue, Antidote), for more manual crafting EXP, choose any – they’re all quite similar.

You can of course just randomly grind to level up a bit, too.

“How do I get to Scorpion Crossing!?” It’s a non-aetheryte town located right out of Ul’dah. From Ul’dah aetheryte, go towards the Gate of Sultana and exit to Western Thanalan.

Alchemist 05 to 10

All levequest items below have 100% NPC Buyable Materials.

[H] 3x Eye Drops: Unnotable.
[H] 3x Distilled Water: Recommended, easiest to craft and cheapest.
[C] 1x Whispering Maple Wand: Recommended due to large EXP.
[RC] 1x Maple Picatrix: Recommended due to large EXP.
[L] 3x Beeswax: Unnotable.
[L] 3x Rubber: Unnotable.

Like in any 5 tier, there’s only 2 choices:

The Courier  <-> Reverse Courier cycle: Maple Picatrix isn’t a huge problem (materials from ALC guild vendor), but it does require 2 synthesis (Ink). Whispering Maple Wand, while seemingly a hassle – you can buy the basic Maple Wand and Growth Formula alpha if you don’t wanna make those (from Gridania and Ul’dah Merchant Strip, respectively).  A tiny hassle, but the EXP rewards are huge.

Or the best single: Cheapest and easiest to HQ is Distilled Water. I mean seriously, the mats are so cheap they may as well give it for free.

Alchemist 10 to 15

All levequest items below have 100% NPC Buyable Materials.

[H] 3x Ether: Unnotable
[H] 1x Budding Maple Wand: Avoid
[C] 1x Ash Picatrix: Recommended due to large EXP.
[RC] 1x Roof Tile: Recommended due to large EXP.
[L] 3x Growth Formula Beta: Unnotable
[L] 3x Potion: Recommended.

Like in any 10 tier, there’s only 2 chocies:

The Courier  <-> Reverse Courier cycle: The materials for the Ash Picatrix and Roof Tile are all buyable from the ALC supplier. Picatrix is just a tiny hassle due to crafting the ink. Otherwise, good ‘ol C-RC leves.

Or the best single: Avoid the wand is the only fast rule I have for you here. The others are all similarly chumpy, but if I were to recommend one – Potion. Yep, basic as bones potion. You can buy ready-made Distilled Water from Merchant Strip. Or you can quicksynth ‘em.

Summary of this chunk

Courier / Reverse Courier is best in the early tiers:

Level 1:  Growth Formula Alpha / Maple Wand [Scorpion Crossing] Level 5: Whispering Maple Wand / Maple Picatrix [Scorpion Crossing] Level 10:  Ash Picatrix / 3x Roof Tile [Horizon]

Of course, we also can recommend the best singles:

ALC 1 Leve Recommendation: [H][1] – Leather Grimoire
ALC 5 Leve Recommendation: [H][1] – Distilled Water
ALC 10 Leve Recommendation: [H][1] – Potion

Alchemist Leveling Guide - Navigation: [0-15] [15-35] [35-50] | [50-60]
[60-64] [64-70] | [70-80] | [80-90] | [90-100]

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FFXIV Alchemist Levequests (Complete List)

All Alchemist Levequests Information. ALC Levequest locations, leve items needed – and more!

Hey guys! Here is a listing of ALL ALCHEMY LEVEQUESTS. If you’re reading this – you’re going to want to open our Alchemist Leveling Guide!

Alchemist Leves level 20 and above marked with T means they are triple turn ins, while S is a single turn in. Submitting High-quality Alchemist crafted items give DOUBLE EXP REWARDS


