Patch 2.2 is upon us! And there’s ALOT OF NEW STUFF! Through the Maelstrom is the official name for FFXIV Patch 2.2, and by the looks of Leviathan, through the Maelstrom seems pretty appropriate! Bookmark this page, folks! (Also, feel free to tell us anything you know! Hit the Comments below!)
*All info here is, like always, tentative until release.
When is 2.2 Patch coming? (Date): March 27th 2014
Tentative Maintenance Time: 25h
New Primal Battles!
Leviathan, The Whorleater (Hard & Extreme) – A brand new primal, Leviathan, will be added to the duty finder.
Good King Moggle Mog XII, Thornmarch (Extreme) – King Mog is back with a higher difficulty setting!
Bahamut’s Coil Turn 6-9!
4 more turns will be added to Bahamut’s Coil! Supposedly you have to beat Turn 5 first, though…
The dropped armor is iLvl 110. The new weapons are iLvl 115. (Gear is called High Allagan)
Bahamut’s Coil Turn 6 –
Bahamut’s Coil Turn 7 –
Bahamut’s Coil Turn 8 –
Bahamut’s Coil Turn 9 –
From what we’ve seen, It’s gonna be pretty wild.
Zodiac Weapon
Some kind of new “relic related” weapon is in the works. Here’s what we know…
- Long term task (Starts in 2.2 – and continues thru multiple future patches)
- Stats can be “customized” to an extent!
New Dungeons & Difficulties!
Lost city of Ampdapor – The soundtrack here seems amazing!
Brayflox’s Longstop (HARD)
Halatali (HARD)
These hardmodes of older dungeons look really really awesome. What iLvl will these dungeons drop? It’s currently unknown.
Retainer Ventures!
This is really interesting, I wonder how this will play out! Here’s all we know about them..
- Retainers are considered one of three possible “classes” (Fighter, Sorcerer, Gatherer)
- Their level cap is equal to your max level in those classes.
- They can hunt for items, and some items can only be obtained by ventures.
- They can be equipped to tackle more difficult ventures.
- You need a special Venture Token to send them out.
- They need to eat food!
You can also buy 2 additional retainers @ 200Y ea (Around 2USD), but sadly this is a monthly price.
Glamours (Vanity Slots)
f i n a l l y, we can customize how we look! Apparently ANY piece of gear can be glamoured (even accessories).
Glamours can be done as long as the following are met:
The two items are the same type/slot.
The “look” item has equal or lower item level.
Same class/job requirements.
Same race/gender requirements.
You need a Glamour Prism / Glamour Dispeller to do these things. (Crafters?)
How can we get vanity gear!? Luckily, the quest location is already known.
Quest Name | A Self-improving Man |
Required Level | Level 50 |
Quest Location | Mor Dhona (X:22, Y:6) – Wiscard |
It seems like a long-term goal, but we wish to compile all vanity sets screenshots… HOH.
Official Post on Glamours
New Beast Tribe Daily Quests!
Kobold Beast Tribe Quests (789th Order Dig) – Kobolds who have presumably released themselves “Under the Weight” of Titan.
To unlock the Kobold Beast Quests, go to…
Quest Name | Required Level and Location |
Highway Robbery | Disciple of War or Magic level 41 |
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:12 Y:12) NPC: Trachraet |
Sahagin Beast Tribe Quests – Just in time for Leviathan, these fishdudes will be the part of the next set of friendly beastmen!
To unlock the Sahagin Beast Quests, go to…
Quest Name | Required Level and Location |
They Came from the Deep | Disciple of War or Magic level 41 |
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:13 Y:12) NPC: R’ashaht Rhiki |
Of course there will be new mounts and minions!
Official Post on 2.2 Beast Tribes
Crafting & Gathering Changes!
Disciples of Hand
New crafting recipes for level 50 and below will be added. Also, “Master Recipes” will be added to supposedly challenge even the most geared of crafters. Alot of vanity gear will be added to the crafting recipes.
Some changes for lower level crafters, such as a FC Housing Workbench giving CP BOOST to crafters level 40 and below. Also a system to upgrade your crafting weapons while leveling up!
For max level crafters, apparently some high-end crafting gear will be extremely difficult to get.
We will be attempting to compile all new recipes for 2.2 – (link)
Disciples of Land
As mentioned down there in the gardening section, Seeds and Soil will be gathered by Botanists and Miners respectively.
New Mining & Botany Nodes will be added, for sure we will attempt to update our:
Mining Node Locations Botany Node Locations As quick as possible.
(These nodes are be high-level, luckily their location is given…)
Western Thanalan – Nophica’s Well
Unspoiled Mineral Deposit
Lower La Noscea/Central Thanalan/Northern Thanalan
Middle La Noscea/Western Thanalan/South Shroud
Middle La Noscea/Upper La Noscea/North Shroud
Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch
Western La Noscea/Lower La Noscea/Central Shroud
Big Fishing – Quite vague for now… but it sounds pretty cool.
Official Post on Crafting & Gathering in 2.2
We all secretly loved Harvest Moon, right? Gardening is done in FC housing, and settings can be placed on who can farm/gather/water your garden. How to start farming it up?
Buy a Farming Plot from one of these vendors:
Mist (X:11, Y:11) – Housing Merchant
Lavender Beds (X:11, Y:8) – Housing Merchant
The Goblet (X:11, Y:8) – Housing Merchant
There are 3 types of plots, varying in size. They allow for 4/6/8 seeds respectively. Maintenance of your plants isn’t going to be a hassle, which is a relief. Plants may take up to 3-5 days to grow fully. Of course, different seeds will yield different item. There are items which can be obtained through Gardening ONLY.
Plant Cross-breeding is also available. Not much is known as of yet but planting 2 different plants next to each other may result in them cross-breeding!
Echo Buff for Old Content
Alot of older content will have the echo buff applies. The more times a party dies (after 3 or more minutes of fighting), the stronger they become – to increase their chances in clearing the duty. This of course has a cap.
New Hairstyles will be added in 2.2
New Quests!
Expanded main scenario quests, and of course, Hildebrand.
Whats in Store Past 2.2…
They mentioned a few things in the Live Letter.
[To be Added]
Well, I think that covers it for now. We will be adding to this as we learn more! For updates, check us out on Facebook!