FFXIV ARR Mining Node Locations

Where is that Mineral Deposit? I can’t find that Rocky Outcrop!! NO MORE!

Remember on the upper right of the table you can use the Search/Filter box. For example you can search for Specific Materials, Areas, Node Levels or a combination of all (Ex. 05 thanalan).


Mineral Deposits & Rocky Outcrop Materials & Locations

To be added: Needed Perception for 1% HQ chance gather. 30-50+ nodes to follow.

More Info:
Gathering General Guide |
Mining FAQ | Mining Leveling Guide

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FFXIV White Mage (WHM) Cross Class skills guide

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What are the Conjurer -> White Mage Cross Class Skills? Here, we will be strictly discussing the cross-class skills White Mage can get.

How many cross-class skills can I get as a White Mage? Any job class may only equip five (5) cross-class skills.

From what other classes does White Mage get skills from? Arcanist and Thaumaturge.

What are the best White Mage cross-class skills? This is discussed below.

Full list of White Mage (WHM) Cross-class skills

White Mage (WHM) Cross-class skills discussion

Ruin: Useless. Use Stone II over this anyday.
Physick: Still useless. Cure is still more synergistic with your overall kit.

Surecast: Useful in PvP! It’s use in PvE is extremely rare, but it still deserves one of the 5 slots.

Ice II: A weak potency AoE attack, with a bind effect. It’s your only choice for AoE until holy (But this is really weak…). This is really good in PvP though!

Virus: The second best WHM cross-class skill. Reduces boss physical damage, great for heavy damage phases.

Eye for an Eye: Admittedly this isn’t exactly game-breaking, but useful enough. A % chance to have the striker deal less damage is just way too inconsistent, but any increase is defense is always good.

Swiftcast: THE BEST CROSS-CLASS SKILL of all time. The sheer effectiveness of Swiftcast on White Mage is just insane. Along with Benediction, this becomes an “anti-wipe” on a 60 second cooldown. Pure insanity. Maximizing Swiftcast will cause the reversal of many otherwise failed raids. (Yes, Swiftcast + Raise works)


Ideal White Mage (WHM) Cross-class progression

  1. Conjurer to 15 for: Unlocking other classes.
  2. Conjurer to 30 for: WHM Requirement.
  3. Arcanist to 15 for: WHM Requirement.
  4. Conjurer to 50 for: Maximum level.
  5. Thaumaturge to 6 for: Thunder
  6. Thaumaturge to 27 for: Swiftcast
  7. Arcanist to 34 for: Eye for an Eye (All Cross-class skills obtained)

Getting THM 6 is a step you should not skip. It’s absolutely worth the trouble, as you will be using Thunder for the rest of your life as a White Mage, and makes levelling up much less painful.


  • White Mages use skills from: Arcanist and Thaumaturge.
  • Learn to use Virus early and often!
  • Swiftcast is amazing. Get it and practice using it. It will save many raids.

More Info: Conjurer | White Mage | CNJ WHM Stats

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FFXIV Class & Job Stats recommendations!

Wondering where to put your stat points? What stats are good for you? Again, “Look No Further”.

Don’t fuss over what stats to allocate with your stat points. Make an EDUCATED CHOICE by reading your classes guide, linked below!

FFXIV Archer / Bard Stats

FFXIV Gladiator / Paladin Stats

FFXIV Lancer / Dragoon Stats

FFXIV Marauder / Warrior Stats


FFXIV Pugilist / Monk Stats

FFXIV Arcanist / Scholar Stats

FFXIV Arcanist / Summoner Stats

FFXIV Conjurer / White Mage Stats

FFXIV Thaumatuge / Black Mage Stats

If there are ever any major changes to these guides, they will be updated! We will also be keeping a changelog for each class.

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