1Days of ChunderAntidote
3SScorpion CrossingScorpion Crossing
1Met a Sticky EndAnimal Glue3SScorpion CrossingScorpion Crossing
1The Bleat is OnMaple Wand1SScorpion CrossingUl'dah
1Mercury RisingQuicksilver3SUl'dahUl'dah
1One for the BooksLeather Grimoire1SUl'dahUl'dah
1Root RushGrowth Formula Alpha3SUl'dahScorpion Crossing
5Don't Be So TallowBeeswax3SScorpion CrossingScorpion Crossing
5Gotta BounceRubber3SScorpion CrossingScorpion Crossing
5The Hexster RunoffMaple Picatrix1SScorpion CrossingUl'dah
5Distill, My HeartDistilled Water3SUl'dahUl'dah
5On the DripEye Drops3SUl'dahUl'dah
5A Jawbreaking Weapon of Staggering WeightWhispering Maple Wand1SUl'dahScorpion Crossing
10One for the RoadPotion3SHorizonHorizon
10Unbreak My HeartRoof Tile3SHorizonUl'dah
10You Grow, GirlGrowth Formula Beta3SHorizonHorizon
10Morning Glass of EtherEther3SUl'dahUl'dah
10Wand-full TonightBudding Maple Wand1SUl'dahUl'dah
10Using Your Arcane Powers for Fun and ProfitAsh Picatrix1SUl'dahHorizon
15Book and a Hard PlaceEngraved Hard Leather Grimoire1SUl'dahUl'dah
15Shut Up and Take My GilAsh Wand1SUl'dahUl'dah
15Kiss of LifePotion of Vitality3SUl'dahCamp Drybone
15Sanity PointsPotion of Mind3SCamp DryboneCamp Drybone
15There's Something about Bury1SCamp DryboneCamp Drybone
15Devil Take the ForemostPotion of Strength3SCamp DryboneUl'dah
20Don't Forget to Take Your MedsPotion of Intelligence5/15TUl'dahUl'dah
20Everything Is ImpossibleBudding Ash Wand1SUl'dahUl'dah
20The Writing Is Not on the WallEnchanted Silver Ink3SUl'dahQuarrymill
20Blind Man's BluffPotion of Dexterity5/15TQuarrymillQuarrymill
20Dripping with VenomWeak Blinding Potion3SQuarrymillQuarrymill
20Hush Little WailerWeak Silencing Potion3SQuarrymillQuarrymill
25Automata for the PeopleCrab Oil3SUl'dahUl'dah
25Sophomore SlumpGoatskin Grimoire3/9TUl'dahUl'dah
25Glazed and ConfusedClear Glass Lens1SUl'dahQuarrymill
25Conspicuous ConjurationWhispering Ash Wand1SQuarrymillQuarrymill
25The Wailers' First Law of PotionHi-Potion5/15TQuarrymillQuarrymill
25You Put Your Left Hand InEngraved Goatskin Grimoire1SQuarrymillQuarrymill
30Riches' BrewHi-Potion of Mind3SUl'dahUl'dah
30Stuck in the MomentHorn Glue5/15TUl'dahUl'dah
30Just Give Him a SerumHi-Potion of Strength3SUl'dahCosta del Sol
30Eye of the BeholderHi-Potion of Dexterity3SCosta del SolCosta del Sol
30Growing is KnowingGrowth Formula Gamma3/9TCosta del SolCosta del Sol
30The Write StuffEnchanted Mythril Ink3SCosta del SolCosta del Sol
35Always Have an Exit PlanPoisoning Potion5/15TUl'dahUl'dah
35The House Always WinsBlinding Potion3SUl'dahUl'dah
35Alive and UnwellBudding Oak Wand1SUl'dahObservatorium
35Going Nowhere FastParalyzing Potion5/15TObservatoriumObservatorium
35Open Your Grimoire to Page 42Embossed Book of Silver1SObservatoriumObservatorium
35The Sting of ConscienceSleeping Potion3SObservatoriumObservatorium
40A Bile BusinessShark Oil3SUl'dahUl'dah
40Your Courtesy Wake-up CallSmelling Salts5/15TUl'dahUl'dah
40A Patch-up PlaceMega-Potion3SUl'dahWhitebrim Front
40A Real Smooth MoveLanolin5/15TWhitebrim FrontWhitebrim Front
40Arcane Arts for DummiesBook of Mythril1SWhitebrim FrontWhitebrim Front
40No Accounting for WasteEnchanted Electrum Ink
3SWhitebrim FrontWhitebrim Front
45A Matter of Vital ImportanceMega-Potion of Vitality5/15TUl'dahUl'dah
45Quit Your Jib-jabVoid Glue3SUl'dahUl'dah
45Sleepless in SilvertearPotent Sleeping Potion3SUl'dahSt. Coinach's Find
45Make Up Your Mind or ElsePotent Poisoning Potion3SSt. Coinach's FindSt. Coinach's Find
45Not Taking No for an AnswerMega-Potion of Strength5/15TSt. Coinach's FindSt. Coinach's Find
45Shut Up AlreadyPotent Silencing Potion3SSt. Coinach's FindSt. Coinach's Find
50Forged from the VoidVoid Glue2/6TFoundationFoundation
50Summoning for DummiesArchaeoskin Codex1SFoundationFoundation
50The Mustache Suits HimEnchanted Mythrite Ink1SFoundationFoundation
52Can't Sleep, Inquisitors Will Eat MeWyvernskin Grimoire1SFoundationFoundation
52Consecrating CongregationHoly Water6/18TFoundationFoundation
52Steeling the Knife, Steeling the MindGrade 1 Mind Dissolvent3SFoundationFoundation
54Adhesive of AntipathyWing Glue1SFoundationFoundation
54Tomes Roam on the RangeDhalmelskin Codex1SFoundationFoundation
54Warding Off TemptationEnchanted Hardsilver Ink2/6TFoundationFoundation
56Cleansing the Wicked HumoursHallowed Water3SFoundationFoundation
56Rolling on InitiativeDraconian Potion of Dexterity6SFoundationFoundation
56Volunteering with StaffHallowed Chestnut Wand6/18TFoundationFoundation
58Filling in the BlanksEnchanted Aurum Regis Ink1SFoundationFoundation
58The Grave of Hemlock GrovesGrowth Formula Zeta2/6TFoundationFoundation
58There Was a Late FeeNoble Gold1SFoundationFoundation
60Magic BeansGrowth Formula Eta1/3TKuganeKugane
60SpellboundKoppranickel Index1SKuganeKugane
60Whinier than the SwordEnchanted Koppranickel Ink1SKuganeKugane
62Materia WorthPotent Spiritbond Potion3/9TKuganeKugane
62Official Strategy GuideGyuki Leather Codex1SKuganeKugane
62Scroll DownGrade 1 Reisui of Intelligence3SKuganeKugane
64Asking for a FriendBeetle Glue1/3TKuganeKugane
64Rumor Has ItCommanding Craftsman's Tea3SKuganeKugane
64The Dotted LineEnchanted Durium Ink1SKuganeKugane
66Edge of the ArcaneCunning Craftsman's Tea3SKuganeKugane
66Let Loose the JuicePersimmon Tannin3/9TKuganeKugane
66Spell-reboundMarid Leather Grimoire1SKuganeKugane
68Making your MarkEnchanted Palladium Ink1/3TKuganeKugane
68Pep-stepperInfusion of Vitality3SKuganeKugane
68Ultimate Official Strategy GuideGazelleskin Codex1SKuganeKugane
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