FFXIV Dawntrail Normal Raids QUICK GUIDE! Spoiler Free

SPOILER FREE A quick and simple mini-guide on the Dawntrail Normal raids. We’ve all been there, we simply don’t wanna be clueless or want some clarity on mechanics. Here you go!

Hello! It’s me Mahiko San yet again, and here’s a very quick and hopefully funny / enjoyable little SPOILER FREE Dawntrail Normal Raids Guide. This isn’t meant to be comprehensive, but just to serve as a way to prevent confusion and remove uncertainty if you’re first-timing.

How / where to unlock the Dawntrail Raids? The quest starts in Solution Nine, “A New Challenger Appears”. Need to complete Dawntrail MSQ beforehand.

Dawntrail Normal Raids Guide – SCROLL TO:
First Tier | ??? | ???




Dawntrail Normal Raid First Tier:
AAC Light-heavyweight

Dawntrails first raid tier (AAC Light-Heavyweight) is unlocked at Solution Nine, quest name A New Challenger Appears.  The only prerequisite would be completion of Dawntrail MSQ. I suppose this will be abbreviated to M1 to M4.

Black Cat (M1)

One-two paw: The hand that’s lit up will be a half-arena AoE on that side, immediately followed up by the other side. Cross over after first dodge.

Black Cat Crossing: an X AoE then by another X where the safe spots used to be.

Mouser: The red squares. This one is rough. The idea is you shouldn’t be on a square that gets hit twice. Ideally, you want to be on a square that’s never hit at all.  Squares that get hit once are cracked, twice become a hole. Best you can do is either follow others, or focus on one square and avoid if it gets hit twice. Getting a vul up is better than dying.

I’m guessing there’s gonna be a better way to figure this out quickly.

Elevate and Eviscerate: The knock up. Your goal is to land on an uncracked square. It’s OK if you get punched on a cracked one – as long as you land on a fresh one.

Shockwave: Get knockbacked to the side which is “fully intact in the corner”, or better yet use your anti-knockback skill.

Predacious Pounce: A low level “safe” way to resolve this is dodge the first one, then go into the “edge” nearby the initial AoE. This is safe a vast majority of the time.

Leaping One-two paw & Leaping Black Cat Crossing: Same as the original, but she will move to the arrow before performing it. Pre-move to that area ASAP.




Honey B. Lovely (M2)

Tempting Twist: Donut AoE, middle is safe.

Honey Beeline: Straight line AoE in front and behind her. Go to the sides.

Honey B. Live: Activates your “hearts” bar. Basically, do not get hit by any three heart mechanics or you’ll die.

This is followed by a bunch of “dodger mcdodge” mechanics, or the heart towers your must stand on (unavoidable, someones gotta do this). Be careful of Blow Kiss – it’s a wide frontal cone.

Flying bees on the side: Thin line AoE’s wherever they’re facing. This is used a few times in different ways, but the idea is you are aware, and position beforehand” – reacting to it may be too late.

Honey: She later adds another layer to some of her skills, the honey drops. These basically explode in a circular AoE so find open spaces to hide BEFORE they explode. Pre-empt them.




Brute Bomber (M3)

Brutal Impact: Heavy repeated AoE damage. Help your healers.

Knuckle Sandwich: Has to be absorbed by BOTH tanks.

Brutal Lariat: One-sided half arena AoE – but it’s larger than half, go a little further. The side is his raised fiery hand.

Barbarous Barrage: Circles with knockbacks. You have to stand on them, while also getting knock backed diagonally ACROSS the arena – not into the fire.

Fire Spin: Basic rotation dodge. This will evolve later to have a “in and out” AoE. Don’t panic and focus on dodging the in and out as the rotation is much easier to avoid. Stop DPS if you must while getting used to it.

Fuses of Fury: Bombs. Stand on the ones with the long “rope”. Then once the short ones explode, move there.

Lariat Combo: is just Brutal Lariat twice. Can be the same side twice.

Poisonous Mist: WIDE frontal cone with safe spot behind.

Brutal Spin + Ground AoE’s + Lariat Combo: Nothing to say here but try to dodge the best you can. The ground AoE’s can be bad if they’re spread out.

Lariat Combo + Bombs: there’s always a “safe” dodge very near or very far from him. Stand on the near or far long rope bomb, then go to the safe side.

Bombs + Knockback: Simply get knocked back diagonally across, then dodge accordingly. The bombs wont explode asap but you have to imagine what to do beforehand.




Wicked Thunder (M4)

Sidewise Spark: Typical half arena AoE. She also spawns “clones” that do this. Later on, you will have a long sequence of this – stay in the “middle” to minimize movement to dodge these.

Cannon: Once she shoots the floor, find the far side without cracks and move there ASAP.

Cannon (pt2): For the multiple blasts, there’s nothing you can do except track it yourself or attempt to follow the others. Just place it in your mind “left/right/left” or whatever.

Wings: It can be a little visually unclear… But these are your usual criss-cross lasers. Later evolves into 2x wings, that leave electric lines that eventually explode.

Witch Hunt: The multiple divebomb. Starts far or near, just walk into the first circle after it gets dived on (or into “one of the” first circles) . If you lost track – then simply choose a spot where youll be hit by ONE./ Better than dying.

Final cannon phase – this is just a healer check. If you’re not a healer do what you can do help out. Avoid the circle AoE’s otherwise the laser will likely kill you.




Dawntrail Normal Raid Second Tier:
AAC Cruiserweight?

Judging by the dialogue, this would be the name…

If he wills it, I’ll be here to update this when the time comes!




Dawntrail Normal Raid Final Tier:
AAC Super Heavyweight?

Just guessing at the names here haha for fun.

If he wills it, I’ll be here to update this when the time comes!

Dawntrail Normal Raids Guide – SCROLL TO:
Tier 1: Light-heavyweight | Tier 2: ??? | Tier 3: ???

Summary, Outro, Related Info

Not much else to say here, but I hope I helped you out! Enjoy the raids, my friend and stay happy, healthy, and blessed out there! Mahiko San out